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 Biological Warfare Causing Extinction

Former Pfizer vice president says 50x more kids will die from Covid vaccine than Covid virus

Proof kids will die from the jab was pre-determined prior to release …alledging Pfizer knew in advance of vax toxic biowar ingredients

Covid Biological Warfare Terrorist

Significance of Peter Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance & the current war of the elites to eliminate rule of law, the middle class & rest of humanity & define parents at school board meetings, as 'domestic terrorists' ...have you been watching your back, lately?


Covert Action Quarterly

Also see, Covert Action Quarterly & history of magazine issues

history, here

An unparalleled resource of U.S. domestic and foreign (intelligence) policy history found nowhere else!

Evidence West Nile Virus & Lyme Disease are man-made diseases

Lab 257: Plum Island U.S. Biological Warfare Lab

Nestled near the Hamptons, the fashionable summer playground of America's rich and famous, and in the shadow of New York City, lies an unimposing 840-acre island unidentified on most maps. On the few on which it can be found, Plum Island is marked red or yellow, and stamped U.S. government — restricted or dangerous animal diseases. Though many people live the good life within a scant mile or two from its shores, few know the name of this pork chop–shaped island. Even fewer can say whether it is inhabited, or why it doesn't exist on the map. That's all about to change.

Lab 257: The Disturbing Story of the Government's Secret Plum Island Germ Laboratory blows the lid off the stunning true nature and checkered history of Plum Island. It shows that the seemingly bucolic island on the edge of the largest population center in the United States is a ticking biological time bomb that none of us can safely ignore.

Based on innumerable declassified government documents, scores of in-depth interviews, and access to Plum Island itself, this is an eye-opening, suspenseful account of a federal government germ laboratory gone terribly wrong. For the first time, Lab 257 takes you deep inside this secret world and presents startling revelations including virus outbreaks, biological meltdowns, infected workers who were denied assistance in diagnosis by Plum Island brass, the periodic flushing of contaminated raw sewage into area waters, and the insidious connections between Plum Island, Lyme disease, and the deadly 1999 West Nile virus outbreak.

An exploration of the complex world of microbiology, viruses, and bacteria, Lab 257 also shows how the U.S. Department of Agriculture, which ran Plum Island for the last half century, is far more than wholesome grade-A eggs and the food pyramid. The book probes what's in store for Plum Island's new owner, the Department of Homeland Security, in this age of bioterrorism. And for those interested in questions of national security and safety, it is a call to action for those concerned with protecting present and future generations from preventable biological catastrophes.

Lab 257 will change forever our current understanding of Plum Island — a place that is, in the words of one insider, "a biological Three Mile Island."

Dave Emory KFMU Broadcast Archives (here)


Highlights of this Discussion (here):

” ...The commander of the Russian Nuclear, Biological and Chemical Protection Forces, claimed there was a ‘scheme of interaction between U.S. government agencies and Ukrainian biological objects’ and pointed to the ‘financing of such activities by structures close to the current U.S. leadership, in particular the investment fund Rosemont Seneca, which is headed by Hunter Biden' ...”

” . . . . Moscow’s claim that Hunter Biden helped finance a U.S. military ‘bioweapons’ research program in Ukraine is at least partially true, according to new emails obtained exclusively by DailyMail.com. . . .”

” . . . . emails from Hunter’s abandoned laptop show he helped secure millions of dollars of funding for Metabiota, a Department of Defense contractor specializing in research on pandemic-causing diseases that could be used as bioweapons. . . .”

” . . . . Metabiota has been an official partner of EcoHealth Alliance since 2014, according to its website. . . .”

” . . . . He also introduced Metabiota to an allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas firm, Burisma, for a ‘science project’ involving high biosecurity level labs in Ukraine . . . .”
” . . . . Emails and defense contract data reviewed by DailyMail.com suggest that Hunter had a prominent role in making sure Metabiota was able to conduct its pathogen research just a few hundred miles from the border with Russia. . . .”
” . . . . Metabiota has worked in Ukraine for Black & Veatch, a US defense contractor with deep ties to military intelligence agencies, which built secure labs in Ukraine that analyzed killer diseases and bioweapons. . . .”
” . . . . Hunter was also particularly involved in Metabiota’s operations in Ukraine. Hunter’s pitches to investors claimed that they not only organized funding for the firm, they also helped it ‘get new customers’ including ‘government agencies in case of Metabiota’. . . .”
” . . . . Former senior CIA officer Sam Faddis, who has reviewed emails on Hunter’s laptop, told DailyMail.com that the offer to help assert Ukraine’s independence was odd for a biotech executive [Metabiota vice-president Mary Guttieri]. ‘It raises the question, what is the real purpose of this venture? It’s very odd,’ he said. . . .”
” . . . . Guttieri had a leading role in Metabiota’s Ukraine operations, meeting with other company executives and US and Ukrainian military officials in October 2016 to discuss ‘cooperation in surveillance and prevention of especially dangerous infectious diseases, including zoonotic diseases in Ukraine and neighboring countries’ according to a 2016 report by the Science and Technology Center in Ukraine. . . .”
” . . . . Four days after Guttieri’s April 2014 email, Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi wrote to Hunter revealing that the then-Vice President’s son had pitched a ‘science project’ involving Burisma and Metabiota in Ukraine. ‘As I understand the Metabiota was a subcontract to principal contactor of the DoD B&V [Black & Veatch]. . . .”
” . . . . Faddis told DailyMail.com that the attempt to get Metabiota to form a partnership with Burisma was a perplexing and worrying revelation. ‘His father was the Vice President of the United States and in charge of relations with Ukraine. So why was Hunter not only on the board of a suspect Ukrainian gas firm, but also hooked them up with a company working on bioweapons research?’ Faddis said. . . .”
” . . . . ‘The DoD position is that  . . . . this is pandemic early warning research. We don’t know for sure that’s all that was going on. . . .”
” . . . . Government spending records show the Department of Defense awarded an $18.4million contract to Metabiota between February 2014 and November 2016, with $307,091 earmarked for ‘Ukraine research projects’. . . .”
” . . . . The US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) also commissioned B&V to build a Biological Safety Level 3 laboratory in Odessa, Ukraine in 2010, which ‘provided enhanced equipment and training to effectively, safely and securely identify especially dangerous pathogens’ according to a company press release. Such labs are used to ‘study infectious agents or toxins that may be transmitted through the air and cause potentially lethal infections,’ the US Department of Health and Human Services says. . . .”
” . . . . In another sign of the deep ties between Metabiota and the Department of Defense, Hunter’s RSTP business partner Rob Walker said he would ‘have a friend reach out to DoD on the down low’, in order to prove the company’s bona fides to top prospective investors Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley in October 2014. . . .”
” . . . . Metabiota also has close ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), suspected to be the source of the COVID-19 outbreak. WIV was a hotspot for controversial ‘gain of function’ research that can create super-strength viruses. Chinese scientists performed gain of function research on coronaviruses at the WIV, working alongside a US-backed organization EcoHealth Alliance that has since drawn intense scrutiny over its coronavirus research since the COVID-19 pandemic. Researchers from the Wuhan institute, Metabiota and EcoHealth Alliance published a study together in 2014 on infectious diseases from bats in China, which notes that tests were performed at the WIV. Shi Zhengli, the WIV Director of the Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases who became dubbed the ‘bat lady’ for her central role in bat coronavirus research at the lab, was a contributor to the paper. . . .”

We note that there are significant connections between the agency overseeing the Ukrainian projects and institutions implicated in the apparent “bio-skullduggery” surrounding the U.S. biological warfare gambit involving what Mr. Emory has termed “The Oswald Institute of Virology.” This is discussed in: FTR#‘s 1157–1159, 1170, 1183 through 1193, and 1215.

The essence of the “Oswald Institute of Virology” gambit concerns the DTRA and Pentagon funding of bat-borne coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, much of it through Peter Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance. Once the research was complete, it resulted in publication which included the genome of the bat viruses being researched. Using technology discussed below, the viruses were then synthesized from scratch and population groups were vectored with the same viral strains being researched by the WIV. 

It turns out that Hunter Biden — a member of the board of directors at Burisma — was instrumental in securing funding for EcoHealth Alliance partner Metabiota, described in a screen shot of an email as being “to the DOA what Palantir is to CIA.”

Both EcoHealth Alliance and Metabiota have been involved with bat-borne coronavirus at the WIV.

Note: ” . . . . ‘His [Hunter Biden’s] father was the Vice President of the United States and in charge of relations with Ukraine.’ . . .”

Previously we have noted then Vice-President Joe Biden’s close relationship with U.S. Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt and Ukrainaian fascist Andriy Parubiy during the Maidan coup, which centered on false-flag sniper killings from buildings controlled by Svoboda (formerly the Svoboda occupied key positions in the provisional post-Maidan Ukrainian government and wields significant influence to this day)



FTR#1215 The Oswald Institute of Virology, Part 13: Douthat Agonistes and the Northwoods Virus

Next, we highlight a heavily “spun” story about the EcoHealth Alliance and its involvement with Pentagon-linked research into bat-borne coronaviruses may well–when freed from the predictably ideologized journalistic shading to which it has been subjected–yield a “smoking genome” with regard to the SARS CoV?2 virus causing the Covid-19 pandemic.

(The Intercept is the spawn of Pierre Omidyar, deeply involved in the ascent of the Nazi OUN/B milieu in Ukraine and that of the Hindutva fascist regime of Narendra Modi in India. He has partnered with U.S. intelligence cutouts such as the National Endowment for Democracy and USAID. Omidyar’s protege Glenn Greenwald is to be viewed with a jaundiced eye as well.)

Key points of information in the article:

  • ” . . . . Last month, a grant application submitted to the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) revealed that an international team of scientists had planned to mix genetic data of similar strains to create a new virus. The grant application was made in 2018 . . . .”
  • ” . . . . The grant application proposal was submitted by British zoologist Peter Daszak on behalf of a group, which included Daszak EcoHealth Alliance, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the University of North Carolina and Duke NUS in Singapore, The Telegraph reported. . . .”
  • ” . . . . ‘We will compile sequence/RNAseq data from a panel of closely related strains and compare full length genomes, scanning for unique SNPs representing sequencing errors. ‘Consensus candidate genomes will be synthesised commercially using established techniques and genome-length RNA and electroporation to recover recombinant viruses,’ the application states. . . .”
  • ” . . . . The WHO expert told The Telegraph that the process detailed in the application would create ‘a new virus sequence, not a 100 per cent match to anything.’ ‘They would then synthesise the viral genome from the computer sequence, thus creating a virus genome that did not exist in nature but looks natural as it is the average of natural viruses. ‘Then they put that RNA in a cell and recover the virus from it. ‘This creates a virus that has never existed in nature, with a new ‘backbone’ that didn’t exist in nature but is very, very similar as it’s the average of natural backbones,’ the expert said. . . .”
  • ” . . . . Experts told the paper that creating an ‘ideal’ average virus could have been part of work to create a vaccine that works across coronaviruses. Last month, it emerged that the US had funded similar research to that outlined in the 2018 grant proposal. . . .”

Key considerations in the context of which this story should be viewed:

  • DARPA has been extensively involved in researching bat-borne coronaviruses in, and around China.
  • Note that the proposal to DARPA involved extensive discussion of the genome of the virus to be synthesized. Utilizing contemporary technology, this would permit the synthesis of the virus without necessarily approving the proposal!
    Note that the latest innovations in biotechnology permit: ” . . . . Advances in the area mean that scientists now have the capability to recreate dangerous viruses from scratch; make harmful bacteria more deadly; and modify common microbes so that they churn out lethal toxins once they enter the body. . . .”
  • Those innovations also permit: ” . . . . In the report, the scientists describe how synthetic biology, which gives researchers precision tools to manipulate living organisms, ‘enhances and expands’ opportunities to create bioweapons. . . .”
    Those innovations also permit: ” . . . . Today, the genetic code of almost any mammalian virus can be found online and synthesized. ‘The technology to do this is available now,’ said [Michael] Imperiale. ‘It requires some expertise, but it’s something that’s relatively easy to do, and that is why it tops the list.’ . . .”
  • The chief funding sources for the EcoHealth Alliance are the Pentagon and USAID, a State Department subsidiary that commonly serves as a cover for CIA. 
  • One of Peter Daszak’s chief advisers is David Franz, the former commanding officer of Fort Detrick.
    In FTR#1191, we noted that producing a vaccine for an existing biological weapon or one under advanced development might well be seen as an “offensive” biological warfare maneuver.
  • This article, like many others, features commentary from Richard Ebright to the effect that the WIV did, in fact, synthesize the virus. Ebright had a long association with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, the former owner of the Hughes Aircraft Company, a firm with profound national security connections. It is more than a little interesting that Ebright, like almost all of the other commenters quoted in the U.S., does not factor in the innovations in biotechnology highlighted above.
  • Of interest, as well, is this passage: ” . . . . Experts told the paper that creating an ‘ideal’ average virus could have been part of work to create a vaccine that works across coronaviruses. Last month, it emerged that the US had funded similar research to that outlined in the 2018 grant proposal. . . .”
  • The Pentagon has, indeed, been working on such a vaccine: ” . . . . The service is closing in on a ‘pan-coronavirus’ vaccine and on synthetic antibodies that could protect a population before spread. . . .”
  • Pompeo State Department officials pursuing the lab-leak hypothesis were told to cover it up lest it shed light on U.S. government funding of research at the “Oswald Institute of Virology!”: ” . . . . In one State Department meeting, officials seeking to demand transparency from the Chinese government say they were explicitly told by colleagues not to explore the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s gain-of-function research, because it would bring unwelcome attention to U.S. government funding of it. . . . In an internal memo obtained by Vanity Fair, Thomas DiNanno, former acting assistant secretary of the State Department’s Bureau of Arms Control, Verification, and Compliance, wrote that. . .  staff from two bureaus . . . ‘warned’ leaders within his bureau ‘not to pursue an investigation into the origin of COVID-19’ because it would ‘open a can of worms’ if it continued.’ . . . . As the group probed the lab-leak scenario, among other possibilities, its members were repeatedly advised not to open a ‘Pandora’s box,’ said four former State Department officials interviewed by Vanity Fair. . . .”

New York Times right-wing columnist Ross Douthat has highlighted the propaganda significance of pinning the “Lab Leak Theory” on China.

In an ironic tragedy worthy of Aeschylus, Douthat has been struggling with Lyme Disease, and has suffered greatly in his attempts to navigate the Lyme Disease treatment labyrinth. We have done many programs on Lyme Disease and its development as a biological warfare weapon.



How globalists convinced billions of people to kill themselves

COVID relief funds distributed to cities & states require full vaccine compliance, (here)

As part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, so-called "Coronavirus State Fiscal Recovery Funds" are distributed to states which then deposit those funds into the bank accounts of counties and cities.

Those counties and cities, in turn, are using the federal money to award contracts to local contractors. Those contractors have employees and can hire subcontractors who have their own employees.

The American Rescue Plan of 2021 is administered by the U.S. Treasury. In its terms and conditions document covering federal grant awards, the US Treasury explicitly states that award recipients (and those who receive those funds as they are distributed) must comply with Joe Biden's executive orders.

Even more alarming is the fact that these federal covid "relief" funds can be used by local cities and counties to replace private sector businesses which are not demanding 100 percent vaccine compliance.

You are essentially watching a communist-style takeover of America's local economies under the cover of COVID "relief" funds.

Genocidal globalists convinced billions of people to kill themselves

It's all now incredibly clear. Everything we've been watching over the last 20 months has been a globalist-led effort to convince billions of people to exterminate themselves without them knowing it.

From the globalist point of view, the real genius in all this is how they've managed to get people to beg for their own vaccine death shots. Never before in human history have the masses been manipulated into lining up and demanding their own deaths.

Now it's confirmed: The goal really is global depopulation, and the effort is being rapidly accelerated to achieve the maximum die-off in 2022.

[Editor's woke note: An equally grotesque repeat of the 1918 Spanish Flu that started at an Army base in Kansas or Kentucky (having nothing to do with Hispanics, at all ...except by being scapegoated by white racist central bankers) ...and today's epidemic is orchestrated by the same systemic white racist dynastic central banking families composing an interlocking international directorate of all the central banks in the west, and around the world (except one) ...for the last several hundred years.]

It's all now incredibly clear. Everything we've been watching over the last 20 months has been a globalist-led effort to convince billions of people to exterminate themselves without them knowing it.

From the globalist point of view, the real genius in all this is how they've managed to get people to beg for their own vaccine death shots. Never before in human history have the masses been manipulated into lining up and demanding their own deaths.

Now it's confirmed: The goal really is global depopulation, and the effort is being rapidly accelerated to achieve the maximum die-off in 2022.

[Editor's woke note: An equally grotesque repeat of the 1918 Spanish Flu that started at an Army base in Kansas or Kentucky (having nothing to do with Hispanics, at all ...except by being scapegoated by white racist central bankers) ...and today's epidemic is orchestrated by the same systemic white racist dynastic central banking families composing an interlocking international directorate of all the central banks in the west, and around the world (except one) ...for the last several hundred years.]


DR. Jane Ruby:  FDA approval of Pfizer 'vaxx' illegal – Stew Peters Show 


(above, 2nd row, middle) The inventor of MRNA vaccines says people should NEVER TAKE THEM. The former CEO of Pfizer says that people should NOT TAKE MRNA vaccines. The current CEO of Pfizer refuses to get vaxxed. You are smarter than them.

Despite becoming popularly known as the Spanish flu, the influenza pandemic likely originated in the United States at a Kansas military base, eventually infecting about one-third of the global population and killing at least 50 million people worldwide, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

CDC announces covid internment camps for every U.S. city, will separate families, (here) —  A plan published by the CDC calls for nationwide covid concentration camps to be operated at the "camp / sector level" which will be populated by individuals designated "high-risk" who are forcibly ripped from their families and homes to be imprisoned by the CDC. —  Among other horrors, this CDC document openly calls for separating couples and families, then admits this action will cause extreme psychological trauma among Americans who are targeted and ripped from their homes to be placed in covid concentration camps. —  Camps are being launched in every U.S. city —will they be used for mass executions of American citizens who refuse to go along with CDC demands. (CDC is a military organization that claims total authority over the United States.)

How Long Do The Vaccinated Have to Live?

By Steven Fishman

I deferred this question to a friend of mine, Dr. Mylo Canderian, Ph.D. [born Milos Iskanderianos, Corfu, Greece, 1938], who developed the patent for Graphene Oxide for use as a Hematological Bioweapon in 2015. In full transparency, Dr. Canderian is what I would call a "Genocidal Globalist," who follows Precept Ten of the Georgia Guidestones, which is very seldom discussed, stating "Be not a Cancer upon the Earth; Leave Room for Nature."

Dr. Canderian is a Medical Contributor to the World Health Organization and is also very supportive of Klaus Schwab and the "Great Reset," ushering in one world digital currency which is a secondary goal of the WHO for 2022. Dr. Canderian is of the opinion that 95% of the world's population are "Useless Eaters" who need to be euthanized as quickly as possible.

"Look at downtown Chicago, Baltimore, or Los Angeles," he has stated, "and you will clearly see why the Useless Eaters must be put down like rabid dogs."

He has expressed his disdain for "Infectious Educators" who promote Critical Race Theory, and is confident that the "vaccine" will put an end to "Human Cancer Upon the Earth."

Dr. Canderian is an ardent supporter of Freemasonry's Duty and Obligation to rid the world of the "Plague of Humanity."

Yet on a personal level, he and I share a passion for the same exotic dish served at L'emince de Veau in Geneva: Cream of Hummingbird Soup followed by Elk Tongue.

We both are fans of Chef Gaston Sere de Rivieres, who is a culinary genius.

So, I asked Mylo, "How can the "vaccinated" know with certainty how long they have to live once they have been jabbed?"

He presented me with the information, called the "End of Cycle Formula." He explained how easy it is to calculate. "The Power of Simplicity," he said. "There is a maximum cycle of ten years from injection to End of Cycle," [or death], he elaborated. "And it is extremely easy to determine."

He said any hematologist can see it within seconds under a microscope, and even more readily under an electron microscope. "The percentage of blood affected [or contaminated] by or with Graphene Oxide is the reciprocity of the End of Cycle calculation," he divulged. In other words, an "inoculatee" ...[as he calls anyone jabbed with the Experimental Use Authorization Eugenics.

Depopulation Lethal Injection Bioweapon] having 20% Graphene Oxide deterioration in their blood will, barring any other input criteria, live for 8 years. [10 years less 20%]. Someone with 70% Graphene Oxide deterioration will not live more than 3 years. [10 years less 70%].

Dr. Jane Ruby recently was interviewed by Stew Peters on his podcast and showed examples of what the deteriorated blood looks like when exposed to Graphene Oxide.

Graphene Oxide, for those who are unaware, is the component of Messenger RNA spike proteins and prions, which is at war with the heart, lungs, brain and blood for oxygen.

Graphene Oxide is an oxygen sponge which deprives the body of necessary oxygen and causes many complications, including but not limited to anaphylactic shock, toxic blood clotting, fatal lung paralysis, mitochondrial cancer, and endothelial cancer."

Dr. Mylo Canderian's viewpoint is much the same as Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and Big Pharma CEO's: LET THEM ALL DIE!
I asked Mylo what the effect of second and third shots and boosters do and how that changes the End of Cycle table.

Mylo replied: "It is all measurable through hematological testing. The more shots and boosters the imbeciles get, the worse their blood will look under a microscope, and the quicker they will turn to fertilizer."

Finally, I asked him how the plot to kill so many billions of people could be kept so secret by such a group of elites. His answer was: "You don't know much about Freemasonry, do you, Steve?" 

And there you have it.

When we use nuclear power, we create something nature tried to destroy to make life possible

Until about two billion years ago, it was impossible to have any life on Earth; that is, there was so much radiation on Earth you couldn’t have any life – fish or anything. Gradually, two billion years ago, the amount of radiation on this planet – and probably in the entire system – reduced and made it possible for some form of life to begin. Now when we go back to using nuclear power, we are creating something which nature tried to destroy to make life possible. Every time you produce radiation, you produce something that has a half-life, in some cases for billions of years. I think the human race may wreck itself; it is important that we get control of this horrible force and eliminate it. Nuclear power is not worth it. – Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, U.S. Navy officer, engineer, & driving force behind naval nuclear power

All of life on Earth is radioactive now, and it only took about 70 years. The more people, plants and animals get, the quicker they sicken. It is just that simple. Bob Nichols

True, the white man brought great change. But the varied fruits of his civilization, though highly colored and inviting, are sickening and deadening. And if it be the part of civilization to maim, rob, and thwart, then what is progress? I am going to venture the man who sat on the ground in his tipi meditating on life and its meaning, accepting the kinship of all creatures, acknowledging unity with the universe of things, was infusing into his being the true essence of civilization. – Chief Standing Bear, The Land of the Spotted Eagle, 1933

For this other death – not by plague, this time, not by poison, not by fire, not by artificially induced cancer, but by the squalid disintegration of the very substance of the species – this gruesome & infinitely unheroic death-in-birth could as well be the product of atomic industry as of atomic war. – Ape and Essence by Aldous Huxley (1949)

You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many. – Corinthians 1:11

But now, if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one". - Luke 22:36

Former Pfizer vice president says 50x more kids will die from Covid vaccine than Covid virus

Fed | City of London | IMF World Bank | BIS | C+NWO (China + New World Order) | ...Their globalist weapons of choice to destroy freedom, choice, democracy, community, Gaia, Nature, life on Earth & Divine Order

Nuclear industry (mutation & cancer) —

Sonar (bursting eardrums & body organs of whales, dolphins, seals, walrus & other sea life) —

Electromagnetic pulse [EMP] (mood control & earthquakes) —

Microwave (+ EMP & DU), (cancer, weather warfare) —

Depleted uranium [DU], (babies of people & animals with extra fingers, toes, hands, arms, legs & heads ... or none at all) —

Chemtrails (Alzheimers, asthma, death of forests) —

Weather modification (hurricane, tornado & tidal waves) —

War & war games —

...All hurt pregnancies of mammals (including human), reptiles, birds, amphibians & insects —

...Nuclear industry mutates the DNA of all living things including plants, trees ...& even viruses & bacteria to form new & mysterious diseases & prevents mammals (including people) from faithfully reproducing after their own kind, attacks Natural- & Divine Order (preventing living things from faithfully reproducing after their own kind) & gives you hundreds of immune deficiency follow-on diseases, cancer & leukemia —

In just 70 years, every living thing on Earth has become contaminated with deadly man-made radiation tht keeps adding up to create birth defects, immune-deficiency diseases leading to cancer and luekemia, breast cancer, thyroid cancer, ovarian cancer, prostate cancer, bone cancer, heart attacks, organ cancers and lung diseases ... & 'they' know it!

GLOBAL WARMING : Fukushima plutonium & nuclear fallout & waste mutates viruses & bacteria to form new & mysterious diseases in the Pacific Ocean & is well on its way some species in the Pacific Ocean, extinct

Rule No. 1

Rainforests are responsible for roughly one-third (28%) of the Earth’s oxygen but most (70%) of the oxygen in the atmosphere is produced by marine plants.

The remaining 2 percent of Earth’s oxygen comes from other sources. The ocean produces oxygen through the plants (phytoplankton, kelp, and algal plankton) that live in it. These plants produce oxygen as a byproduct of photosynthesis, a process which converts carbon dioxide and sunlight into sugars the organism can use for energy.

One type of phytoplankton, Prochlorococcus, releases countless tons of oxygen into the atmosphere. It is so small that millions can fit in a drop of water. Prochlorococcus has achieved fame as perhaps the most abundant photosynthetic organism on the planet. Dr. Sylvia A. Earl estimated Prochlorococcus provides the oxygen for one in every five breaths we take.

The ozone layer, also called the stratosphere, is composed of the ozone gas (90% of the total ozone in the atmosphere). The ozone has three oxygen atoms, and it is the result of the action of Ultra Violet (UV) radiation on oxygen molecules, composed of two oxygen atoms.

Destroying the plankton with nuclear industry, and destroying the stratosphere with electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weather warfare and earthquake warfare is causing global warming

According to the U.S. House of Representatives, the private bankers who own the Fed own most all of the successful businesses in the United States, including nuclear, military-industrial, automotive, pharmaceutical, petrochemical, agribusiness. These are the multi-national corporations creating pollution & global warming destroying Gaia (the entire interworking system of planetary life systems, ecosystems, & interactions).

According to SEC filings, these same central bankers & the banks they own, also own 20% of every company in the Fortune 500 ...(and why shouldn't they, these are the bankers that created Walls Street and London Stock Exchange & funded these companies with capital & venture capital) ...duh, (here)

Therefore, the families to hold responsible for killing the Pacific Ocean and for global warming are the banking families that own the Fed and that own the companies that are polluting the Earth and the stratosphere, destroying the Pacific Ocean and consequently giving us immune deficiency diseases and cancer and mutating or stillborning our pregnancies.

Who, what, when, where, how & why the jab is domestic terrorism FBI plans & staffs kidnap plot of Michigan governor & White House riots?
Dr Judy Mikovits: 'Vaccines' bioweapons, 5G, Graphene, military, blacks Underground, extinction, Inbrain graphene-based neuroelectronics human->humanoids Phyzer CEO won't get vaccinated ...will not cut the human DNA line to be humanoid?

A, B, C's of bye-bye ...introducing end-times vaccine replacement of humans with humanoids (see 'c' rider, below)


(below-l) "Phizer vaccine is 99% GRAPHENE OXIDE with a lipid nanoparticle that pushes the graphene oxide into your cells that explodes your mitochondria (oxygen & energy processors). It destroys everything inside your cells. It creates an incredibly inflammatory storm inside you. It has affinity to create acute inflamation of the lungs, an inflamatory storm in cardiac patients, and in brain tissue. This ties to strokes, heart attacks ...&, it's being given to pregnant mothers & babies ... to fulfill the central bankers' great reset Fed / City of London UN Agenda 21/30 to depopulate Earth 90% by 2030. THERE'S NO REASON FOR GRAPHENE OXIDE TO BE IN THE PHIZER VACCINE EXCEPT TO MURDER PEOPLE." -- quote from videos (below-l).

Time Will Tell


Planned takedown of America, ending in martial law & genocide.  A nefarious plan is under way to place America under a military dictatorship, halt the mid-term elections & unleash armed soldiers to go door-to-door, confiscating guns & forcing vaccines on the American people to achieve Holocaust-level mass extermination.  That plan follows a specific series  of events that all orbit around the concept of "planned chaos" ...all this within the next 18 months.


Graphene-based AI-powered neuromodulation technology to read & control brain behavior used in vaccines?

There's graphene in vaccines; INBRAIN Neuroelectronics demonstrates graphene-based neuromodulation technology using AI-powered neuroelectronics is real. INBRAIN, funded to build AI-powered graphene biocircuits to read & control brain behavior, is not involved in vaccines, but their technology proves graphene-based brain control is a real.

for continuted coverage, go to Domestic Terrorism, submenu CoVid Intro, (here)

Why Fauci guarantees biological warfare: funds domestic & globalist creation of biowar weapons ...owns stock in Moderna Rand Paul & Fauci face off
(Above) 60,000 Innocents dying from the experimental jabs, so far 73 Patents on the Virus; intentional bio-weapon release to erase constitution rights as per the not so 'Great Genocidal Reset'.  July 16, 2021 - Planned takedown of America, w/military martial law to keep fascist dictators in CA OR, WA & U.S.

Sequencing of spike protein vaccine started one month before outbreak occured

McEnany: ‘My mouth dropped open’ when Psaki said this' (above) Vaccines now injected door-to-door in North Carolina


"No reason for graphene oxide to be 99% of the Phizer vaccine but to murder people"

(More, here & here)



(site & e-books under repair) last site update: 7 a.m. 07-23-2021 for updated version, press: control F (white space? - control F5 to refresh)

The jab is domestic terrorism via genocide
Dr Judy Mikovits: 'Vaccines' bioweapons, 5G, Graphene, military, blacks Underground, extinction, Inbrain graphene-based neuroelectronics human->humanoids Phyzer CEO won't get vaccinated ...will not cut the human DNA line to be humanoid?

A, B, C's of bye-bye ...introducing end-times vaccine replacement of humans with humanoids (see 'c' rider, below)


(below-l) "Phizer vaccine is 99% GRAPHENE OXIDE with a lipid nanoparticle that pushes the graphene oxide into your cells that explodes your mitochondria (oxygen & energy processors). It destroys everything inside your cells. It creates an incredibly inflammatory storm inside you. It has affinity to create acute inflamation of the lungs, an inflamatory storm in cardiac patients, and in brain tissue. This ties to strokes, heart attacks ...&, it's being given to pregnant mothers & babies ... to fulfill the central bankers' great reset Fed / City of London UN Agenda 21/30 to depopulate Earth 90% by 2030. THERE'S NO REASON FOR GRAPHENE OXIDE TO BE IN THE PHIZER VACCINE EXCEPT TO MURDER PEOPLE." -- quote from videos (below-l).

Time Will Tell


Planned takedown of America, ending in martial law & genocide.  A nefarious plan is under way to place America under a military dictatorship, halt the mid-term elections & unleash armed soldiers to go door-to-door, confiscating guns & forcing vaccines on the American people to achieve Holocaust-level mass extermination.  That plan follows a specific series  of events that all orbit around the concept of "planned chaos" ...all this within the next 18 months.


Graphene-based AI-powered neuromodulation technology to read & control brain behavior used in vaccines?

There's graphene in vaccines; INBRAIN Neuroelectronics demonstrates graphene-based neuromodulation technology using AI-powered neuroelectronics is real. INBRAIN, funded to build AI-powered graphene biocircuits to read & control brain behavior, is not involved in vaccines, but their technology proves graphene-based brain control is a real.

for continued coverage, go to Domestic Terrorism, submenu CoVid Intro, (here) Fauci guarantees biological warfare: funds domestic & globalist biowar weapons & owns stock in vaccines ...including Moderna Rand Paul & Fauci face off
(Above) 60,000 Innocents dying from the experimental jabs, so far 73 Patents on the Virus; intentional bio-weapon release to erase constitution rights as per the not so 'Great Genocidal Reset'.  July 16, 2021 - Planned takedown of America, w/military martial law to keep fascist dictators in CA OR, WA & U.S.

Sequencing of spike protein vaccine started one month before outbreak occured

McEnany: ‘My mouth dropped open’ when Psaki said this' (above) Vaccines now injected door-to-door in North Carolina


"No reason for graphene oxide to be 99% of the Phizer vaccine but to murder people"

(More, here & here)
