Nuclear is Not Safe or Clean 7:37 p.m. 02-17-2025 west coast usa
legal disclaimer: this is a comedy & satire & tragedy site for financial crash dummies
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Why Are Women Not Told: Nuclear Power is Not Safe & Clean & causes in-utero cancer, birth defects, mutations, cognitive dysfunction, retardation & obesity
Why are women not told? – The infant mortality rate doubled in Seattle and British Columbia from fallout, and an organic farm in Southeast Portland shut down because its soil was too full of Fukushima fallout to grow vegetables and fruit for market? There are 20,000 otherwise accounted for deaths in the U.S. since March 2011, when the first fallout from the three meltdowns from Fukushima Japan assaulted the United States? ...and, that it will keep killing more people? The Pacific Cascades from British Columbia to California is permanently contaminated with Fukushima nuclear fallout? ...and, with residual atmospheric nuclear fallout, too? ...and, fallout keeps killing practically, forever?
The death toll from high yield atmospheric nuclear testing is revised from 1 million dead, to include accumulative low yield fallout that adds up ... to 60 million dead and 100 million cancers, plus several million abortions and miscarriages. A highly respected epidemiologist, Sister Rosalie Bertell, a brilliant mathematician, calculated a total nuclear industry cancer toll of fatal and non-fatal cancers ... based on nuclear industry statistics ... at well over 1.2 billion people. Double that or triple it if you include animals.
World Nuclear Association
Reports Millions of People Live Within 10 miles (16 km) of an Operating Reactor — the U.S. has 100 commercial power plants, Canada has 19 power stations ...millions of people live within 10 miles (16 km) of an operating reactor, (more). Real, accurate and up-to-date exposure rates in U.S. cities by reactors, (here).
The reason we are not told is because the nuclear industry is getting away with murder. Until you read these books.
Minako tells story of her dog dead in June because nuclear is not safe nor clean & causes cancer, mutations, global warming & extinction, she's sad
"Hair around the dog's neck came off and its skin turned black," the 56-year-old told DW. Similar symptoms were also detected in animals in Chernobyl following the nuclear catastrophe there in 1986. Fujiwara's family had to leave the dog behind when they were ordered to leave the town of Namie, located nine kilometres (5.6 miles) north of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. —(Deutsche Welle story, here)—
Nuclear Industry Destroys Divine Order of a Plant, Animal or Person because it is no longer to faithfully reproduce itself after it's own kind; nuclear is not safe not clean & causes cancer, mutations, global warming & extinction ...a living thing can no longer reproduce itself after its own kind
Surge in babies being born with extra arms, legs after Fukushima nuclear because nuclear is not safe or clean & causes in utero fetal diseases, retardation, cancer & mutations
“I feel officials know the cause is radiation” — Nurse says many are getting abortions to avoid ‘inconvenient’ babies — “High number of stillbirths” — Many people reporting cancers, even far away from Fukushima (VIDEO) here
LaborNet TV (subtitles by Emiko Suehiro), Feb 24, 2016 (emphasis added)
–Satomi Horikiri, Host (8:30 in): Have you heard of any health hazards in Fukushima? –Hisae Unuma, evacuee Futabamachi: I know many saying they have cancers, even in Saitama Prefecture… –Setsuko Kida, evacuee from Tomiokamachi: My daughter [got] pregnant in the fall of 2013, but she was diagnosed with tethered miscarriage… the womb grew… but her unborn baby didn’t grow at all. She… got a second opinion from another clinic in Mito, only to get the same result. When the Mito doctor asked her why she came for the second opinion, she told she couldn’t trust the doctor in Fukushima… Many with a birth defect were born after Hiroshima/Nagasaki A-bomb, but the number dropped in one or two years.
I only knew the reason in 2013; many women had to have an abortion, so that inconvenient babies wouldn’t be born… One month later, I was happy to know my daughter got pregnant. But in only 3 months my daughter told me the bad news and my mind got flooded with that story of Hiroshima/Nagasaki. That’s where I started to doubt. Although I asked the doctor to wait and see since my daughter could give birth if she tried, but the doctor said that the unborn child inside her was not alive anymore… So she had the abortion. My daughter called and told her friend about her abortion… She was told that out of 4 in her friends group, 3, including herself, had abortion during early pregnancy. The only one who could give birth was told by her doctor that she was unable to give birth because of the baby’s weak heart sound. So my daughter began to doubt her doctor, thinking her unborn baby could have made it. I became doubtful as well. A nurse I knew told me that many get abortions in Fukushima. My daughter and friends are just a few of those.
–Host: That is a painful story. –Kida: A year later I got to hear first hand cases of babies with a structural birth defect or polymelia ["Birth defect… in which the affected individual has more than the usual number of limbs" -Source] twice as many. I feel our gov’t or the medical university knows the cause is the radiation… My daughter remembers the words by her doctor… “We’ll send this cell to Fukushima Medical”… Why do they have to send a cell of aborted fetus? Is that what they had been doing? For what? Host: So many doubtful things going on… Kida (23:15 in): I just shared the story about my daughter’s abortion and high number of stillbirths. Whenever I deliver such a message I’m told to shut up. People say it’s a delicate issue, bad influence on Fukushima reconstruction or no data to back up. But more than 10 girls had similar experience as my daughter’s.Actually one woman was recommended to get an abortion at 6 months pregnancy last summer, and her unborn baby lacking one arm, one leg, with only 3 fingers on its foot… The nuclear reactors exploded, melted through… contaminated water keeps flowing into the Pacific Ocean. That’s the reason they asked not to restart nuclear plants. But isn’t the real reason the health hazard caused by radiation coming out? Health hazards are actually caused, and we have to send out such messages. But if we denied health problems… that would be the same as what Tepco or the gov’t is doing.
Nuclear Industry Mutates Eyes & Destroys Hearts & Organs— ask parents of these kids what to do with pro-nukers
These kids were in their mother's wombs when Chernobyl melted down and blew up, permanently contaminating Ukraine, Belarus, Europe and Eastern Europe...and shredding their reproductive DNA so that as embryos radiouclides prevented them from reproducing faithfully after their own kind ...and their bodies were mutated by nuclear industry (owned by the banking families that own the Fed) (video, here& here)for which you are paying the cost of nuclear industry with the blood of your children.
Like Having Dracula Guard The Blood Bank
Exposed: World Health Organization beholden to nuclear interests
07:07 PM Nov 28, 2011-1872-World Health Org tied to International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) since 1959 – Can’t release info without permission(VIDEO)
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) says no such thing as safe levels of radiation - standard based on ‘cost-benefit’, not safety.
09:57 AM Jun 2, 2011-0642- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) says no such thing as safe levels of radiation - standard based on ‘cost-benefit’, not safety. National Academy of Science: 1-in-5 workers get cancer from IAEA safety standard; study from National Academy of Science says one out of five workers will get from cancer and suffer if exposed to IAEA-deemed allowable radiation level
01:01 AM Feb 14, 2014-7093- Radioactive cesium levels never seen before at Fukushima - New record as amount in groundwater nearly doubles in 24 hours - IAEA urges resumption of dumping contaminated water in ocean (VIDEO)
05:34 PM Feb 24, 2013 -5419- Syria rebels present IAEA with demands over captured nuclear facility - willing to cooperate if our conditions are met - ‘Special security parameter’ set up
12:12 PM Feb 24, 2013 -5417- Nuclear facility captured by rebels in Syria
05:10 PM Aug 3, 2012-3942- CEO of GE says nuclear power really hard to defend financially - at some point, really, economics rule
01:14 PM Feb 28, 2013-5448- Film: World Health Organization beholden to nuclear interests - Physician: Like having Dracula guard the blood bank (VIDEOS)
12:27 PM May 21, 2012-3382- NY Times: N.R.C. Chairman Jaczko to resign
(above) The only way you can save animals and people from nuclear is to see the big picture. It is a picture of banks and bankers setting animals and people on fire with nuclear fallout for money. There was not enough room in this picture to show the bankers responsible for destroying life in the Pacific Ocean with their nuclear waste, which is very profitable for them. But, we show them, here. Once you know who they are, stop them and the damage by talking about it with your friends. And, be as funny as you can. Like saying, hey why don't we help the central bankers take their heads out of their butts, or shove them in farther?
Banks & bankers set animals & people on fire with nuclear fallout to create debt & interest payments's that simple
Once you want to know their names & find out who they are, you can start to stop them & the damage by talking about it with your friends. And, be as funny as you can. Like saying, hey why don't we help the central bankers take their heads out of their butts, or shove them in farther?
This also works with this year's influenza pandemic, which is the same one that Obama and Biden did nothing about a few years ago with a couple extra biological warfare ingredients added, that was the same recipe initially launched under the Reagan & Bush Administration – and they test it out each year – by the same eight central banking dynasties of only eight families of mosquitoes. There is no vaccine for stupidity. The best you can do is go through this homepage till you have looked at every picture and looked at every word ...if not, one day you will realize it, anyway ...but by then, it will be too late. It's like global warming and climate change ...the only way you can stop it is by stopping the central bankers that create it in order to create debt and interest payments's that simple.
Cause they not only use nuclear, they use biological warfare ...duh.
Do you still not know that CV-19 was created in U.S. Darpa biological warfare labs? Then, when it was made illegal in the U.S. and the Darpa biological warfare labs were shut down because there was contamination from lab animals to people (they said the labs were dirty and that was the reason) ...Fauchi immediately sent $350 million dollars to the lab in Wuhan to continue the work on creating CV-19 as a biological warfare weapon ...and probably sent the virus over there for them to play with. Bill Gates loves Fauci and made Fauci destroy the economy of the U.S. because Bill is a nerd who wants to control the world, his way. That should be pretty obvious ...he's one of the world's biggest thieves and got rich ripping you off. Where do you think his money came from? ...out of your pocket monopoly and price fixing. The whole internet is talking about it. The internet was built with tax money and belongs to you. Not to the nerds getting government contracts to spy on you: To Track Virus, Governments Weigh Surveillance Tools That Push Privacy Limits – Geolocation and facial-recognition systems can locate vectors of infections, but they also gather highly personal data,(here)
The Pacific Ocean is Dying and You Don't Even Know — The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Final Solution for Mammals, Gaia and Divine Order
The Pacific Ocean is Dying and You Don't Even Know, was written to tell you what you are not supposed to know about the grave state of the Pacific Ocean: the Pacific Ocean is dying from manmade interference.
At first, we thought the millions, and even billions of mutations, diseases, cancers and deaths deaths of sea-life in the Pacific Ocean were only from nuclear fallout and nuclear waste from Fukushima, Japan and the four nuclear reactors in Fukushima that blew up into the atmosphere and contaminated the sky around the world then contaminated the air, land, sea, ice and water below whenever it rained through the radioactive clouds circling the globe, and still does ...and the molten cores from those reactors in lava form that melted down into the fresh water acquifers below the reactor sites and beginning in March 2011 and continuing to this very date, and on into the future for perhaps the next 250,000 years releasing several hundred tons of water laced with plutonium, tritium and several hundred other radioactive nuclear isotopes into the Pacific Ocean every day 24x7x365 into the currents that flow from Japan to the United States then circulate around the world, being the migratory currents that whales, dolphins, tuna, salmon and other sealife navigate as they seasonally circumnavigate the Earth's oceans following the feeder fish and feeder foods like plankton, krill, herring and so on. Only problem was, the plutonium and other radioactive ionizing radiation killed entire food chains, and millions of seals, sea lions, dolphins and whales continue to starve to death, some emaciated seals wandering thru the coastside streets of San Francisco and into seaside markets in Southern California begging for food like lost dogs, or hundreds of thousands of sea lion pups dying with not one surviving, for several years while the tide pools from Alaska to Vancouver, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and California were becoming extinct and people watched millions of starfish disintegrating before them.
However, we then realized that in addition to the nuclear waste and fallout from Japan, not only was there 70 years of waste from nuclear testing, nuclear submarines, aircraft carriers, open sea war games and target practice with depleted uranium ...but additionally, directed energy weapons, electromagnetic pulse testing, ionospheric heating experiments all following a pattern mapped out in a U.S. Air Force document called, Owning the Weather by 2025: Weather as a Force other words, weather warfare that was additionally based on the fact that the biggest solar flare of the year in the sun, when striking the Earth, creates the biggest earthquake on Earth, simultaneously...and the military's ability to simulate solar flares (which also knock out instruments at nuclear reactors as well as first responders radio communications), and to create earthquakes therefrom, as well as from fracking lubricants that oiled the tectonic plates whose movements against each other create earthquakes.
And, the hundreds of nuclear reactors around the world, in normal, day-to-day operations daily releasing nuclear fallout into the atmosphere, fresh and sea water, and the accidents and catastrophes not only in the reactors but dumps, uranium mines and transportation from reactor to reactor to dump to dump around the world in an underground brokerage and trafficking at taxpayer expense revealed the deep politics nuclear mafia ... otherwise known as the Federal Reserve Bank and City of London Corporation and their interlocking directorate of member investment banks that own shares of the Fed and City of London and dictate national and foreign policy and military action to the governments of the west served up by the G8/20 and its cohort of billionaires.
And, military sonar, like other sonar used in undersea oil exploration, ruptured the eardrums of whales and dolphins and other sea mammals as well as rupturing their body organs, all-in-all creating disorientation and excruciatingly painful deaths for the whales and dolphins we so love ...and accounting for mass strandings of whales and dolphins around the world.
Evacuate Canada & USA Pacific Coast 200 miles inland ...After Japan dumps Fukushima tanks, pt 1 ...oops, they already dumped the tanks (part 2, here)
Japan briefs diplomats on dumping 1,000 more tanks of highly radioactive Fukushima nuclear waste into the Pacific Ocean (here) & (here)
All countries with nuclear reactors have nuclear bomb factories
MORE: All countries with nuclear reactors have nuclear bomb factories — Includes Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan — Nuclear power a “camouflage” for nuclear weapons (VIDEO, Part II) LINK TV, Oct. 21 — Dr. Helen Caldicott appeared on the LINK TV program Earth Focus to discuss the Fukushima crisis and other nuclear issues.
Caldicott received her medical degree from the University of Adelaide Medical School. In 1977 she joined the staff of the Children’s Hospital Medical Center in Boston, and taught pediatrics at the Harvard Medical School from 1977 to 1978. She worked to establish the group International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War which was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985. -Wikipedia
At 4:15 in Nuclear power is a ‘Trojan Horse’, a camouflage for the nuclear weapons industry… Japan did not want nuclear power after Hiroshima and Nagasaki… Any country that has a nuclear reactor — be it Syria, Saudi Arabia, etc. — has a nuclear bomb factory… Each reactor makes 500 pounds of plutonium a year… all you need is 5 pounds to make a nuclear weapon…
The United States deliberately allowed Japan access to the United States’ most secret nuclear weapons facilities while it transferred tens of billions of dollars-worth of American tax paid research that has allowed Japan to amass 70 tons of weapons grade plutonium since the 1980s, a National Security News Service investigation reveals. the United States has known about a secret nuclear weapons program in Japan since the 1960s, according to CIA reports.
Bush Skull & Bones strikes again
The Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations permitted sensitive technology and nuclear materials to be transferred to Japan despite laws and treaties preventing such transfers.
Nuclear weapons materials enough for a nuclear arsenal larger than China, India & Pakistan, combined
While Japan has refrained from deploying nuclear weapons and remains under an umbrella of U.S. nuclear protection, NSNS has learned that the country has used its electrical utility companies as a cover to allow the country to amass enough nuclear weapons materials to build a nuclear arsenal larger than China, India and Pakistan combined.
Japan space exploration hides nuclear weapons delivery systems
That secret effort was hidden in a nuclear power program that by March 11, 2011 - the day the earthquake and tsunami overwhelmed the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant - had amassed 70 metric tons of plutonium. Like its use of civilian nuclear power to hide a secret bomb program, Japan used peaceful space exploration as a cover for developing sophisticated nuclear weapons delivery systems.
Succession of Japanese governments & U.S. deep state collude on bomb program disguised as energy and civil space programs
Political leaders in Japan understood that the only way the Japanese people could be convinced to allow nuclear power into their lives was if a long line of governments and industry hid any military application. For that reason, a succession of Japanese governments colluded on a bomb program disguised as innocent energy and civil space programs.
Oct 19, 2012 | Nuclear-funded Obama on nuclear-sponsored daily show: Nuclear forgotten as component in energy future — Oil, gas, wind, solar all mentioned… same as at debates (VIDEO) here
[Editor's comment] Central banks won't be satisfied until the entire surface of Earth is dead from never-ending pursuit to greedily dig up things to burn for fuel or hammer into profitable metals ...regardless of consequences
Humankind's adventurous profiteers have now set their sights on mining the depths of the sea floor for minerals and precious metals. This is one of the few zones of earth that scientists know very little about, full of strange creatures, unknown bacteria, and hydrothermal vents that may harbor the keys to how life on earth began. (cont.)
(above) Should the Olympics be in Fukushima fallout or Chernobyl fallout or Hanford fallout or Santa Susanna fallout? Central bankers are beating life on Earth to death with global nuclear warming, military climate change & pollution.
(u) Art class portrayal of a Los Angeles radioactive seafood counter from Fukushima nuclear reactor fallout that on the contrary did not dilute & disperse as nuclear apologists predicted but instead became more concentrated, contaminating west coast sea life from the Pacific Ocean, (put cursor on pic). (caption cont from pic) …these tide pool, shoreline & trans-Pacific travelers arrive diseased and dying floating suspended beneath the surface of the sea and washing up dead & dying on the shores & bikini-clad beaches of the Pacific Basin and the west coast in Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, Mexico, Central and South America ...unseen by nuclear deniers who spit in your face & tell you nuclear is safe & clean & who want to build 1,000 new nuclear reactors that will increase global warming & traumatic climate change.
--I don't know my name, I don't play by the rules of the game – Grace Vanderwaal – (see 'girls', here)
Tuna billed Pre-Fukushima, (also see, Secrets of Supermarket fallout food, here)
Know their Names: Eight activists assassinated for fighting climate change(here)
Greta: The ocean is dying from nuclear waste global warming & military ionospheric heaters ... NOT from a red blob as mainstream media (owned by Wall Street) says.
(above) Greta: Military use of ionospheric heating weapons bounce energy off space & sky to the Pacific Ocean ...plankton (that produces Earth's oxygen) is destroyed & trillions of sea animals suffer & die
April 28, 1997 Defense Secretary William S. Cohen: Terrorist nations are developing means of triggering earthquakes, volcanic eruptions & disastrous weather events (here). Noam Chomsky says the U.S. is the biggest terrorist country in the world, (here).
—(Greta: See, nuclear industry {being the military industrial war complex} owned by Wall Street Fed central bankers, creates global warming {here}; also see, Weather warfare {here}, Earthquake warfare {here}, Chemtrails warfare {here} & Financial warfare {here}
Women are now an endangered species — because of nuclear industry
Increased cancer risk by age exposure to 20 mSv nuclear (ionizing) radiation (above, click pic ) Disproportionate harm to girls & women compared to boys & men from nuclear radiation exposure — (below, click pic) Radiation more harmful to children between birth & 5 yrs; Gender a risk-factor – females 50% more high-risk tissue compared to males.
Girls & the Pacific Ocean Die from nuclear reactorfallout ...& get cancer from central bankers' Haarp, 5g, wi-fi, cell phones, nuclear reactors & military space age global heating weaponry are in denial (here)
May 3, 2014-8368.5- Birds fall from sky, sea lions convulsing, heart lesions, brains shrink
Red Blob is not global warming, it's nuclear global warming
(above: ongoing seaborne fallout – for more seaborne 'red blob', here – for ongoing airborne fallout, click here & here) Oceans are dying – Charts show red dots representing sea stars suffering & melting ... & that the fake news 'red blob' of global warming water blamed for creating new & mysterious diseases & killing millions & trillions of sea life really Fukushima airborne & seaborne fallout covered up by Obama & Trump & their Fed central bank deep state pimps.—(more Red Blob, here)—
12:28 PM Jan 30, 2014-7030-West Coast sea stars rip themselves apart – innards spill out – melt to mush – vaporize(VIDEO)
Everywhere in the world, girls living within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than boys(here) & (here)
Are you a girl? ...or a boy? Do you care if you get cancer?
Women & girls, especially pregnant women, infants & unborn within 20-25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men, boys or those farther away, —(cell phone pdf) - or - (MS Word w/ search engine & pop-ups)—
Grace Vanderwaal – (see 'girls', here)
The disarming case to act right now on climate change | Greta Thunberg
(Above) Global warming is the long-term rise in the average temperature of the Earth's climate system. It is a major aspect of current climate change, and has been demonstrated by direct temperature measurements and by measurements of various effects of the warming. The term commonly refers to the mainly human-caused increase in global surface temperatures and its projected continuation. In this context, the terms global warming and climate change are often used interchangeably, but climate change includes both global warming and its effects, such as changes in precipitation and impacts that differ by region. There were prehistoric periods of global warming, but observed changes since the mid-20th century have been much greater than those seen in previous records covering decades to thousands of years. (Wiki)
For Greta Thunberg & Grace Vanderwaal & Emanne Beasha & all the girls
...a reminder the Pacific Ocean is dying & global warming & species extinction have two hidden ingredients: nuclear industry & military ionospheric heaters for weather- & earthquake warfare
(1) ubiquitous nuclear reactor airborne, seaborne & land-based radioactive fallout & nuclear bomb testing, nuclear mines, dumps, dumping, storage & catastrophes, and; (2) military use of sonar, depleted uranium & electromagnetic spectrum rainbow weapons called ionospheric heaters, used to create weather & earthquake warfare ...& oil exploration use of sonar
Global warming has two more manmade ingredients causing species extinction:
(1) Seas, skies & land covered with trillions of radionuclide fireworks from nuclear reactors, dumps, mines, accidents, spills, weapons & weapons testing that destroys plankton (the major contributor to Earth's oxygen supply) & directly eliminates the ocean's food chains ...that nuclear industry pollution causes starvation & causes heart attacks & cancers & new & mysterious diseases and;
(2) Military use of sonar, depleted uranium & electromagnetic spectrum rainbow weapons called ionospheric heaters, used to create weather & earthquake warfare ...& oil exploration use of sonar
Who done it?
Since the 1% of the 1% own & direct all the Fortune 500-1,000 corporations in the Western world (as well as privately owned corporations) that create global pollution ... you can blame, try, convict, divest, imprison &/or hang them for destroying life in the Pacific Ocean & life on Earth. This same directorate owns & directs the military industrial establishment. Hint: The 1% of the 1% (the Fed interest rate bankers) are the international interlocking directorate of the Federal Reserve Bank. Hint: (here is a list of their names & the corporations they own that pollute Earth & are war profiteers, provided by a subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives)
Everywhere in the world, girls living within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than boys(here) & (here) — Are you a girl? Do you care if you get cancer?
Women & girls, especially pregnant women, infants & unborn within 20-25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men, boys or those farther away, —(cell phone pdf) - or - (MS Word w/ search engine & pop-ups)—
Are You Within 25 Miles of a Nuclear Reactor? — Women & girls within 25 miles of a reactor are now an endangered species(story, here)
To avoid cancer, miscarriage, birth defects, immune deficiency disease, misery & loss from reactor fallout, discharges & waste storage, read the free e-books (here) & (here)
(u) Martin Sheen; find yourself ...& Martin going to jail for caring about — you, here
"Girls bear the brunt force ofradiation’s impact on the human race.”
- IanGoddard, Dec 11, 2011
-4285- & scientific study here...Although rare, cancer in children is the leading cause of death after accidents among those younger than 15 years of age. In 2007, 10,400 children in this age range were diagnosed with cancer, and it is estimated that almost 15% will die of their disease. Approximately 1 child in 5000 will be diagnosed with cancer every year.
Arnie Gundersen (pdf | msword): "For every year a young girl is in the radiation zone, 1 in 100 girls is going to get cancer due to their exposure from Fukushima. As each year passes it compounds, so if a young girl is there for 10 years, 10 out of 100 will get cancer, (here & here).
-4285-“What’s most remarkable is that children, and most especially girls, are the most at risk of radiation-induced cancer. In fact, girls are almost twice as vulnerable as same-aged boys, and a 5-year-old girl is 5 times and an infant female 7 times more vulnerable than a 30-year-old man. So girls bear the brunt force of radiation’s impact on the human race.”-Ian Goddard, Dec 11, 2011
11:43 AM Mar 22, 2014-8115-&-8115a-Cancer data for Fukushima – Statistics are terrifying especially for young girls – growing concern around cancer risk (VIDEO)
01:44 PM Sep 17, 2012 -4285-Fukushima girls 3x thyroid cysts over 15 mm than boys – 79% more medium-sized cysts
01:59 PM Mar 20, 2012 -2890-Gundersen: 20 percent of young girls living in areas around Fukushima Daiichi will get cancer from radiation over their lifetimes(AUDIO)
07:31 AM Jan 18, 2012-2299-Fukushima risk underestimated – 5% of young girls will get cancer living in 20 milliSv/yr for 5 years – Actually worse than that – Hot particles not included & counts cancers, not other effects(VIDEO)
Little girls are affected by the radiation 20 times as much as adult men. The Japanese government’s standard of 20 mSv is based on exposure assessments for adult men. The girls on their bicycles are actually being affected by a radiation dose equivalent to as much as 400 mSv. Mr. Gundersen also pointed out that human lungs are heavily affected by internal exposures to radiation.
Maggie Gundersen (here & Fairewinds): What’s so tragic about it – kids are running along dirt paths doing gym class and track and things like that and the mothers are right down in areas that are not posted and the kids can go after school and play, and people do nature hikes and stuff. And the radiation readings are horrific.
(above) 0718, 0718.1, 0719, Hot Particles from Japan to Seattle virtually undetectable when inhaled or swallowed
06:51 AM Jun 13, 2011-0719-Residents thought winds usually blew south from Fukushima – So, sure they fled north
05:07 AM Jun 13, 2011-0718-Hot particles from Japan to Seattle virtually undetectable when inhaled or swallowed, – Metallic taste in mouth in Japan & U.S. west coast (Seattle) – sign of radiation exposure (VIDEO)
05:07 AM Jun 13, 2011-0718.1-Fairewinds Arnie Gundersen explains how hot particles may react in mammals while escaping traditional detection
Portland watch this: (u) Radiation Precautions in the Cascades & Seattle, Vancouver; (d) WBAI: ...Grave concern in Japan – Cancer to rise 20%-30%. Gundersen: Five O'clock Shadow w/Robert Knight, WBAI, Nov. 10, 2011, 5:00 p.m.
While much of the world is burning, including California, record cold temperatures are scheduled for large swaths of the United States. More scientists in the science community are warning against dangers of climate engineering ...while, failing to admit geoengineering programs have been deployed for over 70 years. Global economies are unraveling in parallel with the biosphere.
How much longer can the manufactured political theater distract populations from all that is unfolding? From fires to ice, climate engineering is connected. Those in power are doing their best to maintain the public's normalcy bias until the very last moment. It is imperative to wake populations before the power structure is ready for that to happen.
The all out weather warfare assault is pushing the planet’s life support systems toward near term total collapse, thank you for your help with sounding the alarm.— Dane Wigington,
Also, see our sections on weather warfare, (here) & (here) & (here)
Ever wonder where cancer comes from? ...cancer comes from nuclear industry
11:53 AM Oct 31, 2011 -1653-8-year-old girl – 3,000 Bq (disintegrations radioactive cesium every second) inside body
10:40 AM Feb 12, 2013 -5328- Fukushima child 6,000 Bq (disintegrations per second) inside body
02:37 PM Dec 10, 2011-1963-Top Radiation Expert: 50 Bq/kg in humans leads to irreversible lesions in vital organs (VIDEO) [Note: 1 Bq, a becquerel = 1 disintegration per second = the activity of a quantity of radioactive material in which one nucleus {of an atom} decays per second]
Ever wonder where mutations come from?
Should the owners of Boeing/Santa Susana Field Lab who continue to mislead & poison us with nuclear waste be entombed with it?
...Off With Their Heads? ...what's your vote: ...on or off?
(above) click pic
—(above, for story, click pic)—
Kids map pediatric cancers by Santa Susana Field Lab/Woolsey Fire —(here)—
—(above, for story, click pic | also, Chomsky, here)—
Suffering Caused Women by Nuclear Industry ...True number of nuclear industry victims (below)
—(above, for story, click pic)—
(above, click pic for full story)
(artwork) Radioactive Seafood Market
Three art professors, 160 students; Institute for Sustainability—(info, here)—
Let us not look into the face of fear, suffering & death without blaming & holding accountable those responsible for nuclear weapons, war & reactors ...the Fed interest-rate bankers should be bathed in nuclear & electromagnetic radiation until they are covered with bleeding lesions then left to die in a world they can no longer see, because they are blind now in body to match their blindness of spirit and ignorance of love and blasphemy of human purpose on Earth.
04:49 PM Apr 20, 2014-8182-CBS San Francisco: Record number of sick seals & sea lions – large pockets of green and yellow puss all over their body – whether it’s in their lungs, in their liver – looks like they got sick systemically. (PHOTOS, VIDEOS)
10:40 AM Jan 25, 2014-6982-Alaska seal deaths & Fukushima fallout - skin lesions, hair loss, lethargy – pulsed release … built-up radionuclides set free as ice melts – wildlife health implications due to radiation exposure discussed (PHOTOS & MAP) [Editor's note: story continued after next picture, (below)]
[story continued from above picture]Alaska Marine Science Symposium (pdf), Jan. 20-24, 2014 (emphasis added): 2011 Fukushima Fall Out: Aerial Deposition On To Sea Ice Scenario And Wildlife Health Implications To Ice-Associated Seals (Dr. Doug Dasher, John Kelley, Gay Sheffield, Raphaela Stimmelmayr) -
On March 11, 2011 off Japan’s west coast, an earthquake-generated tsunami struck the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant resulting in a major nuclear accident that included a large release of airborne radionuclides into the environment. Within five days of the accident atmospheric air masses carrying Fukushima radiation were transiting into the northern Bering and Chukchi seas.
During summer 2011 it became evident to coastal communities and wildlife management agencies that there was a novel disease outbreak occurring in several species of Arctic ice-associated seals. Gross symptoms associated with the disease included lethargy, no new hair growth, and skin lesions, with the majority of the outbreak reports occurring between the Nome and Barrow region.
NOAA and USFWS declared an Alaska Northern Pinnipeds Usual Mortality Event (UME) in late winter of 2011. The ongoing Alaska 2011 Northern Pinnipeds UME investigation continues to explore a mix of potential etiologies (infectious, endocrine, toxins, nutritious etc.), including radioactivity.
Currently, the underlying etiology remains undetermined. We present results on gamma analysis (cesium 134 and 137) of muscle tissue from control and diseased seals, and discuss wildlife health implications from different possible routes of exposure to Fukushima fallout to ice seals.
Since the Fukushima fallout period occurred during the annual sea ice cover period from Nome to Barrow, a sea ice based fallout scenario in addition to a marine food web based one is of particular relevance for the Fukushima accident.
Under a proposed sea ice fallout deposition scenario, radionuclides would have been settled onto sea ice. Sea ice and snow editor’s note - index: snow would have acted as a temporary refuge for deposited radionuclides; thus radionuclides would have only become available for migration during the melting season and would not have entered the regional food web in any appreciable manner until breakup (pulsed release).
The cumulative on-ice exposure for ice seals would have occurred through external, inhalation, and non-equilibrium dietary pathways during the ice-based seasonal spring haul-out period for molting/pupping/breeding activities.
Additionally, ice seals would have been under dietary/metabolic constraints and experiencing hormonal changes associated with reproduction and molting.
2011 Fukushima fallout: Aerial deposition on the see ice scenario & wildlife health implications to ice-associated seals (below)
(above) Click pic for pdf that enlarges for readability
(Above) Left: Fukushima seaborne nuclear meltdown ongoing for Eternity into sea; Middle: Location of sickened seals; Right: Blue line is airborne radioactive plume from Fukushima mid-March 2011
01:17 AM Nov 16, 2013-6698-Skin ulcers on Alaska wildlife after Fukushima were never observed before – Also reported in seals from Japan – couldn’t document fallout pattern when plumes hit and animals were on the ice(AUDIO)
11:42 AM May 24, 2014-8249-Horror show at Los Angeles-area beach – marine animals get sick and die – hobble, fall over(VIDEO)
Gee, swimming in routine seaborne nuclear industry waste & routine airborne nuclear fallout that comes down in rain & snow is not so safe & clean as swimming in catastrophic Fukushima fallout ...y'think?
08:38 PM Mar 17, 2015 -8591-Mysterious affliction in Alaska polar bears: suffering baldness and lesions; Rate spikes 1,000% after Fukushima began – Gov’t: Ongoing reports of unusual number of hairless seals with sores – more seals reported with hair loss(PHOTO)
10:03 AM May 16, 2014-8233-Alaska, Bering Strait: Seals, walruses – livers crumble – hearts enlarge, lymph nodes yellow, blood-filled lungs; 300 seals found suffering hair loss, skin sores, lethargic behavior; dozens of walruses found with similar sores(PHOTOS) (AUDIO) — 1 —Liver may crumble easily and discharge blood— 2 —Heart is frequently enlarged and pale – granular, dry, and soft/decaying tissue— 3 —Tissues may be congested, and blubber underneath lesions may be fluid-filled or have focal areas of inflammation— 4 —Lymph nodes are often enlarged and swollen with an excessive accumulation of fluid. Lymph nodes may also look yellow and/or mottled. This shows the typical look of the lungs, which is very consistent between cases.
10:40 AM Mar 16, 2015 -8590-10,000 baby sea lions dead on one California island (VIDEO)
more headlines, click here —>—(ENENEWSWIRE FACSIMILECONTINUED, HERE)—
Ice seals, walruses, polar bears, owls, eagles
03:17 PM Sep 19, 2012-4305-Sickened Alaska seals concentrated where Fukushima plume made landfall after 3/11(MAPS)
03:19 AM Feb 24, 2014-8024-U.S. Gov’t: Scientists investigate if Fukushima radiation contributed to unusual deaths and sickness in marine mammals - similar illness seen in Japan and other countries on Pacific - expect hairless seals this spring(PHOTO)Northern Pinnipeds Unusual Mortality Event Fact Sheet, NOAA, Feb. 2014: Beginning mid-July 2011, elevated numbers of sick or dead seals with skin lesions started being discovered in the Arctic and Bering Strait regions of Alaska. Diseased seals, primarily ringed seals, exhibited hair loss, delayed molting, and skin ulcers. Some of these seals also exhibited lethargy and labored breathing. – Skin lesions in Pacific walruses in Alaska were reported, with some associated mortality. Spotted seals and bearded seals were also affected. There were reports of pinnipeds fin-footed marine mammals with similar symptoms in Canada, Russia, and Japan. Testing continues for a wide range of possible factors in this disease, including immune system-related diseases, fungi, man-made and bio-toxins, radiation exposure. Preliminary radionuclide testing conducted by the University of Alaska Fairbanks found radiation levels within the typical background range Prior reports from NOAA say otherwise. Scientists are investigating the possibility that radiation could have been one of many factors that contributed to the illness.
10:09 AM Mar 14, 2013-5566-Sick Alaska animals getting more tests for Fukushima radionuclides – Oozing sores, bleeding, swollen internal organs, hair loss (PHOTOS)
-5566.1-No cause has been officially identified for the illness plaguing the ice seals – walruses and polar bears have turned up with similar ailments – some of the animals were found to also have bleeding and swelling in their lungs, livers, lymph nodes and other internal organs
02:41 PM May 10, 2014-8223-Concern Fukushima impacting Alaska; unusual animals showing up dead; seals w/unknown disease… first ever cases of avian cholera – rare whale beachings in Alaska (PHOTOS)
Nov 18, 2013Alaska: 28% of polar bears with skin lesions & hair loss, thyroids tested by gov’t… like symptoms in seals & walrus — Surprisingly high mortality of musk ox, weak immune system suspected — High rate of embryo deaths & bad eggs for geese(here)
Jan 7, 2012U.S. Military: Radiation causes hair loss, bleeding, nausea, inability of body to repair (VIDEO) (here)
Feb 12, 2013 “I’ve got people who are bleeding from their behinds, who have sores all over their bodies” -Attorney for U.S. Navy sailors exposed to Fukushima radiation(AUDIO) (here)
Dec 28, 2011 Diseased Alaska seals tested for radiation have abnormal brain growths, undersized lymph nodes — Environmental cause indicated — Also found in Russia, Canada — Walruses next?(PHOTOS)(here)
Federal Reserve Directors and their apologists whose Corporations & Military kill Girls & Boys & the Pacific Ocean with nuclear & pollution & by forcing Global Warming & Climate Change with Ionospheric Heaters should be marched to the gallows, now ...before they kill everything.
(above) This is what international interlocking Federal Reserve directors do to polar bears with their corporations & miiltary tactics of nuclear & ionospheric heaters that destroy plankton, the basic building block of oceanic food chains & Earth's oxygen. The hole in the ozone layer above the Artic was caused in 1958 when the military with their new satellites discovered the Van Allen Belt of Earth's electromagnetic & weather basics, then immediately start setting off nuclear bombs in the Van Allen Belt to see what would happen. What happened, is that they destroyed Earth's ozone layer was not done with deodorant aerosols as we were told is additionally destroyed today with ionospheric heaters used in weather warfare.
Owls emaciated – arrive in Pacific Northwest from Arctic – mortality event follows Fukushima
11:44 PM May 3, 2014 -8212-Acute hemorrhaging found in dead owls along west coast - mortality event began 8 months after Fukushima - emaciated when arriving in Pacific Northwest from Arctic. Some were suffering from asperogillosis, a breathing problem [...] that can be triggered by a weakened immune system or malnutrition. [Owls arrived in] November, earlier than they would normally venture so far south [...] “We have been finding a lot in very poor condition by the time they arrive. They are already in a weakened state – Rob Hope, Orphaned Wildlife Rehabilitation Society —(story, here)—
Birds with deformities never reported before Fukushima meltdowns
08:34 AM Jun 25, 2014-8298-Emergency research underway in Japan after birds found with deformities – something unusual occurring inside their bodies – never reported in 500,000 exams before 3/11 – now observed at every site across country, some over 1,000 km from Fukushima(PHOTO)
Pelicans starve in Pacific Northwest
Experts: “Really an off year” — Pelicans starving in Pacific Northwest since 2011, killing baby birds for food — Breeding success “really poor” since 2011 — “I believe pelicans are responding to large scale changes” — “Sardine crash” persists in Pacific since decline in 2011 December 22, 2013
Large die-off of Alaska seabirds
Large die-off of Alaska seabirds from disease never found before in state history — Official: It’s super, super common… except it’s first time — Hundreds dead per km²; Continued to wash ashore — ‘Relatively’ natural; Witness: Head flopped backward, appeared to have seizure, then dropped dead(AUDIO) December 12, 2013
Bald eagles die in western U.S. – wings paralyzed, seizures
09:3A5 AM Dec 29, 2013-6861-‘High Alert’: Mystery illness kills bald eagles in Western U.S. - Wings paralyzed, seizures - Experts: Very big concern… Never seen anything like this… We just don’t know what’s going on(VIDEOS)
Officials: Unprecedented disease outbreak to blame for dozens of bald eagles deaths — “A major development.. really kind of undocumented” — Concern virus may have mutated — Brains hemorrhaging, immune systems not fighting it off, why are they now more susceptible? (VIDEO) January 1, 2014
Crabs: very rare mutations in Pacific sea life – red crabs completely white, shockingly bright blue – unnatural, yellow legs
11:02 AM Jul 22, 2014-8331-Officials in U.S. report very rare mutations in Pacific sea life - Never seen anything like this – Photos show red crabs completely white, shockingly bright blue… almost unnatural, or with yellow legs – Environment could play a role – Also observed recently by Japan(PHOTOS & VIDEO)
Nuclear industry & ionospheric heaters are crimes against sea life &reasons the oceans & Earth are dying
Look what nuclear & military are doing to our beloved sea animals — Nuclear industry & military wargames & ionospheric heaters are mutating our sea life.
...gee, it's fun swimming from Japan to Malibu in currents full of Fukushima plutonium & tritium...I wonder if it will f**k me up? ...hmmm, I guess so
Nuclear Reactors Hurt People
Look How Safe & Clean Nuclear Industry is Mutating You
Belarus’ forgotten children – victims of Chernobyl’s nuclear radiation:
Misha at the No. 1 orphanage in Minsk – photo: Eugene Kolzov
—(Chernobyl / Belarus, here & here) & (Kazakhstan U.S.S.R. / Russia, here& here & here& here) & (Worldwide, here) & (Worldwide, women & girls living within 25 miles of every nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys, here & here) & (Nuclear 1st responders are not briefed of dangers, here) & (Agony of U.S.S.Reagan Sailors Nuked in Japan Ignored by Trump, here) & (Fukushima meltdowns continue since 2011 & destroy animals in the Pacific Ocean for practically, Eternity here) & (2020 Olympic sites contaminated forever here) & (Kids care & you don't here) —
Prolonged exposures to low levels of fallout for people & animals such as from nuclear reactors & dumps & mines, add up to create the same diseases & mutations as immediate exposures to high levels of fallout, —(Medical & scientific documentation, here)—
Fetal harm from Fukushima fallout in western U.S. states — Mangano, J. and Sherman, J.D. (2015) Changes in Congenital Anomaly Incidence in West Coast and Pacific States (USA) after Arrival of Fukushima Fallout. Open Journal of Pediatrics, 5, 76-89.—(pdf, here) & (story, here)—
High levels of uranium in Navajo women & infants near old uranium mining sites—(orig here & here)—
(above) Alleged child of Trump & Hillary now available from Kazakhstan nuclear test ground from Amazon – now you can get your own bottled mutant kid to hang around your neck. This can happen to you. I'd appreciate it if you'd share my website & facebook, so it doesn't
Folks can return to the reactor stricken area in only 20,000 years:Amusement park electric bumper-cars abandoned in Chernobyl nuclear disaster & evacuation, Pripyat, Ukraine, 04/27/86(Alexei Yablokov, here) (obit, here)
(archival) New Russian state secrets law: Info on Northern Fleet radwaste & subs now secret —(here)—
08:17 PM Oct 13, 2015-8726-Seaborne/landfall West Coast: Unpublished Gov’t map shows massive plume of Fukushima radioactive material off West Coast of North America – penetration of radionuclide cesium from offshore onto land (VIDEO & MAP)
Nuclear Power is not Safe & Clean
(9,000 links in reverse chronological order from 2011-to-2018. to 25,000 published news stories/scientific documentation, of nuclear fallout & leaks around the world with a focus on your neighborhood & your State & Country
More marine mammals wash up than in all of history — Up to 70 whales ask boat crew for help
05:11 AM Mar 14, 2014-8092-Up to 70 endangered whales by California coast – seen once in several decades, live in open ocean – breached as if performing, rubbing heads on boat – so loud thought it was engine – seemed to be speaking to camera – spotted in Western Pacific same day(VIDEO)
Eastern Pacific Green Sea Turtles
01:07 AM Nov 7, 2013-6659-Fishermen report boats surrounded by hundreds of dead Eastern Pacific green sea turtles – some found swimming in circles as if dazed or confused
NOAA -Because of the highly migratory behavior of adult turtles, and the likelihood of shifting habitat requirements of post-hatchlings and juveniles, the populations of East Pacific green turtles in the Pacific Ocean cross international boundaries. The west coasts of Central America, Mexico and the United States constitute a shared habitat for East Pacific green turtles. The East Pacific green is the second-most sighted turtle in the east Pacific during tuna fishing cruises. Along the Pacific coast of America, East Pacific green turtles have been reported as far north as British Columbia. Adult and juvenile green/East Pacific green turtles have also been reported along Washington coastline – the East Pacific green turtle was the most commonly observed hard-shelled sea turtle on the U.S. Pacific coast.
10:43 PM Jan 21, 2015 -8545-TV: Gov’t approves plan to drain Fukushima nuclear waste into ocean – Professor: Monitoring necessary to detect worrisome signals – Expert: it’s completely unsafe… impossible to remove 100s of radioactive materials - 1,200 radionuclides, only 62 reduced - Fisherman: We can’t trust TEPCO (VIDEO)
10:24 PM J un 10, 2015 -8654-West Coast unprecedented die-off of nearly endangered marine mammals – More have washed up in last few months than during all of recorded history combined – Experts scrambling to deal with latest wildlife crisis in Pacific (VIDEO)
09:57 AM Oct 22, 2014-8471-TV: Unprecedented catastrophe underway at Fukushima… Radioactive material will keep coming across to North America for centuries –Gundersen: Melted nuclear fuel to bleed into ocean for decades, perhaps centuries… Entire Pacific is being contaminated (VIDEO)
Seals, sea lions, whales, walruses dead
10:12 PM May 6, 2014-8219-Alaska: 50 seals, sea lions, whales, walruses stranded, die – dozens of seals suffer baldness, skin sores; marine-transported Fukushima radionuclides new stressor to ecosystem
11:55 AM Apr 14, 2014-8167-Senior Scientist: Cancer increase expected on West Coast from Fukushima exposures; Radioactive particles can bio-accumulate and form hotspots while crossing Pacific – KCRW: Concern California wildlife to be impacted; sea life can bio-magnify nuclear waste, leading to higher levels of radiation (AUDIO)
Oyster, scallop, shellfish die-offs
11:50 PM Feb 28, 2014-8047-Pacific Northwest: Die-off of oysters and scallops, millions of shellfish, deformed shells, smaller in size – July mortality hit 95 to 100 percent (AUDIO)
09:59 AM Jan 17, 2014 -6932-California seafood tainted from Fukushima disaster, says chef - everything from San Diego to Alaska remove, also see,Secrets of Supermarket Meat, Fish, Eggs & Milk, here
06:06 PM Jan 17, 2014-6935-Fukushima seaborne contamination hits California – low levels of radioactivity in fish (VIDEO)
03:31 PM Jan 17, 2014-6934-Many young people in Fukushima in high school die suddenly; Officials ignore all the problems – Former Mayor: People are always told any disease they have is not caused by radiation (VIDEO)
08:17 PM Oct 13, 2015-8726-Seaborne/landfall West Coast: Unpublished Gov’t map shows massive plume of Fukushima radioactive material off West Coast of North America – penetration of radionuclide cesium from offshore onto land (VIDEO & MAP)
(l) map; (r)Story, click pic — English edition 500 yen. Fo info, contact Everyone's Data Site at (
Now You Can Go to the 2020 Olympics & Get Cancer along with our athletes because the Trump & Obama Administrations & all of Congress & Hillary & Kissinger & New World Order are covering it up because the Fed Central Bankers push nuclear upon us like a plague to increase the national debt because we pay them the $600 billion dollars interest on the national debt every year (which are their 'dividends' on the original Federal Reserve stock issue that they exclusively own) & that money is their personal disposable income while America is homeless eight morally bankrupt families that own the Fed are having fun while Americans have no savings & can't afford doctor bills ...gee, I wonder who the murderers are that have our money?)
How much death & taxes do you get from nuclear?
(see if you can figure out who's behind the current unrest)
Guess who gets paid the interest on the national debt a personal dividend on private ownership of Fed founding stock?
(for answer: See above chart)
(above) Why in God's Name is the above chart of the private shareholders of founding Fed stock, shoved into the middle of a website describing nuclear industry destroying Life?
...could it be, because the Fed/City of London finances & directs the creation & deployment of nuclear industry as a weapon of miltary warfare (to destroy all Life) & a weapon of financial warfare (to create humungous national debt & bigger interest payments on the national debt that they get each year as a 'dividend' on their private ownership of Fed founding stock?, of course not ...hmmm ...well, maybe)... [Editor's note: Be realistic, even though they own the founding stock of at least 6 original Rothschild central banks, it's still only about $1-to-2 trillion dollars a year, tax free as personal disposable income 'dividends' put directly into their wallets would would financially & militarily destroy & conquer countries for such a trifling sum (much less create the United Nations, Israel & Pakistan & back Soros, Gates & the U.S. military to do their globalist/NWO dirty work for them]
Do you want to let Fed interest rate bankers destroy life in the Pacific Ocean & on Earth? ...with their nuclear financial warfare (debt & interest) & military nuclear war machine)
08:14 AM Apr 18, 2016 -8806-Human babies - Fukushima: extra arms & legs (polymelia), extra fingers (polydactyl); Washington State (Hanford): no brains, protruding spines; Chernobyl: brains outside head; many arms & legs, misshapen bodies; cyclops with no face, mouth or limbs; also see; Missouri: cancer clusters, double sets of teeth, missing eyeballs, brain tumors; Fallujah, Iraq*: deformed, no heads, two heads, cyclops, scales, missing limbs; Kazakhstan – 29 fetuses found at uranium site;India – born with partially formed skulls, blood disorders, missing eyes or toes, fused fingers and brittle limbs - children with mutations, - deformed heads, lopsided bodies, ‘toad skin’, eyelids turned inside out; school built using radioactive waste part of community outreach project(VIDEO); Utah - (historical) piles of dead lambs - 2 heads, no legs - no eyes or mouths - legs grown together (continued with complete documentation, at Nuclear Is Not Safe & Clean, here)
-8719- (historical)Piles of dead lambs with 2 heads, no legs - born without eyes or mouths - legs grown together; cats & dogs: St. George, Utah & Walla Walla, Ritzville, Hanford, WA(VIDEOS)
-8806.2-Surge in babies born with extra arms, legs after Fukushima - I feel officials know the cause is radiation - many get abortions to avoid ‘inconvenient’ babies - High number of stillbirths - Many people report cancer, far from Fukushima(VIDEO)
-8806.3-Babies born w/no brain, and protruding spines by Hanford-also see babies w/extra fingers born in Japan; Chernobyl Legacy by Paul Fusco
-8228-Radiation effects on fetuses: Nuclear radiation deforms genes - twins attached by organs growing outside body, 1-eyed cyclops, babies with giant heads - respond to people (PHOTOS & VIDEO)
10:12 AM Dec 21, 2015 -8750- India, Jadugoda: Children w/mutations on streets; deformed heads, lopsided bodies, toad skin, eyelids inside out; community outreach project school built w/radioactive waste (VIDEO)
05:06 pm Jan 7, 2014-8805-Dead, conjoined baby gray whales found on West Coast of N. America - 2 heads - 2 tails, joined in middle (PHOTOS , VIDEO)
12:38 PM May 5, 2016 -8812-60,000,000 killed by nuclear fallout - 120,000,000 cancers from radioactive releases - doesn’t include millions more dead babies and fetuses - war crime far greater than any in recorded human history (VIDEO) [Editor's note: Rosalie has revised this figure to include in addition to those with fatal cancer caused by nuclear, those with non-fatal cancers caused by nuclear ...& the total is 1.2 billion]
10:38 AM Dec 27, 2013 -6853-Fukushima nuclear disaster victims to include up to 600,000 deaths, 100,000 still-births, 100,000 children with genetic deformations
More dead babies in Japan from Nuclear Industry
09:59 AM Aug 28, 2015-8703-Radiation Expert: Horrific health toll from Fukushima - Impossible not to be moved by scale of deaths and suffering - Thousands to die of cancer just tip of the iceberg - Number of dead babies significantly increased in many areas of Japan - Government actions unconscionable(AUDIO)
11:44 AM May 16, 2016 -8816-Largest amount of Fukushima radiation fell on U.S. West Coast & Pacific - no complaints from U.S. - more radiation on way – what is impact of contamination on us
06:41 PM Jan 19, 2012 -2317-20,000 excess U.S. deaths after Fukushima, not 14,000? …age groups, cities VIDEO
03:00 PM Jan 13, 2016-8761-Pacific Rim West/Northwest coast …Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, California: Dead birds on beaches; also, complete reproductive failure, thick-billed murres, black-legged kittiwakes, horned and tufted puffins, glaucous-winged gulls, and sooty and short-tailed shearwaters; concurrent with whale, pinniped, sea otter, and fish mortalities (VIDEOS)
You are not the only one to think the same things happen to all mammals & other animals
To download summaries of news stories & scientific research about engangered turtles, press download box, —here—
According to industry figures, the nuclear industry has given lethal & non-lethal cancer (such as breast & prostate, organ, brain & eye), miscarriages & mutations to 1.2 billion people since 1940; that's 41,000 a day every day, such as today --or, your birthday-- ...& you don't even know how many animals in the sea & on land (maybe 10x more) or 410,000 a day (ever wonder why we're in the 4th great extinction of life on Earth?'s nuclear pollution & ionospheric heaters frying the plankton basis of Earth's oxygen & food chains & changing the weather making millions refugees & homeless victims of the interlocking directorate of the Fed/City of London banksters who should be gone
Caption: 09:25 AM Apr 3, 2015-8603-13 baby gray whales, 55 dolphins found dead on West Coast – dead humpback whales in Oregon – corpses of sea lions, birds, sea turtles decomposing – Fear for whales swimming thru radiation hot spots
03:00 PM Oct 23, 2014-8472-Pacific: Dead for thousands of miles between U.S. & Japan – Like sailing in a dead sea… everything’s all gone – Just talking about it makes me feel like I want to cry – No birds, no fish, no sharks, no dolphins, no turtles, nothing
11:27 AM Nov 12, 2013-6680-Hundreds of sea turtles wash up dead on Pacific coast – dogs stop breathing and die almost instantly when eating them – many with reproductive problems
01:07 AM Nov 7, 2013-6659-Fishermen report boats surrounded by hundreds of dead Eastern Pacific green sea turtles – some found swimming in circles as if dazed or confused
Poem —Why we must speak to them in a language they do not understand— The turtle dove glides thru seas of blood, cries to night to sooth her; but night's floundering, wings drunkly beat the water, lungs bursting, breeches the dotted line of colored leaves light snowfalls new growth the yearly time when plants die seed and corpse the bewitching hourglass called turtle dove sinks thru the sand death flies away ... you unclothed, shiver, tremble in her passing ...for what? ...for whom? The 40 million 1-ton bags of Fukushima nuclear waste do not care they stare from the shore, wash earthbound into the sea protesting, empty chairs in reactor control rooms no longer stink of horrified technicians, empty bottles no longer fill with life, you are turtle dove flying over wreckage four exploding nuclear reactors below, past the beach the sea barfs up millions of tortured sea animals dead hopelessly dying excruciating pain, floating suspended twitch by twitch beneath waves crucified in dreamland sinking in spotlit plutonium snowflake ballets to the sea floor bobbing helplessly topside in bloated last voyages in Pacific migration poisoning every friend they touch or touches them flooding western shores of Alaska, Canada, Washington State, Oregon, California, Mexico one sees sharks washing up on Nova Scotia beaches, Alameda, or Half Moon Bay ...any more than they see themselves in the mirror washing up behind masks they no longer see the spirit who sold out, just the advertisement and the plastic
Red Blob is seaborne nuclear fallout from Fukushima ... not simply warm water creating mysterious diseases ... destroying millions & trillions of sea life as the mainstream, fake news (owned by the nuclear industry ...which is owned by the Fed/City of London Wall Street/London Stock Exchange bankers), lies to you.
02:43 PM Mar 24, 2014-8121-Caldicott: Fukushima to be pouring radioactive water into Pacific for the rest of Time – nuclear industry covers it up because they know if truth comes out it will be the end of nuclear power (AUDIO)
See What Nuclear (the Adversary & Anti-Kingdom) Does To Divine Love
GE made the nuclear reactors at Fukushima and Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington State: Both locations have produced wholesale death and slaughter, kids born without brains in neighboring Tri-Counties and nuclear has women pregnant with kids that have extra fingers, toes, teeth, heads, arms and legs in Fukushima, India, Missouri. Who is responsible? ...who owns GE & the nuclear industry? ...who owns the oil industry? ...who owns the media? ...who owns the presidency. Look on the five charts (below) for yellow highlighting to see who owns nuclear.
The Soldiers Change, but the war remains the same
Federal Reserve Directors ... whose Corporations & Military kill Girls & the Ocean with Nuclear Industry forcing Global Warming & Ionospheric Heaters weaponizing Climate Change ...should be marched to the Gallows
If women & girls worldwide, living within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor continue to get more cancer than men or boys or those living farther away ...then Federal Reserve directors whose corporation & military tactics make that cancer & kill the oceans, Earth, Natural & Divine Order with manmade nuclear, electromagnetic & chemical climate change should be tried for murder, convicted & hung. It's that simple. You are in a war not of your choosing. The enemy uses traditional warfare, covert warfare, unconventional warfare (nuclear-, chemical-, germ-, electromagnetic- weather- & earthquake warfare), financial warfare & propaganda-disinformation warfare. Today, we will look at ongoing & catastrophic nuclear fallout, electromagnetic warfare & propaganda as they apply to military ionospheric global heaters & forced climate change. The soldiers change, but the war remains the same.
The Pacific Ocean is Dying – and You Don't Even Know
Concentrated Plume: Cesium-134 & other radionuclides — Observed unprecedented levels spreading 5,000 miles out into the Pacific
Huffington Post, Sep 1, 2015: Radiation in the Ocean - The West Coast of the United States seems under siege by negative environmental news… and numerous accounts of unusual coastal events: algae blooms, whale strandings, cancer in seals, collapse of fish stocks, and more… One argument has been the effect of radiation leaking from the [Fukushima] nuclear power plant reactors… and has been thereafter distributed by ocean currents; indeed there is evidence of a plume of increased concentration of Cesium-134, and other radioactive elements that have been observed at unprecedented levels, spreading out some 5,000 miles into the Pacific.
Tracking Fukushima Seaborne, Airborne & Projected Fallout Paths ...with a Russian nuke fallout calamity thrown in at no extra charge
March 2011 to Eternity
Note: Fukushima Update picture – artist's rendition where Fukushima seaborne radionuclide paths ends up; not actual ocean currents as shown in other pics; i.e. capsized rubber duckies paths. Airborne path – Fukushima airborne fallout – March 2011 – present and practically, for Eternity; Chernobyl Disaster nuclear fallout over Europe; Nuclear fallout alert – Russian radionuclide leak over Europe: Russian nuclear disaster to send radionuclide cloud over Europe, experts warn. Also fears of North Korea hydrogen bomb & nuclear missile testing.
03:29 PM Mar 16, 2014-8096-NYT: Gov’t scientist not allowed to publish findings that Fukushima cesium-137 levels could be 10,000 times higher than after Chernobyl in Pacific surface waters – Japan researchers pressured to downplay disasters impact – professors obstructed when data might cause public concern [Editor's note: Concern to shut down all nuclear reactors & get rid of nuclear industry]
07:19 AM Mar 12, 2014-8088- Official: Japan will be ruined if public doesn’t realize they’re being exposed to Fukushima radiation – 99.99% of the people are being sacrificed – Rest of world will be taken down, too(AUDIO)
BTW ...Fed Interest-rate vampire bankers own the petroleum industry, too
Jun 29, 2018
Renaissance Permastead and Apiary – People, WE are in a war if you aint put the big picture together..... time to eat the bankers, royalty, jesuits, khazarians, and Draconians.... hows that for replacing GMOs....?
Lindy-lin – I never go to a BP gas station ever since that spill. They all should be in prison for what they did against sea life & the fowls of the air.
Laurie Barry – This is painful as hell! My heart breaks for the innocent sea life- what have they done to ever deserve this suffering? These elite, global, terrorists are destroying absolutely everything that God has created! Most people haven’t a clue, and frankly I am really beginning to think they don’t care UNLESS it directly affects them- and they become a huge part of the problem. I know I have had zero success in sparking any interest in anything, even the obviously fake clouds that are directly over their own heads. Thank you for your service, it is greatly appreciated.
Klem Kaddlehopper – I knew they were poisoning the Gulf with the GMO’s. I believe they intentionally blew up the oil rig under obama.
Reiki Lynx – All this for paper and coin. Makes me weep.
0311 grunt – Leave it up to the greed of man to ruin the ocean and all that lives in it. Man will not stop till he ruins everything on this Earth. Sickening...
Fukushima airborne radioactive plume circles Earth every 40 days, forever ...alongside all previous nuclear testing & blasts ...& falls in rain & snow onto crops & into lungs & once ingested causes most birth defects, immune deficiency diseases, cancers & heart failures we suffer; Evil principalities of ionizing radiation in Heavenly places; nuclear industry is mutating Nature, Gaia & Divine Order: a child whose mother while pregnant breathed or ingested U.S.-, British-, Israeli-, Indian-, Pakistani- & Russian trafficked depleted uranium industry munitions used to create national debt, burn soldiers alive & mutate unborn children in Iraq, Syria & Afghanistan for several thousand years ...& in friendly fire...are central bank war tactics designed to increase national debt, since our central bank founding stock shareholders are paid the interest on the national debt as dividends on their ownership of Fed founding stock yearly, as personal disposable income from five central banks they own, of about $2 trillion dollars a year as personal profit dividends on their private ownership of Federal Reserve founding stock, as the world dies & 99.99% of God's creation bears the cross, anti-Kingdom & hell on Earth.
Exposure symptoms from coronavirus, EMP-, microwave- & nuclear ionizing radiation are similar ...weakening immune system, colds, flu & pneumonia
...additionally, initial symptoms of nuclear radiation exposure: can be metallic taste in mouth, bruising, nosebleeds, nausea, sore throat, colds, skin rash, loss of hair, diarrhea ... followed byteeth breaking off &/or falling out & heart failure, mutation of genes in ova & sperm causing mutations in pregnancies & children, birth defects & retardation, followed by immune deficiency diseases, then soft tissue & organ cancers then leukemia(the whole cycle can take a lifetime to manifest, or in the case of heart attacks, be fairly immediate to children from exposure to cesium & thyroid lumpsfrom exposure to iodine.
Every day, 41,000 peopledie or get immune deficiency diseases, cancers, leukemia, miscarriages & birth defects from nuclear fallout & waste ...1.2 billion people since 1941 (using nuclear industry statistics)
Our free e-book, Nuclear Power Is Not Safe & Clean: Nuclear Fallout & Waste Database,has 9,000 links to 30,000 pieces of published scientific & general public documentation.
...our free e-book, The Pacific Ocean Is Dying & You Don't Even Know: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Final Solution for Mammals, Gaia & Divine Order, includes about 1,000 of these links:
07:12 PM Sep 22, 2012 -4334-U.S. Gov’t: If exposed to radioactive fallout watch for unknown bruising, nosebleeds, nausea, sore throat, loss of hair, diarrhea – make the best of it – don’t be discouraged(VIDEO)
09:39 PM Jan 7, 2012-2207-U.S. Military: Radiation causes hair loss, bleeding, nausea, inability of body to repair (VIDEO)
10:40 AM Jan 25, 2014-6982-Alaska seal deaths & Fukushima fallout – skin lesions, hair loss, lethargy – pulsed release … built-up radionuclides set free as ice melts – wildlife health implications due to radiation exposure(PHOTOS & MAP)
09:04 PM Dec 22, 2013-6842-NY Post: Radioactive snow falling on U.S.S. Ronald Reagan nuclear aircraft carrier caused by Fukushima radioactive steam… Is that aluminum foil I taste? – Sailor: People were defecating on themselves in hallways from excruciating diarrhea - Officer: We saw radiation 300 times ‘safe’ levels (VIDEO)
02:20 PM Jan 16, 2014-6929-Radio: U.S. Navysailors had radioactive snowball fightsoff Fukushima – Crew toast after weeks on Pacific – significant cancers, incessant bleeding from anus or vagina, blindness – Debris from USS Reagan sent to Hanford nuclear waste site (AUDIO)
09:16 AM Mar 8, 2012-2780-A snow that would never meltbegan falling - Each flake bringing down cesium on city of 300,000 people 60km from meltdowns (VIDEO)
01:07 PM Feb 12, 2012-2571-Official:Flakes fell like snow after first Fukushima explosion -like a movie
02:01 PM Jan 23, 2013-5195-Washington Post:Nuclear plant produces snowin Pennsylvania - I’ve never seen this particular phenomenon observed before(PHOTO)
10:22 AM Sep 29, 2012-4389-Like Green Starlight: Highly contaminated ‘marine snow’ covered seafloor at least 2,000 kilometers from Fukushima by July 2011 (PHOTOS & VIDEO)
04:38 PM Jun 11, 2012-3559-Gundersen: Radioactive ‘snow’ working it’s way down through water column - loaded with cesium, which fish swim through (AUDIO) – (Gundersen:They actually have something they call, 'snow'. And it’s just radioactive fallout particles that are deposited on the water and they are working their way down the water column. And it’s loaded with cesium, which these tuna and other fish are swimming through.)
02:02 PM Jan 20, 2012-2329-Iodine-131 detected in Tokyo snow
Ice seals, walruses, polar bears
10:09 AM Mar 14, 2013-5566-Sickened Alaska animals getting more tests for Fukushima radionuclides - Oozing sores, bleeding, swollen internal organs, hair loss(PHOTOS) <> -5566.1-no cause has been officially identified for the illness plaguing the ice seals – walruses and polar bears have turned up with similar ailments – some of the animals were found to also have bleeding and swelling in their lungs, livers, lymph nodes and other internal organs
03:17 PM Sep 19, 2012-4305-Sickened Alaska seals concentrated where Fukushima plume made landfall after 3/11 (MAPS)
07:47 PM May 6, 2012-3255-Mayor: I’m losing my hair, have nosebleed everyday …I asked for blood test at a hospital in Tokyo cause I’m exposed ...they refused it(VIDEO)
Every day 41,000 more people dead, dying, sick & miscarriages from global nuclear warming ...10x more animals ...(1.2 billion people since 1940) –Coronavirus that!BTW: Girls living within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than boys. Appears military climate change EMP electromagnetic pulse radiation warfare has similar symptoms as coronavirus & nuclear ionizing radiation waste & fallout. OMG! (scroll down)
Nuclear Power, Human Rights & Climate Justice(here) A Green World Journal(here)
(l) 04:56 PM Jun 17, 2012 -3602- Japan: 11,000 gather at Prime Minister’s official residence to protest restarting Oi nuclear power plant; (r) China's Venezuela anti-protest weaponry
“Never doubt a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world is the only thing that ever has.”– Margaret Mead, U.S. cultural anthropologist known for studies of Oceania peoples – societal issues – women's rights, nuclear proliferation, race relations, pollution & world hunger.
Nuclear Refugees ...People of Iitate Village
07:29 PM Jun 24, 2012 -3651- Tearful Fukushima Resident: What happened to us psychologically, physically, financially is unimaginable – Iitate lies 40 km from the damaged nuclear power plant in Fukushima and was outside of the official evacuation zone (within 20 km of the reactors). But, because of wind direction, it became clear radiation spread far beyond the original evacuation zone and posed a threat to the villagers of Iitate. Yet, it took the government two months to act. Two months of the villagers believing they were okay because they were outside of 20 km. Two months their children were not evacuated and were exposed to dangerous levels of radiation.
Urgent Alert
Cancer & nuclear regulatory apologists — Is mass suffering & misery a human rights issue?
Is human slaughter not a human rights issue? We have lost 1.2 billion people to fatal and non-fatal cancer because of nuclear industry ...and their apologists, lies and cover-ups.
Duh ...Why (not) March Them to the Gallows?
Federal Reserve Directors who buy, sell &/or traffick in conventional or covert weather-, earthquake-, EMP or financial war, pollution, reactors, nuclear waste, pollution & disinformation products & their apologists should be divested then hang themselves in prison
Nuclear Fallout Today
— Death on the installment plan
Nuclear industry is paid to eliminate & desecrate Nature & Life
March them to the gallows
To hold Federal Reserve Bank directors responsible for the consequences of 'their' actions in destroying the Pacific Ocean, we must march 'them' to the gallows —(continued, here)—
The first and only test of an atomic cannon at the Nevada Test Site. What could go wrong?
U.S. Nuclear Tests killed more civilians than 'they' said
United States Nuclear Tests Promoted, Financed & Covered Up by Corporations & News Agencies Directed by Fed Interest Rate Bankers to Seize Global Financial Control Heartlessly Murdered Hundreds of Thousands of U.S. Civilians ...with Nuclear Fallout, Hot Particles, Radioactive Milk & Fake News (strategic intelligence media disinformation)
U.S. Goverment paid out $2 billion dollars
U.S. Nuclear Tests Killed Far More Civilians Than We Knew – (690,000)
When the U.S. entered the nuclear age, it did so recklessly. New research suggests that the hidden cost of developing nuclear weapons was far larger than previous estimates, with radioactive nuclear fallout responsible for 340,000 to 690,000 American deaths from 1951 to 1973.
From 1951 to 1963, the U.S. tested nuclear weapons above ground in Nevada. Weapons researchers, not understanding the risks – or simply ignoring them – exposed thousands of workers to radioactive fallout. The emissions from nuclear reactions are deadly to humans in high doses, and can cause cancer even in low doses.
Researchers had volunteers stand underneath an airburst nuclear weapon to prove how safe it was:
Five men at atomic ground zero: On July 19, 1957, five men stood at Ground Zero of an atomic test that was being conducted at the Nevada Test Site. This was the test of a 2KT (kiloton) MB-1 nuclear air-to-air rocket launched from an F-89 Scorpion interceptor. The nuclear missile detonated 10,000 ft above their heads.
Emissions, however, did not stay at the test site and drifted in the atmosphere. Cancer rates spiked in nearby communities, and U.S. government could no longer pretend fallout was anything but a silent killer.
The cost [of nuclear fallout] in dollars and lives
Congress eventually paid more than $2 billion to residents of nearby areas that were particularly exposed to radiation, as well as uranium miners. But attempts to measure the full extent of the test nuclear fallout were very uncertain, since they relied on extrapolating effects from the hardest-hit communities to the national level. One national estimate found the testing caused 49,000 cancer deaths.
Those measurements, however, did not capture the full range of effects over time and geography. Meyers created a broader picture by way of a macabre insight: When cows consumed radioactive fallout spread by atmospheric winds, their milk became a key channel to transmit radiation sickness to humans. Most milk production during this time was local, with cows eating at pasture and their milk being delivered to nearby communities, giving Meyers a way to trace radioactivity across the country.
The National Cancer Institute has records of the amount of Iodine 131 – a dangerous isotope released in the Nevada tests – in milk, as well as broader data about radiation exposure. By comparing this data with county-level mortality records, Meyers came across a significant finding: “Exposure to fallout through milk leads to immediate and sustained increases in the crude death rate.”
What’s more, these results were sustained over time. U.S. nuclear testing likely killed seven to 14 times more people than we had thought, mostly in the midwest and northeast [with nuclear fallout].
A [nuclear] weapon against its own people
When the U.S. used nuclear weapons during World War II, bombing the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, conservative estimates suggest 250,000 people died in immediate aftermath.
Even those horrified by the bombing didn’t realize the U.S. would deploy similar weapons against its own people, accidentally, and on a comparable scale.
Those horrified by nuclear bombings in Hiroshima & Nagasaki didn’t realize the U.S. [Fed interest rate bankers financing (mortgaging) the U.S. military] would deploy nuclear weapons domestically against U.S. Citizens with similar high yield dosage & low dosage affects, nor that the entire U.S. food chain would be bathed in nuclear fallout lasting from a few seconds to hundreds of thousands of years. ...Opps.
Cessation of nuclear testing helped save U.S. lives – ”the Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty might have saved between 11.7 and 24 million American lives,” Meyers estimates. There was some blind luck involved in reducing the number of poisoned people: The Nevada Test Site, compared to other potential testing facilities the U.S. government considered at the time, produced the lowest atmospheric dispersal.
The lingering effects of the tests remain, silent and as troublesome as the isotopes, themselves. Millions of Americans who were exposed to fallout likely suffer illnesses related to these tests even today, as they retire and rely on the U.S. government to fund their health care.
"This paper reveals there are more casualties of the Cold War than previously thought, but the extent to which society still bears the costs of the Cold War remains an open question,” Meyers concludes.
(Also see, Supporting Videos, including HAARP & Ionispheric Heaters)
Who Owns Nuclear & the Media?
Federal Reserve Directors whose Corporations & Military Tactics & Media Kill the Ocean should be done away with
Until about two billion years ago, it was impossible to have any life on Earth; that is, there was so much radiation on Earth you couldn’t have any life – fish or anything. Gradually, about two billion years ago, the amount of radiation on this planet – and probably in the entire system – reduced and made it possible for some form of life to begin …Now, when we go back to using nuclear power, we are creating something which nature tried to destroy to make life possible …Every time you produce radiation, you produce something that has a certain half-life, in some cases for billions of years. I think the human race is going to wreck itself; it is important that we get control of this horrible force and try to eliminate it. I do not believe nuclear power is worth it — Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, American naval officer and engineer – the 'father' of America's nuclear Navy. [On the hazards of nuclear power. Testimony to Congress (28 January 1982); published in Economics of Defense Policy: Hearing before the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, 97th Cong., 2nd sess., Pt. 1 (1982)
Who Owns Nuclear, I wonder? And, how does that money trail lead to global warming & climate change killing the animals & killing me?
...& how does that relate to the 2020 Olympics & national elections?
Hint: When you follow the money, you find the banking dynasties that print it on 2 cents of paper and charge you billions of dollars ...& you find the NWO is now the CNWO (NWO+China)
Coca-Cola Extends Olympic Sponsorship to 2032 in Joint Deal with Chinese Dairy Company
LAUSANNE, SWITZERLAND - Taking Coca-Cola’s sponsorship beyond 100 years, the International Olympic Committee has extended with Coca-Cola from 2021 through 2032 in a first-ever joint commercial deal with Chinese dairy company Mengniu.
Coca-Cola’s partnership with the IOC began at the 1928 Summer Games and will now stretch to 104 years. While the Atlanta-based drinks giant is an Olympic fixture, the deal helps 20-year-old Mengniu’s ambition to turn its milk and yogurt drinks business into a global brand.
The value of the deal was not disclosed at a signing ceremony Monday. The Financial Times citing anonymous sources reported it could be worth $3 billion with up to half in cash sponsorship. “The agreement includes unprecedented investment in traditional and digital media to promote the Olympic values globally,” the IOC said in a statement.
Who cares? ...follow the money trail – it leads back to who is printing the money
Who owns/owned Coca Cola? ...does that have anthing to do with climate change, global warming, the 2020 Olympics, mass extinction of animals, the murder of the Pacific Ocean, the 2020 elections ...and our nuclear weather forecast?
SunTrust Sells Coca-Cola Stake After 93 Years to Warren Buffett, Collects A Tidy Two Million Percent Return—(here)—(Sep 7, 2012) ----> Go to U.S. House Subcommittee report charts of who owns the Federal Reserve and what corporations they own, —(here: cell phone pdf | computer ms word w/pop-ups & search engine)—
We downloaded the ms word version of the charts with pop-ups & search engine and searched for SunTrust. We didn't find it. Next. We searched for SunTrust in google; yielding: SunTrust Banks, Inc. is an American bank holding company. The largest subsidiary is SunTrust Bank. It had US$199 billion in assets as of March 31, 2018. SunTrust Bank's most direct corporate parent was established in 1891 in Atlanta, where its headquarters remain. Wikipedia
Still, nothing. Then we goggle'd American bank holding company & got: What does it mean to be a bank holding company? A one-bank holding company is a corporation that holds at least a quarter of the voting stock of a commercial bank. One-bank holding companies led to the creation of leveraged bank holding companies. These entities are under the supervision of the United States Federal Reserve (or, the Fed). Feb 17, 2018. This crap is so confusing, since it's banking, it is ruled by the Fed.
Am losing interest but won't give up: Let's return to the chart word version search engine and put in GE, because GE made the nuclear reactors in Fukushima and at Hanford in Washington State that gave the people cancer as they lived downwind on the Snake River Valley, those GE reactors pepper the U.S. and all that have inherent design flaws that do not hold up in earthquakes ...and see what happens.
But, before doing that, 'Sun' sounds familiar to the charts.So, we searched for Sun and got a hit on chart No. 5 (below) — There's also a hit on Chart 3, scroll down:
President John F. Kennedy
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City, Apr 27, 1961 (Excerpted below ... full text, here)
...The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it.
...For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence – on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.
Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried, not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed. It conducts the Cold War, in short, with a war-time discipline no democracy would ever hope or wish to match.
Nevertheless, every democracy recognizes the necessary restraints of national security – and the question remains whether those restraints need to be more strictly observed if we are to oppose this kind of attack as well as outright invasion.
Join Us On a Roller Coaster Ride to Save the Life Force
Mammals (including humans) are now endangered species
Your Life Force is suffering as never before ...can you feel it? Are you tired, grouchy, get sick easy? When radiation mutates DNA, it doesn't care if it is plant, animal or human DNA. It destroys your Life Force and the Divine Order of every living creature or plant to faithfully reproduce itself after its own kind. Radiation creates immune deficiency- and several hundred other diseases along the way to giving you non-terminal or terminal cancer and destroying you. You, your children, pets, gardens and children-to-be, need to be safe and sound. You can stay in denial and ignorance and cause millions of others and billions of animals and life forms to suffer and live with your guilt and cowardice, or simply sell out like all pro-nukers do. Or, you can realize your Angelic calling and Divine nature and respect Life and protect Life. This website and the two free e-books are our gift to you to fulfill your Angelic calling, in hopes of you becoming self-realized, and fulfilled.
Survival Today – The Survival of Women and All Life Depends on Taking Care of the Earth & Marching the Families that Own the Fed to the Gallows — those families are attacking Natural & Divine Order with nuclear, depleted uranium, sonar, weather, earthquakes, electro-magnetic pulse & chemtrail warfare your life on it
Here is an excerpt from Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment: Chapter 11. Chernobyl’s Radioactive Impact on Microbial Biota, by Alexey V. Yablokov; edited by Janet Sherman:
[Abstract] Of the few microorganisms that have been studied, all underwent rapid changes in the areas heavily contaminated by Chernobyl. Organisms such as tuberculosis bacilli; hepatitis, herpes, and tobacco mosaic viruses; cytomegalovirus; and soil micromycetes and bacteria were activated in various ways. The ultimate long-term consequences for the Chernobyl microbiologic biota may be worse than what we know today. Compared to humans and other mammals, the profound changes that take place among these small live organisms with rapid reproductive turnover do not bode well for the health and survival of other species.
[Article] One gram of soil contains some 2,500,000,000 microorganisms (bacteria, micro-fungi, and protozoa). Up to 3 kg of the mass of an adult human body is made up of bacteria, viruses, and micro-fungi. In spite of the fact that these represent such important and fundamentally live ecosystems there are only scarce data on the various microbiological consequences of the Chernobyl catastrophe.
Several incidences of increased morbidity owing to certain infectious diseases may be due to increased virulence of microbial populations as a result of Chernobyl irradiation. … … …
All microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa) and microbiological communities as a whole undergo rapid changes after any additional irradiation. The mechanism of such changes is well known: inclusion and increase in the frequency of mutations by natural selection and preservation of beneficial novel genes that for whatever reason appear more viable under the new conditions. This micro-evolutionary mechanism has been activated in all radioactively contaminated areas and leads to activation of old and the occurrence of new forms of viruses and bacteria.
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Capital Punishment for Capitalists
The Fed directors (1% of the 1%) who own the original issues of Fed stock are paid the interest on the national debt by U.S. taxpayers (the 99.9%) each year, as 'dividends' of personally disposable income, currently in the amount of ~$700 billion dollars a year from the United States, alone.
However, since it is an international interlocking directorate owning the five original Rothschild-founded central banks ... when you sum up the interest payments on the national debts of those five countries, each year the eight families (and the banks they own) who own the founding stock, likely get over $2 trillion dollars each and every year in personal disposable income.
That is why they are the 1% of the 1%, who own 20% of the Fortune 500 in the form of controlling shares of each corporation, and likely the Fortune 1,000, too ...including all the corporations that pollute Earth that comprise the military-industrial-nuclear complex (cartel), all the major banks, oil companies, insurance companies, pharmchem & petrochem corporations and instigate wars and revolutions, sickness and misery, as well as all the corporations that produce and sell weapons, munitions, aerospace and space, food and clothing, cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, sugar, opium-derivation corporations, and so on ...according to the U.S. Revolution Bicentennial U.S. House of Representative Subcommittee on Banking report of 1976.
That report is available in abbreviated chart form (below) as well as the entire study (below). Those $2 trillion dollars do not include interest payments on homes, cars, personal loans, commercial real estate and development loans ...but only interest on loans to the U.S. and to foreign States.
That yearly $2 trillion dollars they pocket for their personal enjoyment is enough to end homelessness on Planet Earth, finance solar, end poverty, end hunger, and install sewage and clean water facilities for everyone on the planet. Now do you know why we say, in blame: "The Pacific Ocean is Dying – To Save Earth & Clean the Planet ...March Fed Interest Rate Bankers to the Gallows."
Kill a Banker, Win a Prize
U.S. House of Representatives document-derived selected primary charts: who owns the Fed (pdf) | (msword) | Original whole U.S. House Banking Subcommittee document, (here) Who owns whom? Who owns the nuclear industry? (here) Who owns the media? ...and, the presidency? (pdf | msword)