Sea Life Destroyed 2 p.m. 02-15-2025 west coast usa
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Seaborne & airborne fallout from 3 ongoing nuclear reactor meltdowns in Fukushima (since 3/11 not 9/11) will vomit into the sky & into the Pacific Ocean ...practically, forever
Floating red blob of plutonium, is ... as red blob of radionuclides suspended below the surface, does
Abstract: Floating blobs of plutonium & 1,000 other radionuclides suspending in the ocean migratory currents create new & mysterious diseases in sea mammals & all sea life each red blob surrounds ... first in the Pacific Ocean, then mixes into all the oceans on Earth not only diseasing the animals, but destroying the oceanic food chains & land-based food chain animals that feed upon migratory & other sea life ...practically, forever.
Catastrophic Nuclear Meltdowns, such as Fukushima
Causal proximate genetic mutation from ionizing radiation can occur immediately when DNA is sliced or burnt, such as from catastrophic nuclear meltdowns such as Fukushima vomiting radionuclides airborne & seaborne.
Fukushima meltdowns immediately vomited the same amount of nuclear fallout radiation as 500 Hiroshima-sized nuclear bombs airborne, and 500 nuclear bombs seaborne
In the first few days the Fukushima meltdowns immediately released the same fallout as 500 Hiroshima-sized nuclear bombs airborne, and 500 nuclear bombs seaborne.
And, doubled the amount of background radiation on Earth from all the nuclear testing that had previously been done
And, doubled the amount of background radiation on Earth from all the nuclear testing that had previously been done.
Molten lava of the three meltdowns cut deep into the earth & lodged into the fresh water aquifers below that empty into the Pacific Ocean into the migratory currents of whales, dolphins, salmon, tuna, herring
And, molten lava of the three meltdowns cut deep into the earth & lodged into the fresh water aquifers below that empty into the Pacific Ocean into the migratory currents of whales, dolphins, salmon, tuna, herring & all migrating sea animals riding the currents from Japan to the west coast of the USA, for starters.
(When those currents splash upon the shores of the U.S. west coast & dry, the radionuclides in the sand get blown into the air to settle on the pastures & farms & gardens.)
Airborne fallout (which continues to circulate around Earth, forever ...comes down in rain, snow & eXtreme climate change ... & becomes earthbound
And, at the same time, the airborne fallout (which continues to circulate around the earth, forever ...comes down in the rain and snow to become earthbound, as well.
Plutonium & other radionuclides will continue to destroy plankton (before these meltdowns, supplying 80% of earth's oxygen) & continue to destroy oceanic food chains
However, since the sea-bound meltdowns will continue practically, forever ...so will the plutonium & up to 1,000 other radionuclides continue to destroy the plankton (that used to supply 80% of earth's oxygen) & will continue to destroy the oceanic food chains & continue to sicken, mutate, and destroy life in the Pacific Ocean & eventually the other oceans flowing around Earth.
Many ocean animals, whales, dolphins, seals, sea lions ...are mammals (people are mammals). Mammals of the sea & land get many of the same diseases from nuclear industry
Many ocean animals, whales, dolphins, seals, sea lions ...are mammals (people are mammals). So, mammals of the sea and land get many of the same diseases caused by nuclear industry.
Airborne releases of radionuclides occur regularly after meltdowns because contamination cannot be permanent contained nor kept out of air & waterways
Also, airborne releases of radionuclides occur regularly after meltdowns because contamination cannot be kept from the air & waterways ...and, from closed reactors; each reactor also houses nuclear dumps that continue to pollute &/or explode into the sky or 'leak' or get dumped into the sea.
Catastrophic nuclear meltdowns vomiting radionuclides airborne & seaborne causes mutations, immune deficiency diseases & cancers when ingested ...eaten, drank, breathed & thru skin contact
Catastrophic nuclear meltdowns such as Fukushima vomiting radionuclides airborne & seaborne can cause mutations or immune deficiency diseases or cancers particularly when ingested, that is eaten, drank, breathed and thru skin contact.
Fukushima cancers & immunity deficiency diseases caused by low level exposure to nuclear radiation fallout, often appear 20 years or more after fallout exposure
However, many cancers & immunity deficiency diseases caused by nuclear radiation fallout, for example from Fukushima, appear 20 years or more after fallout exposure. Low level exposures add up over time to create many of the same diseases as high level exposure, such as cancers of the eye, brain, heart, breast, prostrate, lung, stomach, skin and other body organs and leukemia and a host of immune deficiency diseases. yearly.]
Ionizing radiation exposure caused genetic damage mammal (human) ova & sperm ...passed down to kids & grandchildren
In utero affects of ionizing radiation exposure if the DNA of either parent, the sperm of the father or egg of the mother, or in the fetus itself are illustrated in the book cover photos, below — nuclear power is not safe & clean, just ask these victims in the pics you've seen, (below & thruout this site).
[Editor's note: We've shown you the centrral bank perpetrators causing the excuciating agony suffered by people & animals exposed to nuclear radiation ...and, the corporations they own. Perhaps, review the charts of the international interlocking directorate of City of london bank affiliates in the U.S. to see what percentage of Fed founding stock is owned by each of the City interlocking directorates. This is significant because: when these dynastic warlord banking families founded the Fed, they defined that they get as a yearly stock dividend, the interest on the national debt. In plain talk ... whatever increases the national debt, such as war, plague, pestilence, famine, flood, drought increases their annual divident profits by billions and trillions of dollars. Are you gettin' this?]

Source: Voice of America overseas U.S. intelligence broadcasting service

1st Responders: Exploding nuclear waste barrels plague Las Vegas

Help animals & Mother Nature survive vs Bill Gates, WEF, IMF & City of London's nuclear weather warfare
red blob is as red blob does: new & mysterious diseases
Seaborne and airborne fallout from three ongoing nuclear reactor meltdowns in fukushima will flow into the pacific ocean ...practically, forever ...24x7x365 since 3/11 (not 9/11)
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Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Final Solution for Mammals, Gaia & Divine Order
The Pacific Ocean is Dying & You Don't Even Know
(Free narrative sample) : Chapter 12. Mammals vs. Idiots <> PDF (cell phone or computer) <> MS Word w/search engine & pop-ups (computer)
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Nuclear Power is Not Safe & Clean
Nuclear Waste & Fallout Reference Database for Citizens
Use ms word search engine to mine 9,011 headlines linked to 9,011 summaries with 3-to-5 sources each together linked to 25-000-to-35,000 original documents; search state, country, city, reactor, dump, illness, radionuclide, animal, company, etc; now win arguments with parents and in court.
(Free narrative sample) Chapter 12. Mammals vs. Idiots <> pdf (edition for cell phones)
<> computer edition: ms word w/search engine, toggles & pop-ups (for computer) ... With your order, you get both editions: the pdf edition for cellphones and the ms word edition for computers
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What is the full extent of species loss from nuclear industry? ... here are 9,011 links (in reverse chronological order from 2011-to-2018) to 25,000-35,000 published documents ~ primarily mainstream ~ secondarily scientific ~ with many references to animals (including human) being destroyed by nuclear industry — Cell phone: Use PDF edition. Computer: Use ms word edition with search engine to search database by state, country, city, reactor, dump, waste, illness, fallout, radionuclide, animal, company etc. for documentation to win arguments at home, on the campaign trail, or in municipal, State, Federal or International court.
"hi! ...i'm your database! learn more about me, (here). (three free database search results — new — mysterious — diseases —) 1 2 3 4 5 6 a b c d e f 7 8 9 a b c d e f 10 11 a 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 a b c d e f g h i * ** 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 49 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 21 62 63
The Pacific Ocean Is Dying And You Don't Even Know: The Nuclear Regulatory's Final Solution for Mammals, Gaia and Divine Order.
Nuclear Waste & Fallout Reference Database for Citizens: Nuclear Power is Not Safe & Clean
(Left column reads from top to bottom & is independent of right column – click pics)
(Right column reads from top to bottom & is independent of left column — original, here)

09:11 AM Jan 20, 2014 -6945- Image published by embassy in Japan shows Fukushima melted fuel deep underground (GRAPHIC) [Editor: As I recall, the fuel meltdown was 600 tons of melting lava reactor core & fuel rods.]
10:46 PM Apr 6, 2014 -8149- Marine Chemist: Highly contaminated waste flowing in aquifer below Fukushima - Mag: Groundwater can erupt from seafloor offshore - Gov’t expert warned about radioactive substances springing up in Pacific (PHOTOS)

(up) Chernobyl Legacy, by Paul Fusco ...one of the greatest photo-journalism events of all time ...& unique in focusing on child victims of Chernobyl; (excerpts of book were made into three short video introductory segments — they are extremely emotionally honest & softly narrated by Paul Fusco — which, along with the book, should have a permanent home in the National Archives). |
07:23 AM Feb 7, 2018 -9011- Report: Massive radiation leak at Fukushima plant - Extremely high levels being detected outside reactor - Officials can’t explain why - Expert warns of global threat: “…disaster of unseen proportions” (VIDEO)
09:00 AM Nov 27, 2017 -9009- AP: “Japan poised to flood Pacific with 1 million tons of nuclear water contaminated by Fukushima” - Newsweek: “Experts want Japan to push a million tons of radioactive water into ocean” - Release could kill fishing industry (VIDEO)
06:49 AM Nov 13, 2017 -9005- Study: Hawaii hit with up to 200 times more Fukushima fallout than expected - Over a Trillion becquerels of nuclear waste fell on Hawaii - Scientists: “Plume may have taken an alternative path… Greater than anticipated”
08:15 AM Nov 10, 2017 -9003- Former U.S. Senator: All these Navy sailors have died after Fukushima radiation exposure — TV program reveals many are now dead — Veterans break down in tears… suffering cancers, paralysis, amputations, bleeding from anus, severe pain (VIDEO)
10:33 AM Nov 9, 2017 -9002- “Scientists shocked” as fisheries collapse along West Coast - “It’s the worst we’ve seen… they’re starving” - Death rates skyrocket, no babies born - Fish stocks at all-time record lows
07:47 AM Nov 8, 2017 -9000- Fukushima radiation found in Hawaii fish - half contain fallout from Japan nuclear disaster
11:47 PM Nov 1, 2017 -8898- Alert after collapse at nuclear site in N. Korea — “Fears of massive radioactive leak” — Scientist: Fallout may spread across “entire hemisphere” — Expert: Could cause major disaster… Radioactive material will go “into ocean a bit like Fukushima” (VIDEO)
08:56 AM Oct 26, 2017 -8897- Feds find ‘bizarre’ results in survey of Pacific Ocean - Record low numbers of fish - Expert: “…pulled that net up, not a thing in it… different than anything we’ve ever seen”
03:25 PM Oct 5, 2017 -8896- Hidden Fukushima nuclear waste released into ocean - ‘Surprisingly’ high levels of radiation now detected along Pacific coast and in groundwater far from reactors - Expert: No one expected this - “Alarming example of how radiation has spread”
07:23 AM Aug 8, 2017 -8888- Pieces of Fukushima reactor cores still floating around, new study reveals - Hot particles with over 1 Quadrillion becquerels per kilogram detected - Radioactive materials contain Uranium, Polonium, Americium (VIDEO)
06:15 PM Jul 16, 2017 -8886- Fury at Fukushima: 1 billion pounds of nuclear waste will be dumped into sea - Official: decision already made – solution: pour radioactive liquid into ocean - will cause devastation
12:12 PM Jul 3, 2017 -8885- Record radiation detected at Fukushima nuclear plant - Multiple locations register highest levels ever measured - Radioactive materials in groundwater toward the ocean
09:53 AM Jun 13, 2017 -8884- TV: Huge number of sea creatures washing up dead along West Coast - It’s a crisis all along Southern California - large numbers getting sick and dying (VIDEO)
11:44 AM May 31, 2017 -8883- Alarming mass die-off on California beaches - Extremely high number of sick and dead animals - Seabirds, sea lions, dolphins affected - Experts: Never seen this many sick birds - How many have to die before somebody cares? (VIDEOS)
07:06 AM May 26 2017 -8882- Millions of dead sea creatures wash ashore in Hawaii - Carcasses found along miles of beach - That should trigger some alarm - I don’t know what’s going on over there - I’ve never seen anything like this (VIDEOS)
12:17 PM May 9, 2017 -8877- New fear of explosions in Fukushima - Nuclear waste threatens to spontaneously combust - millions of tons of radioactive material could be released - nuclear expert: Japanese government terrified (AUDIO)
06:54 AM May 8, 2017 -8876- Everyone on Earth irradiated by Fukushima - Shocking new study reveals true extent of global impact - Scientists are only just now confirming far-reaching radioactive effects of nuclear disaster
09:47 AM May 6, 2017 -8875- Record die-off of marine life along West Coast - Huge numbers washing up on shore… This is just the tip of the iceberg - Several types of animals found dead - Hemorrhaging from brain infection (PHOTOS & VIDEOS)
04:52 PM May 3, 2017 -8874- Peak of Fukushima radiation now moving to West Coast - Levels much higher than predicted - Huge red blob of nuclear waste near shore - San Francisco area being hit hardest - Concern over Iodine-129 with 15 million year half-life (MAPS)
08:05 AM May 2, 2017 -8873- Brain-rotting toxin killing huge numbers of marine animals on California coast - Die-offs skyrocket over past week - Expert: It’s worst year we’ve ever seen - Mass deaths of sea lions, dolphins, birds - Officials warn outbreak is spreading (VIDEOS)
10:19 AM Apr 26, 2017 -8870- Japan wants to just drop tanks of Fukushima nuclear waste into ocean - Americans worried over plumes hitting West Coast - Reactors are now leaking really high levels of radiation into sea… The world does need to help - Official says Japan lying about catastrophe (VIDEO)
3:28 PM Apr 24, 2017 -8869- Mass die-off ongoing along US West Coast - TV: It’s just not clear why all the marine life is washing up like this. Reports coming in every day - Experts: ‘Unknown’ organisms eating away brains, hearts - New infection never seen before (VIDEOS)
9:27 AM Apr 11, 2017 -8867- Officials: Melted fuel still leaking out of Fukushima reactor — Likely escaping from opening at bottom of containment vessel — Gov’t experts want to give up sending in robots to search for molten cores
12:43 PM Mar 30, 2017 -8866- Most catastrophic fisheries collapse in history expected along West Coast - Official: This is a nightmare, I have never in my life dreamed that it could get this bad - Threat of coast-wide fishing failure (VIDEO)
3:40 PM Mar 19, 2017 -8861- Report: Hundreds of millions of Pacific salmon missing, presumed dead - Gov’t issues emergency order along U.S. West Coast - Japan suffering historic collapse, fish starving to death - All forms of ocean life dying in stunning numbers across Pacific
6:19 AM Mar 17, 2017 -8860- Nuclear Engineer: My biggest concern is Fukushima plant will collapse. Concrete under reactors is being eaten away. There’s ongoing chemical attacks - Containment structures are tilting, in jeopardy of falling over (AUDIO)
2:35 PM Mar 16, 2017 -8859- Massive die-offs reported in Pacific Ocean - Officials: No fish out there, anywhere, over a very large area. What’s happening? Where’s their food? Alarming. Frightening. Total failure in reproduction. Like nothing we’ve ever observed before (VIDEO)
6:36 PM Mar 14, 2017 -8858- Nuclear Engineer: Fukushima is worst industrial cataclysm in history of world. As close to hell as I can imagine - Melted fuel ‘disappeared’ - Contamination will go on for hundreds of thousands of years. No one knows when it’ll end - Gov’t perpetrating ongoing cover-up (VIDEO)
01:47 PM Mar 13, 2017 -8857- Fish leaking pus, covered in lesions, deformed along U.S. West Coast - Fisherman: Nearly all fish caught affected; I’ve never seen this - pus all over body - Official: So many are showing illness, environmental conditions could be a factor (PHOTOS)
10:48 AM Mar 13, 2017 -8856- Nuclear fuel still burning through bottom of Fukushima plant? - Expert: Corium likely melted into earth… Will pour highly radioactive waste into ocean for rest of time - NY Times: Fuel may never be removed, reactors to be entombed like Chernobyl (VIDEO)
01:44 PM Mar 10, 2017 -8855- Expert warns of collapse at Fukushima reactor: It would be the end of Japan… New photos show serious structural damage at Unit 2… It’s a fantasy they can decommission plant - AP: Melted fuel has broken pieces of structure in containment vessel (VIDEO)
01:15 PM Mar 3, 2017 -8853- Many at Fukushima have brain damage - Worker develops 3 types of cancer in a year - Secret hospital used to treat those sickened by radiation exposure - Doctor: ‘People cried, can we survive?
10:15 PM Mar 1, 2017 -8852- Mysterious cancer killing sea lions along West Coast - Bones turn to mush – Inside, masses of yellow, cancerous tissue - Animals die at alarming rates (VIDEO)
01:39 PM Feb 28, 2017 -8851- Professor links die-offs on West Coast to Fukushima radiation - Nobody knows what to do about continuing contamination - River flowing under plant with molten fuel on the bottom goes into ocean (VIDEO)
10:15 AM Feb 21, 2017 -8847- Scientists fear Fukushima radiation hitting U.S. to worsen - A lot of people are very concerned - Billions being exposed - Reactors will continue to pour water into Pacific for the rest of time (VIDEO)
Feb 2, 2017 Arnie Gundersen, former nuclear engineer (emphasis added): “When I went to school, the saying was ‘dilution is the solution to pollution,’ and that’s what the Japanese believe. If they dump [radioactive water from Fukushima Daiichi] on their side and it floats over to the West Coast of the U.S. — the Pacific’s a big place — it’ll dilute out. I don’t think that’s appropriate… people are going to die. Regardless of how low the radiation is, it does cause cellular damage and cancer. So if you spread it out in a big body of water, the concentration goes down, but on the other hand, you’ve got a couple billion people exposed to it because they’re on the edge of that big body of water. So the concentration is down but the population is up and you’re still going to get cancer; it’s inevitable.”
Feb 13, 2017 Dr. Helen Caldicott: As the water flows beneath the damaged reactors, it immerses the three molten cores and becomes extremely radioactive as it continues its journey into the adjacent Pacific Ocean. Every day since the accident began, 300 to 400 tons of water has poured into the Pacific where numerous isotopes including cesium 137, 134, strontium 90, tritium, plutonium, americium and up to 100 more, enter the ocean and bio-concentrate by orders of magnitude at each step of the food chain… tuna, salmon and other species found on the American west coast now contain some of these radioactive elements… [Fukushima Daiichi] will continue to pour water into the Pacific for the rest of time
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Self-preservation & Pacific Ocean Conservation is half the battle

Source: U.S. Intelligence Voice of America news (a U.S. Government intelligence service for overseas)
The Pacific Ocean is Dying & You Don't Even Know, e-book is an emotional subjective narrative based on the objective Nuclear Waste & Fallout Reference Database for Citizens cold hard facts. Now easily win arguments with parents, friends & juries to keep pregnant women & kids & all Life on Earth, nd her environment, safe …these scientific facts from experts lend their authority that you need to save Life & win friends & influence people …Call to Action!
Proving you are right, saving your family & others is half the battle

1st Responders: Exploding nuclear waste barrels at Beatty NV nuclear dump plague Las Vegas
Citizen database e-book is objective cold hard facts & has 9,011 newswire headlines & blurbs link to 25,000-to-35,000 published science studies, white papers, news stories, videos & photos never before collected to convict bankers, congress, teachers, billionaires, apologists, industrialists & bad science. Now's your Time. Call to Action!
Walk away don't look back or stop nuclear perps' & their fatal lies

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The only companion e-books (& website) to document nuclear industry & prior atmospheric testing are killing the Pacific Ocean ...& is a feminist issue because women & girls who live within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those living farther away ...& 41,000 men, women & children every day get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry radioactive waste & fallout ...& that central bankers own the major corporations polluting the environment crushing Mother Nature & with the implementation of Environmental Personhood, become liable
The Pacific Ocean Is Dying & You Don't Even Know is a subjective narrative based on the facts & documentation of the objective Nuclear Waste & Fallout Reference Database for Citizens.
Website contains both objective database links & objective scientific documentation –and– subjective narrative interpretations of the links & science.

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Now win arguments with your parents or in court against nuclear waste & fallout! ...here's 9,011 summarized newswire links to 35,000 published facts – to protect 1st Responders unknowingly dispatched to radioactive areas that are life threatening ...& to prove your case, intuition & feelings are right: Two-volume set & website proves nuclear industry is not safe & clean, & that central bankers own the Fortune 500 corporations polluting the environment & forcing Life on Earth to extinction levels & with the implementation of Environmental Personhood become liable
The Nuclear Waste & Fallout Reference Database for Citizens is an objective directory listing 9,011 headlines-&-blurbs linking to 25,000-to-35,000 pieces of published mainstream media & scientific documentation ...including pictures never before seen by the public collected from the document .

Epidemiology: Fatal Fukushima fallout in U.S. — Kills 20,000 folks; doubles infant mortality rate in Seattle & Vancouver, B.C. — 12 States report milk unsafe to drink; (3) Infant mortality rate up 30% – WA & BC (2011)

The majority of the 9,011 links to 25,000-to-35,000 published documents focus on the nuclear explosion & hydrogen explosions at Fukushima and airborne & seaboard affects to the West coasts, across all continents in the northern hemisphere ... from March 2011 from the ongoing molten lava meltdowns into the water acquifers feeding hundreds of tons of radioactive water into the Pacific thru 2018 and continuing for practically, Eternity.
RADIATION SICKNESS HITS WEST COAST CALIFORNIA HORSES? — Fukushima fallout on pastures, cow's milk radioactive, farmlands & orchards
![Manatee – The Pacific Ocean is dying from ongoing Fukushima nuclear meltdowns & you don’t even know — 02:43 PM Mar 24, 2014 []-8121- Caldicott: Fukushima to be pouring radioactive water into Pacific for the rest of Time – nuclear industry covers it up cause they know if truth comes out it will end nuclear power, Dr. Helen Caldicott: There seems to be no end in sight for this dreadful catastrophe. About 300 to 400 tons of radioactive water per day are pouring into the Pacific, have been for the last 3 years, and will continue probably for the rest of time because no one can find out where the molten cores of a hundred of seethingly hot uranium are. No one can get near them because they’re so radioactive, and the water will continue to flow over them, I guess, forever more. I can’t see any other way out of it. [...] I had the same reaction as you when two days after the tsunami and earthquake occurred [...] I got this feeling in the pit of my stomach [...] there is simply nothing anyone can do about it. And people are asking me all the time what can I take, what nutrients can I take? There’s nothing you can take to remove the radioactive elements from your body once you’ve eaten them. Manatee – The Pacific Ocean is dying from ongoing Fukushima nuclear meltdowns & you don’t even know — 02:43 PM Mar 24, 2014 []-8121- Caldicott: Fukushima to be pouring radioactive water into Pacific for the rest of Time – nuclear industry covers it up cause they know if truth comes out it will end nuclear power, Dr. Helen Caldicott: There seems to be no end in sight for this dreadful catastrophe. About 300 to 400 tons of radioactive water per day are pouring into the Pacific, have been for the last 3 years, and will continue probably for the rest of time because no one can find out where the molten cores of a hundred of seethingly hot uranium are. No one can get near them because they’re so radioactive, and the water will continue to flow over them, I guess, forever more. I can’t see any other way out of it. [...] I had the same reaction as you when two days after the tsunami and earthquake occurred [...] I got this feeling in the pit of my stomach [...] there is simply nothing anyone can do about it. And people are asking me all the time what can I take, what nutrients can I take? There’s nothing you can take to remove the radioactive elements from your body once you’ve eaten them.](image/136752116.jpg)
[]-8121- Caldicott: Fukushima to pour radioactive water into Pacific for rest of Time – deep state nuclear industry covers it up – if truth comes out it will end nuclear power.
Mans laughter? ...or manslaughter? — a legal precedent for nuclear
-4581- Gov’t official, nuclear scientists convicted of manslaughter – gave public incomplete, imprecise, contradictory info on quake danger. 08:55 PM Oct 22, 2012
Prosecutors [...] said they did not expect scientists to provide a precise forecast. But argued the commission had given “incomplete, imprecise and contradictory” information on the danger after a meeting on March 31, 2009, a few days before the earthquake. Instead of highlighting the danger, they said the experts made statements playing down the threat...
06:15 PM Jul 16, 2017 -8886- 1 billion pounds of nuclear waste will be dumped into sea - Official: decision already made — solution: pour radioactive liquid into ocean - will cause devastation, [Editor's note: See Japan apology for lying to public (here), about the worst nuclear accident in the world ...they simply denied it was dangerous, at all — and imprisoned journalists — who disagreed with the State — for treason. Among whistleblowers, it is presumed this dumping had already occured ...as it has since 3/11 (not 9/11).]
12:12 PM Jul 3, 2017 -8885- Record radiation detected at Fukushima nuclear plant - Multiple locations register highest levels ever measured - Radioactive materials in groundwater toward the ocean.
09:53 AM Jun 13, 2017 -8884- TV: Huge number of sea creatures washing up dead along West Coast - It’s a crisis all along Southern California - large numbers getting sick and dying (VIDEO)
11:44 AM May 31, 2017 -8883- Alarming mass die-off on California beaches - Extremely high number of sick and dead animals - Seabirds, sea lions, dolphins affected - Experts: Never seen this many sick birds - How many have to die before somebody cares? (VIDEOS)
07:06 AM May 26 2017 -8882- Millions of dead sea creatures wash ashore in Hawaii - Carcasses found along miles of beach - That should trigger some alarm - I don’t know what’s going on over there - I’ve never seen anything like this (VIDEOS)
09:47 AM May 6, 2017 -8875- Record die-off of marine life along West Coast - Huge numbers washing up on shore… This is just the tip of the iceberg - Several types of animals found dead - Hemorrhaging from brain infection (PICS & VIDEOS)
04:52 PM May 3, 2017 -8874- Peak of Fukushima radiation now moving to West Coast - Levels much higher than predicted - Huge red blob of nuclear waste near shore - San Francisco area being hit hardest - Concern over Iodine-129 with 15 million year half-life (MAPS)
08:05 AM May 2, 2017 -8873- Brain-rotting toxin killing huge numbers of marine animals on California coast - Die-offs skyrocket over past week - Expert: It’s worst year we’ve ever seen - Mass deaths of sea lions, dolphins, birds - Officials warn outbreak is spreading (VIDEOS)
10:19 AM Apr 26, 2017 -8870- Japan wants to just drop tanks of Fukushima nuclear waste into ocean - Americans worried over plumes hitting West Coast - Reactors are now leaking really high levels of radiation into sea… The world does need to help - Official says Japan lying about catastrophe (VIDEO)
3:28 PM Apr 24, 2017 -8869- Mass die-off ongoing along US West Coast - TV: It’s just not clear why all the marine life is washing up like this. Reports coming in every day - Experts: ‘Unknown’ organisms eating away brains, hearts - New infection never seen before (VIDEOS)


02:05 AM Dec 28, 2013 -6856- Fukushima can’t be excluded as factor in sea stars turning to goo along West Coast; hasn’t been ruled out - proficient at absorbing radioisotopes; 1,000x more plutonium than fish (AUDIO)
May 2, 2013 Oceanus Magazine - Marine invertebrates, such as bottom-dwelling starfish and sea urchins, are particularly proficient at absorbing a wide range of ingested radioisotopes [Fowler] said, (here).
Nov. 12, 2012 Scott W. Fowler, School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences at Stony Brook University, (at 8:00 in): Species dependent uptake of plutonium from sea water by various marine organisms [...] There’s a huge difference in what these types of organisms accumulate [...] Fish aren’t particularly sensitive to plutonium, you can see the concentration factor is extremely low [Starfish have a concentration factor ~1,000 times higher than fish]. file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/Observations_on_plutonium_in_the_oceans.pdf
[Editor's note: It appears that the discovery and publication of the information about the underground spring and the meltdowns into the water aquifers below, that flow into the Pacific Ocean is dated Apr 6, 2014 ...a year after the article by David Pacchioli was originally published, on May 2, 2013. Which emphasizes the persistance and brilliance of the researchers cited in both articles. ... ... ...However, it is significant to note that information regarding the meltdowns, Mox fuel and other words were forbidden by the State to be used by reporters and investigative journalists, and violations were considered high treason against the opinions of the Japanese government, and punishable by arrest and imprisonment ...which is to stay information relevant to the Fukushima Daichi nuclear catastrophe was then and today remains highly restricted and withheld in Japan, and around the world. Similarly, doctors were not allowed to diagnose people with radiation sickness or to attribute any illness to the widespread nuclear fallout. This is covered elsewhere, (here).]
10:46 PM Apr 6, 2014 -8149- Marine Chemist: Highly contaminated waste flowing in aquifer below Fukushima - Mag: Groundwater can erupt from seafloor offshore - Gov’t expert warned about radioactive substances springing up in Pacific (PHOTOS)
How Is Fukushima's Fallout Affecting Marine Life? By David Pacchioli — Originally published online May 2, 2013
(excerpts, emphasis added) In one experiment measuring uptake of americium, worms exposed to contaminated sediments took up significantly more of the radioisotope than clams did. But both worms and clams took up much more of the radioisotopes from Pacific sediments, which contain relatively high amounts of silica minerals, than they did from Atlantic sediments, which contain more carbon minerals.
Food is another pathway into marine organisms and “may be in some cases the most important factor in uptake,” Fowler said. Consumed radioisotopes are assimilated internally through the gut, potentially a far more efficient route than if they are absorbed externally from the environment. Marine invertebrates, such as bottom-dwelling starfish and sea urchins, are particularly proficient at absorbing a wide range of ingested radioisotopes, he said, but fortunately, they lose that incorporated radioactivity over time, via excretion.
What’s puzzling to Fisher, Buesseler, and many other scientists is the persistence of these low but significant levels of radioactivity in the ocean. Jota Kanda, an oceanographer at the Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, has extensively studied coastal waters off Fukushima and calculated the amount of cesium still present in coastal waters shallower than 200 meters (660 feet) and in sediments on the seafloor. By his reckoning, what remains is less than three percent of the total discharge, with the rest long since flushed out to the open ocean.
Yet levels of the cesium radioisotopes are still being measured at several tens to hundreds of becquerels per cubic meter in this area, Kanda noted, considerably higher than the levels prior to the Fukushima disaster. More importantly, levels measured in coastal sediments and in some species of fish are higher than those in the surrounding water.
As Kanda sees it, there are three sources responsible for this stubborn presence. One is river runoff—the fallout washed by rainfall into nearby rivers that drain to the sea. He also suggested that a small amount of contaminated water from basement compartments in the reaction unit housing is continuing to leak from the plant itself. But the biggest culprit—the only plausible explanation for the steady levels of radioactive cesium being measured in fish tissue—is continuous input through a food source. And that, he said, points to sediments.
Kanda has estimated that a total of 95 terabecquerels of cesium (1012 becquerels) is present in coastal sediments. The question, he maintained, is how it got there. It could have drifted down to the seafloor in the fecal pellets of plankton that consumed it at the surface—and in fact, plankton in shallow waters sometimes showed elevated levels of cesium. It could also be arriving with organic bits and pieces carried along by river water. It could have adhered to clay particles that came in contact with contaminated water; such radioactive cesium is tightly bound to clay particles and may not be easily transferred to marine life.
Sediment is complex stuff, he explained. Viewed up close, a single grain of what looks like sand is likely a mélange of mineral, organic matter, and pore water—the liquid trapped in the tiny gaps between particles. How contaminants are taken into these agglomerations is not well understood. Echoing Scott Fowler, Kanda noted that the composition and properties of sediments can vary dramatically.
Solving the mystery of the ongoing radioactivity will require a thorough analysis of the seafloor off Fukushima’s coast, he stressed. “Local communities are concerned. They want to know ‘When can we resume fishing?’ We scientists will have to answer this question.”
The key may be how long cesium stays put and the pathways for its uptake into the food chain. Given the 30-year half-life of cesium-137, the sediments could be a possible source of contamination in the food chain for decades to come.
06:15 PM Jul 16, 2017 -8886- 1.54 billion pounds ... 777,000 tons ... of nuclear waste will be dumped into sea - Official: decision already made – solution: pour radioactive liquid into ocean - will cause devastation

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(above) We compare the charts of hot spots causing new and mysterious diseases destroying life in the Pacific Ocean attributed to global warming, with the scientific charts of hot spots of Fukushima radionuclides like plutonium, cesium, tritium and uranium (and up to 1,000 other radionuclides) in the currents migrating alongside whales, dolphins, salmon, tuna, herring — the comparison shows a perfect match which in and of itself is noteworthy —
— the disappearance of plankton (basis of the oceanic food chain which creates 80% of Earth's oxygen) therefore correlating those
radionuclide migratory currents with the disappearance of tide pools in British Columbia then the West Coast, and the dissolving of Sea Stars and disappearance of tide pools, and
— catastrophic almost extinction levels of deaths of sea mammals with cancers, lesions, mutations washing ashore dead and dying on shorelines from Mexico to Alaska alongside thousands of seabirds washing ashore dead, delayed release of frozen radionuclides in the arctic laying waste to seals and bears, and
— horrific fish kills threatening the fishing
industry, and migrating birds such as Bald Eagles and owls falling from the sky ... and
— new and mysterious diseases apparently brought about as documented by scientifically established studies from Ukraine (Chernobyl) ...documenting that nuclear radiation mutates bacteria and viruses to form new and mysterious bacteria and viruses ... ... ... which, along with mainstream scientific premises that global warming hot spots in the Pacific Ocean as mainstream science suggests but fails to prove, also contribute to the rise of new and
mysterious diseases in ocean mammals and other sea life and tide pool life, and the birds and land mammals that eat ocean life.
All of the above is 100% documented with 9,011 links to groups of 3-to-5 published sources which in turn link to 25,000-to-35,000 pieces of published primarily mainstream and secondarily comprehensive, easy-to-understand scientific documentation, and/or supplemented by most up-to-date info on the website.
expanded detail, (from chart show earlier)
The IAEA Marine Environment Laboratory (IAEA-MEL) in Monaco has a long history of interest in marine plutonium behaviour, transfer and fate and this review further restricts itself to highlighting some of the past and current aspects of their work. Results of oxidation state studies in the Black Sea and Norwegian fjords show that major reduction of dissolved Pu(V) occurs [to Pu(III)] in anoxic waters in association with complexation of reduced plutonium with these dissolved and colloidal humics and fulvics.
Plutonium fluxes in northwestern Mediterranean have recently shown to correlate well with mass flux and suggest residence times of 24 and 3.5 years, respectively, for 239'24°pu and 24'Am in the upper mixed layers, values which are rather longer than those measured previously.
The IAEA-MEL has recently studied plutonium distributions in the vicinity of former waste dump sites in the NE Atlantic Ocean and in the Kara Sea.
Some of the most definitive studies of plutonium behaviour have been carried out in the Irish Sea, in the vicinity of the authorized discharge of low-level liquid wastes from the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant at Sellafield.
Close to 0.8 PBq of plutonium ~-emitters ARJ ~s/H-J 1213 1214 M.S. Baxter et al. have been discharged, peaking in 1973. Of this plutonium, about 7% is expected to leave the Irish Sea area (Pentreath et al., 1986), the great majority becoming associated with suspended particles and sediments. It is the long-term fate of this sedimentary plutonium which merits continuing study.
Although discharged to the Irish Sea in liquid waste, virtually all of plutonium a-activity (~99% of the major sea tank contribution) was associated with particulate material (<0.22 lam) (Pentreath et al., 1984),
including -10% of the consequent sediment inventory in the form of "hot particles" (Kershaw et al., 1986).
Sequential extraction and speciation studies carried out at University of Glasgow on Irish Sea and coastal soils (Livens et al., 1986; Livens and Baxter, 1988a; Livens and Baxter, 1988b) confirmed that the plutonium is entirely in the reduced form and is associated with organic and oxyhydroxide phases, with most of the plutonium in high molecular weight (> 150,000) humic and low molecular weight (< 2000) fulvic species.
Of the few percent of Irish Sea plutonium associated with the dissolved phase, 80-90% is found to be in oxidized form (Mitchell et al., 1991). Similar results have been observed in other near-shore environments (e.g. Eniwetok and Bikini lagoons, Gulf of Mexico, New York Bight, Bay of Fundy (Noshkin and Wong, 1980; Nelson et al., 1987; Mitchell et al., 1991).
Biokinetics — The Radioecology Laboratory of IAEA-MEL was the first group to investigate rates and pathways of plutonium flux through marine organisms using 237pu radiotracer in laboratory experiments (Fowler et al.,1975). For individual species, these radiotracer experiments have also identified interesting characteristics.
For example, plutonium absorption efficiencies for crabs are relatively high (20-60%) compared to mammalian systems (10-3-10-2%) and hence, because of differences in For individual species, these radiotracer experiments have also identified interesting characteristics.
For example, plutonium absorption efficiencies for crabs are relatively high (20-60%) compared to mammalian systems (10-3-10-2%) and hence, because of differences in digestive physiology, plutonium bioconcentration data cannot be extrapolated simply from vertebrates to invertebrates (Fowler and Guary, 1977).
In contrast to larger crustaceans, assimilation of plutonium by crustacean zooplankton is very low (Fowler et al., 1976). Indeed, about 99% of plutonium ingested by zooplankton is excreted with the feces (Higgo et al., 1977), with the result that, as mentioned later, zooplankton defecation is extremely important in scavenging plutonium from the ocean's surface layers (Fowler et al., 1983, 1991).
For starfish, the high concentration factors found by tracer and field studies (Fig. 2) are the result of a strong affinity between plutonium and the animal's mucus-covered epidermal layer which is in direct contact with the sea water, rather than through food-chain bioconcentration processes (Guary et al., 1982).
Intense or-track distributions encountered were found in winkle's operculum, these being attributable to its chitinous nature. (McDonald et al., 1993b) took advantage of relatively enhanced actinide concentrations prevailing in the marine environ aroundBNFL nuclear fuel reprocessing plant at Sellafield, U.K. in order to accurately confirm both whole body and individual tissue concentration factors for local mussels, winkles and prawns. Derived concentration factors for plutonium ranged from 300 (foot) to 30,000 (byssal threads) for mussels (1400 total soft tissue); from 700 (foot) to 16,000 (pallial complex) for winkles (5700 total soft tissue); and from 300 (abdomen muscle) to 27,000 (cardiac fore-gut) for prawn (20,000 total soft tissue).
Comparison with sediment trap flux data suggests half the computed plutonium loss can be accounted for by downward sinking of 239'uePu associated with large particles, particularly planktonic fecal pellets.
(r) Oceanus Magazine: Scott Fowler –The food chain starts with marine phytoplankton — microscopic plants that account for as much photosynthesis as plants on land. These organisms take up radioactive contaminants from the seawater that surrounds them. As the phytoplankton are eaten by larger zooplankton, small fish, and larger animals up the food chain, some of the contaminants end up in fecal pellets or other detrital particles that settle to the seafloor. These particles accumulate in sediments, and some radioisotopes contained within them may be remobilized back into the overlying waters through microbial and chemical processes.
In an experiment in the early 1980s, Fowler demonstrated vast differences in how much plutonium was absorbed from seawater by marine life across a spectrum of taxonomic groups. Phytoplankton accumulated roughly 10 times as much plutonium as microzooplankton, which took up 100 times more than clams. Octopi and crabs took up about half as much plutonium as clams, but about 100 times more than bottom-dwelling fish.
In one experiment measuring uptake of americium, worms exposed to contaminated sediments took up significantly more of the radioisotope than clams did. But both worms and clams took up much more of the radioisotopes from Pacific sediments, which contain relatively high amounts of silica minerals, than they did from Atlantic sediments, which contain more carbon minerals.
Food is another pathway into marine organisms and “may be in some cases the most important factor in uptake,” Fowler said. Consumed radioisotopes are assimilated internally through the gut, potentially a far more efficient route than if they are absorbed externally from the environment. Marine invertebrates, such as bottom-dwelling starfish and sea urchins, are particularly proficient at absorbing a wide range of ingested radioisotopes, he said, but fortunately, they lose that incorporated radioactivity over time, via excretion.
Observations on Plutonium in the Oceans M.S. Baxter, S.W. Fowler; P.P. Povinec
International Atomic Energy Agency, Marine Environment Laboratory, B.P. 800, MC 98012, Monaco
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06:15 PM Jul 16, 2017 -8886- 1 billion pounds of nuclear waste will be dumped into sea – Official: decision already made — solution: pour radioactive liquid into ocean – will cause devastation, [Editor's note: See Japan apology for lying to public (here), about the worst nuclear accident in the world ...they simply denied it was dangerous, at all — and imprisoned journalists — who disagreed with the State — for treason. Among whistleblowers, it is presumed this dumping had already occured ...as it has since 3/11 (not 9/11)]
12:12 PM Jul 3, 2017 -8885- Record radiation detected at Fukushima nuclear plant - Multiple locations register highest levels ever measured - Radioactive materials in groundwater toward the ocean.
09:53 AM Jun 13, 2017 -8884- TV: Huge number of sea creatures washing up dead along West Coast - It’s a crisis all along Southern California - large numbers getting sick and dying (VIDEO)
11:44 AM May 31, 2017 -8883- Alarming mass die-off on California beaches - sick and dead animals - seabirds, sea lions, dolphins affected - Experts: Never seen this many sick birds - How many have to die before somebody cares? (VIDEO)
M May 26 2017 -8882- Millions of dead sea creatures wash ashore in Hawaii - Carcasses found along miles of beach - That should trigger some alarm - I don’t know what’s going on over there - I’ve never seen anything like this (VIDEOS)
09:47 AM May 6, 2017 -8875- Record die-off of marine life along West Coast - Huge numbers washing up on shore… This is just the tip of the iceberg - Several types of animals found dead - Hemorrhaging from brain infection (PICS & VIDEOS)
04:52 PM May 3, 2017 -8874- Peak of Fukushima radiation now moving to West Coast - Levels much higher than predicted - Huge red blob of nuclear waste near shore - San Francisco area being hit hardest - Concern over Iodine-129 with 15 million year half-life (MAPS)
08:05 AM May 2, 2017 -8873- Brain-rotting toxin killing huge numbers of marine animals on California coast - Die-offs skyrocket over past week - Expert: It’s worst year we’ve ever seen - Mass deaths of sea lions, dolphins, birds - Officials warn outbreak is spreading (VIDEOS)
10:19 AM Apr 26, 2017 -8870- Japan wants to just drop tanks of Fukushima nuclear waste into ocean - Americans worried over plumes hitting West Coast - Reactors are now leaking really high levels of radiation into sea… The world does need to help - Official says Japan lying about catastrophe (VIDEO)
09:53 AM Jun 13, 2017 -8884- TV: 3:28 PM Apr 24, 2017 -8869- Mass die-off ongoing on US West Coast - marine life washing up. Reports coming in every day - Experts: ‘Unknown’ organisms eating away brains, hearts - New infection never seen before (VIDEOS)
Chernobyl research documents radionuclides mutate germs, viruses & bacteria to create new & mysterious unknown diseases
Sherman, Janet — Life's Delicate Balance: Causes & Prevention of Breast Cancer — books — Editor: Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and Nature, & see Chapter 2, part 11: Chernobyl’s Radioactive Impact on Microbial Biota - re: 'radionuclides mutate viruses and bacteria to form new and mysterious diseases' – (free PDF) (NOTE: Read the abstracts of each chapter that interests you ...abstracts summarize chapters ... otherwise, it is very technical and tough going for non-scientists.)
Japan population down 644.000 in one year — ongoing Fukushima nuclear meltdowns, fallout, waste, radioactive food, soil, air, water, sperm, eggs, DNA, genes, sterility in kids & adults ... contributing factors? ...nuclear oligarchs fear drop in gross national product will result in lower corporate board profits?
04:52 PM May 3, 2017 -8874- Peak of Fukushima radiation now moving to West Coast - Levels much higher than predicted - Huge red blob of nuclear waste near shore - San Francisco area being hit hardest - Concern over Iodine-129 with 15 million year half-life (MAPS)
03:53 PM Aug 26, 2015 -8702- California Coast: Many baby seals dying of leukemia-linked disorder- 1/3 of recent deaths at San Francisco Bay rescue center (CHART)
-8702.1- Physics and Radiobiology of Nuclear Medicine (Springer), Jun 29, 2013: Leukemia is one of the most common cancers induced by radiation in humans, accounting for one in five mortalities from radio-carcinogenesis. Risk of leukemia varies with age, young persons prone to radio-carcinogenesis - Leukemia appears as early as 2-3 years after exposure, average latent period of 5 to 10 years.
-8702.2- California sea lions dying – organs falling out of place, tumors, accumulation of pus inside bodies (PHOTO)
09:00 AM Nov 27, 2017 -9009- AP: “Japan poised to flood Pacific with 1 million tons of nuclear water contaminated by Fukushima” - Newsweek: “Experts want Japan to push a million tons of radioactive water into ocean” - Release could kill fishing industry (VIDEO)
06:49 AM Nov 13, 2017 -9005- Hawaii hit with up to 200 times more Fukushima fallout than expected - Over a Trillion becquerels of nuclear waste fell on Hawaii - Scientists: “Plume may have taken an alternative path… Greater than anticipated”
10:33 AM Nov 9, 2017 -9002- “Scientists shocked” as fisheries collapse along West Coast — ..."they’re starving” - Death rates skyrocket, no babies born - Fish stocks at all-time record lows
07:47 AM Nov 8, 2017 -9000- Fukushima radiation found in Hawaii fish - half contain fallout from Japan nuclear disaster
08:56 AM Oct 26, 2017 -8897- Feds find ‘bizarre’ results in survey of Pacific Ocean - Record low numbers of fish - Expert: “…pulled that net up, not a thing in it… different than anything we’ve ever seen”
03:25 PM Oct 5, 2017 -8896- Hidden Fukushima nuclear waste released into ocean - ‘Surprisingly’ high levels of radiation now detected along Pacific coast and in groundwater far from reactors - Expert: No one expected this - “Alarming example of how radiation has spread”
07:23 AM Aug 8, 2017 -8888- Pieces of Fukushima reactor cores still floating around, new study reveals - Hot particles with over 1 Quadrillion becquerels per kilogram detected - Radioactive materials contain Uranium, Polonium, Americium (VIDEO)
12:17 PM May 9, 2017 -8877- New fear of explosions in Fukushima - Nuclear waste threatens to spontaneously combust - millions of tons of radioactive material could be released - nuclear expert: Japanese government terrified (AUDIO)
03:32 PM Aug 8, 2012 -3975- Global public sentiment is still vehemently anti-nuclear – Extreme public resistance in Japan, Italy, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland
08:48 AM May 31, 2012 -3468- Germany produces 50% of energy from solar during mid-day – ‘Equivalent to 20 nuclear power stations at full capacity – without any radioactive waste
05:21 PM Mar 18, 2012 -2875- U.S. to burn 100s of tons of radioactive waste from Germany in Tennessee (also see, Uranium Trafficking)
06:40 AM May 13, 2012 -3310.a- Japanese not allowed to get on bus in Germany because people from Tokyo are contaminated
02:36 PM Feb 15, 2012 -2612- Evidence links nuclear plants to ill health – UK blames unidentified virus for childhood leukemia
08:31 AM Apr 25, 2012 -3162- Mom speaks out about brain cancers around San Onofre nuclear plant
“A 2012 study of all nuclear plants in France found elevated levels of child leukemia in the vicinity of the plants [nuclear reactors]. 2008 study in Germany came to similar conclusion regarding child leukemia and Germany’s nuclear generating facilities. A study in, Archives of Environmental Health, in 2003 found cancer rates in children were 12.4 percent higher (than nationwide occurrences) in 49 counties around 14 nuclear reactors in the eastern U.S.” - Excerpts – Washington Spectator, (Public Concern Foundation), Watching the Nuclear Watchdog, February 1, 2015, by Janet Sherman.
08:44 AM Jan 12, 2012 -2242- Child leukemia doubles near French nuclear plants
09:57 AM Jun 2, 2011 -0642- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) says no such thing as safe levels of radiation – standard based on ‘cost-benefit’, not safety – 06/02/11, National Academy of Science: 1-in-5 workers get cancer from IAEA safety standard
09:56 AM Apr 25, 2012 -3163- Epidemiologist: Slower you spread radiation dose, more effectively it produces cancer and inherited defects – Japan is going the very best way in the world for destroying the human race (1993 VIDEO)
03:53 PM Feb 27, 2013 -5443- We have seen how it’s affecting children already, and no one knows exactly what’s going on – can only rely on nuclear experts in Germany, France, U.S.
09:10 AM Apr 12, 2013 -5738- U.S. Experiments: Hundreds of pregnant women fed nuclear material – infants & children fed radioactive lemonade, here
3:28 PM Apr 24, 2017 -8869- Mass die-off ongoing along U.S. West Coast - TV: It’s just not clear why all the marine life is washing up like this. Reports coming in every day - Experts: ‘Unknown’ organisms eating away brains, hearts - New infection never seen before (VIDEOS)
9:27 AM Apr 11, 2017 -8867- Officials: Melted fuel still leaking out of Fukushima reactor — Likely escaping from opening at bottom of containment vessel — Gov’t experts want to give up sending in robots to search for molten cores
12:43 PM Mar 30, 2017 -8866- Most catastrophic fisheries collapse in history expected along West Coast - Official: This is a nightmare, I have never in my life dreamed that it could get this bad - Threat of coast-wide fishing failure (VIDEO)
3:40 PM Mar 19, 2017 -8861- Report: Hundreds of millions of Pacific salmon missing, presumed dead - Gov’t issues emergency order along U.S. West Coast - Japan suffering historic collapse, fish starving to death - All forms of ocean life dying in stunning numbers across Pacific
6:19 AM Mar 17, 2017 -8860- Biggest concern is Fukushima plant will collapse. Concrete under reactors is being eaten away. Ongoing chemical attacks - Containment structures tilt, in jeopardy of falling over (AUDIO)
2:35 PM Mar 16, 2017 -8859- Massive die-offs reported in Pacific Ocean - Officials: No fish out there, anywhere, over a very large area. What’s happening? Where’s their food? Alarming. Frightening. Total failure in reproduction. Like nothing we’ve ever observed before (VIDEO)
6:36 PM Mar 14, 2017 -8858- Fukushima worst industrial cataclysm in history of world. As close to hell as I can imagine - Melted fuel ‘disappeared’ - Contamination will go on for hundreds of thousands of years. No one knows when it’ll end - Gov’t perpetrating ongoing cover-up (video)
01:47 PM Mar 13, 2017 -8857- Fish leak pus, covered in lesions, deformed along U.S. West Coast - Fisherman: Nearly all fish caught affected; I’ve never seen this - pus all over body - Official: So many ill, environmental conditions a factor? (PHOTOS)
10:48 AM Mar 13, 2017 -8856- Nuclear fuel still burning through bottom of Fukushima plant? - Expert: Corium likely melted into earth… Will pour highly radioactive waste into ocean for rest of time - NY Times: Fuel may never be removed, reactors to be entombed like Chernobyl (VIDEO)
01:44 PM Mar 10, 2017 -8855- Expert warns of collapse at Fukushima reactor: It would be the end of Japan… New photos show serious structural damage at Unit 2… It’s a fantasy they can decommission plant - AP: Melted fuel has broken pieces of structure in containment vessel (VIDEO)
01:15 PM Mar 3, 2017 -8853- Many at Fukushima have brain damage - Worker develops 3 types of cancer in a year - Secret hospital treats those sickened by radiation exposure - Doctor: ‘People cried, can we survive?
10:15 PM Mar 1, 2017 -8852- Mysterious cancer killing sea lions along West Coast - Bones turn to mush – Inside, masses of yellow, cancerous tissue - Animals die at alarming rates (VIDEO)
01:39 PM Feb 28, 2017 -8851- Professor links die-offs on West Coast to Fukushima radiation - Nobody knows what to do about continuing contamination - River flowing under plant with molten fuel on the bottom goes into ocean (VIDEO)
10:15 AM Feb 21, 2017 -8847- Scientists fear Fukushima radiation hitting U.S. to worsen - A lot of people are very concerned - Billions being exposed - Reactors will continue to pour water into Pacific for the rest of time (VIDEO)
Whales — 282 database entries
05:10 PM Feb 5, 2017 []-8841- Record whale deaths in Hawaii - throughout islands in Pacific - Sick and starving, mystery to experts - Possible health effects from Fukushima radiation off coast (VIDEO)
02:07 AM Nov 5, 2014 []-8488- West Coast - Baby whales dying since 2011 - none survive - mothers pregnant for weeks, then abort; starving - skeletons with skin (VIDEO)
Sharks — 10 database entries
011:05 AM May 30, 2012 []-3459- Calif. tuna study: Radioactive contaminatio - spent less than a month in Japan waters - turtles, sharks, birds at risk - Other migratory species (e.g., turtles, sharks, and seabirds) forage near Japan & may assimilate radiocesium – transport it to north & south Pacific.
Sea Turtles - 54 database entries
Dolphins — 64 database entries
11:44 AM May 31, 2017 []-8883- Alarming mass die-off on California beaches - Extremely high number of sick and dead animals - Sea birds, sea lions, dolphins affected - Experts: Never seen this many sick birds - How many have to die before somebody cares? (VIDEOS)
05:38 PM Jan 22, 2016 []-8765- Pacific Rim: Wildlife die-off not just marine die-offs; more species get sick; extinction fears (VIDEO)
Octopus — 2 database entries
04:29 PM Jun 25, 2015 []-8665- Eerie new phenomenon attacking sea creatures on West Coast - Marine life disappearing from tide pools - Fish, octopus, mussels, urchins, limpets, sea hares seem to be leaving … There’s something going on - Experts have no idea what to expect next (VIDEO)
09:41 AM Feb 4, 2016 []-8769- Pacific Rim: Bird die-off; stomachs empty; hundreds of thousands at risk (VIDEO)
Birds — tbd database entries
03:00 PM Jan 13, 2016 []-8761- Pacific Rim West/Northwest coast … Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, California: Dead birds on beaches; complete reproductive failure, thick-billed murres, black-legged kittiwakes, horned and tufted puffins, glaucous-winged gulls, and sooty and short-tailed shearwaters; concurrent with whale, pinniped, sea otter, and fish mortalities (VIDEOS)
Fukushima — 4,709 db entries
11:24 AM Feb 10, 2016 []-8773- Fukushima: Intertidal biota sessile species by nuclear factory - mass die-off, reproductive failure: mussels, barnacles, fan worms, limpet, sponges, chitons, sea amemones, rock shell bivalves, gastropods, crustaceans, echinoderms – (sessile refers to organisms anchored, for example, to rocks and piers)
01:26 PM May 6, 2015 []-8627 - Pacific Sea Mammals: Tumors, lesions, bleeding eyes — no testicles, no eyeballs — Skin sheds, peels; new diseases (PHOTOS)
01:17 PM May 3, 2014 []-8211- California: Birds fall from sky, sea lions convulse — heart lesions, scattered shrinking in brain (VIDEO)
10:29 AM Oct 19, 2013 []-6568 - Sailor: After Japan ...ocean itself was dead — saw one whale, appeared helpless, with a big tumor on its head
11:27 AM Nov 12, 2013 []-6680 - Hundreds of sea turtles wash up dead on Pacific coast — dogs stop breathing, die almost instantly eating them
[]-6659.3 - []-8342- Alaska: Worst fishing - Salmon - lesions, worms & parasites - Crabs easily damaged - dead catch - herring, cod, halibut, pollock down 6/31/14
07:26 AM Apr 25, 2016 []-8809- California beaches: Washed-up sea life - dead animals - starving to death - sores - stunted growth (PHOTO & VIDEOS)
[]-6659.2- []-6804- Alaska seabird die-off — disease never in State; Head flops back, seizure, drops dead Dec 12, 2013
[]-8809.1- []-8708- Rapid & complete die-off of animals near nuclear site - 150,000 antelopes bleed from internal organs, corpses overflow pits (PHOTOS)
04:59 PM Mar 19, 2013 []-5608- Fukushima cesium in turtles, whales, fish
11:44 PM May 3, 2014 []-8212- Acute hemorrhaging found in dead owls - eight mths after Fukushima — come emaciated from Arctic to Northwest