under re-construction
Portland wsp_rte_replace_marker |
Oregon: a Soros-blue mess & Multnomah County (which Portland is in) has an Obama-Obiden-Okamala catch-&-release district attorney ...local news appears to be stupid, too
— Portland Ghost of Xmas Past —
Portland, Oregon renamed Antifa, Corp U.S. –versus– Lahaina, Maui Hawaii
Here Antifa, fires, police, Schroder, Bechtel nuclear Californication stink of Harris, Newsom, Pelosi & Feinstein
Here in Whoregon ... specially in Portland Antifa, Corp. U.S. teachers having produced the 16th most stupid students in the 50 States & District of Columbia in Corp. U.S., teachers rate as the 16th stupidest rank teachers.
Consequently, having been paid not to teach for a year or two during Covid, these stupid sorry excuses for human beings decided to go on strike for higher wages.
Oregon Stupid Teachers ranked 16th most stupid out of 50 States & D.C. want more money?
What could the teachers ranked 16th most stupid out of 50 States & D.C. do with more money? ...be more stupid!
Teacher obsession with woke sex education: Culture Cancel Education Commission of the States?
Obviously, obsessed with being woke and sex education for preschoolers and K-12 kids, teachers would use a pay increase to get stupider …more stupid, if that is even stupidly possible.
More than a passing grade
The correct solution to the teachers’ strike is, fire them replace them with teachers from India, Russia, Japan and Africa …from countries that honor education enough to know the difference between a man and a woman and a hermaphrodite, a gay person and a lesbian and someone who butchers their body to please others then kills themself because they were misled by stupid teachers.
Inbred? ...teachers of Portland are a joke on bathroom walls of every restaurant and outhouse in Portland, along with phone numbers and the words, “Wanna Get Stupid? …Call me.” The stupidity of the teachers is best matched only by the stupidity of the City Council and their stupid superiors and the stupid jerks stupifying Portland with the 16th rank most imbecile U.S. teachers.
Portland, like Santa Claus Schwab (taught his licks by Kissinger) believe people in Portland should not drive cars. So, they stopped fixing the potholes ...obviously.
Consequently, you have a 100% chance on your way to work or way home, of hitting a 2-foot-square, 3-to-4 inch deeo pothole and ruining your tires that just cost $1,000-to-$2,000 for a set of four and splitting your rim.
Everyone who works administering the city should be fired; all city pensions as well as all teachers’ pensions, should be eliminated. The teachers and administrators be ground up and mixed with asphalt to fill the potholes. It's a no-brainer ...ask any student who can't read or do math.
How does that relate to Lahaina?
You figure it out, here is almost every video that deals with stupidity of the murderous Corp. Hawaii governance over Lahaina and billionaires exploiting indigenous native Hawaiians who culturally and naturally honor Nature and cleanliness of the sky, forests, jungles, water, earth, air ...and Lahaina, formerly a saving grace of the Islands.

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are fed interest-rate dynastic central banker family heirs killing pregnant women, animals, & kids where you live? ...yup
12:05 AM Mar 26, 2012 2922 Fairewinds president: Organic farm in Portland stops producing food after radiation tests ... very frightening what happened on West Coast (VIDEO)
Soil contaminated from airborne Fukushima fallout; City emergency preparedness dept. denial; & denies millions of dead sea animals covering OR coast from seaborne fallout: "Ban on inland fishing due to new & mysterious diseases from global warming"... & collapse of fishing industry & dying sea mammals with bleeding lesions & tumors, City says, "from global warming."
09:43 AM Dec 22, 2011 2067 West Coast - increase in cancer from Fukushima radionuclides ... After Japan, the most radioactive area is Cascade Mountains - Portland had cesium at 100 Bq/m² (VIDEO)
We’ll see a statistically meaningful increase in cancer from Fukushima on west coast — After Japan, the most radioactive area is Cascade Mountains — Portland had cesium at 100 Bq/m² (VIDEO)
06:34 AM Nov 16, 2011 1802 Radiation precautions for areas near Seattle, Vancouver, Portland? ... Perhaps you need to wash your shoes …and other things (VIDEO)
Perhaps you need to wash your shoes …and other things. If in Oregon, Wash., Calif. you need to demand officials test how Fukushima fallout has affected rivers and fish -- Significant radiation hit the west coast and settled in on the Cascades. We’ll see a statistically meaningful increase in cancer from Fukushima on west coast …after Japan, the most radioactive area is Cascade Mountains. Portland had cesium at 100 Bq/m². Arnie Gundersen (cell phone pdf, here) & (computer msword w/pop-ups & search engine, here)
are fed interest-rate dynastic central banker family heirs killing pregnant women, animals & kids where you live? ...yup
article of the week
(also see Dr. Sternglass studies of pregnant women, zygotes, sperm, fetus, newborns, infants by nuclear reactor sites, here & here)
08:44 AM Jan 12, 2012 2242 Child leukemia doubles near French nuclear plants
03:44 PM Jan 21, 2012 2342 90% higher incidence of childhood leukemia around nuclear plants ... Authors call for investigation
11:51 AM Dec 5, 2012 4910 Reuters: Last 24 hours have ‘killed’ French nuclear ... Analyst: It looks really bad
02:36 PM Feb 15, 2012 2612 Evidence links nuclear plants to illness ... but, UK blames unidentified virus for childhood leukemia rise
08:44 AM Oct 6, 2011 1479 U. of Pittsburg radiation expert: Child cancer risk doubles if exposed to just a couple x-rays worth of radiation during pregnancy (VIDEO)
01:48 PM Jan 30, 2012 2420 23% higher incidence of childhood leukemia within 16 km of nuclear facilities
Epidemiologic studies of spatial variation in cancer incidence or mortality have been conducted to investigate effects of unplanned releases as well as routine operations.
are fed interest-rate dynastic central banker family heirs killing pregnant women, animals, & kids where you live? ...yup
Hanford, wa: Babies missing brains
[Editor's note: Bill Gates & Bechtel (currently running the United States government thru California-based politicians like Pelosi, Feinstein, Harris) are building several new reactors at Hanford plus reactivating several dormant reactors, there]
10:04 AM Mar 23, 2016 8806.6 Hanford: Cemetery of dead babies missing brains by nuclear site (video)
Funeral Director: Almost all infants we have died the same way …that’s pretty much all I see on death certificates ... Few miles from most contaminated place in hemisphere ... One of largest documented anencephaly clusters in U.S. history (VIDEO)
04:58 PM Nov 30, 2014 8513 Washington State, Hanford: babies missing brains at 2,500% national rate in county by nuclear site ... most significant impact of radiation on developing embryos (AUDIO)
02:43 PM Mar 24, 2014 8121 Caldicott: Fukushima to be pouring radioactive water into Pacific for the rest of Time ... nuclear industry covers it up ..they know if truth comes out it will end of nuclear power (AUDIO)
12:03 PM Mar 25, 2014 8123 New Mexico Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP): 5 types of plutonium released from WIPP; not informing public ... Caldicott: facility will never be able to be used again; inhaling a millionth of a gram of plutonium will induce lung cancer (AUDIO)

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KOIN 6 — Portland: More violent riots, highest murder rate & car thefts in U.S. — lowest education of all cities in U.S. — catch-&-release that & defund the poilce that, you idiots.

Blue Portland demonstrators (criminals) protest police violence Wednesday & mark 70 nights of rioting, burning buildings, smash store window, loot & rob jewelry stores.

Antifa attacks Portland ICE — Timeline of protests, riots: Portland Police Bureau releases nightly recap of fires, vandalism; another Pelosi & Harris lovefest celebration.

Jul 17, 2020 — Portland protest: Man caught on video attacking a U.S. Marshal with a hammer | ABC7; Portland: Texas sociopaths earns $26/hr 'have riot will travel' (story)
Oregon State Police troopers deputized by U.S. Marshals; Multnomah County (Portland) assinine criminal catch-&-release policy in a brainless blue State love festival condoned by Kate Brown the Clown.
Clueless in Seattle — Criminal violence looting & fires; protesters (criminals) defy stupid blue Mayor Jenny Durkan's 5 p.m. curfew & enjoy a State love festival.
Sep 1, 2020 - Criminal protesters demand Portland mayor's resignation; set fires outside stupid mayor's condo building – criminal Pelosi Harris blue State love festival redux

Burning Secret: USA – Southeast of Portland, Estacada & Mollala Oregon Arsonists hired by Soros come from Portland to attack locals' homes with firebombs: kept secret – there’s more to these fires – U.S. leaves democracy – Soros/City of London fascist dictatorship.
video censored
Cold Warriors have always been, and will always be, the City of London central bankers & their apologists that own the Federal Reserve & are out to destroy Portland, Estacada, Mollala, Russia, China & America.
Well, partisans in Portland Oregon have a message for these looting and burning agents provocateurs:
You Loot We Shoot...
...and the bodies will never be found
EYEWITNESS: "YOU LOOT, WE SHOOT ...& the bodies will never be found" |
— battlecry of arson victims & fire refugees in Estacada & Mollala Oregon ... with raging wildfires destroying residents' property, life savings & animals ...Antifa rioters & scum descend on rural communities to burn them down ...& rural residents vow, "You loot, we shoot ...& the bodies will never be found"
8 P.M. 9/14/2020 — Portland Oregon Antifa Whoregon: NEWSFLASH – How many wildlife & domestic animals & pets: animals, deer, cows, dogs, cats, birds, sheep, squirrels, rabbits, foxes, skunks, racoons, dogs & cats have been trapped & burnt alive by the raging fires in Estacata & Mollala? ...by looters/agents provocateurs who smashed windows & started fires in, & looted stores for several months in Portland now going out to rural Estacata & Mollala ...where eyewitness testimony confirms the looters are throwing firebombs to start & spread the fires in houses to loot them. Citizen patrol groups have formed as well as volunteer police officers from as far away as Vancouver Washington to help the residents, who now say,"You loot, we shoot ... & the bodies will never be found," (cont, here-1a)
24+ ongoing Months of Soros-funded Antifa Riots in Portland, Oregon |
(1-of-19) Here in Portland Oregon Antifa Whoregon, I am scared & buying a shotgun & a pistol two pistols & a rifle three rifles... because the governor & mayor consider the out-of-control Antifa riots burning out stores & murders the last 100-130–550 730+ days to be peaceful love fests ...recently 'they' broke into stores & pulled out the furniture to fuel bonfires in front of the mayor's condo ...so he moved out the next day, (cont here).
...so, we've renamed Portland, Oregon to be Antifa, Whoregon to commemorate Soros funding our county district attorney to be stupidly catch-&-release. Portland Antifa Riots Started May 25, 2020 & are still happening as of today, Oct. 25, 2021 ...they did manage to rob the oldest jewelry stores in Portand ...how's that for KKK equity? Billionaires, bankers, Soros's Antifa & nuclear suck the life force out of parents, girls, boys. pets, whales, dolphins, birds, bees, flowers, trees, Mother Nature, Gaia & Divine Order ...and you can stop it by wanting to
Under the watchful eye of puppies, kittens & the Pacific Ocean — abstract: 'They' use nuclear & civil unrest to destroy us ...but who are 'they'? Antifa? Nuclear? Soros? Gates? Fauci? Reagan? Clinton? Trump? Bechtel created & backs Pelosi, Feinstein, Brown, Newsom, Reagan & JPMorganChase is an owner of the Fed/City of London that owns Bechtel (JP Morgan owns a mansion in Portland). That's California, Oregon, Washington & the U.S. ...so, who are 'they'? ...here we go: pdf, here – word with search, here — (Central banks own nuclear industry & the media.)

death force — ever wonder what the hell is going on in the murder capital of the u.s.a. — portland, oregon?
Portland, seattle, cascades, vancouver b.c. ~ fukushima fallout direct hit ...(practically, forever)
portlandia antifa walking dead ...when heck freezes over the darned will walk the earth
blame soros, catch-and-release district attorney, pelosi, city of london central bankers, jp morgan (has a house here), kate brown the biden pelosi harris clown queen of missing $billions

The Life Force in Portland, Oregon Antifa, Oregon —(pdf, here)—

FAREWELL FROM PORTLAND ANTIFA, oregon ...WE'LL BE SEEING YOU TO SAY GOOD BYE ...and so will the not so great reset

fact check: Investigation finds no evidence hollywood uses Adrenochrome as an immortality serum harvested from a child in satanic rituals ...you must be thinking of t-cells
