(Rough cut not a final cut of our 2nd video previews this site)
(below) Note: Decimal numbers link to our web pages and pictures may link to original presentations. |
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1 The Pacific Ocean is Dying and You Don't Even Know

Choice of Biden Admin to watchdog nuclear reactor fallout & waste ...absence of gravity no presence of mind ,,,sex addict self-absorbed
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1979 Wall St. Occupation: First Ever Occupy direct action: Protest vs Wall Street & nuclear power
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What is a sacred place? ...a caterpillar? ...straw? ...every living thing? ...but not you?
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u.s. national academy of science beir vii phase 2
1.2 Exposure |
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Ukraine nuclear fallout & waste mutated viruses, bacteria, & microbial biota to form mysterious diseases & mutations in fauna, flora and microbial biota never seen before, (here).
1.5 Fauna, Flora & Microbial Biota
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Jun 22, 2015 CBS: “Unusual increase in dolphin, sea lion, and seabird deaths" (VIDEO) here — Jun 11, 2015 | Senior Scientist: “Birds in bad condition” off West Coast — Zero babies survive on islands, usually 15,000 — “Extremely poor” breeding; didn’t try (VIDEO) here
1.9 Sea Animals & Land Animals |
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Children Suffer Nuclear Impact Worldwide
1.16 Kids |
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Rivers & forests now sue corps harming them
1.19 Elders |
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1.29 The Fukushima Reactor That Wasn't There |
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2 Kamala's War on Children
If there were City of London/FED central bankers hung from the tree instead of innocent women, there would've been no WWI, WWII, Vietnam-, Korea-, Iran-, Iraq-, Afghanistan-, Africa-, Syria-, South-, Central- or North American war AND NO 2014-2024 WAR IN UKRAINE! |
2.5 Portland Homeboy War On Bankers |
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Nancy hides son's Ukraine & Russia deals by attacking Trump like Biden & Hillary do.
2.8 Pelosi Coprolite |
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3 The (publically owned) Republic of the united states of America — versus — The (privately owned) United States Corporation
3.23 JPMorgan |
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3.24 Rockefeller Chase World Bank IMF Ex-Im |
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3.25 JPMorganChase |
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Biden wants another $100 billion for Israel & Ukraine ...that is taxation without representation ...what we fought the 1776 American Revolution against! |
3.35 Biden |
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4 Depopulation, Species Loss & Extinction

Dark forces of oligarchal billionaire corporation-caused global warming central banker weaponized extreme climate change & nuclear fallout and waste, military ionospheric heater radiation & weaponized forest fires at work. Our living planet is being murdered by central bankers using nuclear industry & weather warfare (not to mention conventional warfare) to loot and gang-rape Mother Nature & Mother Earth and bring their boot down on your face.
4.3 Weaponized climate weather war sites |
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07:47 AM Jun 8, 2016 -8820- Fukushima radiation exposure – 400 U.S. veterans' serious illness – Japan Prime Minister crying: "Can’t be ignored – more sick people; worse." (VIDEOS) |
4.5 Bankers Nuke U.S.S. Reagan Sailors |
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4.21 Bankers Hit Ukraine & Japan Reactors |
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4.43 Californication Bechtel Schumer |
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Try that in a small town