
Save Earth ...Seize Federal Reserve Founding Stock


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 Species Loss HAARP 

Trump Soros / Schroder vs JPMorganChase


Species Loss HAARP

Pacific Ocean Dying

 Species Loss HAARP 

Chippi Chappa


Species Loss HAARP (here)
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America vs Corp U.S. preview (here)
Array of Weather Warfare Technology (here)
Bill Gates causes extinction (here)
Bill Gates Child Rape & Child Murder Lawsuit (here)
Bill Gates to Cut Down 70 Acres of Forests (here)
Biological Warfare Causing Extinction (here)
Biological Warfare is race targeted (here)
Chutkin Schumer Podesta Emhoff (here)
Darpa: Forest Fire as a Military Weapon / La Haina (here)
DataBase e-book excerpt samples (here)
Earth Environmental Personhood (here)
Earth Personhood (here)
Earthquake Volcano Chemtrail War (here)
Earthquakes made by Solar Flares (here)
Elders (here)
Extinction Civil War (here)
Economy vs City of London (here)
Food Terrorism Germany Oregon Netherlands Japan (here)
Friendly Fire (here)
Ghouls: IMF BIS City of London Corp US (here)
HAARP EMP DEW 5G Review (here)
HAARP Attacks Philippines under Obama (here)
HAARP Japan Earthquake Nuclear Meltdowns by Obama (here)
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Nuclear: 41,000 New Cancers A Day (here)
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Little animals suffer too ...click pic



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“It's not Greenhouse Gases — it´s the military!” ~ Rosalie Bertell, (here)

Weaponizing Climate Change ‘Climatic warfare’, (here) 

Species loss: HAARP, extreme climate & nuclear radiation torture sea lions whales dolphins pelicans owls fish plankton tide pools & mutate viruses & bacteria causing unknown diseases

Where have all the young men gone, gone to graveyards, everyone; when will they ever learn? When will they ever learn? Where have all the young men gone, gone to graveyards, everyone; when will they ever learn? When will they ever learn? Where have all the young men gone, gone to graveyards, everyone; when will they ever learn? When will they ever learn?

It probably never occured to you cause it's so obvious elites are jerking off with weather warfare for depopulation & nuclear's not in favor forever dirty & permanent lockdowns ...weather warfare is fun for them few people left alive makes it easy to rob land, natural resources, trade slaves, etc ...until Martians slit their throats or Executress cuts off their heads or Wonder Woman lowers her aim

Climate viewer dot org Climate viewer dot org Climate viewer dot org Legend

Hitch-hiking heart


The Love Diet

The love diet is a new fad. Everyone's trying it. Just stop being loved and pretty soon you're never lonely. No friends, confidants, pets nor intimacy of any kind.

Anorexia won't stop it. Caring fades away in solitude only the love diet succeeds in removing all the love from my body. Others call it, death ...the grim reaper walking birds falling dead from the sky into ponds that don't splash silent 

Melancholy as a dead rose that fragile faint red browned down to that dusty stale smell ...dead bouquets on special great for lightening up those stinky dirty clothes in the hamper emptying out the inventory of the baggage store

Hitch-hiking hearts have seen it all & say nothing dropping like flies lining the roads on cruxifixes dried out crumbling like a staked-out vampire

....wait a minute, I think that car is stopping

Hitch-hiking heart

Whale done in by Fukushima nuclear fallout & waste and/or sonar and/or ionospheric heaters used for weather warfare, most likely.

click here for whale pics —> Source:   Voice of America overseas U.S. intelligence broadcasting service

b1.6 Sea Life Destroyed

1.6 Sea Life Destroyed by nuclear industry

add add

1st Responders: Exploding nuclear waste barrels plague Las Vegas

Help animals & Mother Nature survive vs Bill Gates, WEF, IMF & City of London's nuclear weather warfare

Nuclear Energy Is Not Safe & Clean

Species Loss

Paying Interest (Taxation without representation) is depopulating us and the entire Animal Kingdom

Species loss: Ukraine nuclear weather warfare kills animals in Fukushima Japan, too …and around the world

It is a global war against mammals (including people), and all animals and life forms in Mother Nature and Gaia, (the way living systems interact) …a war orchestrated and implemented by globalist and nationalist central bankers and perverted science by Haarp …and Obama Obiden, Trump, Congress …the whole catastrophe …the spirits who can not love living things enough to let them live but must destroy them.

Nuclear weather war to destroy Life and Nature is their way to rule Earth

Because destroying life is how central bankers can rule the planet by a centralized, globalist contortion of being and distortion of consciousness in defiance of Divine Universal Love and natural order. These abominations no longer human rule by war, famine, disease, starvation, drugs.

It is a nuclear weather war against mammals (including people) & the Animal Kingdom financed by your sweat, your tax dollars …without your permission or knowledge

That is taxation without representation and was the basis of the 1776 revolution in America, and the 1917 revolution in Russia. Both revolutions have a common enemy …they were both fought against billionaire central bankers with everything defeated by people with nothing but sticks and stones.

It is coming again, in our lifetimes ...it is already here

The global world revolution by the 99.99% today against the 0.01% (the same dynastic central banking families who are destroying Earth, gang raping Mother Nature and themselves,) are determined to exterminate 86%-to-99% of humanity to be replaced by artificial intelligence robots. That is also, here and now. If that is not troubling enough, these dynastic central banking families that dominate every country and direct the economy, government, military and intelligence apparatus therein …are in fact, the same dynastic central banking families in ultimate power today that have been in power since the beginning.

Whether they are the result of childhood abuse does not matter because they can not feel nor respect the tenderness of life other than to destroy it. That is why they kill your babies and traffic in children, drugs, weapons and war. It is to enhance their materialistic power. It is profanity against Divine Order and Divine Love and they profane you.

Central Bankers do not just want to depopulate humanity in Ukraine, they are destroying Nature and the Animal Kingdom ...and us, too

But, they do not just want to depopulate humanity, they are destroying Nature and the Animal Kingdom in their bargain with Evil exchanging their souls for money and power on Earth and hopefully, Eternal suffering in Hell. No longer human, they wage species loss carelessly with weather warfare, nuclear warfare (including all nuclear reactors which all legally dispense poisons into the air and water and sea and land,) pharmaceutical waste, plastics, chemical poisons, hormones, drugs …and conventional warfare.

They look like human beings …but central bankers have no Divine Love in them ...only material wealth & war

They look just like you …and me. Harmless enough, apparently well meaning. But you must discern them by their hatred of life, inability to share natural resources and above all, to share health and wealth equally.

They will be killed with sticks and stones & a gnashing of teeth ...devoured by animals

They will again be wiped off the face of the Earth, by God, or by Nature, interstellar catastrophe or blotted away with sticks and stones and strangled by desperate fingers whose loved ones they destroyed...

...and so it should be.

— advertisement—


There's a new savior on the block, called: Earth Personhood 

— active in several countries & a few States ...adoption of this legislation granting personhood (previously just afforded to corporations) grants Mother Nature, Rivers, Forests, Air, Water, Earth & Fire personhood ... to have rights as persons ... rights to sue sinister corporations for hurting them, all life forms, you & your loved ones. Now Mother Nature & Gaia can kick the ass of corporations that cause pollution, global warming & climate change ...if you want it to happen, it will; now you can meet your Adversary head-on, (here)


Animal Collage

The dark forces of corporation-caused global warming & of nuclear fallout & gov't military eXtreme climate change at work. Our living planet is being murdered by central bankers using nuclear industry & weather warfare (not to mention conventional warfare).

Dark forces of oligarchal billionaire corporation-caused global warming central banker weaponized extreme climate change & nuclear fallout and waste, military ionospheric heater radiation & weaponized forest fires change at work. Our living planet is being murdered by central bankers using nuclear industry & weather warfare (not to mention conventional warfare) to loot and gang-rape Mother Nature & Mother Earth and bring their boot down on her face.


Species Loss

Species loss

— advertisement —

CIA - The Mighty Wurlitzer

Nuclear Weather Forecast, our first video

Deja vu from Fukushima 2011-2022; now in October 2023: Six-to-eight weeks after the fascist government of Japan (controlled by the fascist central bankers of City of London / Federal Reserve System / IMF) officially released 1.3 million tons of nuclear waste into the ocean, hundreds of dolphins and whales are washing up dead on Southern California beaches. What is wrong with these fascists and (the CIA-controlled mainstream media)? ...don't they know they're supposed to censor this information so it doesn't disturb your lunch, and blame it on global warming or a big red blob, (see, Sea Life Destroyed, here & Central Bankers Destroy Animals, here).

Pelicans Starve in Pacific Northwest since 2011

Kill their baby birds since Fukushima melt-downs in 2011

04:02 PM Dec 22, 2013 -6841- Experts: Really an off year – Pelicans starving in Pacific Northwest since 2011, killing baby birds for food – Breeding success really poor since 2011 – I believe pelicans are responding to large scale changes – Sardine crash persists in Pacific since decline in 2011

04:49 PM Apr 20, 2014 -8182- CBS San Francisco: Record number of sick seals & sea lions – large pockets of green and yellow puss all over their body – whether it’s in their lungs, in their liver – looks like they got sick systemically. (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)

11:42 AM May 24, 2014 -8249- Horror show at Los Angeles-area beach – marine animals get sick and die – hobble, fall over  (VIDEO)

(Forgotten Victims of the Fukushima Disaster)

This suffering beached whale washed up on the sand & suffering in excruciating pain; caused by military & oil exploration sonar, swimming in nuclear waste & fallout, starvation, ionospheric heaters or ionospheric aerospace aerosol spraying & other military or corporate environmental pollution

Wave after wave of freshly obliterated sea life

(see, Nuclear is not safe or clean for girls & animals, here)    https://www.portlandhomeboy.com/nuclear-is-not-safe-or-clean-for-girls-animals.html 

Increased cancer risk by age ...at exposure to 20 mSv nuclear radiation .

Women & pregnant women, babies-to-be, infants & girls within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those living farther away “A 2012 study of all nuclear plants in France found elevated levels of child leukemia in the vicinity of the plants. A 2008 study in Germany came to a similar conclusion regarding child leukemia and Germany’s nuclear generating facilities. A study in, Archives of Environmental Health, in 2003 found cancer rates in children were 12.4 percent higher (than nationwide occurrences) in 49 counties surrounding 14 nuclear plants in the eastern United States.

— Excerpt from, Washington Spectator, (project of Public Concern Foundation), Watching the Nuclear Watchdog, February 1, 2015, by Janet Sherman.

Nature Will Prevail ...but humanity will fail

Mother Nature will prevail, Mother Earth will triumph

Martin Sheen: Activism is what I do to stay alive.

(click pic) Martin Sheen: "One heart with courage, is a majority." (Nuclear Omnibus) Crystal Ball in Hearts Women & girls & living within 25 miles of a reactor get more cancer than men or boys, or those living farther away. Your fetus is 1000 times more sensitive to ionizing radiation in food than an adult. Normal nuclear reactors hurt the health of your pregnancies every single day, like a nuclear bomb in slow motion. High-yield nuclear fallout destroys ova, sperm, embryo and fetus but so do low-yield emissions from everyday, normal reactor operations ... that fall on your food, on pastures, on farmland, in your water add up to create genetic mutations or extinctive damage to your health like immune deficiency response, leading to hundreds of diseases culminating in a variety of organ cancers. (See tritium expose or Entergy does Manhattan.)

Butterflies of Fukushima augur poorly for 2020 Japan Olympic athletes, coaches & spectators ...since Olympic sites are contaminated & re-contaminated by plutonium blowing down from the mountains & forests, practically, for Eternity

The fed interest bankers, also called, the military industrial complex, represent an ongoing crucifixion of the Life Force because they worship money more than Life & make the most money from the suffering of our loved ones

Mutated nuclear industry kids in Japan from Fukushima meltdowns suffer extra fingers, toes, arms & legs


Fukushima Meltdowns: More Infant Death —(here)—

Dead baby & miscarriage increase from Fuku fallout in Japan, Seattle, Vancouver

August 28th, 2015 – 9:59 am ET

Dr. Korblein, Feb 2014: After the Fukushima nuclear disaster in March 2011, infant mortality rates in the most radioactively-contaminated Prefectures around Fukushima increased. The increase is statistically significant. Dec 2011, nine months after the accident, a 10% drop in live births occurred. First evaluations of the monthly data for infant mortality rates in Japan after Fukushima showed significant peaks in May and Dec, 2011. An analysis of live births in Fukushima Prefecture showed a 15% decrease in Dec 2011.

The official policy is that small amounts of radiation are harmless: scientifically speaking, this is untenable… the Japanese Government is attempting to increase the public limit for radiation in Japan from 1 mSv to 20 mSv per year. This is unscientific and unconscionable.  —(cont, here)—

Fukushima Meltdowns: More Infant Mutations

Little animals suffer, too

Baby mutations increase – extra fingers, toes, arms & legs from Fuku fallout in Japan ...butterflies mutate, birds fall from sky, others can not fly, or see

Scientists fear human genetic defects from Fukushima nuclear reactor fallout after butterfly study. The Life Force is being sacrificed on altars of idolatry, greed, murder and war ...that central bankers worship.

4.28 Extinction

 Animal Kingdom snuffed out by nuclear, sonar & weaponized ionospheric-heater-plasma-induced extreme climate change 

Butterflies & flowers & horses & cows & birds & dogs & cats & whales & dolphins & insects & vegetables

Fed Directors financing, owning & directing nuclear industry should eat plutonium & fallout like they make us & our animals, do

Fukushima, nuclear, sea, whales, birds, dead in 2014

Fukushima, the flawed General Electric nuclear reactor design with cheated false figures about horizontal and vertical earthquake thrust resistance on reactors used throughout America, Asia, likely Europe and Eastern Europe will all fail either from age which makes them brittle like glass and they will simply shatter, or in the new age of weather warfare, earthquake warfare and volcano warfare earthquakes will crumble their falsified earthquake resistance numbers and turn them into nuclear bombs ...as was the case in Fukushima. The largest catastrophe the modern world has known, along with war and perpeturated by the same dynastic central banking families that deploy biological warfare for profit.

The nuclear explosion of one of the 3-to-4 nuclear reactors, each with decades of hundreds and thousands of used fuel rods stores in cooling pools on the rooves of the reactors with the rods submerged to keep them from exploding ... the reactors exploded up to create airborne nuclear contamination circulating the globe every day for, practically, Eternity ...and, the molten lava reactor cores melted down far into the earth and lodged in underground water aquifers beneath the nuclear plant that feed the Pacific Ocean 24-7-365 and will continue to do so practically, for Eternity.

The initial contamination was the equivalent of many Hiroshima-sized nuclear bomb detonations: 500 nuclear bombs exploded in the air now airborne, and an additional 500 nuclear bombs ... exploded in the ocean, are seaborne. Practically, for Eternity.

The whales that migrate in the Kuroshio sea currents from Japan to the west coast of the North American continent initially targeting Portland OR and Vancouver British Colombia found and find themselves besides floating plutonium hot spots to say the least. If you remember one of the last scenes from Raiders of the Lost Ark, when the faces of the Nazis melted off, you can expect that when swimming in plutonium ...but more specifically, in our Sea Life Destroyed menu item, we have scientific maps of the seaward nuclear contamination ...which the lame and corrupt media refer to as, red blobs of global warming ... copying the  mapped red blobs of nuclear contamination on the scientific maps they stole the blob symbolism, from. 

Other sea and air currents flow upward through the Arctic, contaminating the Arctic with fallout and nuclear waste hot spots ...and, air currents deposited fallout with hot spots in Alaska as well, including those that froze in the ice then later thawed ... creating lesions and tumors in the sea lions, as well as in migrating species of salmon and tuna (again, refer to the measurements).

And, the beautiful white Alaskan bears were/are externally covered in bleeding lesions and swollen tumors from airborne fallout deposition, and internally their organs rot from eating fish and sea lions with both external and internal cancers and leukemia and what the financial warlords central bankers who own the nuclear industry and the media, and the whore coward scientists they fund, call: "New and Mysterious Diseases caused by global warming".

Like the Russian hoax originated and positioned by Hillary the media shoved like dildoes up their ass and up ours, the hoax of the red blob of global warming creating new and mysterious diseases the press queerly postured, never made any mention of the biggest nuclear catastrophe to ever poison the oceans and air, sea mammals and other sea animals, and people ... in the history of humanity.

Along the coasts, the seaborne contamination washed ashore, dried and blew across the land. In the northern hemisphere on our side of the Pacific Basin, the first initial reports were ignored by the scientists (until they stole them, plagarized them then claimed authorship) documented the disappearance of tide pool life in the sea and total disappearance of insects on the land.

Millions of starfish literally melted away, spontaneousy dissolving from "new and mysterious diseases caused by global warming" initially on the coast of Vancouver BC and its islands, then eventually in Washington State, Oregon, and California while at the same time millions of sea animals hung suspended beneath the surface of the ocean, crippled and dying or dead and washed up on the shores of the entire northwest and west coast dead and dying with each wave littering the beaches with the corpses, stillborn infants, and newborns, and crying young.

The birds fell from the sky; thousands washed up dead in Alaska, covering the beaches; migrating owls from Alaska to the lower 48 States, and eagles have seizures, rotting lesions and rotting tumors, sea mammals have rotting internal organs, cancers and leukemia (all this is extensively and painstakenly and horribly documented in our e-books) and in our memory and tears. Shock of our loss is immeasurable.

2015, west, radiation, California, 2013, 2012, lions, Pacific, animals, food, industry, fish

In 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 the nuclear fallout shit hit the fan and plastered the entire northern hemishere airborne, seaborne and landborne.

The death toll in the U.S. from Fukushima fallout early on was 20,000 people ...who knows how many pets and wild animals.

The milk was contaminated in about 13 States on the mainland, and also in Hawaii ... where the dairies fed the cows boron to try to prevent them absorbing some of the fallout.

In Florida, the citrus groves were reported contaminated. In the Pacific Northwest, eagles and owls and pelicans had seizures, lesions, cancers and tumors. Flowers and vegetables mutated ...here in America; not to mention Japan.

Nothing was mentioned in Japan. When the women's hair fell out and their teeth broke and bruises appeared over the bodies, doctor's would not be paid by the State if they mentioned radiation sickness and diagnosed the women as being hysterical. If the children sat on the playgrounds in Tokyo they immediately became sterile. There were many abortions and many children born with extra fingers and toes and arms and legs and heads, typical of radionuclide exposure to the developing fetus ...but nothing was mentioned and the people told they had won the record for the most contaminated country in the world and the men congratulated one another. Nothing was mentioned, because if reporters mentioned the word, "meltdown" they were imprisoned as terrorists for violating Japan's State Secrecy Act by disagreeing with State mainstream news, which the CIA helped into being and here in the U.S. has morphed into the Restrict Act.

While America reported contaminated milk, not one reporter or university scientist or research (all supported with grants and awarded chairs ...department head jobs... by the nuclear industry) mentioned that well, duh, if the milk is contaminated with fallout from Fukushima, that meant the pastures were contaminated and that meant the harvests were contaminated and that meant the crops were contaminated and the air and the water ...not one. Landbound.

Seabound, hundreds of millions of sea life became rotted from infections started from lesions and tumors that idiot scientists (all paid for with grants from the nuclear industry) said was because global warming made the water warmer and that created new and mysterious diseases. The stupidity and hypocrisy of American scientists and scientists around the world, with the exception of whistle-blowers and those Russian and Ukrainian and Belarus scientists whose wives and kids and parents and friends died from the Chernobyl disaster in horrible agony and whose pregnant wives bore mutated kids ... not one mentioned the remote possiblilty that Fukushima, which dwarfed Chernobyl by unimaginal factors, that the worst nuclear disaster in history of the world with total airborne and seaborne and landborne contamination and plutonium floating in the currents from Japan to America then north and south to circumnavigate the entire globe ... had anything to do with the "new and mysterious diseases" encountered in their research. 

Except for the scientist victims around Ukraine (then Soviet), Russian and Bellarussia (Belarus) ...that proved that nuclear radiation mutated bacteria and viruses to form new and mysterious diseases. The American scientific universities should be shut down because of lack of ethics and common sense ...NOT only because of their hypocrisy and stupidity regarding nuclear fallout and nuclear diseases which has been documented for almost 100 years over and over again ...but because of them denying their ongoing research grants and work on illegal biological warfare ...many of the major universities worked on developing Covid before Fauci sent it to Japan. 

And Congress, don't waste your piss on them, when they made biological warfare research illegal, clowns like Fauci simply changed the name from biological warfare, to, chance of function and Fauci continued funding biological warfare illegally around the world as he bragged, through five adminstrations ...and, deploying it in countries of color around the world, and countries of no color or morality like Britain, France, Germany, the United States (not America, the United States).

A Rocky Mountain cougar roams with two jaws, one where it was supposed to be, and another on the back of it's head; a two-headed kitten is borne in Oregon; a boutique organic farm closes itself down in Portland because its harvests and soil is too contaminated with Fukushima nuclear industry fallout, to be safe to eat. Fish disappear from the sea and those migrating inland to spawn are made illegal to capture because they are too diseases ridden. 

The nuclear industry, along with the military industrial establishment both owned by the dynastic central banking families who founded the Federal Reserve System and defined the yearly interest on the national their exclusive dividend due to their exclusive ownership of Fed stock shares, maintained nuclear is safe and clean, despite almost a century of scientific documentation to the contrary. Schroder Bank of which Bechtel is a subsidiary, along with Bill Gates, both adding reactors to Hanford where the kids are born without brains and buried in dedicated infant cemetaries and added reactors in China, trumpet nulear is safe and clean, as does each corrupt U.S. president, and each corrupt congress person.

Japan, Butterflies, Horses, Dogs & Deaths, Dolphins, Fallout, Die-off, Mutated, Radioactive, Life, 

(See below)

 Animal Kingdom snuffed out by nuclear, sonar & ionospheric heater weather warfare

Butterflies & flowers & horses & cows & birds & dogs & cats & whales & dolphins & insects & vegetables

Fed Directors financing, owning & directing nuclear industry should eat plutonium & fallout like they make us & our animals, do

Horses (mammals) play &have a sense of humor & feelings like all mammals.

Mama Manatee guards her young.

Mama Manatee (a mammal) casts wary eye guarding her young.

Butterflies & flowers.

Butterflies & flowers

Nuclear energy is a crime against horses, pregnant horses & colts

Heartbreaking illness mysteriously hits coastside California horses.

Skin falls off 1/3rd of body, covered in painful lesions, eyes swollen shut, liver damage, fainting

Heartbreaking illness that hits coastside California horses is new mysterious disease

Fukushima airborne radiation makes pastures radioactive which makes cow's milk radioactive as reported in about 12 states in the continental U.S. and Hawaii.  Now, the horses' skin is falling off, coastside California, their bodies are covered in painful lesions, with eyes swollen shut, liver damage and fainting.  

 12:29 AM Aug 15, 2014 8368  TV: Devastating illness hits California horses — “Nobody will even tell us what it is” — Skin falling off, covered in painful lesions, eyes swollen shut, liver damage, fainting.   Kendall Melline, owner of sick horses: “It’s devastating ... my national champion — her entire body, her entire first layer of skin is going to fall off.” — She’s not seen any improvement ... and is very concerned.

Daily Press , Aug 5, 2014: MYSTERY ILLNESS — Alyssa Langel's three-year-old horse … has large  patches of skin exposed. [Owners] remain unsure what caused many horses to manifest swollen eyes and lips, as well as blisters … They heard of a similar outbreak affecting other horse communities in California.

CBS, Aug 6, 2014 (Anonymous tip): There’s a mystery about what’s making dozens of horses sick here in Southern California.  Watch it here

Melline: “Her eyes are swollen almost completely shut … I’ve heard about 70 other horses have come down with something like this.”

Stephanie Dorn, owner of sick horses: “I don’t know what this even is … She has mouth sores all over… her lips are just swollen humongous … I’ve never seen anything like this… Nobody will even tell us what it is … it’s heartbreaking.”

Chuck Burt, feed store owner: “Speaking with professionals, veterinarians and toxicologists up in UC Davis, it is a mystery” … “It’s the first time I’ve seen it. It’s the first time a lot of people have seen it.”

Deborah Jasper, owner of sick horses: Four of her horses showed burns … one [has] high levels of protein in the liver, which may lead to organ damage … “This has been a nightmare.”

The Horse, Aug 7, 2014: The horses can also experience liver damage…

Press Enterprise, Aug 12, 2014: [Brian Cockerton’s] two horses had… rashes and burn lesions …   lesions spread over most of the horses’ bodies [and they’re] in pain . “It’s horrible… dozens of cases [are] affecting horses in a widespread area of Southern California in at least the past 2 1/2 weeks…. There may well be many more unreported cases, [an official] added… hair and skin – later began falling off in big patches  [and one] fainted twice while being washed… A farrier told Cockerton he hasn’t seen anything like it in 40 years of shoeing horses.

CBS, Aug 6, 2014: UC Davis tested the hay and it came back clean. They say it’s possible this was just an anomaly.  >> Watch it here

Press Enterprise , Aug 12, 2014: Toxicologists have not definitively identified [anything in the horses’ food, said state official Dr. Kent Fowler], describing it as a “very odd occurrence.”

ABC News, Aug 4, 2014: Mystery at the Racetrack; 10 Horses Dead this Season — A growing mystery at … Del Mar in Southern California … ‘Chattering Gambler’ died of an apparent heart attack, the 10th to die since the racing season opened 3 weeks ago; 3 from natural causes… “When you have 10 horses dying, and can’t pinpoint one thing or another, it’s a mystery . ”… >> Watch here

Nuclear fallout, catastrophes & waste: Cesium & heart attacks in mammals (such as horses, people, whales, seals, sea lions, cows, dogs, cats etc,) here 

Cows & Birds, Dogs & Cats

warlord federal reserve directors (financing & directing nuclear i ndustry & war) should eat plutonium & fallout like they make whales,  dolphins, cows, horses, cats, dogs & all ocean & land animals & people, do  

Secrets of Supermarket Milk, Meat & Fish Fallout Contamination

Yes  ...if nuclear fallout is in mammal's milk ...it's in your breast milk & supermarket food, too ...are you starting to get what this website is about?

Got Milk?  (cell phone pdf file without search engine & pop-ups | MS Word file with search engine & pop-ups)  Fukushima uranium, plutonium, strontium in U.S. air samples, Fukushima Iodine 131, Cesium 134 & 137, Uranium 234 appears and re-appears in store-bought and/or raw milk and water from Spokane & Seattle, WA; S.F. Bay Area, CA & So. CA; Phoenix, AZ; Montpelier, VT; Hilo, HA. Radioactive cesium in spinach, arugula & kale in S.F. Bay Area. In citrus grove fruit in Florida. (Note, one can expect up to 100 different long-lived and short-lived radionuclides traveling with those listed above; normally those listed above are the only ones tested-for.

Editor's note: Well, if it's in mammal's milk because it's in the pastures, and in the vegetables because it's in the air and in the soil and water, and is killing the food chains in the Pacific Ocean, doesn't that mean it's in the whole food chain? Hey, wait a minute, the stuff circles the globe eternally every couple days and gets washed down in the rain, forever. Huh? That's why dogs and cats get leukemia? And, people too? ...because of 'them'? Breast cancer, ovarian-, prostate-, brain-, eye-, skin-, and organ cancer is what 'they' do to us.  We're dead. Time to get even? ...before we go.

10:35 PM Oct 6, 2015 -8722- West Coast: Several hundred cows born with distorted legs after Fukushima – malformations — Expert: “There’s more out there”… more widespread than reported

10:04 AM Sep 21, 2012 -4321- Kidneys accumulate most radioactive cesium by far - highest levels of any tissue in cows

07:08 PM Jun 24, 2014 -8297- Washington State: Birth defect deaths hit record levels during 2011 - spiked 60% statewide - return to normal in 2012 - document lists Fukushima release along west coast of U.S. possible factor in birth defect cluster

08:00 PM Sep 30, 2015 8719 Utah, St. George and Washington State, Walla Walla, Ritzville, Hanford; other U.S. nuclear sites - (archived historical info:) Piles of dead lambs with 2 heads, no legs - born without eyes or mouths - legs grown together; farmers do not understand why all animals are dying - and dogs & cats. (VIDEOS)

Fukushima's doggy radiation victims

Hair around the dog's neck came off and its skin turned black

When Minako Fujiwara tells the story of her dog that died last June [in Fukushima], she still gets sad: "Hair around the dog's neck came off and its skin turned black," the 56-year-old told DW. Similar symptoms were also detected in animals in Chernobyl following the nuclear catastrophe there in 1986. Fujiwara's family had to leave the dog behind when they were ordered to leave the town of Namie, located nine kilometres (5.6 miles) north of the [ongoing] meltdowns of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant.

Beagle dogs were given single exposures to Pu239O2 aerosols. Deposition of 0.9–0.1 µc/g of lung caused death in 31 dogs in 55–412 days after exposure, here. (click pic)

Findings in Dogs Suggest Similar Dose-related Biological Effects in Humans

Abstract: This study was conducted to determine the biological effects of inhaled 238PuO2 over the life spans of 144 beagle dogs. The dogs inhaled one of two sizes of monodisperse aerosols of 238PuO2 to achieve graded levels of initial lung burden (ILB). The aerosols also contained 169Yb to provide a gamma-ray-emitting label for the 238Pu inhaled by each dog. Excreta were collected periodically over each dog's life span to estimate plutonium excretion; at death, the tissues were analyzed radiochemically for plutonium activity. The tissue content and the amount of plutonium excreted were used to estimate the ILB. These data for each dog were used in a dosimetry model to estimate tissue doses. The lung, skeleton and liver received the highest alpha-particle doses, ranging from 0.16-68 Gy for the lung, 0.08-8.7 Gy for the skeleton and 0.18-19 for the liver. At death all dogs were necropsied, and all organs and lesions were sampled and examined by histopathology. Findings of non-neoplastic changes included neutropenia and lymphopenia that developed in a dose-related fashion soon after inhalation exposure. These effects persisted for up to 5 years in some animals, but no other health effects could be related to the blood changes observed. Radiation pneumonitis was observed among the dogs with the highest ILBs. Deaths from radiation pneumonitis occurred from 1.5 to 5.4 years after exposure. Tumors of the lung, skeleton and liver occurred beginning at about 3 years after exposure. Bone tumors found in 93 dogs were the most common cause of death. Lung tumors found in 46 dogs were the second most common cause of death. Liver tumors, which were found in 20 dogs but were the cause of death in only two dogs, occurred later than the tumors in bone and lung. Tumors in these three organs often occurred in the same animal and were competing causes of death. These findings in dogs suggest that similar dose-related biological effects could be expected in humans accidentally exposed to 238PuO2. (article source, here)

Cats, dogs, people — nosebleeds after 3/11

03:27 PM Jun 18, 2014 8290 Fukushima: People, cats, dogs get nose bleeds after 3/11; volunteers die

Nuclear energy is a crime against sea stars, (starfish)

Hundreds of millions of sea stars estimated dead

Sep 15, 2015 TV: Massacre along West Coast continues — Alarming, bleak situation as disease re-emerges — Hundreds of millions of sea stars estimated dead — Changes in cellular matrix observed, “a lot of interesting genes being found” — Other sea life disappearing as tidepool communities ‘shift’ (VIDEO)

West Coast sea stars rip themselves apart ...innards spill out ...melt into mush

12:28 PM Jan 30, 2014 7030 West Coast sea stars rip themselves apart ...innards spill out ...melt into mush ...vaporize (VIDEO)

Baby Elephant seals & sea lions die of leukemia-linked disorder

03:53 PM Aug 26, 2015 8702 California Coast: Many baby seals dying of leukemia-linked disorder ... 1/3 of recent deaths at San Francisco Bay rescue center (CHART)

Leukemia is one of the most common cancers induced by radiation in humans

8702.1 also see: Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine (Springer), Jun 29, 2013: Leukemia is one of the most common cancers induced by radiation in humans, accounting for one in five mortalities from radio-carcinogenesis. Risk of leukemia varies with age, younger persons more prone to radio-carcinogenesis - Leukemia appears as early as 2-3 years after exposure, average latent period of 5 to 10 years.

California sea lions dying from organs falling out of place, tumors, accumulation of pus inside bodies

8702.2- -8408- California sea lions dying from organs falling out of place, tumors, accumulation of pus inside bodies (PHOTO)

Whales, dolphins wash up dead, baby dolphin crying

08:34 PM Aug 3, 2015 8690 San Francisco: Whale deaths baffle scientists – Dolphins wash up dead ... heartbreaking to hear dying baby call out (VIDEO)

Millions of fish dead in Pacific Northwest ...Salmon covered in fungus & red lesions ...big, gaping sores

05:43 PM Aug 1, 2015 8689 USA Today: Millions of fish dead in Pacific Northwest – Salmon covered in fungus, red lesions all over, big gaping sores – extinction concerns (VIDEO & PHOTOS)

Mutations spines, brains, hearts, eyes ... malformations, brain lobes, hunchbacks, face, limbs

05:28 PM Sep 22, 2015 8715 Mutations in sea life on U.S. West Coast - deformed spines, brains, hearts, eyes ... malformations: extra brain lobes, hunchbacks, parts of face missing, unusual limbs (PHOTOS)

Dead dolphin spike in Louisiana, Mississippi – mostly babies – censored

12:39 PM Mar 29, 2013 5681 Dead dolphin spike in Louisiana, Mississippi ... We have been advised not to discuss findings ... mostly babies washing up (VIDEO)

Manatees die in droves on Florida coasts – deaths of pelicans, turtles, dolphins

10:56 AM Mar 29, 2013 5680 Manatees die in droves on Florida coasts ... deaths of pelicans, turtles, dolphins increase ... Scientists ... the beginning of a devastating ecosystem collapse

Mass die-off on California beaches ...seabirds, sea lions, dolphins

11:44 AM May 31, 2017 8883 Alarming mass die-off on California beaches ... Extremely high number of sick and dead animals ... Seabirds, sea lions, dolphins affected - Experts: Never seen this many sick birds ... How many have to die before somebody cares? (VIDEOS)

1,500% normal death rate in whales off West Coast

07:06 AM May 26 2017 07:52 AM Aug 24, 2015 8701.A  Horrific mystery … 1,500% normal death rate in whales off West Coast ... Gov’t declares unprecedented Unusual Mortality Event ... Expert: It’s all going to cascade up to us ... other die-offs reported (VIDEOS)

Two hundred melon-headed whales beach ...134 dead West Africa & 26 Pilot Whales stranding in Georgia

Nuclear energy is a crime against seals & walrus & all sea mammals (& land mammals, too ...including people)

Skin Sloughing

Seal, walrus skin sloughing, diseases; why?

Tumors, lesions, missing body parts — suggests genetic DNA mutations from internal nuclear radiation fallout uptake by oceanic food chain & external skin contact with floating radionuclides

01:26 PM May 6, 2015 8627 U.S. university testing animals in Pacific for Fukushima radiation ... bodies riddled with tumors, eyes bleeding, covered in lesions ... Some are missing testicles, eyeballs ... Skin disintegrates, peels off, turns yellow ... Mammals affected by diseases never seen in species (Photos)

Sea mammal skin sloughing.

Seals (mammal) & walruses (mammal) suffer

New & mysterious diseases of seals & walrus.

Nuclear energy is a crime against sea mammals

Sea Mammals: Whales & Dolphins, Seal Lions, Walrus, Seals, Manatee & more ...&... Fish —(fish are not mammals) ...&... other sea life 

Federal Reserve Directors (Financing & Directing Nuclear Industry) Should Eat Plutonium & Fallout Like They Make Us & Whales, Dolphins, Sea Lions, Seals & other Sea Mammals, Do

This suffering beached whale washed up on the sand & suffering its hoarse death rattle panting is in excruciating pain; the cause in most probability is global warming caused by swimming in nuclear waste or fallout [or nuclear pollution & fallout frying the plankton & destroying the oceanic food chain (& causing starvation) & the largest source of Earth’s oxygen], military electromagnetic weaponry destroying the ozone & oxygen & frying the plankton thereby destroying the food chain and causing starvation, depleted uranium or sonar, oil company use of repeated sonar-caused sonic booms sounding for oil every few seconds for days, weeks & months, petrochemicals, pesticides, pharmchem waste, plastics & other chemical pollution. Did you know the owners of the Fed own & direct all the companies in the Fortune 500-1000 that pollute Earth & Space? …& cause global warming.Source: Voice of America — U.S. Overseas Intelligence PsyOp

Whales know something is wrong – not going to just wait & die

"Animals, like whales for instance, I think they would be able to tell that something is wrong. They’re very, very intelligent animals. They’re not going to just wait until they start to die off. I think they’re likely going to voluntarily get out of the area." – Jeff Feldner, Oregon Sea Grant Extension (NOAA), fisheries specialist (more, here)

Unprecedented concentration of sea creatures near shore

09:08 AM Nov 25, 2013 6739 also 8056 NY Times: Unprecedented concentration of sea creatures near shore in California; Experts baffled, longtime residents astounded – Biologist: It’s a very strange year – Similar to ‘extraordinary’ events seen recently along Canada’s Pacific coast? (VIDEO)

Terrified starving animals flee nuclear waste

6739.1 excerpt from above story: New York Times, November 24, 2013 (here): It began with the anchovies, miles and miles of them ... in the waters of Monterey Bay. Then the sea lions came, by the thousands ... the pelicans ... bottlenose dolphins in groups of 100 or more have been spotted ... it was the whales that astounded even longtime residents ... more than 200 humpbacks ... and, on a recent weekend, a pod of 19 rowdy orcas – the water in every direction roiled with mammals ... For almost three months, Monterey and nearby coastal areas have played host to a mammoth convocation of sea life that scientists here say is unprecedented in their memories ... never that anyone remembers have there been this many or have they stayed so long ... Last month, anchovies crowded into Santa Cruz harbor

01:57 AM Aug 7, 2015 8692 U.S. Gov’t: We don’t know what’s going on in Pacific ... Many ill baby seals abandoned; Dozens of walruses found dead; dying whales, birds, fish (AUDIO)

Sea floor covered with dead fish

11:59 PM Jun 2, 2015 8647 TV: Scientists warn of mass die-off along California coast – Official: Seafloor littered with dead fish, wash up as far as I could see – Toxin has spread all up and down West Coast  (VIDEO)

Sea creatures acting strangely

06:36 PM Nov 27, 2013 6751 CBC News: Something very odd is happening in Pacific; Sea creatures acting strangely, species turning up where rarely seen – Related to Fukushima crisis? – L.A. Lifeguard: Used to be 2 shark sightings a year, now it’s 2 a day (VIDEOS)

Whales ask for help – even placed head on boat

11:14 PM Nov 30, 2013 6761 Whale Expert near Vancouver: In 30 years I’ve never ever seen this kind of behavior, they must sense this is a safe place to be – Captain: I’ve never seen anything like it in 50 years on Pacific – one even placed its head on the boat (VIDEO)

Whales, dolphins, sea lions, birds – stranded, violent seizures, wash up dead

09:43 PM Aug 30, 2014 8398 Surge in marine mammal strandings on U.S. West Coast – biggest fear is if this is everywhere along coast – whales, dolphins, sea lions, birds washing up in large numbers – thousands likely dead - violent seizures shown on news (VIDEO)

Die-offs of mammals, birds, reptiles in Western U.S.

10:35 AM Nov 23, 2013 6733 Die-offs of mammals, birds, reptiles in Western U.S. - So many diseases afflicting such a wide variety of animals - Names out of sci-fi thriller: hemorrhagic disease, sylvatic plague (VIDEO)

This suffering beached whale washed up on the sand & suffering its hoarse death rattle panting is in excruciating pain; the cause in most probability is global warming caused by swimming in nuclear waste or fallout [or nuclear pollution & fallout frying the plankton & destroying the oceanic food chain (& causing starvation) & the largest source of Earth’s oxygen], military electromagnetic weaponry destroying the ozone & oxygen & frying the plankton thereby destroying the food chain and causing starvation, depleted uranium or sonar, oil company use of repeated sonar-caused sonic booms sounding for oil every few seconds for days, weeks & months, petrochemicals, pesticides, pharmchem waste, plastics & other chemical pollution. Did you know the owners of the Fed own & direct all the companies in the Fortune 500-1000 that pollute Earth & Space? …& cause global warming. Source: Voice of America — U.S. Overseas Intelligence PsyOpCom

Extinction-level event ...some radionuclide hot spots in pacific ocean will continue killing for hundreds to thousands of years

06:45 PM Sep 2, 2015 8705 West Coast: Whale strandings, cancer in seals, collapse of fish stocks (PHOTOS. (VIDEO - whale final gasps on beach)

Extinction-level events every day go exceed the greed & egos of legislative, judicial & executive branches of government because City of London funds them & world-wide war on animals & humanity.

VOA transcript, Sep 1, 2015 (emphasis added): Sharp Rise in Whale Deaths Being Investigated - Since May, 30 dead whales have washed ashore on the Gulf of Alaska. (Deborah Fauquier, NOAA): ‘And the average for the whole year generally is 8, so it’s definitely significantly elevated and for us that was a reason for concern.’ The Extreme Mortality Event, as scientists call it, triggered an investigation.

Huffington Post, Sep 1, 2015: Radiation in the Ocean - The West Coast of the United States seems under siege by negative environmental news … and numerous accounts of unusual coastal events: algae blooms, whale strandings, cancer in seals, collapse of fish stocks, and more … One argument has been the effect of radiation leaking from the [Fukushima] nuclear power plant reactors … and has been thereafter distributed by ocean currents; indeed there is evidence of a plume of increased concentration of Cesium-134, and other radioactive elements that have been observed at unprecedented levels, spreading out some 5,000 miles into the Pacific … In April of this year, there were headlines declaring that Fukushima radiation has reached the North American Shore and concerns were raised, spread through the Internet and press, that this was surely the cause of these otherwise inexplicable anomalous natural events. There is no Federal agency that funds monitoring of radiation in coastal water … So, yes, and no. No definitive conclusion, no clear argument that radiation is the cause of those coastal events which distress us so.

A Plus, Aug 27, 2015: The Story Behind This Picture Is So Mysterious, Scientists Are Scratching Their Heads; What is going on here?!… the number has skyrocketed. Thirty whales spanning at least four species have been found… NOAA Fisheries scientists and partners are very concerned about the large number of whales stranding in the western Gulf of Alaska in recent months, Dr. Teri Rowles of the NOAA said… these enormous, gorgeous animals are dying in such high numbers.

VOA, Sep 1, 2015: While President Barack Obama is in Alaska, he might have this question: Why have 30 dead whales washed ashore… [NOAA's] Fauquier said the extreme mortality event was complicated… Fauquier noted that in the ocean, toxins move up the food chain. Some of the whales actually filter the phytoplankton and the zooplankton… they get the toxins through that method…. as you go higher up the food web, more toxin gets concentrated.… NOAA hopes to explain why the whales died and why they perished in such great numbers.

Cordova Times, Aug 28, 2015: Whales..Thirty dead whales ….And no one knows why… when thirty of them die in four months, three times the usual rate, something is not right…. between 700 deaths over the years, scientists have managed to perform two full necropsies. For this particular event, they’ve done one limited necropsy… While they keep an eye on algae, they have been testing all possibilities. Possibilities like fallout from Fukushima, and while they did radiation testing as part of the limited autopsy, it came back with background levels that would occur normally in Alaska, said Julie Speegle, speaking on behalf of NOAA.

Newsweek, Aug 27, 2015: Over the last few months, dead whales have been appearing regularly on beaches along the Northern California coast. In the same period, 30 whale carcasses have washed up along the coast of Alaska, puzzling scientists.

Washington Post, Aug 30, 2015: Concerns mount as whales are found dead in Gulf of Alaska - Researchers are scrambling to determine what’s behind the death of 30 whales… Other dead whales have been reported off the coast of British Columbia…. starvation or disease could be behind the deaths… The more likely culprit is unusual water conditions.

No mention of radionuclides or ongoing Fukushima meltdowns 3/11 or now ... why? NPR joins other idiots in a pro-propaganda, pro-nuclear, pro-death, pro-ignorance collective ...(see, who owns the media)

NPR, Sep 1, 2015: Researchers say record low oxygen levels in Hood Canal are causing marine life to die off. Marine life is struggling to survive … We have been seeing lots and lots of dead fish on beaches, said Seth Book, with the Skokomish Tribe’s Department of Natural Resources … This is really the worst year in terms of the oxygen, said Jan Newton, an oceanography professor at the University of Washington …

Whales, dolphins, sea lions, birds wash up

Aug 30, 2014 TV: “Surge in marine mammal strandings” on U.S. West Coast — Scientists: “This is very weird”; “My biggest fear is if this… is everywhere” along coast — Whales, dolphins, sea lions, birds recently washing up in large numbers — Many thousands likely dead — Violent seizures shown on news (VIDEO)

Mammals & seabirds starving, may suffer for years

Jan 05, 2014 L.A. Times: Alarming West Coast sardine crash likely radiating through ecosystem ... Experts warn marine mammals and seabirds are starving, may suffer for years to come ... Boats return without a single fish ... Monterey Bay: Hard to resist idea that humpback whales are trying to tell us something

100's of Millions of sea animals have died recently along West Coast

Apr 22, 2015 Professors : 100's of Millions of sea animals have died recently along West Coast — Worst mortality event ever known — “Wiped out at least 20 different species” — Marine life also disappearing from Fukushima coast (VIDEO)

Unusual increase: dolphin, sea lion & seabird deaths

Jun 22, 2015 TV: Emergency survey underway along West Coast, marine life being affected “in ways never seen before” — CBS: “Unusual increase in dolphin, sea lion, and seabird deaths” — Thought to be largest toxic bloom “anywhere, ever” — Worry that impacts on fish to last several years (VIDEO)

Hundreds of whales in bay

Nov 30, 2013 CBS News: 100s of whales in bay on California coast; never been like this, can’t even believe it ... Experts: We just aren’t sure what’s going on; “Unheard of, it’s unbelievable, nobody’s seen this” (VIDEO)

Swim For Your Life to Escape Plutonium? ...I would

Nov 25, 2013 NY Times: Unprecedented concentration of sea creatures near shore in California; Experts baffled, longtime residents astounded ... Biologist: “It’s a very strange year … The $64,000 question is why?” ... Similar to ‘extraordinary’ events seen recently along Canada’s Pacific coast? (VIDEO)

Nuclear energy is a crime against butterflys & metamorphosis — genetic mutations bode ill

Butterfly genetic mutations producing crumpled wings from Fukushima meltdowns.

(u) The biological impacts of the Fukushima nuclear accident on the pale grass blue butterfly – Scientific Reports Volume 2; 2012; (l) Right hindwing was much smaller than the left hindwing of the same individual [Fukushima City; ~60 km from Fukushima Daiichi] (c) Wings were folded [Takahagi, Ibaraki Prefecture; ~80 km from Fukushima Daiichi] (r)  Wings were rumpled [Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture; ~40 km from Fukushima Daiichi]

mutated butterflies born in contaminated Fukushima meadows &/or fed them

Little Animals Suffer, too

Butterflies born in nuclear contaminated Fukushima meadows &/or fed from them in labs(above up) Representative morphological abnormalities. From left to right, dented eyes (Shiroishi), deformed left eye (Iwaki), deformed right palpus (Takahagi), and deformed wing shape (Fukushima); (down) (l-r) Normal; Right hindwing much smaller than left hindwing – Fukushima City, 60 km from Fukushima Daiichi; (m) Wings folded – Takahagi, Ibaraki Prefecture, 80 km from Fukushima Daiichi; (r) Wings rumpled – Iwaki, Fukushima Prefecture, 40 km from Fukushima Daiichi; (r) add'l example. 

mutated butterflies born in contaminated Fukushima meadows &/or fed them

(ul, ll) 03:46 PM Aug 13, 2012 4009 Mutated Butterflies: Study is overwhelming in its implications for humans ...  Japan Researcher: Insects were believed to be very resistant to radiation ... Irregularly developed eyes, malformed antennae, much smaller wings (PHOTO)

(ur, lr) 06:29 PM Sep 23, 2014 8433 Japan nuclear waste poisons wildlife ... 99% offspring eating low-level contamination food dies ... severe & rare deformities from small rad doses (PHOTOS)

Mutated butterflies born in contaminated Fukushima meadows &/or fed themMutated butterflies born in contaminated Fukushima meadows &/or fed them

(detail-up) 03:46 PM Aug 13, 2012 4009 Mutated Butterflies: Study is overwhelming in its implications for humans ... Japan Researcher: Insects were believed to be very resistant to radiation ... Irregularly developed eyes, malformed antennae, much smaller wings (PHOTO)  

Study: 99% of offspring die – eat ‘low-level’ contaminated foodMutated butterflies born in contaminated Fukushima meadows &/or fed them

(detail-up) 06:29 PM Sep 23, 2014 8433  Japan nuclear waste poisons wildlife ... 99% offspring eating low-level contamination food dies ... severe & rare deformities from small rad doses (PHOTOS)

Tumors in the thorax of butterflies from Fukushima.

(u) Little animals suffer, too ...tumors in the thorax of butterflies. Taira et al. 2014 examined response of the Pale Grass Blue Butterfly; they found: size reduction, slowed growth, high mortality and morphological abnormality: (l) Tumors in the thorax of the Pale Grass Blue Butterfly; (r) Normal morphology. Common to all the published studies – the hypothesis chronic (low-dose) exposure to ionizing radiation results in genetic damage and increased mutation rates; Hayashi et al. 2014 documented effects of radiation on rice – After three days, a number of effects were observed; Taira et al. 2014 examined response of the pale grass blue butterfly. They found size reduction, slowed growth, high mortality and morphological abnormality. A review of genetic and ecological studies for a range of other species revealed significant consequences of radiation. Population census of birds, butterflies, and cicadas at Fukushima showed major declines – attributable to radiation exposure.

(u) Aug 14, 2014 8367 Scientists: Fukushima radiation is causing “serious biological effects” — Disaster’s widespread impact now being revealed — “Major irreversible shifts” in ecosystems discussed — “High rates of abnormality and mortality”… severe damage to humans next? (PHOTOS) 

Mutated butterflies of Fukushima scientific study.

(u) Scroll down for detail.

10:53 AM Aug 12, 2012 3998 Japan Times: Study finds ‘abnormalities’ in 52% of second generation offspring from butterflies collected May 2011 - unusually small wings, premature death

11:37 PM Oct 11, 2015 8724 Fukushima: Dead zone ... no butterflies, no birds ... “Why does it matter to the United States? The reason is, it’s coming, it is coming!”... fewer species (VIDEO)

Dr. Otake & the future of Japan & the people.

08:36 PM May 29, 2014 8258 Japan Scientist Dr. Otaki: We gave butterflies food from Fukushima ... then, they died; deformities get worse with each generation ... TV: Truly horrifying ... doesn’t look like a butterfly anymore (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

(Vice on HBO, Season 2 Episode 10, May 24, 2014 (at 5:30 in)

Dr. Joji Otaki, lead researcher, University of Ryukyus: We collected houseplant leaves from Fukushima, and those leaves are given to [butterfly] larvae collected from Okinawa… Those larvae aresupposed to be healthy. But they ate contaminated food from Fukushima. Then we see what happens.
Ghandi (Vice): What happened?
Otaki: They died.
Ghandi: Dr. Otaki’s experiments have shown the truly horrifying effects contaminated food can have on living organisms.
Otaki: You can see wrinkled wings.
Ghandi: It doesn’t really even look like a butterfly anymore.
Otaki: We found that mortality rate and abnormality rate of the 2nd generation is much higher — even worse in the 3rd generation.

Ghandi: The evidence contaminated food has increasingly worse effects over the course of generations is especially scary since one of Fukushima’s primary industries is agriculture.

Kazuya Tarukawa, (farmer in Sukagawa 50 miles from Fukushima Daiichi): We had been growing produce that measured 3,000 [Bq/kg] without even knowing it. Selling such produce to the markets made me feel severely guilty.
Ghandi: His father was consumed with guilt.
Tarukawa: He hung himself from the tree.

03:04 PM Jul 16, 2013 6038 Radioactive contamination from Fukushima disaster reasonable explanation for butterfly deaths and abnormalities

Nuclear Industry Propaganda Damage Control: 05:27 AM Oct 13, 2012 4508 Nuclear industry publishes coffee table book featuring images of butterflies at nuke plants (PHOTO)

01:42 PM Sep 21, 2012 4324 Deformed butterflies after Fukushima ... Wings folded, rumpled, different sizes (PHOTOS)

05:33 PM Aug 22, 2012 4089 Scientists fear increased genetic defects in humans from Fukushima disaster after results of butterfly study

01:41 PM Aug 15, 2012 4027 Plutonium releases from Fukushima plant highlighted in final sentence of butterfly mutation study

05:52 PM Aug 14, 2012 4020 Comparison images show severe mutation of Japan butterfly’s stump-like wings (PHOTO) — Reporter: “Scary,” humans could be affected by mutation, too.

02:59 AM Aug 14, 2012 4013 Australian: Devastating physical & genetic affects of Japan nuclear disaster ...mutant butterflies caught outside Fukushima evacuation zone

01:48 AM Aug 16, 2012 4032 Entomologist: Malformations in 10% of cotton worms from Fukushima town

12:44 PM Jul 16, 2013 6037 MSN publishes report on ‘freaky’ fruits and vegetables said to be from areas around Fukushima nuclear plant

May 28, 2013 Seaweed causes shut-down of multiple nuclear reactors

Dead sea lions, everywhere

Mar 30, 2013 CBS Los Angeles: “Dead sea lions everywhere” ... Rescuer: I’ve never seen anything like this … we never would have imagined the numbers ... Expert: No oceanographic explanation for what we’re seeing (VIDEO)

Fukushima meltdowns horror - Whales, seals, birds all emaciated, starving worldwide

Dana: Fukushima meltdowns horror — Whales, seals, birds all emaciated, starving worldwide. Another shock as 10 Sperm Whales beached in Indonesia is now normal as whales now dying from starvation is considered normal due to Fukushima nuclear meltdowns.

Over and over we see whales birds sea lions etc etc that are so called beaching themselves are in fact staving emaciated and unable to find food all die and wash up on beaches.

And all the whales this time would've died without intervention. Four out of 10 sperm whales that were beached at Ujong Kareung Beach in Aceh Besar regency in Aceh died in the early morning on Tuesday.

Four of 10 beached whales in Aceh, Jakarta, die http://bit.ly/2zNCr5f 

Scientists shocked” as fisheries collapse along West Coast — “Worst we’ve seen… ...starving” ...death http://bit.ly/2ABFr4B 

Fukushima plume model shows 1 Million Bq/m2 over West Coast after reactor explosions http://bit.ly/2g9S3F0 

Rain with 20,000,000 particles of radioactive iodine-131 per liter fell on U.S. in post-Fukushima peak http://bit.ly/2ePxBw9 

Official Report: West Coast hit with 220,000,000 atoms per liter of Iodine-129 in rain after Fukushima http://bit.ly/2dNWfMZ 

Alaska urged to prepare for North Korean nuclear attack as residents told to stockpile Prussian Blue anti-radiation pills or buy stocks short term for them, folks the cowards are using North Korea fear to sell fake radiation treatments called Prussian Blue is demented at best criminal for sure. http://bit.ly/2mv6g7h 

Radioactive Cloud Over Europe, With Russia as Fake Chief Suspect Instead of Fukushima the headline should say. http://nyti.ms/2yIzotw 

Mutated butterflies of Fukushima scientific study.

Animal Kingdom: Little Animals like Butterflies Suffer Nuclear Fallout, too

Symmetric & asymmetric morphological abnormalities. Symmetric & asymmetric ones are shown in (A–M) & (N–R), respectively. Arrows indicate abnormal structures. All abnormal specimens are  F1 or F2 generation except (B) & (M), which are field-collected individuals (defined as P generation). All abnormal specimens obtained from samples caught in May or Sept 2011. Normal morphology was shown in (S–V).

(A) Dented compound eyes. Fukushima F1 (May). Scale bar indicates 500 μm. (B) Dented compound eyes. Shiroishi P (May). (C - D) Deformation of compound eyes. Left eye (C) is severely deformed, whereas right eye (D) of same individual is lightly affected. Hirono F1 (May). (E) Tumors in thorax. Takahagi F1 (Sept). (F) Unexpanded small forewings. Hirono F1 (May).

(G–M) Symmetric color pattern changes. Abnormal sites boxed & indicated by arrows. Scale bar indicates 1cm, applies to (G–R) & (V). (G–I) Spot fusion. Hirono F1 (May). (J) Spot fusion. Iwaki F1 (May). (K) Spot dislocation & loss. Motomiya F1 (May). (L) Spot elongation & fusion. Hirono F1 (Sept). (M) Incomplete scale development. Fukushima P (Sept). (N–R) Asymmetric color pattern changes.

Abnormal sites boxed & indicated by arrows. (N-O) Spot fusion. Fukushima F2 (May). (P) Spot elongation. Hirono F2 (May). (Q) Spot fusion. Iwaki F1 (May). (R) Extra spot. Iwaki F1 (May). (S–V)

Normal morphology of eyes (S, T; F1 generation, Nikaho, Akita Prefecture), thorax (U); F1 generation, Nikaho, Akita Prefecture), & wing color pattern (V; F1 generation, Okinawa). Scale bars indicate 500 μm. [Some of these specimens are also shown in Hiyama et al. (2012a, 2013).]


I Missed Me

(Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Trafford — & available as inexpensive e-books — press release, here)


Nuclear industry is a crime against cats & kittens

look what nuclear industry is doing to us

Two-headed kitten

Birthplace of Deucy, not far from the coast on the way to the Cascade mountain range.

Deucy: Oregon's first two-headed cat mutation, video)

...born between portland & salem – (likely genetic mutation from fukushima fallout) story, here

TMI: Cats, Kittens & D0g — Family's 5 pets die within hours, all found with ‘milky white’ eyes

02:30 PM Aug 15, 2013  -6189- Fairewinds on Troubling Events During Nuclear Disaster: Noise that sounds like rain when it’s not raining – Family had 5 pets die within hours, all found with ‘milky white’ eyes – Woman engulfed in wave of heat, later told kidney ‘died’ (AUDIO)

-6189.1- Testimonies of people living near the Three Mile Island nuclear reactor  at the time of the accident in 1979 - Mechanic who lived about four miles from the nuclear accident: My eyes were red and burning. I felt like I was looking through water. On Friday, we decided to evacuate. While packing our truck, a township police officer in a closed car shouted over his loudspeaker system, ‘Bill, don’t breathe this air. Get inside.’ … When we returned home, we went in the garage first and found our male German Shepherd had died. His eyes were milky white. We had provided about 100 pounds of food and 50 gallons of water. However, he had only drunk water before he died. We had five cats that lived in a box on the back porch. All but one was dead. All the cats had milky white eyes. The one living cat had one eye that was milky white. Skin grew over this eye during the following weeks. This cat lived about six months after the accident. She had kittens prior to her death. The kittens were born dead and hairless.

Two-headed Mountain Lion


Nuclear industry is a crime against lions

Look What Nuclear Industry is Doing to Us

First two-jaw mountain lion mutant

shot east of cascades in idaho – likely genetic mutation from fallout & waste from hanford &/or fukushima

Mutated mountain lion shot east of the Cascades in Idaho - likely genetic mutation from nuclear fallout from normal reactor discharges, testing &/or nuclear waste in dumps, soil, food, water &/or air.

06:52 PM Jan 19, 2016 -8763- Idaho: Mutated mountain lion found near U.S. nuclear site  (PHOTOS & VIDEOS)

Antelopes in Kazakhstan by nuclear test site.Antelopes in Kazakhstan by nuclear test site.

Nuclear industry is a crime against antelopes

06:30 PM Sep 8, 2015 8708 Kazakhstan: Rapid and complete die-off of animals near nuclear site – 150,000 antelopes bleeding from internal organs, pits brimming with corpses (PHOTOS)

Nuclear industry is a crime against moose, seals, otters, sea lions, whales, sea lions, birds

07:42 PM Sep 4, 2015 8706 West Coast animals. Alaska-to-California – whale disoriented; sea lions, seals, otters, birds disoriented, seizures; 30 whales tangle in nets; moose disoriented, swims in circles (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

May 24, 2014 TV: “Like a horror show” at Los Angeles-area beach — Unusual number of marine animals suddenly getting sick and dying — “I wonder if something’s in the water” killing them — They “hobble and fall over, it’s heartbreaking” (VIDEO)

May 04, 2014 Alarm as record numbers of seals & sea lions ‘starving to death’ along California coast — “It’s just spiked… calls started coming nonstop” — “ So many unhealthy… washing ashore” — “Extremely complex issue… multitude of factors in play” — “Definitely a mystery, we’re hoping it’s not the new norm.”

Nuclear industry is a crime against birds

City of London's federal reserve directors (owning, financing & directing the military industrial establishment bio-war & nuclear weather war industry ) should eat plutonium & fallout like they make birds, do

(see below, scroll down)

Birds found with deformities ...never reported in 500,000 exams before 3/11 ...now everywhere —(march 2011 fukushima 0ngoing meltdowns ...3/11 not 9/11)

Tail feather study..

08:34 AM Jun 25, 2014 8298 Emergency research underway in Japan after birds found with deformities - something unusual occurring inside their bodies - never reported in 500,000 exams before 3/11 now observed at every site across country, some over 1,000 km from Fukushima (PHOTO)

Noboru Nakamura, a researcher at the Yamashina Institute for Ornithology: “In Iitate, I caught a Japanese bush warbler in the net yesterday. It had feathers missing from the back of its head, and its skin was dark on that part. I found the same thing last year and the year before in Minami-Soma. I don’t know the reason.”

Kiyoaki Ozaki, Yamashina Institute for Ornithology deputy director-general: “Bird banding surveys of the common reed bunting began in 1961, and nearly 480,000 of the birds have been examined; we monitor their tail feathers closely. But this sort of abnormality hasn’t been reported before. I’ve seen thousands of the birds, but it was the first time for me to see tail feathers like these. There is something unusual occurring inside the birds’ bodies, perhaps with their genes or hormone secretion. It’s in the realm of possibility could be the effect of radioactive substances."

Nuclear industry is a crime against birds

City of London's federal reserve directors (owning, financing & directing the military industrial establishment bio-war & nuclear weather war industry ) should eat plutonium & fallout like they make birds, do

Jun 13, 2017 TV: Huge number of sea creatures washing up dead along West Coast — “It’s a crisis all along Southern California… large numbers getting sick and dying” (VIDEO)

Nov 03, 2015 TV: “Researchers say massive decline of fish is throwing off ecosystem” along California coast — Expert: “Population has truly collapsed”… They’re gone virtually everywhere — Whale numbers dropping significantly, squid disappearing, other major die-offs seen (VIDEO)

Apr 16, 2015 Just In: Emergency closure of fisheries along entire West Coast — Almost no babies surviving since 2011 — “Catastrophic crash… Population decimated… Crisis… Collapse so severe” — “Latest in series of alarming die-offs… mass reproductive failures… strange diseases” — Official: “A lot of weird things out there”

Feb 28, 2014 PBS special on Fukushima starts tonight with rare look inside plant — Correspondent loses arm after filming in Japan — “Amputated after an apparently minor injury” (VIDEO)

Jan 22, 2014 TV: Problems with killer whales local to West Coast — Only baby born in 2013 died — Just two born in 2012 — Depleted fish supply blamed

Jan 14, 2014 “They’re All Gone”: Shock as sardines vanish off California — Fishermen didn’t find a single one all summer — Scientist: This is about the entire Pacific coast… Canada, Mexico, U.S. — NOAA: We don’t know why; The young aren’t surviving

Mar 29, 2013 TV: Dead dolphin spike in Louisiana, Mississippi — “We have been advised not to discuss our findings” — dolphin babies washing up (VIDEO)

Sep 07, 2012 Large sections of thick liquid oil spotted floating in Gulf after Isaac — Oiled wildlife reported

Jun 20, 2015 10 giant whales found dead in Pacific off U.S. coast — Victims of ‘mysterious affliction’ — Mass die-off of walruses and seabirds reported nearby — Experts: “Something out of the ordinary is happening” — “Really perplexing… We’re at a loss… Maybe whales ran into a toxin” (AUDIO)

Jan 5, 2014 L.A. Times: Alarming West Coast sardine crash likely radiating through ecosystem — Experts warn marine mammals and seabirds are starving , may suffer for years to come — Boats return without a single fish — Monterey Bay: Hard to resist idea that humpback whales are trying to tell us something

Jun 13, 2017 TV: Huge number of sea creatures washing up dead along West Coast — “It’s a crisis all along Southern California… large numbers getting sick and dying” (VIDEO)

Mar 16, 2017 Massive die-offs reported in Pacific Ocean — Officials: “No fish out there, anywhere, over a very large area”… “What’s happening? Where’s their food?” — “Alarming… Frightening… Total failure in reproduction… Like nothing we’ve ever observed before” (VIDEO)

Jan 12, 2017 Massive die-off of sea creatures from California to Alaska — Animals starving as food chains continue to collapse — Mass starvation events plague West Coast — Scientist: “Felt like I was doing nothing but counting dead animals” — TV: Deaths really quite troubling (VIDEO)

Mar 29, 2016 “Mind Blowing”: Die-off in Pacific far worse than anything ever seen before — Expert: Alarm over what’s happening in ocean — Deaths puzzling gov’t scientists, “I’ve never heard of such a thing anywhere in world” — Reports: Beaches full of bodies… Countless carcasses — Official: We want to know if it’s related to Fukushima (VIDEO)

Jan 13, 2016 TV: “Carcasses littering beaches for miles” — “Complete reproductive failure” — “Horrifying… Horrid… Mind-boggling… Off the charts” — Unprecedented die-off “has potential to be biggest mortality event in state history” — “The most extreme I’ve ever seen” (VIDEOS)

Oct 20, 2015 Former U.S. Gov’t Official: “The elephant in the room is Fukushima radiation” when it comes to Pacific Ocean animal die-offs … Gov’t has totally failed to inform public about full extent of fallout … Media’s silence is deafening"

Aug 24, 2015 “Horrific environmental mystery… Everyone’s freaked out”: 1,500% normal death rate in whales off West Coast — Gov’t declares unprecedented Unusual Mortality Event — Scientists alarmed, ‘no idea’ what’s happening — Expert: “It’s all going to cascade up to us” — Other die-offs being reported (VIDEOS)

Jul 12, 2015 TV: US scientists testing for radiation in dead whales as mysterious die-off in Pacific continues — Now 14 carcasses reported, expert warns “death toll could still rise” — “Whales may have consumed something toxic… trying to find an explanation for this unusual event” (VIDEO)

Jun 16, 2015 Gov’t: “This is unprecedented in extent and magnitude”… toxic bloom may stretch from Calif. to Alaska — Largest event ever recorded? — Official: “It’s new territory… we’ve never had to close essentially half our coast” — Fish washing up “extremely poisonous” — “Serious concern for coastal communities

Jun 02, 2015 TV: Scientists warning of mass die-off along California coast — Official: Seafloor littered with dead fish, washing up “as far as I could see” — Toxin has spread all up and down West Coast — Experts: “Very, very unusual… Really extraordinary” (VIDEO)

Apr 03, 2015 13 baby gray whales and 55 dolphins found dead on West Coast — “Rash of dead humpback whales in Oregon” — “Corpses of sea lions, birds, sea turtles decomposing” — Mysterious deaths probed by gov’t — “Fear for whales encountering ‘radiation hot spots’…Volunteers trained about dangers of radiation” (VIDEO)

Mar 14, 2015 Expert: Disease outbreak on U.S. West Coast is largest ever seen in any population of animals — Tens of millions dead — Official: Gov’t needs to declare emergency before extinction occurs — Many scientists believe radiation from Fukushima to blame (VIDEO)

Jan 18, 2015 “Sea creatures sick, dying or disappearing at alarming rate all along Pacific coast… Some wonder if it’s fallout from Fukushima” — New York Times: “Ocean Life Faces Mass Extinction” — Study: “We may be on precipice of major extinction event” in marine wildlife (VIDEO)

Sep 18, 2014 Fukushima radiation a “major threat” to survival of baby birds — “Immediate and worrisome” impacts on marine wildlife discussed — More damage as radioactive material biomagnifies in food chain

Apr 18, 2014 NBC: Record level of sick or injured California seals and sea lions turning up — “The numbers are extraordinary” — “Scientists worried… The worst kind of perfect storm” — Pups should be weighing 2 or 3 times as much, “severely malnourished” (VIDEO)

Feb 04, 2014 Marine Expert on MSNBC: Months of uncontrolled radioactive releases from Fukushima a problem for Pacific, radionuclides building up in food chain — Health threat to Americans not likely if leaks ended soon after 3/11 (VIDEO)

Jan 22, 2014 TV: Problems with killer whales local to West Coast — Only baby born in 2013 died — Just two born in 2012 — Depleted fish supply blamed

Jan 14, 2014 “They’re All Gone”: Shock as sardines vanish off California — Fishermen didn’t find a single one all summer — Scientist: This is about the entire Pacific coast… Canada, Mexico, U.S. — NOAA: We don’t know why; The young aren’t surviving

Jan 8, 2014 Radiation Expert: It’s terrifying how Pacific ecosystem has collapsed since Fukushima — Plutonium and uranium suspected of spreading through food chain (VIDEO)

Dec 21, 2013 “Unprecedented activity” near Canada’s West Coast: Whales in record numbers, displaying highly unusual behavior — Expert: Problems in Pacific could be bringing sea life to area; “Something’s amiss out there”

May 30, 2012 Full California Tuna Study Now Online: Possibility of radioactive contamination raises public health concerns — Spent less than a month in waters near Japan — Turtles, sharks, birds also at risk?

May 28, 2012 Fukushima contamination carried to shores of U.S. — Radioactive tuna caught off San Diego coast — “We were frankly kind of startled” says scientist

Feb 14, 2012 Beagles to be injected with radioactive substances during gov’t toxicity experiments?

Aug 18, 2015 Official: “Thousands of Millions” of fish wash up dead in Alaska — Piles of them… I have never seen anything like it… First time we’ve ever heard of this (VIDEO)

Dec 21, 2013 “Unprecedented activity” near Canada’s West Coast: Whales in record numbers, displaying highly unusual behavior — Expert: Problems in Pacific could be bringing sea life to area; “Something’s amiss out there”

PG&E & Fed interlocking directorate

Nuclear, petroleum, natural gas ménage à trois

EneNews (L.A. gas field eruption, here)

Los Angeles butterflies gone

Jan 29, 2016 | Report: Wildlife “disappearing” around massive Los Angeles gas disaster — Residents: “It’s completely quiet”… birds, butterflies, rabbits, coyotes missing… all fish in pond dead — “All of this is gone… Makes me wonder how bad it really is” — Animal with “worst blood” ever seen by doctor (VIDEO) here

Jan 28, 2016 | Breaking: They may have “lost control entirely of entire field” involved in LA gas disaster, and it’s coming up everywhere… We learned there’s many other leaks – Attorney — Officials: Loud sound of gas escaping heard half mile away; A “mini-Chernobyl” — AP: Leak “out of control”… amount released “seriously underestimated” (VIDEO) here

Jan 14, 2016 | Experts: Multiple types of radioactive material constantly being emitted from LA gas blowout — “I’d be running like hell” — “We are getting higher and higher levels…it’s accumulating” — “Poisons spreading through entire San Fernando Valley” home to 2 million people — “Thousands getting sick… it really is a major, major disaster” (AUDIO)

Follow up to: Radioactive material reportedly now being released from massive gas blowout in LA — Byproduct of Uranium — Expert: “A lot” has been detected… Very dangerous (VIDEO)

Interviews from Nuclear Hotseat hosted by Libbe HaLevy, Jan 13, 2016 (emphasis added):

Kevin Kamps,  Beyond Nuclear’s nuclear waste watchdog (8:30 in): “Another important thing that is very significant is that the radon is continually resupplied… Radon is going to be constantly generated by the uranium contained in the methane… So really you’ve got a chronic constant supply of hazardous radon gas coming out of this breach in California.”

Cindy Folkers, Beyond Nuclear‘s expert on ionizing radiation (16:00 in): “I’m absolutely astounded that they are not measuring for radon that I know of… I can’t believe that they’re not measuring for radon… [Radon] also decays to a number of what are called radon progeny which includes a number of short-lived radioactive substances, some of which are lead and polonium. Both of those can be very biologically damaging… There is question as to the kind of doses that they would be getting of radon, but it still is really very much a worry… I feel like — doing the research that I’ve done — that we are not getting the full story of what’s happening there.”

Richard Mathews, candidate for California State Senate who studied physics & astronomy at CALTECH (32:00 in): “People are really concerned about this, people are seriously getting sick… Thousands of people are getting sick from this — and it really is a major, major disaster… Methane floats away and spreads around the whole world… All the contaminants that are in with the methane are heavier than the air and that includes… benzene and toluene, hydrogen sulfide — all of those are heavier than air — they tend to stay close to the ground and move downhill. This is happening in the hills above the San Fernando Valley [home to nearly 2 million people] and so the poisons are all moving down into the San Fernando Valley and spreading through the entire San Fernando Valley… As the radon and other substances flow around, they are accumulating. They are not easily blown out of the valley, and we are getting higher and higher levels… The lead is going to be around for decades… The initial lead that you get is radioactive. This will be a continuing problem… It could spread through the entire San Fernando Valley… The damage that the radon does stays in your body… and shows up as cancer a decade after, maybe even 80 years later. So we really need to follow through.”

Terry Lodge, attorney (50:00 in): “You have a massive release, probably, of radon going on — and there may actually also be radium particulate… I’d be taking very rapid steps [if I lived in the area], I’d be running like hell. And the reason is, I suspect that there’s little by way of emergency anticipation — what could possibly go wrong? We have this vast underground storage facility… There are not radiation monitors… the problem is sort of the Three Mile Island problem… the radiation emission went way off the meter… there were no redundant rings, there was no monitoring certain distances outside the plant boundary. You don’t even have that at Porter [Ranch]… They don’t know how much radon is being dispersed… [Radon] can be concentrated by rainfall, concentrated by humidity, and inversions… There needs to be some type of soil sampling… air, and all that… So the problem is that radon is around in the Porter Ranch situation — nobody’s prepared for it. They’re not talking about it now — this may months into the crisis.”

Pelicans are favorites for many people ...but, they are being destroyed by the City central bankers own operate the military industrial bio-war nuclear weather war cartels.

Nuclear industry is a crime against pelicans

Encourage the City london central bankers operating the military industrial bio-war nuclear weather war industry ... to eat plutonium for their genocide of the animal kingdom

Pelicans squid, oyster, sardine, mackerel, sea lions, whales, mammals, birds, fish – sick or missing

03:23 AM Jun 17, 2014 8287 Southern. California: - Haven’t seen a squid, usually 10,000 lbs/day ... crashes at oyster hatcheries ... sardines, mackerel missing in areas ... pelican sites deserted ... sick sea lions ... ultra-rare whales appear after decades ... mammals, birds, fish odd places

Baby pelicans – Zero born

07:59 PM Jun 2, 2014 8262 Drastic plunge in baby California pelicans ... from 1,000s to 10 or less ... zero born in study areas

Baby pelicans — 20 newborns – 10,000 expected

05:00 AM May 28, 2014 8253 Only 1% of usual number of baby California pelicans; failure to breed; Only 20 newborns in area where 10,000 expected — Expert: ‘Flabbergasted’ by what’s happening in Malibu, “...never seen anything like this” (AUDIO)

Fish, pelicans, sea lions, dolphins, whales, birds

09:34 AM May 1, 2014 8207 SF Chronicle: Unbelievable hordes of fish near California coast; birds, sea lions, dolphins, whales, pelicans

Pelicans starve in Pacific Northwest since 2011 – kill baby birds for food

04:02 PM Dec 22, 2013 6841 Experts: Really an off year ... Pelicans starving in Pacific Northwest since 2011, killing baby birds for food ... Breeding success really poor since 2011 ... Sardine crash persists in Pacific since decline in 2011

02:04 PM Mar 27, 2013 5667 Wildlife vs nuclear plants: Flies short transformer ... Pelican starts emergency generator... Snake causes fire ... Bird shuts down reactor

08:48 AM Dec 1, 2012 4879 Tests indicate Minnesota pelicans exposed to contamination in Gulf ... Concern for what it could do to population ... dispersant chemicals in 1/3 of birds. 

Jul 12, 2012 | Study: Significant decrease in Fukushima birds and butterflies as radiation levels increase – NYT here

All Fukushima Fir trees mutated – insect legs missing or crooked

Dec 23, 2015 | Major Japan Newspaper: Mutations in nearly every fir tree by Fukushima — Insects with missing legs or crooked — Abnormalities also found in monkeys, fish and frogs   here

Nuclear apologists

Aug 14, 2015 | Animals shrunk after Fukushima crisis began — Japan Scientists: We conclude small size caused by environmental stress imposed by unusual event here

Mutations increase in Fukushima plants & animals

Jul 22, 2015 | Japan Reporter: Mutations increasing in Fukushima — TV: “Strange things happening to the plants and animals” — Gov’t News Agency: “Long list of mutated life forms reported” (VIDEO) here

Birds blind, unable to fly

May 15, 2015 | Former Japan TV News Anchor: Mutations have begun in Fukushima; Birds blind, unable to fly — Magazine: “Birds in tailspin 4 years after Fukushima… the proverbial canary in a coalmine” — Professor: Birds with mutations popping up all over in contaminated areas (VIDEO) here

Apr 17, 2015 | CBS: Worst may not be over from Fukushima — “Effects of radiation have become much more severe” — “Enormous decline” seen in animal species — “Striking drop-off… really dramatic impacts” due to nuclear disaster (VIDEO) here

Mutant flowers – gigantic leaves, seeds very big

Oct 29, 2014 | Gundersen: Mutations in plants being reported after chronic Fukushima exposure — Professor: Mutant flowers found in Fukushima — Biologist: “Gigantic leaves, seeds very big” after nuclear disaster (VIDEO) here

Jun 25, 2014 | Emergency research underway in Japan after birds found with perplexing deformities — “Something unusual occurring inside their bodies” — Never reported in 500,000 exams done before 3/11 — Now observed at every site across country, some over 1,000 km from Fukushima (PHOTO – below)  here

May 15, 2014 | New study reveals deaths and mutations ”increased sharply’ from exposure to Fukushima contamination, “especially at low doses” — ‘Small’ levels of cesium may be ‘significantly toxic’ — Smithsonian: “In other words, things don’t look good for the animals living around Fukushima”  here

Apr 14, 2014 | Fairewinds Video, (here): ‘Anomalies’ in plants and animals documented by Fukushima residents, some severely deformed — Scientists: Genetic mutations observed in Fukushima include trees with peculiar distortions, insect abnormalities, tumors in birds, more (PHOTO - below) here

(l) Fairewinds Energy Education, Apr. 10, 2014 — Chiho Kaneko, member of the Board of Directors of Fairewinds originally from Iwate, Japan (at 11:15 in): It’s not just people who are sicker. I met a home gardener who lives in Kawamata, Fukushima, 30-miles from Fukushima Daiichi. She grows luffas, whose fruit is often dried to make bath sponges. Last year, with some trepidation, she used the seeds saved from the year before. She found flower buds directly growing out of the fruit. Some of her pole beans were abnormally gigantic. Near Fukushima city, another person saw a frog so severely deformed that, at first, it was difficult to tell that it was a frog, save for its hopping. These are true events described by people I met who took notes and photographs of these environmental anomalies. (r) Mutated daisies.

Fairewinds: "The Fukushima Daiichi disaster opened the door to see how this is not merely a Japanese crisis. It is a crisis that transcends geography and time. We traced the roots of this crisis back 60-years to the fishing boat Daigo Fukuryumaru, or #5 Lucky Dragon, and American efforts to force nuclear power upon the Japanese people."

Mar 16, 2014 | NY Times: Gov’t scientist not allowed to publish findings that Fukushima cesium-137 levels could be 10,000 times higher than after Chernobyl in Pacific surface waters — Japan researchers pressured to downplay disaster’s impact — Professors obstructed when data might cause public concern here

Apr 02, 2013 | UPI: ‘Shellfish gone near damaged nuke plant’ — Researcher: Likely extinct because of Fukushima nuclear crisis  here

Mar 27, 2013 | Japan Newspaper: Sea creature disappears around Fukushima plant here

Feb 27, 2013 | Japan Scientists: Truly unusual deformities in Fukushima — Forests may be evolving into different ecosystems — “There’s been a sudden, large change”  here

Feb 17, 2013 | Magazine: Some plants glowing after Chernobyl – researchers find countless examples of monstrous mutations — Claims wildlife now considered healthy here

Jan 02, 2013 | BBC in Fukushima: “This place is really strange, on the surface it looks pretty normal, but then listen – nothing” (AUDIO)  here

Dec 09, 2012 | Japan Times column on nuclear mutations: Professor seeing ‘increase in negative effects’ from Fukushima since last year — Report of insect with leg growing from head (PHOTO – below) here

“In 300km area from Fukushima plant, a variety of mutated cicadas were observed.” Fukushima Diary.  

An online comment to this Enenews item (from 'Mack): Dec 9, 2012 –  As a comparison, after the Three Mile Island nuclear accident, residents living around there found:

Mutated flower; two-headed calf; deformed stillborn calf

Mutated plants @ :53

Two-headed still-born calf @1:40

600% increase in cancer @6:25

Out of 500 homes sampled, they found 45 living cancers, 23 cancer deaths, 53 benign tumors, 39 thyroid problems and 209 with respiratory problems @6:30

Leukemias and cancer deaths @7:28

Down syndrome @7:58

Cash settlements paid out by TMI owners for deaths and birth defects @7:45

Photos of Mutated plants, still born animal @10:22

Photos from Chernobyl, 8-legged colt, children's hair loss @10:35

Infant death rate soared 3 months after TMI @11:27

This powerful documentary challenges the claims of the nuclear industry and government that no one died as a result of the core meltdown at the Three Mile Island nuclear facility in Pennsylvania. It utilizes the testimony of area residents and scientific findings to reveal that deaths, especially from cancer and birth defects in children, have been widespread since the 1979 accident. Indeed, it notes that Three Mile Island's owner has been quietly settling numerous damage cases brought by persons seriously impacted by the accident. Winner of the Worldfest Silver Award, Houston International Film Festival. Winner of the Director's Citation, Black Maria Video & Film Festival. Chosen for screening at the 1993 Earth Peace International Film Festival.

Aug 22, 2012 | Fukushima ‘Superhero’ tells kids the arch-enemy is bad reputation from nuclear crisis — Fights against ‘fools’ & ‘sloppy people’ (PHOTO – below)   here

Aug 22, 2012 | Radiation Expert: “Alarming” number of children with cysts or lumps on thyroid after Fukushima — Access to Japan’s birth statistics requested, not granted here

Aug 20, 2012 | Gundersen: Rapid insect mutations seen after Fukushima are frightening (VIDEO) here

Aug 14, 2012 | NBC: “It’s pretty clear something has gone wrong with the ecosystem” – Japan Researcher here

Aug 14, 2012 | Professor who met with Fukushima physicians: Thyroid diseases already apparent — Diseased newborns and Down’s syndrome still kept secret here

Nuclear industry is a crime against eagles

City's genocide of the animal kingdom can not be forgiven ... scumbag dynastic central bankers should clean up nuclear catastrophes by eating plutonium

EagleBald Eagle in Flight With a Mountainous Background Bald Eagle

Nuclear industry murders eagles

Nuclear industry gives Eagles seizures & excruciating death

60 Bald eagles die-off

08:21 PM Feb 18, 2014 8008 Utah: 60 Bald eagles die-off ... not from West Nile virus as claimed (VIDEO)

Brains hemorrhaging

01:56 PM Jan 1, 2014 6874 Officials: Unprecedented disease outbreak to blame for dozens of bald eagles deaths ... A major development ... undocumented ... virus may have mutated ... Brains hemorrhaging, immune systems not fighting it off, why are they now more susceptible? (VIDEO)

Wings paralyzed & seizures

09:3A5 AM Dec 29, 2013 6861 ‘High Alert’: Mystery illness kills bald eagles in Western U.S. ... Wings paralyzed, seizures ... Experts: Very big concern … Never seen anything like this … We just don’t know what’s going on (VIDEOS)

Utah – Idaho: 20-30 Bald Eagles suffer seizures, head tremors & paralysis

03:24 PM Dec 30, 2013 6866 LA Times: Experts suggest bald eagle deaths are related to Fukushima radiation ... Idaho officials reporting similar sickness ... hard to have national bird in your arms, going through seizures (AUDIO) 

Nuclear industry is a crime against owls

Owls emaciated ...acute hemorrhaging – mortality event follows Fukushima

11:44 PM May 3, 2014 8212 Acute hemorrhaging found in dead owls along west coast ... mortality event began 8 months after Fukushima [nuclear reactor] explosions [and meltdowns, continuing practically, forever] ... emaciated when arriving in Pacific Northwest from Arctic.

Nuclear industry is a crime against seabirds

May 31, 2017 Alarming mass die-off on California beaches — “Extremely high” number of sick and dead animals — Seabirds, sea lions, dolphins affected — Experts: Never seen this many sick birds — “How many have to die before somebody cares?” (VIDEOS)

Feb 4, 2016 Scientists: West Coast bird die-off “is biggest ever recorded” — Stomachs completely empty — “Staggering… Alarming… Unheard of… Never seen anything like it” — “Unprecedented in size, scope, duration” — “Deaths could reach many hundreds of thousands” — “A host of other freakish phenomena” (VIDEO)

Oct 15, 2015 “Mind-blowing” die-off of seabirds underway from California to Alaska — Experts: “This is unprecedented… Worst I’ve ever seen… Why they’re dying, I’m still baffled” — “ Every bird we’re seeing is starving to death… Basically withering away” — “Catastrophic molting” due to unknown cause (VIDEO)

Nuclear industry destroys birds

Nuclear industry blinds birds – unable to fly

Birds blind – unable to fly

Aug 08, 2015 Die-off of birds all over Alaska beaches, floating in Pacific — “They seem to be starving” — Record-breaking spike in rescues, “such a dramatic increase” — Deformed and abnormal animals reported (PHOTOS & AUDIO)

Jun 11, 2015 Senior Scientist: “Birds in bad condition” off West Coast — Zero babies survive on islands, usually over 15,000 — “Extremely poor” breeding success… they didn’t even try — Before and after photos show beaches deserted (VIDEO)

May 12, 2015 Former Japan TV News Anchor: The mutations have begun in Fukushima; Birds found blind, unable to fly — Magazine: “Birds in tailspin 4 years after Fukushima… the proverbial canary in a coalmine” — Professor: Birds with mutations popping up all over in contaminated areas (VIDEO)

Apr 10, 2015 Officials: “Such a bizarre thing” off California coast — “We’re seeing multiple aborted fetuses every day” — 100,000s of seabirds that nest in area now missing… “Huge, unprecedented die-off like we’ve never seen” — Many baby seals dying after mothers led them to a cliff edge… “Brutal to watch” (AUDIO)

Jan 25, 2015 “One of largest mass die-offs of seabirds ever recorded” now underway on West Coast — Gov’t: “I’ve never seen anything like this, ever” — Experts: “Just massive, massive, unprecedented” … “Strong possibility of it escalating to affect other species” — “Significant uptick in mass-mortality events in marine world”

Jan 20, 2015 TV: “It’s like a scene from a horror movie” along West Coast — “We’re seeing all sorts of mysterious goings-on” — “There is no food out there” — Scientists can’t figure out why there’s mass starvation of seabirds — “This is a really serious thing” — “A species die-off is always unsettling” (VIDEO)

Jul 28, 2014 AP: Marine birds disappearing in Pacific Northwest — Significant ecological shift, crashes in many species — “Something’s happening on a big level, but what is it” — Herring problem may be far worse than revealed… result of contamination? Mexico suddenly bans bluefin tuna fishing, U.S. may be next

Jun 25, 2014 Emergency research underway in Japan after birds found with perplexing deformities — “Something unusual occurring inside their bodies” — Never reported in 500,000 exams done before 3/11 — Now observed at every site across country, some over 1,000 km from Fukushima (PHOTO)

Jun 25, 2014 Emergency research underway in Japan after birds found with perplexing deformities — “Something unusual occurring inside their bodies” — Never reported in 500,000 exams done before 3/11 — Now observed at every site across country, some over 1,000 km from Fukushima (PHOTO – below)

May 3, 2014 ‘Marine Mystery’ in California: “Toxic outbreak threatening marine life” — Birds falling from sky, sea lions convulsing — “Worst they’ve ever seen” — Toxin hits record level, almost 1,000% above gov’t limit — Heart lesions, severe shrinking in part of brain, nervous system failure (VIDEO)

Dec 12, 2013 Large die-off of Alaska seabirds from disease never found before in state history — Official: It’s super, super common… except it’s first time — Hundreds dead per km²; Continued to wash ashore — ‘Relatively’ natural; Witness: Head flopped backward, appeared to have seizure, then dropped dead (AUDIO)

Nov 27, 2013 Expansive ‘death zone’ of birds on Alaska island, thousands wash ashore — Resident: Radiation’s always on the backs of our minds — Samples sent to lab for testing — Reporter: ‘Facebook alarmists’ fear Fukushima to blame

Look What Nuclear Industry is Doing to our Flowers here


Radiation Biologist: Tree leaves were gigantic after Chernobyl — “Witch’s Broom” effect  

Is destruction of all Life on Earth – not a criminal issue? ... march them to the gallows

CHERNOBYL to FUKUSHIMA – Part 3-of-4: A Radiation Biologist’s Story
Date: Jun 30, 2011 – In the third of five parts of a seminar held at San Francisco State University – April 8, 2011, radiation biologist Natalia Manzurova tells of her experience as a Chernobyl ‘clean up liquidator’ – translated by psychologist Tatiana Mukhamedyarova.

A Chernobyl Radiation Biologist’s Testimony

What happened to the plants?

The pine trees, evergreen trees… the fact of witch’s broom, from one bud you can see a lot of shooting like a broom. The leaves were gigantic. The seeds and the leaves were very big.

See also:

IAEA: “An increased mutation level was apparent in 1987 – abnormalities include unusual branching of stems – abnormal colour and size of leaves and flowers, and development of ‘witches’ brooms’ in pine trees.”

U.S. EPA : Chernobyl Environmental Impact – “Radiation stress has caused changes in tree growth patterns, such as this formation of “witch’s broom,” a condition in which too many shoots form on a bough.”

Chernobyl biologist: “All the trees are clearly mutated.” They’ve lost the internal signals that make a Christmas tree taper toward the top. Instead, he says, “they don’t seem to know which way is up.”

Man makes monster-sized discovery of potatoes like giant hands – Mainichi, Jan. 1, 2012

Mutated vegetables – Fukushima Diary, Dec. 19, 2011 

After the atomic bomb of Nagasaki and Hiroshima vegetables grew huge or became mutated – Fukushima Diary, Dec. 27, 2011

Vegetables have gone gigantic – Fukushima Diary, Dec. 1, 2011

All five parts, below

(1-of-5) | (2-of-5) | (3-of-5) | (4-of-5) | (5-of-5)

All five parts, (below)

Impact of Nuclear on Indian Country — the Socialism of Nuclear Industry - not insured by private enterprise, only by Gov't ...public pays the price for nuclear industry feeding at the public trough & catastrophic & cataclysmic nuclear events, not the owners of nuclear 

by Philip Klasky, Lecturer in American Indian Studies & Dr. Carlos Davidson, Dir,. SFSU Environmental Studies

(1-of-5) – In the first of five parts of a seminar held at San Francisco State University, April 8, 2011, Philip Klasky, Lecturer in American Indian Studies and Dr. Carlos Davidson, Director of the SFSU Environmental Studies Program, lay out the cultural, environmental and historical context of nuclear technology.

(2-of-5) – In the second of five parts of a seminar held at San Francisco State University on April 8, 2011, world renowned sociologist and anti-nuclear organizer Dr. Natalia Miranova presents the scientific, ecological and social implications of the Chernobyl and Fukushimsa disasters.

(3-of-5) – In the third of five parts of a seminar held at San Francisco State University on April 8, 2011, radiation biologist Natalia Manzurova tells of her experience as a Chernobyl 'clean up liquidator' - translated by psychologist Tatiana Mukhamedyarova.

(4-of-5) – In the fourth of five parts of a seminar held at San Francisco State University on April 8, 2011, attorney Andrew Lichterman of the Western States Legal Foundation discusses the difficulties of obtaining accurate information about the emerging impacts of Fukushima and the role of social movements in combating the madness of nuclear power and weapons proliferation.

(5-of-5) – In the conclusion of a five-part seminar held at San Francisco State University on April 8, 2011, panelists, including world renowned sociologist and anti-nuclear organizer Dr. Natalia Miranova; radiation biologist Natalia Manzurova; attorney Andrew Lichterman and nuclear engineer Ernest Goitein respond to comments and questions from the audience.

Related Posts

Gundersen: Mutations in plants being reported after chronic Fukushima exposure — Professor: Mutant flowers found in Fukushima — Biologist: “Gigantic leaves, seeds very big” after nuclear disaster (VIDEO) October 29, 2014

Report: Vegetable mutation harvested north of Tokyo in June January 5, 2012

Nuclear Expert: We’ve detected a lot of cases “gargantuanism” in Fukushima — Reporter: “Gigantic beet… it’s almost as big as the upper part of man trying to hold it” — “They’re seeing more and more of this… people are reporting more and more of these abnormalities” (PHOTOS & VIDEuch higher than expected” says biologist — Negative effects to haan attacking humans after exposure to high radiation levels, sa







species loss — from globalist gov't (military) electromagnetic weather war & City of London Corporation pollution — and — United States Corporation pollution

below, the genius of jim lee   — websites: www.climateviewer.comwww.weathermodificationhistory.comhttps://www.patreon.com/climateviewer

Jim Lee: CBD - Chemtrail secret for weather warfare, geoengineering & ozone destruction

(click pic) Ten ways to own the weather, by Jim Lee

array of weather warfare technology

...(see www.climateviewer.org & video, below)

Climate viewer dot org Climate viewer dot org Climate viewer dot org
Climate viewer dot org Climate viewer dot org Climate viewer dot org
Climate viewer dot org Climate viewer dot org Climate viewer dot org
Climate viewer dot org Climate viewer dot org Climate viewer dot com
Climate viewer dot org Climate viewer dot org Climate viewer dot org

. '
HAARP HAARP Ionospheric Alfven Resonator
Ionospheric Alfven Resonator Ionospheric Alfven Resonator Ionospheric Alfven Resonator
Ionospheric Alfven Resonator Ionospheric Alfven Resonator Ionospheric Alfven Resonator

Ionospheric Alfven Resonator

Ionospheric Alfven Resonator Ionospheric Alfven Resonator
Ionospheric Alfven Resonator Ionospheric Alfven Resonator

 6-foot tsunami hit near New Jersey nuclear plant – may be first of its kind in U.S. – People swept out to sea

10:43 PM Dec 23, 2013 6846.1 6-foot tsunami that hit near New Jersey nuclear plant may be first of its kind in U.S. People injured, swept out to sea by wave detected as far as Puerto Rico ... NOAA said continental shelf may have slumped, now suspects ‘atmospheric event’ (VIDEO)


nuclear weather war

wave lengths & microscopic nano-weapons for biological, radionic-, radiation- & nuclear racism & genocide

alphen wave radio transmissions (cause earthquakes, erupting volcanos, bursting ear drums & organs of sea mammals, make humans hostile)

depleted uranium munitions mutating future generations

weather warfare radio frequency transmissions

microscopic nano-weapons in use for genocide

gain-of-function biolological warfare weapons

should city federal reserve directors who profit from war & genocide be tried, found guilty, sentenced & hanged?

geo-engineering | chem-trails | haarp |cern | emp

Council on Foreign Relations has posted the following documents on geoengineering

— geoengineering option (here)

— unilateral geoengineering (here)

— geoengineering – last resort against global warming? (here)

— geoengineering workshop on unilateral planetary scale (here) & (here)(here

Dane's definition of terms, as follows, (here): 

Chemtrailing is a slang term for the classified and ongoing artificial modification of Earth's climate systems using reflective nano-materials (aerosols) to reflect sunlight. The aerosols are dispersed from jet aircraft, appearing as trails expanding into reflective artificial clouds

Geoengineering is the artificial modification of Earth's climate systems through two primary ideologies, Solar Radiation Management (SRM) and Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR)

Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) and sequestration ... this is artificial trees, ocean fertilization etc. These projects are declassified for the most part. (This method of geoengineering is not the focus of Dane's website)

Solar Radiation Management (SRM), controlling sunlight before it reaches the planet

Stratospheric Sulfate Aeosols Geo-engineering (SAF-SRM) – The ability of stratospheric sulfate aerosols to create a global dimming effect has made them a possible candidate for use in geoengineering projects; (1) to limit the effect and impact of climate change due to rising levels of greenhouse gases; (2) Delivery of precursor sulfide gases such as hydrogen sulfide (H2S) or sulfur dioxide (SO2) by artillery, aircraft; and (3) balloons ... has been proposed. — Tom Wigley calculated the impact of injecting sulfate particles, or aerosols, every one to four years into the stratosphere in amounts equal to those lofted by the volcanic eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991, but did not address the many technical and political challenges involved in potential geoengineering efforts. If found to be economically, environmentally and technologically viable, such injections could provide a “grace period” of up to 20 years before major cutbacks in greenhouse gas emissions would be required, he concludes. — Direct delivery of precursors is proposed by Paul Crutzen; This would typically be achieved using sulfide gases such as dimethyl sulfide, sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbonyl sulfide, or hydrogen sulfide (H2S). These compounds would be delivered using artillery, aircraft (such as the high-flying F15C) or balloons, and result in the formation of compounds with the sulfate anion SO42. — According to estimates by Council on Foreign Relations, “one kilogram of well-placed sulfur in the stratosphere would roughly offset the warming effect of several hundred thousand kilograms of carbon dioxide.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6YaIg4WA4WE&t=1s Research programme will send aerosol injections into the earth’s upper atmosphere to study the risks and benefits of a future solar tech-fix for climate change, (here); Spraying Event Announced, (here)

Chemtrails are for changing the atmosphere into a PLASMA

...chemtrails are for changing the atmosphere into a PLASMA for Directed Energy Weapons of Mass Destruction (DEW), using weaponized weather, directed energy weapons, the weaponized power grid, and weaponized telecommunications grid, (here) & (here).

Our military has been high-jacked

Our military has been high-jacked by a corporate (fascist) structure that does not acknowledge our right-to-life, (here).

Our publicly-owned central bank was high-jacked in a financial coup in 1913 ...& replaced with a privately-owned central bank that charges interest to strangle us and make us financial slaves of bankers) that imposed the IRS to tax us to death

And, our children are sacrificed in wars that DO NOT promote democracy or justice but are fought to increase corporate profits for those companies owned by the families that own the Fed. You know this, already. It's time to eliminate the Fed, by trying the families that own the Fed for treason (since they finance both sides of every war we fight and profit from the blood of our children). What do you think about saving yourself, friends and family?

Popular Science: e. coli & streptococcus bacteria at 33,000 feet

Dane Wigington, GeoengineeringWatch.org – A report from Popular Science magazine confirmed E. coli and Streptococcus bacteria at 33,000 feet, is there a connection to climate engineering operations? What effects do atmospheric biological elements have on population? 

geo-engineering | chem-trails | haarp | cern | emp 

1966 – A Recommended National Program in Weather Modification (here)

Submitted by NASA to U.S. Gov. 

(Dane's intro & summary, here)

1996 – Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025 (here)

U.S. Air Force Document

 2008 – Earthquake Weaponry  (here)

all documents, (here)


If you bounce the known earthquake signature signal (2.5 Hz) for a sustained period of time an earthquake can be triggered many kilometers inside Earth’s crust

Congress was informed by people in the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program that the bounced signals would be used to look inside the planet to a depth of many kilometers in order to locate underground munitions, minerals and tunnels. If you bounce the known earthquake signature signal (2.5 Hz) for a sustained period of time an earthquake can be triggered many kilometers inside Earth’s crust.  The U.S. Senate actually set aside $15 million dollars in 1996 (Clinton and Gore Administration) to develop this ability alone — earth-penetrating-tomography.

Update April 21, 2011 — Under pressure from the International community the HAARP website is up again.  No data is available from April 7 to April 12, 2011.  Data before and after shows the signature frequency of an earthquake (2.5Hz) being transmitted.  Also shows energy spikes which indicates active weather modification.  Now that the website is up again, you can view data for the Japan earthquake at

From the magnetometer induction data you can see 2.5Hz (earthquake inducing frequency) being broadcast and recorded for several days before the 9.0 magnitude earthquake.  To see what a normal (no HAARP  broadcasting) day looks like view the magnetometer charts for the days of March 15, 16 and 17 – March 16, 2011

No earthquake inducing broadcast was detected from March 15 to March 27, 2011.  On March 28, 2011 a low powered broadcast was detected from approximately 12:00 am to 3:00 am.  Broadcasting resumed on April 2, 2011. 

April 6, 2011 shows you what the magnetometer charts looks like when a solar storm blasts Earth. No data is available from April 7, 2011 to April 13, 2011 – a shutdown.  Starting April 15, 2011 and ending approximately 10:00 a.m. April 16, 2011 ... the earthquake inducing frequency of 2.5Hz was detected as being broadcast.

Animals | Central Banks | Mysterious Diseases


Leuren Moret - "Fukushima HAARP tectonic nuclear attack by CIA, DOE, BP for London banks"

"Behind March 11, 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdowns stand same war crimes racketeering org behind September 11, 2001, Hurricane Katrina (2005), Haiti earthquake (2010) & more HAARP-triggered covert ops to destabilize North America"

In an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview by Alfred Lambremont Webre released May 9, 2011, independent scientist Leuren Moret has stated that the Fukushima HAARP tectonic nuclear attack was done by an international racketeering war crimes network within the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Department of Energy (DOE), and BP (British Petroleum) on behalf of City of London bankers.

Ms. Moret states that the group behind the March 11, 2011 events at the Fukushima nuclear plant is the same war crimes racketeering organization behind the false flag operations of September 11, 2001, Hurricane Katrina (2005), the Haiti earthquake (2010) and other HAARP-triggered false flag operations.

The Fukushima tectonic nuclear attack is an intentional genocidal depopulation of the northern and southern hemispheres, Ms. Moret states. The west coasts of the United States and Canada, Mexico, and Hawaii are being intentionally targeted by dangerous radiation from the March 11, 2011 tectonic warfare earthquake and nuclear meltdown events at Fukushima, Japan.

These areas of the United States and Canada, and Mexico, Ms. Moret indicates, are the major food producing areas for North America. Radiation from the Japan quake/nuclear meltdown events at Fukushima is intentionally being steered into these areas in order to dose the land and the food with radiation.

Danger of radiation in the rain

Ms. Moret warns that the U.S. government is covering up the radiation danger in North America, and stated that individuals should venture out in the rain with their bodies fully covered, including gloves.

During WWII, it was discovered that the most effective method of nuclear warfare was to detonate an atomic bomb in a raincloud, and let the radiation rain down on the target population.

The weather warfare capabilities of HAARP and the GWEN towers systems are being used to create weather patterns (such as tornadoes) and rain that bring radiation as high as in the Fukushima area of Japan on the southeast, midwest, southwest and west coasts of the United States.  

u.s. weather modification & earthquake inducing warfare

High-frequency active auroral research program (haarp) haarp.alaska.edu

The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program was initiated as an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. It was designed and built by BAE Advanced Technologies.  (story, here)

abstract: Updated April 21, 2011 – A magnetometer measures disturbances in the magnetic field in Earth’s upper atmosphere. HAARP was broadcasting a 2.5 Hz frequency (the signature frequency of an earthquake) from just before midnight on March 8, 2011 and continued to broadcast the frequency March 9, 2011 and March 10, 2011. The 2.5 Hz frequency continued to be broadcast and recorded by the magnetometer for another 10 hours the day of the Japan 9.0 magnitude earthquake.

scientists at haarp institute discover  2.5 Hz radio frequency is signature frequency of earthquakes

By beaming the frequency at a specific trajectory HAARP can trigger an earthquake any place on Earth.  A short burst isn’t enough to disturb solid matter (the Earth crust) so they keep beaming the 2.5 Hz earthquake frequency for hours or days – until the desired effect is achieved.

Evidence from HAARP’s own website revealed that the U.S. government was acting in violation of the ENMOD treaty – use of weather modification techniques (HAARP) for the purposes of inducing damage or destruction.  HAARP broadcasting data published on the HAARP website coincided with a number of recent major catastrophes such as the 2010 Haiti earthquake, the 2010 heatwave in Russia, the major floorings in 2010 in China and Pakistan and the major earthquakes in Haiti and Japan ...(under the Obama Administration).

The Japan 9.0 earthquake offered the most damaging evidence of the U.S. government using HAARP to induce major damage and destruction against a foreign state. HAARP’s magnetometer data showed the World that HAARP (jointly managed by the U.S. Air Force and U.S. Navy) began broadcasting the earthquake inducing frequency of 2.5 Hz on March 8, 2011 and continued to broadcast the frequency, March 9, 2011 and March 10, 2011.  HAARP wasn’t turned off until 10 hours after the Japan 9.0 magnitude earthquake triggered on Friday, March 11, 2011 ...at 05:46:23 UTC.

Smaller earthquakes have continued for weeks without being registered on the HAARP magnetometer.  Why?  Because, as stated before a magnetometer measures disturbances in the magnetic field in Earth’s upper atmosphere.  It is not a seismometer which measures motions of the ground.  The magnetometer doesn’t measure seismic activity, it measures and records electromagnetic frequencies in the Earth’s atmosphere.  HAARP’s antenna array beams the 2.5 Hz earthquake inducing radio frequency into the atmosphere where a magnetometer can record and provide concrete evidence of a U.S. weather modification and earthquake triggering attack against foreign states.

HAARP Patents (Assigned to APTI, Inc. Los Angeles, CA, Washington, DC)

— U.S. Patent 4686605: Method And Apparatus For Altering A Region In The Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere, And/Or Magnetosphere Issued: ~ Aug. 11, 1987 Filed: Jan. 10, 1985

— U.S. Patent 5038664: Method For Producing A Shell Of Relativistic Particles At An Altitude Above The Earth’s Surface ~ Issued: Aug. 13, 1991 Filed: Jan. 10, 1985

— U.S. Patent 4712155: Method And Apparatus For Creating An Artificial Electron Cyclotron Heating Region Of Plasma ~ Issued: Dec. 8, 1987 Filed: Jan. 28, 1985

— U.S. Patent 5068669: Power Beaming System ~ Issued: Nov. 26, 1991 Filed: Sep. 1, 1988

— U.S. Patent 5218374: Power Beaming System With Printer Circuit Radiating Elements Having Resonating Cavities ~ Issued: June 8, 1993 Filed: Oct. 10, 1989

— U.S. Patent 5293176: Folded Cross Grid Dipole Antenna Element ~ Issued: Mar. 8, 1994 Filed: Nov. 18, 1991

— U.S. Patent 5202689: Lightweight Focusing Reflector For Space ~ Issued: Apr. 13, 1993 Filed: Aug. 23, 1991

— U.S. Patent 5041834: Artificial Ionospheric Mirror Composed Of A Plasma Layer Which Can Be Tilted ~ Issued: Aug. 20, 1991 Filed: May. 17, 1990

— U.S. Patent 4999637: Creation Of Artificial Ionization Clouds Above The Earth ~Issued: Mar. 12, 1991 Filed: May. 14, 1987

— U.S. Patent 4954709: High Resolution Directional Gamma Ray Detector ~ Issued: Sep. 4, 1990 Filed: Aug. 16, 1989

— U.S. Patent 4817495: Defense System For Discriminating Between Objects In Space ~ Issued: Apr. 4, 1989 Filed: Jul. 7, 1986

— U.S. Patent 4873928: Nuclear-Sized Explosions Without Radiation ~ Issued: Oct. 17, 1989 Filed: June 15, 1987

In order for HAARP to get funding the people who first created HAARP needed funding.  That funding was made possible by the U.S. government.  If you were to look at Congressional records you would find documents that state one of the many official purposes of HAARP ...penetrating the earth with signals bounced off of the ionosphere.

(above) Shoving a storm front away from drought-stricken California which ended up going Southeast & snowing in Texas & Mexico. Nasa images show high-pressure dome created by radiofrequency microwave transmissions coming from facility near Beale Air Force Base pushes away weather front jetstreams, (see story, below)

“It's not Greenhouse Gases — it´s the military!” ~ Rosalie Bertell

“It is not Greenhouse Gases—it´s the military!” Dr. Rosalie Bertell stated emphatically when she was interviewed in 2010 at the thirtieth anniversary of the Right Livelihood Award (an international award that recognizes and honours those offering practical and exemplary answers to the most urgent challenges facing us today), which Dr. Bertell herself received in 1986. After her book about the dangers of exposure to low levels nuclear radiation to our health, No Immediate Danger: Prognosis for a Radioactive Earth, released in 1985, she published Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon of War in 2001, which offers an analysis of post-wwii military technologies in the fields of nuclear and post-nuclear weaponry.

Today we call these technologies “geoengineering.” There is, nevertheless, a lot of confusion about geoengineering that Dr. Bertell tried to clarify until she died in 2012. In 2010, the “Planetary Movement for Mother Earth” was founded in Germany/Austria www.pbme-online.org to carry on Dr. Bertell's vision.

Geo-Engineering | Chem-Trails* | HAARP | CERN | EMP 

Weaponizing Earth Itself

Many claim chemtrails do not exist, many claim they do. That aside, what does exist? ...is geoengineering, solar radiation management, stratospheric sulfate aerosols and microwave installations that can push jetstreams and clouds artificially laden with heavy metals for the purposes of weather control or weather warfare akin to weaponizing the Earth ... using the Earth and its systems as weapons of war ...weather ...water ...drought. It's no coincidence that the extreme use of aluminum in chemtrails coincides with Monsanto developing an aluminum-resistant seed.

Footage & Facts: Contrail Myth


Geo-Engineering | Chem-Trails* | HAARP | CERN | EMP 

GeoEngineering Watch Global Alert News

December 16, 2017, #123

by Dane Wigington, GeoengineeringWatch.org

The battle to control the flow of information is being advanced by an increasingly desperate power structure. Will the population stand silently by? What factors are fueling public complacency and apathy even when facing existential threats? The U.S. continues to topple democracies in other nations, the latest is in Honduras.

A mainstream publication states, “A Geoengineered Future is Downright Scary”. [However, it's been going on for the past 70 years.]

Earth continues spiral in abrupt climate shift; how many trees would we have to plant to make a difference? Is it too late? What excuses do agencies give instead of reporting the true gravity of environmental and climate implosion? 

“It is not Greenhouse Gases—it´s the military!” Dr. Rosalie Bertell stated emphatically when she was interviewed in 2010 at the thirtieth anniversary of the Right Livelihood Award (an international award that recognizes and honours those offering practical and exemplary answers to the most urgent challenges facing us today), which Dr. Bertell herself received in 1986.

After her book about the dangers of exposure to low levels nuclear radiation to our health, No Immediate Danger: Prognosis for a Radioactive Earth, released in 1985, she published Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon of War in 2001, which offers an analysis of post-wwii military technologies in the fields of nuclear and post-nuclear weaponry. Today we call these technologies “geoengineering.” The “Planetary Movement for Mother Earth” in Germany/Austria www.pbme-online.org to carry on Dr. Bertell's vision.

Geo-Engineering | Chem-Trails* | HAARP | CERN | EMP

Climate Engineering 

Mainstream media's total moral depravity, deception & betrayal ensures the population has no idea how close our current reality is to completely & permanently disintegrating

by Dane Wigingtongeoengineeringwatch.org

(Dane's full story, here)

Global Radar Installations include several weather warfare control sites

Climate viewer dot org

Climate viewer dot org Climate viewer dot org Climate viewer dot org Climate viewer dot org Climate viewer dot org

(above) Lethal La Haina Maui Hawaii, NorCal weather & worldwide wildfires, tornados, floods, earthquakes, droughts, volcanic eruptions is militarized weather & planet weaponized from several of these sites ...(here)

the genius  of jim lee   — websites: www.climateviewer.comwww.weathermodificationhistory.com https://www.patreon.com/climateviewer

Soros on out son Alex in Alex & George in the Marin Highlands with the Golden Gate Bridge, behind it San Francisco & below left Alex in a 3-way with Nancy Pelosi and Upchuck Schumer democratic leadership celebrities.

Soros, Soros, & witch PelosiREPUBLIC DESTROYERS: Alex Soros & witch Pelosi: Kingmaker with top Dems & multiple Biden WH visits https://www.foxnews.com/politics/george-soros-son-becomes-kingmaker-with-top-dems-makes-multiple-biden-wh-visits-meets-lawmakers 

Feeding time at the zoo , https://www.foxnews.com/politics/george-soros-son-becomes-kingmaker-with-top-dems-makes-multiple-biden-wh-visits-meets-lawmakers 

How to destroy the Republic with democracy propaganda to benefits billionaires & monarchsREPUBLIC DESTROYERS: Soros crime family ties: NPR, ProPublica, 253 media organizations influence global news  https:// www.foxnews.com/media/george-soros-influence global-media-least-253-organizations-study-finds 

Billionaire scumbags on parade REPUBLIC DESTROYERS: How Davos elite took back control to eliminate sovereign republics to benefit billionaires, monarchs & corps (fascists)   https://unherd.com/2023/01/how-the-davos-elite-took-back-control/ 

a prose poem for alan ginsburg's howl

Welcome to Schroder Bank subsidiary Bechtel's San Francisco-based politicians & their vision of a reset equitable America ...San Francisco city-approved perennial Alphabet soup public event with San Francisco District Attorney Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein approval — to insert Schroder Bank subsidiary Bechtel Fed antics & bedroom politics into national politics & school policy — as the new normal forced on straight kids ...and now, Schroder is thru Bechtel positioning Gavin Newsom to be our next dictator-resident.

Portland Homeboy weather warfare site search yields Doritos, Soros

Hunter Biden will sell the souls of your children to Jeffrey Epstein to pimp in Hell

This is our message to Soros, Pelosi, Schumer and his erectionist DNC and the weather war they all decry does not exist along with the murders they profit from that do exist by the hundreds of thousands and millions of animals perhaps billions they sacrifice to Moloch: San Francisco will crap you out like yesterdays’ Halloween candy.

All of Nancy’s Chinese spy balloons and her Schroder Bank Bechtel subsidiary grooming, all the laser-directed lightning strikes, the thousands of children burnt alive in Lahaina Maui, the children who comprise 50% of the population of Gaza, the innocent Ukrainians excruciated by the United States Corporation and City of London Corporation …we the people see and hear the cries of the millions of animals drowning and burning, the billions dying in the ocean … Jesus will not forgive you. Satan offered Christ the world if Christ woud bow down and worship him …Jesus refused. Schumer accepted.

However, Schroder and the west coast mafia competing to rule the world did accept the Devil’s deal and lot killing your kids the last couple hundred years in their permanent dark halloween costumes.

Saint Peter will drive a wooden stake thru your heart

What a tangled web we weave, when we practice to deceive. If I was Saint Peter at the Pearly Gates, I would send all the liars and devils and attorneys that constitute the DNC straight into the fires and burning cesspools of hell. To hear Nancy and Hillary nonstop rippling evil profits from war and suffering in support of their cock-sucked central bankers, one world government, NWO, walking dead cold warriors is way beyond barfing. You’d have to hang or cruxcify the entire Congress as complicit just to be distracted from the stink.


But that pales to that, what is more sickening, they think we don’t see them. It’s clear that don’t care about us, left or right. To them, we are simply humanity and they project all there sins against themselves and Mother Nature and Divine Order on us and in their self-hatred target us and want to destroy us because they hate themselves. They fear us because we are humanity and they fear us waking up, so they call us woke. They fear for their lives, so they take ours. If you can say one good thing about the evil that has taken over America, you’re a real winner.

Mother Nature, Mother Earth, Divine Order …all of us, are coming for you begging on our knees, on roller skates & surfboards

 The kicker is we don’t have the guts to exterminate the vermin nor drive the wooden stake thru their hearts. So, Mother Nature and Gaia and Divine Order will have to take them out …but that Greatness shoots really wide and will take a lot of us along, perhaps all, on the ride to perdition and sanctuary.


Soros To End 'Most EU Operations' In 'Radical Shift' —  by Tyler Durden 02:25 AM WED, AUG 16 2023  —  George Sorors' Open Society Foundations, now controlled by son Alexander, will cease most operations in European Union. The move, which comes after foundation-funded NGOs ferried migrants to Europe for over a decade (mission accomplished?) ...comes after $25 billion family foundation announces headcount reduction of 40% after Alexander's ascent. Where they settle with their next operations? [Editor's note: They changed their mind a few months later.

Laser-directed lightning weather warfare & climate warfare https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yikrNtGjaGA 

Three Dead After Apparent Lightning Strike Injures 4 near White House! ...Red China retaliates the day after Pelosi goes to Taiwan against China's will?

Lightning strikes a fuel depot in Cuba

Lightning strikes Cuban oil shipping port

Chinese spy weather warfare balloon tracked over secret military nuclear, missile defense & weather warfare sites from Alaska thru South Carolina correlated to thousands of cloud seeding facilities China islocating in Tibet plus building the world's largest ionospheric heater use to set off volcanos, earthquakes, tidal waves & the wild & crazy manmade weather the world is currently being subjected to by a multitude of world powers governed by western central bankers and non-western central bankers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhVTIedALTM 

Chinese spy trial balloon tracks over secret military nuclear-, missile defense- & weather warfare / psychotronic mood altering sites — Alaska thru South Carolina

Fake laser-strike footage reflects DEW truth

Fake laser-strike Tic-Tok reflects truth

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