Mafia, CIA & Jeffrey Epstein worked together to traffic minors. Jimmy and Whitney discuss the military, CIA, organized crime & Epstein’s ties to Bill Clinton,
Indian doctors blame Gates for a devastating vaccine-strain polio epidemic that paralyzed 496,000 children between 2000 and 2017. In 2017, the Indian Government dialed back Gates’ vaccine regimen and evicted Gates.
Guardian: Moderators who had to view child abuse content sue Microsoft, claiming PTSD — Two employees say company didn’t offer adequate psychological support for a job requiring them to view ‘indescribable’ child sexual assaults and child murders. Microsoft workers on the “online safety team” were forced to view photos and videos of “indescribable sexual assaults”, “horrible brutality”, murder and child abuse, resulting in severe post-traumatic stress disorder, according to a lawsuit. The complaint, filed on behalf of two employees and their families, outlined the “inhumane and disgusting content” the moderators viewed on a regular basis and allegedthe psychological impact has been so extreme that the men are “triggered” by simply seeing children and can no longer use computers without breaking down.
Exposé MSNBC & Google expose on lawsuit vs Bill Gates for forcing employees to watch child porn & child snuff (murder) films ...& Gates relationship with Epstein (above vid, right)
... Gates: Microsoft Child snuff vids —&— Facebook: sex trafficking
(Rough cut not a final cut of our 2nd video previews this site)
We will scientifically prove our premise: Wars & the ongoing destablilzation & stupidity of America is due to Schroder (Bechtel), JPMorganChase (NY Fed shareholders) & Soros (ultra-right agents provocateur & death squads) ...& City of London (Corp U.S. WEF) warmonger central banker trash waging depopulation war on Humanity, Life, Nature & Divinity ...& the democratic party-hardy has become the enemy of the Republic (as has the Republican party-hardy)
(when your head snaps bacK)
Spring saw Podesta, Schumer, Soros & City bankers destroying the Americas Ukraine Russia China Europe Africa, & told Summer, then Fall , then Winter & you slept as if you would not bleed & your head not roll down the street
Naturally the biggest solar flare of the year makes the biggest earthquake of the year
...but, artificially — HAARP facilities & ionospheric heaters make the biggest earthquakes of the year (& volcanic eruptions, too)
...for example, Japan was first threatened by Hillary's State Department if they did not comply they would suffer an earthquake
Here are the HAARP measurements of IMF (City of London central banker) ionospheric heaters focused above the earthquake fault sparking earthquakes that caused the Fukushima meltdowns
& first-hand testimony by workers at the HAARP facility:
& here (below) is our premise illustrated that the most recent earthquake attack in Taiwan, was likely by China or perhaps NATO (CIA / MI6), that is City of London central bankers & IMF ...or all of the above working together
We will scientifically prove our premise: Ongoing extreme climate change-, ongoing earthquake-, volcanic eruption-, and weather warfare ...and... the ongoing destablilzation & stupidity of America is due to Schroder (Bechtel), JPMorganChase (NY Fed shareholders) & Soros (ultra-right agents provocateur & death squads) ...& City of London (Corp U.S. WEF IMF) warmonger central banker trash waging depopulation war on Humanity, Life, Nature & Divinity ...& rogue billionaires currently at your doorstep attempting a NWO fascist globalist coup
Every years the City of London central banking syndicate subsidiary being Federal Reserve Bank of New York, gets the interest on the national debt as a dividend on their shares of Federal Reserve Bank of New York stock ownership ...why ...because the founding documents of the Federal Reserve System state and make it so.
Was the Jan 6 2020 White House assault not Trump but a replay by JPMorgan (today, JPMorganChase) New York & City of London central bankers of their 1868 & 1933 coup attempts to bypass the constitution & install a fascist ruling elite of industrialists, oligarchs & billionaires into the White House?
How do heavy metals used in chemtrails to help turn the sky & ionospheric rivers above into manipulable electronic plasma to direct, limit & force extreme climate change on command limit your ability to focus & concentrate, have insight, foresight & hindsight? (here)