Twelve Central Banker Weapons Kill Us 8:11 a.m. 02-014-2025 west coast usa
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Twelve Weapons white bankster warlords use to dishonor the great spirit, kill mother earth & to eliminate you to depopulate earth to mine & own all natural resources without your moral or ethical interference
The True Essence of Civilization by Chief Standing Bear, (excerpted from, The Land of the Spotted Eagle, 1933)
True, the white man brought great change. But the varied fruits of his civilization, though highly colored and inviting, are sickening and deadening. And if it be the part of civilization to maim, rob, and thwart, then what is progress? I am going to venture the man who sat on the ground in his tipi meditating on life and its meaning, accepting the kinship of all creatures, acknowledging unity with the universe of things, was infusing into his being the true essence of civilization.
Reset Weapon No. 1...Spies, Agents Provocateurs, Saboteurs, Armies, Traitors (politicians), Operatives, Traffickers & Bad Science ...paid off by White Central Bankster Warlords
—Portland: Texas sociopaths earns $26/hr 'have riot will travel', (story)
— sociopathic protester earns $78,000 a year yelling & sign waving. How much to go from Texas to Portland OR to burn & beat people as Soros/Pelosi agent provocateur? network of Soros sociopath groups (here) & (here)
— Paid protesters? They’re real – a Beverly Hills firm hires them & is sued for extortion (here)
Burning Secret: USA – Estacada & Mollala Arsonists: How have they kept this hidden so long – There’s more to the story with these fires.
Senate Majority: Dem's riot plans: Majority drops bombshell video exposing democrat plans to fuel the riots,
Barr calls coronavirus lockdowns the greatest intrusion on civil liberties since slavery.
Reset Weapon No. 2...the Anti-Kingdom
From the Portland Oregon historical archives, c. 1950 Portland progressive enough, for you? ...after all, Portlandia was bull-whipping people with dark skin every month until they left Portland ...or, died. To this day you can't even buy barbequed ribs in Portland, southern style & there's not a single blues bar in town. Motto of Portland is, Keep Portland Weird.
Dec 10, 2021 New York City, New York – Irene Diamond, David Rockefeller & George Soros, three of eleven recipients of the inaugural Carnegie Medals of Philanthropy, indulge in a round of self-congratulation. The Rockefeller dynastic central banker warlord family founded the major U.S. banks including IMF, World Bank, Export-Import Bank & major oil companies including Standard, Chervron et al, fund our university science & other departments, & primarily dictate national security & foreign affairs policy to Congress, who all fatten on insider trading & hostile corporate takeovers & regime change wars.
why it is important to protect the innocent
...from the anti-Kingdom all around us sucking our blood
Taking the crucified peoples down from the cross — Demons surface from hell in halls of Congress, morph into suits & fake human faces & bodies then pee on floors. In the world tradition of religions agree, in addition to our Earthly life, we are surrounded by spirits from above, below & around us. There is agreement among all religions & spiritual practices that evil is all around.
Oct 21, 1996 - Presidential Palace, Tbilisi, Georgia; President Eduard Shevardnadze (r), greets George Soros. Both played key roles in the downfall of the USSR & Eastern Europe. Soros & Shevardnadze are now playing key roles in the destabilization of Russia thru the instrument of Chechnya.(update - Mar 2022) – Soros, IMF, World Bank, BIS & City of London continue today in key roles to destabilize Russia thru the instruments of Ukraine & U.S. Congress; and to destabilize America thru the instruments of Congress, IMF, Wall Street (the Federal Reserve System subsidiary of the City of London central banking corporation) & the City of London central banking corporation in Dulles Bush Kissinger Clinton Obama Biden old school globalist imperialism bloodlust for western central banker warlords world conquest.
Reset Weapon No. 3 ...Nuclear Industry ... it does not stop or slow global warming; nuclear fuels global warming is the military destroying Earth's ozone & oxygen, not greenhouse gases as you are told, or underarm deodorant as your parents & grandparents were told — according to astrophysics, global warming is controlled by the electromagnetic plasmas of the sun, which hit Earth like a bully hitting a punching bag & also cause earthquakes, volcanic eruptions & tital waves, distort 1st responder radios, nuclear factory instruments & start electrical fires
(click pic ) Polar bears starve, as do sea lions, seals, whales, dolphins & more sealife from airborne & seaborne Fukushima fallout (ionizing radiation) destroying plankton, krill, sardines, herring, tuna & salmon food chains – covered w/bleeding lesions & tumors.
Red Blob: Seaborne nuclear fallout from Fukushima ... not simply warm water creating mysterious diseases ...destroys millions & trillions of sea life as mainstream, fake news [co-owned by Gates-(building nuclear reactors in China)/MSNBC(pdf download, here)& General Electric–nuclear industry(pdf download, here),which is owned by the Fed/City of London Wall Street/London Stock Exchange central bankers (inventing nuclear for military & financial warfare & financing it) (here)], lies to you.
Radioactive fallout from atomic weapons testing started in 1945, ended ~1985. Yhere are two global trend breaks in lung cancer upturn around 1950 ...and, a downturn about 1990 ... that is a perfect match with the nuclear fallout period. — Ionizing radiation is the true cause of most cancer — Rise in cancer follows rise in nuclear testing
May 2015 - Mary Olson: Side Session on Gender & Nuclear Weapons at United Nations in NY — Mary Olson: disproportionate harm to girls & women compared to boys & men from ionizing radiation exposure. Gender & cancer ... women & girls get more cancer than men & boys, from nuclear ionizing radiation (catastrophic & daily normal reactor emissions.)
December 2014, Gender & Radiation Impact Project at The Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impacts of Nuclear Weapons, Mary Olson spoke on the medical impact of using nuclear weapons, including disproportionate harm to women & children particularly girls.
Apr 6, 2021 Mary Olson: Reference Girl Basics — Gender and Radiation Impact Project shares slides on adverse health affects of ionizing radiation, emphasizing disproportionate affects to women & girls — & the need to define a Reference Girl as nuclear industry affects on girls are underestimatd & overlooked & affects on the female reproductive process.
Reset Weapon No. 4 ...City of London — an independent country one square mile in size, hidden inside the city of London
...called, the City of London, the Square Mile, the Crown from where all the west's central banksters home offices are, that rule us. Note, the Vatican is a also separate country of a few square blocks, inside Italy. The Sovereign Military Knights of Malta ...the guards of the Vatican & Vatican bank ... are a separate, virtual country [...& it's members are the intelligence heads, leaders of military & industry & statesmen all commanding the conventional armies & space age weapons of the western world (financial warfare, weather warfare, earthquake warfare, electromagnetic pulse (EMP), nuclear, chemical, biological & psychological warfare, social engineering, censorship & propaganda] ...being the knights of the historical & ongoing inquisition to subjugate 3rd world countries & peoples of color to the egos & sadistic sexual appetites of the white central bankster warlords.
Who gets paid the interest on the national debt a personal dividend on exclusive private ownership of New York Federal Reserve System founding stock?(financial terrorists)
Who pays the interest on the national debt?
(above) Note the players above in the last paragraph, these are the same interests who founded the Federal Reserve System, which was a financial coup ignored by a corrupt Congress (like today's) & these interests, who were thrown out of America by the financial Revolutionary War of 1776 because of exorbinant interest rates (taxation without representation), in 1913 after adequately bribing Congress took over the monetary system and monetary policy of American, making it their own, they privately owned it and still do. They own all the corporations that are currently polluting the world & destroying life and Earth itself. These same interests have engineers coups to destabilize America since 1776 up to our current financial-, biological-, unconventional (nuclear, EMP, ionospheric heaters), conventional & covert warfare currently in play by them,(documentation to follow, here).
asdThe shareholders (see bottom of chart) annually get paid the interest on the national debt a personal dividend on exclusive private ownership of New York Federal Reserve System founding stock.(financial terrorists)
General Electric is a parent company of through GE’s 49 percent stake in NBC-Universal. NBC-Universal and Microsoft are equal partners in
Westinghouse is owned by Toshiba in Japan. General Electric is owned by Hitachi in Japan.
Which private interlocking banking directorates that own the Fed own General Electric? ...see yellow highlight on charts;pdf, here – word with search, here
Sweden, South Dakota were right, rest of world was punk’d
Sweden & South Dakota shrugged off dire predictions of mass die-offs from COVID-19 & did not shut down their entire economy & society, & now their response has been proven correct while the rest of the world stumbled into mass hysteria.
Bill Gates says 800,000 will die from using the vaccine ...because of the vaccine ...not because of CV-19; wants governments mandating vaccines & those administering vaccines to be indemnified & not held responsible for killing 800,000 people with the vaccine.
Divest & lock up Gates, Fauci, Soros, JPMorganChase, Fed/City of London, UN ...then throw away the key!
How come an expert on pandemics never mentions the biggest pandemic in the world? ...41,000 people a day get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry ...because his thing is biological warfare to destroy lives & get rich off bio-war patents; he's into death. How much is the death-merchant worth, since Pfizer made an extra $60 billion dollars in 2021 from merchandizing vaccines ...and, did Moderna invent & patent CoVid (since they had the vaccine three years before the hubbub.
...(btw: while you sleep, white supremicist Fed/City of London bankers for 300 years keep removing countries & people of color from Earth & loot the planet ...cheer up, they're now removing white people again, too ...last time I checked white was a color). On the Racist Nature of Escaped Influenza Pandemic Biological WarfareAgents that existed 3 years prior & were patented & so were their vaccines
...huh? ...made in U.S.A. by DARPA? ...outlawed in U.S. –transfered to Wuhan lab? Fauci funded transfer? ...patented by Moderna? ...Pfizer, too? ...Fauci owns half patent rights income? ...WTF?!
American Indians & Alaska Native persons 5x CV-19 than Whites; Blacks 5x, Hispanics & Latino 4x(here)
Nuclear & race-aimed influenza pandemic biological warfare research, development & deployment – DARPA (historically & currently) deploys camel, bat, swine, chicken & jet stream carriers in non-U.S.-petrodollar places: China, Cuba, Afghanistan, Angola, Iran, Iraq, China, Syria ...& Israel makes biowar agents to target Arabs ...our corrupt Congress is selling nuclear to & bombing every non-white mid-East country w/depleted uranium can you spell r a c i s m?
Reset Weapon No. 6 ...Social Engineering & Social Media
(click pic) The Life Force is under attack as never before. Can you feel it? Your understanding or lack of understanding is the most pressing issue of our Time, and Life everlasting. You have within you the seed of a new understanding empowering you to be active, rather than reactive, and to discern then undo nuclear energy industry killers worshipping at the stinky feet of science,(cont, here-01d)
Reset Weapon No. 7 ...Weather Modification
(click pic) WeatherModification: Remember the drought in California & when the weather front went down to Texas & Mexico & snowed there? Here is satellite imagery showing the storm weather front being pushed away from California with high tech space age electromagnetic equipment; this kind of stealth activity has a disastrous effect on animals & people & such droughts immediately leads to out of control & raging fires
Reset Weapon No. 8 ...Nuclear War
Now do you see how safe and clean nuclear is ...just ask this kid! this what exposure to depleted uraniumdoes to an egg, sperm, embryo or fetus? ...yes, it is.
(above) Juiced-up genocidal white racist City of London corporation globalist central bankers about to take the fall as humanity unites to eliminate them once & for all
Capital Punishment for Capitalists
Capitalism is racism ... it is impossible to separate capitalism from racism ... because British then American capital came from exploiting 122 countries of color conquered by City of London corporation ...that owns all western central banks
"True, the white man brought great change. But the varied fruits of his civilization, though highly colored and inviting, are sickening and deadening. And if it be the part of civilization to maim, rob, thwart, and threaten ...what is progress? I am going to venture the man who sat on the ground in his tipi meditating on life and its meaning, accepting the kinship of all creatures, acknowledging unity with the universe of things, was infusing into his being the true essence of civilization." – Chief Standing Bear, The Land of the Spotted Eagle, 1933
The white fathers of systemic racism genociding people & 120 countries of color is the City of London corporation, founded 25 A.D ...a square mile that is a separate country, referred to as, the 'Crown', located inside the city of London ...they stole genocided / steal genocide then militarily & financially colonize(d) 120 countries of color & continue genociding people of color, today.
(To identify the primary enemy of Earth & humanity now exterminating you & destroying Life on Earth — the white capitalists who deserve captial & eternal punishment: the Money-issuing class, for their names & racist New World Order globalist affiliations – click here)
Great Reset: Eternal Punishment for Capitalists—on sale today!
BLACK LIVES MATTER — The history of love (self-sacrifice), feeling (empathy) & grieving (tears) is resistance ... the white race needs to feel & target & eliminate the racist white City of London corporation dynastic bankers who founded privately-owned central banks & have enslaved people & countries of color & white people, for hundreds & thousands of year ... known as, The City of London corporation, it is the source of systemic & endemic white racism against people & countries of color & white people, for the last 2,000 years, (click here)
Pinky & the Brain: The dynastic ruling family central banker warlord oligarchs will remove supreme court judges to rule the world!
Soros' initial hiring of a private Antifa army maybe 500-1,000 criminally insane thugs per major city.
(15-of-19) First the Fed/City of London bankers got rid of the middle class in New York City. Then they got rid of the middle class and working class in San Francisco. Now in Multnomah County, United Nations County where Portland Oregon Antifa Whoregon United Nations Agenda 21/30 is, they want to make owning single family homes a relic, so they changed the zoning to put up a 4-plex or several row houses on the same 5,000 sq ft lot that used to only be allowed to have a single family dwelling ...(cont, here-1i)
(18-of-19 cont from above)We trace the tragic extinction-level journeys of whales and dolphins in currents constantly re-filled for six years with floating and submerged Fukushima plutonium from Japan to the west coast. There, they surround and circle fishing boats crying and lay their heads against a boat, pleading for help, breaching and listing, swimming in circles helplessly, huge tumors on their heads, hiding by the hundreds in small harbors.
Then, the whales and dolphins wash up dead and dying on the beaches, alongside dead crabs, starfish, octopi and pelicans in a death frieze, pressed into the sand from Alaska to Mexico
Note the Alaskan seals, eyes bleeding and faces covered in lesions and tumors where jet stream rain-through brought airborne Fukushima hot radionuclide particles down upon them, and the polar bears, marked like the salmon with lesions and tumors from seaborne hot particles.
Notice the young sea lion pups off California, not one survived where thousands were expected, birds falling from the sky, thousands washing up dead on the shorelines, harbors covered with dead fish and in California the skin is falling off the horses just like the seals, faces of both covered in bleeding lesions and tumors.(cont below)