Kill a Banker, Win a Prize! — UNDER CONSTRUCTION 2:11 a.m. 02-23-2025 west coast usa
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insufficient fun(d)s ...on Main Street ...but on Wall Street:
Fed, City of London, World Bank & IMF Financial Terrorism
Deep State Nuclear Mafia
End Federal Reserve Directors whose corporations, financials & military threaten conventional, nuclear- & weather warfare to mandate that countries must qualify for Foreign Aid by collectively agreeing to build 1,000-to-2,500 new reactors to qualify for Foreign Aid grow foreign & national debt so those directors can additionally profit personally yearly by increased interest payments (dividends) made by taxpayers (you & me) ...on that unconstitutional national debt that is taxation without representation, that must be deleted that power held by monarchs, dictators & central bankers
Are you tormented by what’s going on in the world today? Laughter helps: "Kill a banker, win a prize," yelps.
– Do they make your choice? –
According to company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stock holders of virtually every Fortune 500 corporation
The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon-Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP & Chevron-Texaco) tandem w/Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays & other European old money behemoths. But their monopoly over the global economy does not end at the edge of the oil patch. According to company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stock holders of every Fortune 500 corporation.
taxation without representation is why we fought the american revolution of 1776 — or — listen to the bankers, pay them interest on your own money & live your life in financial slavery they want you like that while they traffick & devour innocence
America's Presidents: A Little Bit of Truth Goes a Long Way
"Banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
~ President Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809
"Bankers are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our central bank system, there would be a revolution before morning. If the central bank continues to control our currency, receiving our public monies, and holding thousands of our citizens in dependence, it would be more formidable and dangerous than the naval and military power of the enemy. It is not our own citizens only who are to receive the bounty of our government ... More than 8 million dollars of the stock of this bank are held by foreigners ... Is there no danger to our liberty and independence in a bank that in its nature has so little to bind it to our country? If government would confine itself to equal protection, and, as Heaven does its rains, shower its favor alike on the high and the low, the rich and the poor, it would be an unqualified blessing."
~ President Andrew Jackson, 1829-1837
"Whoever controls the money of a nation, controls that nation and is absolute master of all industry and commerce. When you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate."
~ President James Garfield, 1881
"We began planning the Revolutionary War in order to issue our own money again ...and keep King George III and Bank of England [City of London Corporation] from enslaving us with debt, and making Americans their financial slaves. By the time the revolutionary war started, Apr. 19 1775, British taxation had sucked the gold and silver out of the American colonies, to Britain. So, we had to print money to finance the war."
~ Benjamin Franklin, a 'founding father', 1706-1790
"The privilege of creating and issuing money is the supreme prerogative of Government, the Government's greatest creative opportunity. By adoption of these principles, taxpayers are saved immense sums of interest."
~ President Abraham Lincoln, 1861-1866
"If this mischievous financial policy which has its origin in North American during the late war in that country, shall become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."
~ Hazard Circular inserted in 1865 London Times re: Lincoln's 'Greenbacks'
"Capital must protect itself in every possible manner by combination and legislation. Debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages must be foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When, through a process of law, the common people lose their homes they will become more docile and more easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of government, applied by a central power of wealth under control of leading financiers. This truth is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of Capital to govern the world. By dividing voters through the political party system, we get them to expend energies fighting over questions of no importance. Thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves what has been so well planned and successfully accomplished."
CAN YOU SPELL, 'DRAIN THE SWAMP'? ...the United States Corporation only has jurisdiction in Washington, D.C. ... the Republic of the united states of America has continental jurisdiction
(up) click pic: Excerpted from America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus
(up) click pic: Excerpted from America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus
(up) click pic: Excerpted from America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus
Dulles was a Wall St. Attorney who not only representd the Nazi stock portfolio in the United States Corporation, and ran OSS U.S. Corp war-time military intelligence but was on the Schroder board of directors (Schroder financed Hitler), then Dulles was the first director of the CIA ...Schroder Bank subsidiary Bechtel positions Californication politicians Gavin Newsom (Harris, Pelosi, Feinstein, Reagan, Schwarzenegger, Schiff, Waters, Reagan) to run San Francisco, Los Angeles and California 20(-70) years. Newsom may be your eventual president preceded by world war (as if its not always going on, somewhere) ...if Soros arms the illegals, or China does; alleged seeds of Schroder-Bechtel-San Francisco Californication-politicians spawned national woke as a distraction from the unconstitutional Fed & their unconstitutional national debt FROM LENDING US OUR OWN MONEY & CHARGING US INTEREST ON OUR OWN MONEY? ...ARE WE DUMB?
THESE ARE THE PEOPLE & THEIR ENTITIES WHO GET THE INTEREST ON THE NATIONAL DEBT AS AN ANNUAL PERSONAL DIVIDEND ON THEIR EXCLUSIVE OWNERSHIP OF NEW YORK FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM STOCK ...ACCORDING TO THEIR FOUNDING PAPERS — more that one-trillion-dollars, in 2024 ... for illegally i.e. unconstitutionally lending you your own money then charging you interest for lending you your own money ... ARE WE STUPID? IT'S THEM, OR US ... WALL STREET OR MAIN STREET
(below right-hand corner re: Euromaidan Protestz — this is a Soros-style false flag destabilization theatrical (even if bloody) staged media event just like the Soros-style events in Portland (here) & across America (here) to appear to muster public support & force regime change) & just like the theatrical staged "revolutions" in third-world countries staged by CIA (here) that are political coups to establish bananna republics that is, colonies with puppet dictators for City of London / Fed to steal natural resources, free
(click pic for youtube) EUROMAIDAN COUP: 2014 Nazi coup putches Ukraine from Putin to Biden - WTF? (up) Alleged Burisma nuclear & power mafia merry-go-round murders, coups, regime change, installed leaders, women hit by cars by mafia, puppet presidents, corrupt administrations & imbezzled U.S. taxpayer dollars.
Fauna, Flora & Microbial Biota since Chernobyl meltdown in Ukraine
Consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown in Ukraine resulted in nuclear fallout and waste mutating viruses, bacteria and microbial biota form new, previously unknown forms of viruses, bacteria and microbial biota that is contaminated, mutated and affected onto death by nuclear industry …creating new and mysterious diseases and mutations in animals and plants never seen in fauna, flora and microbial biota.
Poem to Life Forms Mutated, Diseased Tormented in Agony from Nuclear Industry
Warm tears fall when I hear your screams in agony helpless to live against the onslaught of formerly human beings torturing you with no consideration of your wonderous creation being, here in Heaven with you I renounce my humanity.
Central bankers plague Divine Order, their substance evil ...humanity jumps into the firey mouth of hell as led sacrificing your victories now dust.
I cannot think of you because I fall and fall into stillness unbearable in your absence. I hear your cries for help. Your screams in pain. Your madness, I have become that.
Your end is my beginning but my tears do not understand words. They blur my vision, make me infertile, mute before the Almighty, distracted, gameful.
It is more than I can bear as the standard bearer, blades destroying you do not feed me I'm not left nowhere. You did not fail. I have failed. My seeds rot.
The white self-entitled U.S. women are everywhere karen clones, robots hungrily gnawing meaning, obsessed gorging on diets abbreviating lives of others while gluttonous with obscenity.
I blame them, not the men they emasculate with fear ignorance and shame as you suffer on my plate before me.
If men were men they would honor their testosterone and kill the enemy killing you, the central bankers first, the politicians and lawyers, the congress of cowards, idiots and missed trains.
It's hot today, heatwaves of man- and womanmade vanity prosthetics and gluttony has overtaken Nature, stolen the weather and peace, stars night sky, dawn and seasons barren without spring rain, mild breeze, fireflies are blamed for global warming, then worms, oxygen finally, life itself must be destroyed to save itself so ordained by central bankers, cheerleaders trumpeting it's my fault, your fault, not theirs. From Beginning it remains said, told and taught again: kill a banker, win a prize ...salvation for you sleep for me, beside.
Homies Target Central Bankers. Offer $5 for every billionaire central banker dead or alive! ...$1 per banker body part! — offer good only while supplies last
Soros family love affair with Schroder Bank? ...G. Soros and Schroder are traditionally intelligence agency- and Nazi-oriented. Bechtel is Schroder's S.F. subsidiary and often implants presidents and congresspersons into the United States Corporation.
Even through he is Jewish, in his teen years Soros was a Nazi informer, (here); has he more respect for life or his billions of dollars decide. Considers himself to be a God, (here).
Soros + Rockefeller = regime change + war.
U.S. House of Representatives chart of who owns Fed (pdf) (msword) & Original House document, (here) | (Who owns the nuclear industry? (here) & Who owns whom? | Who owns the media? ...and, the presidency? (pdf | msword) | Who owns the military-industrial complex? (here) | Who owns you? (here)
Following charts are research of Eustace Mullins, excerpted from his book: The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, second edition (not 1952 edition but 1983, (as I recall). [He told me on the phone the original edition was both banned and burned in Germany when it was published in 1952. It remains the only book on the Federal Reserve that is intelligible and makes sense ...(it contains no economic-theory-senseless-garbage.)]
Original whole U.S. House Banking Subcommittee document, (here)— Source: Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence. Staff Report Committee on Banking, Currency and Housing, House of Representatives, 94th Congress, 2nd Session, August 1976.
U.S. House of Representatives-substantiated primary charts: who owns the Fed,(pdf) (msword)
(l) Upchuck Schumer brains behind bullshit famous for: Jan 6 erectionists; runs Democratic National Committee & had them pay $1-million-dollars for a fake voter registration operation in 20 states.
Pelosi = Soros + (Bechtel = Schroder) x Schumer = JPMorgan Chase = a globalist war profiteer love fest (wait! ...where's Hillary, Kissinger & the NWO?! ...oh, right behind you and in front of you and on your right & left.)
Why do Schroder Bank, Bechtel & GE make natural gas illegal in the West ...sell Earth's oil and nuclear reactors to China? ...and depopulate the 99.99% — Schroder bank —> Bechtel —> Newsom, Feinstein, Pelosi, Harris, Schiff, Waters, Reagan = Californication of D.C. & United States Corporation to destroy the Republic of the united states of America ...hey, don't forget Upchuck Schumer the erectionist and the East Coast mob. JPMorganChase = biggest oil bank.
"I had a conversation with u.s. vice president joe biden, who told me that the issue of the imf loan has almost been resolved, but i told him that if the conditions remained ... we did not need such loans." — ukraine president viktor yanukovych(this refusal to accept imf terms preceeded the 2014 maiden coup that took ukraine out of the russian sphere of influence & forced ukraine under u.s. — city of london central bank domination, making ukraine a banana republic of the u.s ...a puppet government.)
(documentation, here)2014 -Sen. John McCain also showed up, standing on stage with right-wing extremists from the Svoboda Party and telling the crowd that the United States was with them in their challenge to the Ukrainian government. U.S. diplomats and the mainstream U.S. press immediately blamed Yanukovych for the sniper attack, though the circumstances remain murky to this day and some investigations have suggested that the lethal sniper fire came from buildings controlled by Right Sektor extremists. To tamp down the worsening violence, a shaken Yanukovych signed a European-brokered deal Feb. 21, in which he accepted reduced powers and an early election so he could be voted out of office. He agreed to requests from Vice President Joe Biden to pull back the police. — The precipitous police withdrawal opened the path forneo-Nazisand other (ultra right) street fighterstoseize presidential officesand force Yanukovych’s people to flee for their lives.Yanukovych traveled to eastern Ukraine and thenew coupregime that took power– and wasimmediately declared 'legitimate' by U.S. State Department – sought Yanukovych’s arrest for murder.
Science: Women & girls living within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys
According to almost 100 years of accepted peer reviewed scientific studies nuclear is not safe and clean. It is perhaps the most dangerous poison to life.
Recently, in France, Germany, Britain, the United States ... peer reviewed scientific studies prove women and girls who live within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those living further away, (not to mention other mammals like dogs, cats, farm animals and all animals on land or in the sea ...and plant life) — and tottlers living within 5 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than those living farther away.
Response of Trump, Biden, Newsom, WEF, Gates, Buffet, Bechtel, City, Fed: Build 1,000-to-3,000 new nuclear reactors
The response of Wall Street, Trump (his fatal flaw), Biden, Newsom, Harris, Clinton, WEF, Bill Gates, Buffet, Bechtel, the City, the Fed: Build 1,000-to-3,000 new nuclear reactors. Are they your friends? ...Mother Nature's friends? ...Mother Earth's friends? ...Gaia's friends? ... or your enemies? Your enemies want to depopulate Earth 100% of the 99% in order to continue to gangrape Mother Earth and shit on Divine Order, continue conventional and non-conventional war such as nuclear war, biological
war, weather war force the people of Earth into one world government slavery run by billionaires ...and eliminate dogs, cats, all pets and animal species (including people) in order to stop global warming.
The only nation ever in the world where people could own their own bodies & self
Your enemies (the Adversary) are responsible for almost all deaths in the world, including yours ...that are not natural. America was founded around 1776 as the only nation in the world where people could own their own bodies and have individual freedom, sovereignty (self-determination) and state and national freedom and sovereignty (self-determination).
Federal Reserve System & billionaires got in bed with war — went to town with WWI WWII Korea Central America Viet Nam Iraq Afghanistan Yemen Ukraine to sacrifice your children to their god of money ...for war profits
Before The Republic of the united states of America, billionaires owned you. In 1776 the Americans threw out the British City of London central bankers that were then running the world. And kept them out except for two years, until 1913. Then the City aliens bribed a corrupt Congress like today, founded the Fed and went to town making world wars sacrificing your children.
City of London Corp, a foreign entity ...founds The United States Corporation
In 1868 after they had divided Americans against themselves (like today) in a civil war and totally distracted them in baths of human blood and misery ...the City of London Corporation, a foreign entity ...founded The United States Corporation which was owned by foreigners.
Corp U.S. kicks aside America (The Republic of the united states of America)
That corporate entity changed The Constitution of the united states of America then that corporation displaced the founding fathers' and founding mothers' domestic goverance (being The Republic of the united states of America) with the goverance of a foreign-owned corporation called and being, The United States of America.
In 1900, the bankrupt Corp. U.S. is placed in receivership under the jurisdiction of the IMF, another foreign entity ...meaning, Corp United States is owned and governed by a foreign power ...and, Corp U.S. is running the United States (corporation), today. NOT the Republic of the united states of America.
In 1968, the IMF has each State clone itself into a foreign-owned entity to remove our freedoms and further enslave and exploit us with corrupt politicians and attorneys serving Corp U.S.
Today, Corp U.S. has become Sodom and Gomorah, which is triumped in District of Columbia. However, those representing The Repubic of the united States of America as a whole now declare war against the World Economic Forum and their billionaires, represented by the City and its depopulation putsch deployed globally by the Club of Rome with conventional and noncoventional warfare, and triumped by the Knights of Malta, an organization including the heads of military and government intelligence organizations in the western world.
Let them with eyes see, them with ears hear, them with hearts feel
Let them with eyes see, them with ears hear, them with hearts feel and share life and health without boundaries ...these billionaire warlords have stolen the riches and health of Earth and divide ...the Martians give Earthlings this directive: " ... the 99.99% of humanity now must declare a state of war against the billionaire warlords; to this end, we Martians have authorized a decentralized open season on billionaire warlords and place a bounty on their heads of 2-3 cents until all of them and their dynasties and families are dead". (masters of war, bob dylan official version youtube, here)
(d) Military: can’t stress enough how dangerous … not just another typhoon - Astronaut: Takes up entire view
03:12 PM Oct 9, 2014 8456Japan Times: Monstrous super typhoon to hit Japan this weekend - CNN: This could be a hypothetical Category 6… Cloud field would cross entire U.S. … Among strongest we’ve ever seen - Astronaut on space station: I’ve never seen anything like it - NBC: Waves already up to 50 ft.(see left–PHOTOS & VIDEO)
12:23 AM Oct 11, 2014 8458Typhoon caused significant increase in radioactive releases from Fukushima - Record levels of highly toxic nuclear material in ground outside reactor - Among most poisonous substances at plant
12:16 PM Oct 12, 2014 8460 Japan Times: Records shattered at Fukushima - Radiation levels surge after typhoon - TEPCO doesn’t know why this is happening - Warning crisis could get worse as 180 km/hr storm heads to area
07:29 AM Oct 12, 2014 8459 Typhoon winds up to 110 mph to hit Fukushima Daiichi, storm surge advisory issued - Nearly all Gov’t forecasts show eye passing right over plant - Expect radioactive material washing into Pacific Ocean (MAPS)
Weather warfare? nwo-wef central bankers who want to re-capture cuba
(Note story, below)
07:13 PM Oct 14, 2014 8462 Typhoon exited Japan over Fukushima - Half foot of rain recorded around nuclear plant - Fukushima Worker: There’s no choice but to pray more radioactive material does not spread into ocean… that’s the reality of the situation we are facing (PHOTOS)
[11:25 AM Jul 8, 2014 8312 Puzzling quake hits next to NYC-area nuclear plant ... Not along any known fault lines ... Many reports of loud boom echoing through area - Residents startled into streets ... Professor: They tend to come in bursts … I’m concerned, let’s put it that way … Significant hazard … We don’t understand why these occur (AUDIO)]
11:10 PM Jul 7, 2014 8311 Japan on highest alert in decades typhoon - New forecasts show direct hit at Fukushima plant - Official: Extraordinary situation … Grave danger approaching ... Record-level winds to 170 mph, waves near 50ft ... Military: can’t stress enough how dangerous … not just another typhoon - Astronaut: Takes up entire view (PHOTOS)
01:00 AM Oct 15, 2014 8463 Agency: Fukushima workers urgent to prevent groundwater from leaking into ocean - Levels of nuclear waste surge next to sea - Strontium-90 shatters previous record by over 5 Billion Bq/m3 - Now 25 million times EPA limit
06:22 PM Oct 15, 2014 8464 PBS: Plague along West Coast has biologists fearing extinction of species - Experts: Take your kids to beach and see them before they’re gone; Worst outbreak ever known in the oceans; Catastrophic losses nearly everywhere we’ve been (VIDEO)
10:18 AM Oct 16, 2014 8465 Record Radiation at Fukushima after Vongfong [typhoon]: First tests since Tuesdays typhoon show radioactive material continues rising near ocean - Officials: We can’t do anything more to stop this, depth and scope of contamination flowing out are unknown
09:52 AM Oct 17, 2014 8466 Gov’t: US, Canada hit with high concentrations of Fukushima nuclear material; Tremendous. impact all over world, enormous public health consequences - West Coast plume was 5x level requiring NRC be notified - UC Berkeley Prof.: We did indeed see high… fairly… I mean… some… level of radiation (AUDIO)
04:02 PM Oct 17, 2014 8467 Fukushima nuclear waste detected off U.S. West Coast, from California to Canada - There is definitely offshore Fukushima cesium now - Test results will not be revealed to public for several weeks (VIDEO)
05:15 PM Oct 19, 2014 8468 Japan TV Anchor: I couldn’t tell the truth about Fukushima - Shocking revelations kept secret from public - Nuclear Scientist: I have not trusted the information from beginning… The worst scenario I predicted has happened (VIDEO)
09:16 PM Oct 20, 2014 8469 Gov’t report reveals Fukushima radioactive release much larger than Chernobyl - Japan reactors could have emitted nearly four times as much cesium-137
02:26 PM Oct 21, 2014 8470 Never heard of so much sickness & death in such a short period says Fukushima evacuee - Writes about strange diseases in young people, deadly tumors & hemorrhages, pets missing hair, child losing all their fingernails, polydactyl baby - Friends dying of cancer, one after another
09:57 AM Oct 22, 2014 8471 TV: Unprecedented catastrophe underway at Fukushima… Radioactive material will keep coming across to North America for centuries - Gundersen: Melted nuclear fuel to bleed into ocean for decades, perhaps centuries… Entire Pacific is being contaminated (VIDEO)
03:00 PM Oct 23, 2014 8472Pacific: Dead for thousands of miles between U.S. & Japan - Like sailing in a dead sea… everything’s all gone - Just talking about it makes me feel like I want to cry - No birds, no fish, no sharks, no dolphins, no turtles, nothing (AUDIO)
03:08 PM Oct 24, 2014 8473Experts warn of volcano destroying Japan at any moment, causing nations extinction - Volcano near nuke plant is shaking, tremor 7 minutes long… Stay away - Increased eruption risk due to 3/11 quake
02:22 PM Oct 25, 2014 8474 TV: Fukushima nuclear waste increasing off West Coast each year since 2012 - Fish tested fairly high for radiation - it’s around for next century, even if reactors stop gushing into ocean now - A danger to people living here?… Are officials purposefully holding back info? (VIDEO)
12:03 PM Oct 26, 2014 8475Radiation levels have surged at Fukushima plant - 100,000% of previous record - TV: Officials say they don’t know the cause… Typhoon may be to blame (VIDEO)
(Note story, above)
weather warfare? — were they aiming for the white house ...& missed? ...was it chinese lightning or russian or from india or britain or united states, city of london, shroder bank, bechtel, brown & root, imf, jpmorgan chase, bin laden associates?
3 Dead After Apparent Lightning Strike Injures 4 Near White House
Oregon wildfires drives tens of thousands from their homes
Arsonist caught in the act by officers in Ventura
Pig-Out with Barry & Hillary: The great skanks of the western world pig out on murder & another central bank robbery ..,Qaddafi is ousted & Obama rakes in 30 billion dollars & hangs the head of another central bank on the wall for his collection — just like the 30 tons of gold he & Biden raked in when they did their Nazi Maiden coup in Ukraine in 2014 and gulped down the Ukraine central bank for their mistress, the City of London Great Whore of Babylon
today in history — ukrainian central bank gold robbery ...(what, regime change?)
Financial Warfare for Crash Dummies
Excerpt(email TBD for ordering info)
CAN YOU IMAGINE A SUPER BOWL WHERE TEAMS FIGHT TO THE DEATH? ...or, an arena where central banking teams fight to the death?
In the NFL, 32 teams battle it out to win division titles. Division winners fight to win conference championships. Conference winners battle in the Super Bowl. One team wins the Super Bowl.
In the 1% of the 1% warlord globalist central banks, 104 teams battle to win division titles. Division winners fight in conference championships. Conference winners battle in world wars. One team wins the war and the other 104 teams forfeit their wealth to the winning team.
The Republic of the united states of America vs United States Corporation
you loot we shoot and the bodies will never be found — Soros f**ks the Pacific Northwest in the Astor & JP Morgan tradition
oligarch bankers & billionaires run america & you shooting you down like targets
the obama - sotero connection (step-father richest man in the world)
the newsom - getty connection (richest man in the U.S.)
all teachers should be fired for lying or being stupid & uneducated — 99% of public schools should be technical training in the trades from daycare on up - doctors and lawyers should be paid minimum wage — everyone should be paid the same wage
11th: In 1933, the Trading with the Enemies Act is adjusted to recognize the people of The Republic of the united states of America as enemies of The United States Corporation.
12th: In 1944, under the Bretton Woods Agreement, The United States Corporation is quit claimed to the International Monetary Fund, and The United States becomes a foreign controlled private corporation.
The United States Corporation government is a defined jurisdiction confined to the ten square miles of the District of Columbia for which it was founded and operative. But, it has usurpted and displaced for the last century the authority of the Republic of the united states of America ... replacing The Constitution of the united states of America, with, The United States Constitution, then cloning every State.
Documented herein, you will learn that weather modification was originally to make rain to help crops grow. Now 100 years later, according to the patents, it has morphed not only to destroy crops, but weather control has become the foremost covert weapon of war waged by oligarchs to coerse countries into submission and/or depopulate humanity. It is the same technology that Secretary of Defense William Cohen in 1997 intelligence forums said is used "by others" to create earthquakes, tidal waves & volcanic eruptions. This is done to subjugate countries with non-conventional and economic warfare. It is currently used by the World Economic Forum miieu to extort countries into supporting a China + NWO global government. Weather Warfare is operated like a radio choosing different stations (key wavelength frequencies) coordinating stationary, shipboard seaborne mobile stations &
Homeboy Table of Contents
Jim Lee on Weather Warfare (cont)
landborne acres of microwave transmitters and military vehicles. Jim has created an interactive google-earth-like map showing global locations geographically, zooming in to photos alonside schematics and site broadcasting capabilities. He also a video shown the Chinese weather balloon path over said. Insiders premise with supporting documentation weather warfare was used to destroy nuclear reactors at Fukushima (& perhaps Chernobyl) by heating the atmosphere over earthquake faults using patented ionospheric heaters (and penetrate the sea floor over earthquake faults with low frequency broadcasts for create earthquakes). Weather warfare causes destructive extreme weather and directs ionospheric rivers, as well as permanently and artificially altering and creating weather & magnetic planetary & animal migration patterns to weaponize the weather on Earth and atmosphere in space.
Homeboy Table of Contents
Jim Lee on Weather Warfare (cont)
On Earth, it is aided by creating an electronic plasma sky seeded with patented metallic chemtrails. It has also progressed to laser-guided weaponized lightning. It is used to destroy life ...but will our masters ever use it to nurture crops, lifestock, animals, forests and humanity rather than destroying life? It's up to you. It controls global warming with the flip of a switch, chooses to deploy rain or hail or snow or drought or forest fires ...and the same technology is used for psychotronic warfare: the control of human moods such as irritation, anger, aggression or peace. Bechtel corporation operates Lawrence Livermore labs; but Bechtel's main competitor along with Bin Laden Associates, is Brown & Root that with the demise of JFK made Johnson president: there are videos and predictions from President Johnson about weather warfare to control the world, "He who controls the weather, will control the world."
Homeboy Table of Contents (cont)
Confessions of a January 6 Rioter: The Republic of the united states of America vs United States Corporation
Ever wonder why your own government never helps you? ...and treats you like an enemy? You need to consult a constitutional attorney or two to get to the bottom of the following (and they may differ): The United States (Corporation) has jurisdiction only in Washington District of Columbia. It may or may not be a part of The Republic of the united states of America. Nor, is America part of Washington D.C. The name of our country is, America. The name of this country is not the United States. America was founded c. 1776 after the Revolutionary War whose purpose was to thrown the City of London (corporation) central bankers out of America. That was done in order to free America from financial slavery, according to Benjamin Franklin, a founding father of the Republic of the united states of America. The United States (corporation) was founded in 1868, a century later by the City of London Corporation. Later bankrupt, the City placed the United States under the trusteeship of the International Monetary Fund (a foreign entity). Consequently, the United States is run by a foreign entity. This occurred in 1944. (cont. here)
Gavin Newsom Gavin Christopher Newsom is an American politician and businessman who has been the 40th governor of California since 2019. A member of the Democratic Party, he served as the 49th lieutenant governor of California from 2011 to 2019 and the 42nd mayor of San Francisco from 2004 to 2011. Wikipedia Born: Gavin Christopher Newsom, October 10, 1967, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
The World Economic Forum, led by Klaus Schwab, has revealed the addition of a new element to its arsenal of psychological warfare weapons Chinese spy weather warfare trial balloon flew over secret military nuclear-, missile defense- & weather warfare / psychotronic mood altering sites from Alaska thru South Carolina
IMF's WEF Unveils Chinese 'Neurostrike Weapons' That Can 'Control Brains' of World Leaders (... Biden & brain are oxymoronic ...not MK Ultra?)
Chinese spy weather warfare trial balloon tracked over secret military nuclear-, missile defense- & weather warfare sites: Alaska thru South Carolina
Study by ... senior fellow at East Asian Institute, Singapore; Xiaoxu Sean Lin, former Army microbiologist; and a former Air Force intel officer & current A.I. specialist for the intelligence community
(above) America is not, and never was, a democracy ... America is a constitutional republic — FBI Agent Dan Kamoot made that video 50 years ago & its more right today, than ever before.
Had problems with your computer or phone, lately? ...gee, I wonder why? ...just a little United States Corporation friendly fire pissing on you
Ramifications of Mythic Underworld Evil
Corrupt DOJ & State Departments outted by FOIA declassified documentation not just never-Trumpers, but anti-America, anti-freedom, pro-Nazi & pro-ultra-right here & abroad for 85 years — (with the blessings of Congress, senior Democratic & Republican party leaders not to mention, Presidents & Governors).
Corrupt DOJ & State Departments outted: The corrupt boardroom factions of DOJ & State Depts, FBI, CIA, the Pentagon, White House and much of Congress are not just anti-Trump ... that's kid's play for this generation. They are anti-America and anti-freedom and anti-life and anti-God. They are works of evil among us.
dAccording to highest public intelligence authority in America, investigative attorney and author John Loftus, formerly of DOJ and holding perhaps the highest security intelligence security clearance, DOJ & State leadership factions are anti-freedom, anti-patriot, anti-partisan and anti-America. DOJ & State have been hiring, hiding, sheltering and importing Nazis & ultra-right death squads leaders back-and-forth from Ukraine thru Belarus then refitting their units & continually deploying fascist death squad leaders to use in a WWIII against Russia ...since the mid-1940s, non-stop thru the Reagan/Bush Administration, 1950 & the their current martyrdom of Ukraine to benefit the United States Corporation and City of London Corporation along with sordid oligarchs & WEF-types, (cont here).
The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations has had a profound effect on the moral, spiritual, cultural, political and economic policies of the United States of America and Great Britain. It has been in the front line of the attack on the U.S. Constitution and State Constitutions. No group did more to propagandize the U.S. to participate in WWI at a time when the majority of the American people were opposed to it. Much the same tactics were used by the Social Science Scientists at Tavistock to get the United States into WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and both wars against Iraq. Tavistock began as a propaganda creating and disseminating organization at Wellington House in London in the run-up to WWI, what Toynbee called “that black hole of disinformation.” On another occasion, Toynbee called Wellington House “a lie factory.” From a somewhat crude beginning, Wellington House evolved into the Tavistock Institute and went on to shape the destiny of Germany, Russia, Britain and the United States in a highly controversial manner. The people of these nations were unaware that they were being “brainwashed.” The origin of “mind control,” “inner directional conditioning” and mass “brainwashing” is explained in an easy to understand book written with great authority.
Trump vs Oligarchy = Monarchs —> China / Russia = City of London = Schroder Bank — > Bechtel — > JPMorganChase —> Democratic / Republican Party = U.S. President Gavin Newsom) + warlord biowar UN dictatorship = Hoover Institute + Tavistock + CIA IRS ATF MI6 Bill Gates Henry Kissinger Hillary Clinton UN World Economic Forum's billionaire members = 98% depopulation of the 99% to stop global warming & climate change
Nuclear Weather War Targets I would like to introduce the work of Jim Lee for your investigative editors and journalists and fact checkers in order for you to use Jim's work in your programming and special reports is a scoop in America because it's buried info and new info and he all needed documentation to prove it's true. You can scoop the U.S.
Jim Lee: U.S. Secretary of Defense Wm. Cohen in 1997 sounding the alarm on global eco-terrorism stating 'others' are altering weather patterns, triggering earthquakes and triggering volcanic eruptions using very low frequency alfven waves electromagnetic vibrations.
1.3 Weather warfare- & associated sites
Washington State: Jim Creek Naval Radio Station state-of-the-art producing low frequency emissions world-wide
<1.2> Jim Lee: Flight of Chinese spy balloon plotted over Jim's map of military broadcasting installations including weather warfare broadcasting
Chinese spy weather warfare trial balloon tracked over secret military nuclear, missile defense & weather warfare sites from Alaska thru South Carolina
Jim Creek Naval Radio Station state-of-the-art producing low frequency emissions world-wide
Earth 'groans' heard around the planet by folks in several countries
10:43 PM Dec 23, 2013 6846.16-foot tsunami that hit near New Jersey nuclear plant may be first of its kind in U.S. People injured, swept out to sea by wave detected as far as Puerto Rico ... NOAA said continental shelf may have slumped, now suspects ‘atmospheric event' (VIDEO)
03:31 PM Nov 23, 2012-4831-NY Times: Tsunami in Switzerland? 100 foot wave on Lake Tahoe - Recent 30 foot wave in Washington - Dozens of U.S. nuclear reactors sit along lakefronts
The nuclear explosion at Fukushima and the hydrogen gas explosions were caused because the NRC allowed GE to get away with claiming fake reactor earthquake-resistance figures on either vertical or horizontal thrusts. Almost all of Japan's reactors sit on multiple earthquake faults by volcanos and tsunamis.
Twenty-three of the 104 nuclear reactors in the US were designed by General Electric ... the company that created the Fukushima nuclear reactor in Japan ... to similar specifications.
Fed, City of London, World Bank & IMF Financial Terrorism
Deep State Nuclear Mafia
End Federal Reserve Directors whose corporations, financials & military threaten weather warfare to mandate countries must qualify for Foreign Aid by agreeing to build 1,000-to-2,500 new reactors to qualify for Foreign Aid grow foreign & national debt so those directors can additionally profit personally yearly by increased interest payments (dividends) made by taxpayers (you & me) ...on that debt
Are you as tormented as this person is by what’s going on in the world today? Laughter helps: "kill a banker, win a prize."
– Do they make your choice? –
According to company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stock holders of virtually every Fortune 500 corporation,(here )
The Four Horsemen of Banking (Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo) own the Four Horsemen of Oil (Exxon-Mobil, Royal Dutch/Shell, BP & Chevron-Texaco) tandem w/Deutsche Bank, BNP, Barclays & other European old money behemoths. But their monopoly over the global economy does not end at the edge of the oil patch. According to company 10K filings to the SEC, the Four Horsemen of Banking are among the top ten stock holders of every Fortune 500 corporation.
taxation without representation) ...which is why we fought the American Revolution of 1776 — or — listen to the bankers, pay them interest & live your life in financial slavery today like they want you to while they destroy your love & life on Earth
U.S. Presidents: A Little Bit of Truth Goes a Long Way
"Banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
~ President Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809
"Bankers are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our central bank system, there would be a revolution before morning. If the central bank continues to control our currency, receiving our public monies, and holding thousands of our citizens in dependence, it would be more formidable and dangerous than the naval and military power of the enemy. It is not our own citizens only who are to receive the bounty of our government ... More than 8 million dollars of the stock of this bank are held by foreigners ... Is there no danger to our liberty and independence in a bank that in its nature has so little to bind it to our country? If government would confine itself to equal protection, and, as Heaven does its rains, shower its favor alike on the high and the low, the rich and the poor, it would be an unqualified blessing."
~ President Andrew Jackson, 1829-1837
"Whoever controls the money of a nation, controls that nation and is absolute master of all industry and commerce. When you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate."
~ President James Garfield, 1881
"We began planning the Revolutionary War in order to issue our own money again ...and keep King George III and Bank of England from enslaving us with debt, and making Americans their financial slaves. By the time the revolutionary war started, Apr. 19 1775, British taxation had sucked the gold and silver out of the American colonies, to Britain. So, we had to print money to finance the war."
~ Benjamin Franklin, a 'founding father', 1706-1790
"The privilege of creating and issuing money is the supreme prerogative of Government, the Government's greatest creative opportunity. By adoption of these principles, taxpayers are saved immense sums of interest."
~ President Abraham Lincoln, 1861-1866
"If this mischievous financial policy which has its origin in North American during the late war in that country, shall become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."
~ Hazard Circular inserted in 1865 London Times re: Lincoln's 'Greenbacks'
"Capital must protect itself in every possible manner by combination and legislation. Debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages must be foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When, through a process of law, the common people lose their homes they will become more docile and more easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of government, applied by a central power of wealth under control of leading financiers. This truth is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of Capital to govern the world. By dividing voters through the political party system, we get them to expend energies fighting over questions of no importance. Thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves what has been so well planned and successfully accomplished."
(below) i.e. IMF, U.S. Corporation, State & Justice Depts funding Nazis in Ukraine to fight Russia for Wall St. (Fed) & City of London NWO while crucifying Trump, Republic of America & Main Street
(up) click pic: Excerpted from America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus
(up) click pic: Excerpted from America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus
(up) click pic: Excerpted from America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus
Dulles was a Wall St. Attorney who not only representd the Nazi stock portfolio in the United States, and ran OSS U.S. war-time military intelligence but was on the Schroder board of directors (Schroder financed Hitler), then Dulles was the first director of the CIA ...Schroder Bank subsidiary Bechtel positions Californication politicians Gavin Newsom (Harris, Pelosi, Feinstein, Reagan, Schwarzenegger, Schiff, Waters, Reagan) to run San Francisco, Los Angeles and California 20(-70) years. Newsom may be your eventual president preceded by world war (as if its not always going on, somewhere) ...if Soros arms the illegals, or China does; alleged seeds of Schroder-Bechtel-San Francisco Californication-politicians spawned national woke as a distraction from the unconstitutional Fed & their unconstitutional national debt FROM LENDING US OUR OWN MONEY? ...ARE WE DUMB?
Kamala's war on children & family
THESE ARE THE PEOPLE & THEIR ENTITIES WHO GET THE INTEREST ON THE NATIONAL DEBT AS AN ANNUAL PERSONAL DIVIDEND ON THEIR EXCLUSIVE OWNERSHIP OF NEW YORK FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM STOCK ...ACCORDING TO THEIR FOUNDING PAPERS — more that one-trillion-dollars, in 2024 ... for illegally i.e. unconstitutionally lending you your own money then charging you interest for lending you your own money ... ARE WE STUPID? IT'S THEM, OR US ... WALL STREET OR MAIN STREET
(click pic for youtube)EUROMAIDAN COUP: 2014 Nazi coup putches Ukraine from Putin to Biden - WTF? (up) Alleged Burisma nuclear & power mafia merry-go-round murders, coups, regime change, installed leaders, women hit by cars by mafia, puppet presidents, corrupt administrations & imbezzled U.S. taxpayer dollars.
(scoop 2 of 4)
Confessions of a January 6 Rioter: The Republic of the united states of America vs United States Corporation
Tucker interviews former White House Chief of Police at time of Jan 6 set-up by Schumer / Pelosi / et all corrupt alphabet agency intelligence-drought stagecraft, then fired by Pelosi et al (who should all be convicted of treason then summarily punished)
Confessions of a January 6 Rioter
(contact any constitutional attorney to confirm)
(above) America is not, and never was, a democracy ... America is a constitutional republic. — FBI Agent Dan Kamoot made that video 50 years ago & its more right today, than ever before.
A constitutional republic, not a democracy. The ideal of a democracy is universal equality. The ideal of a constitutional republic is individual liberty.
A democracy always degenerates into dictatorship, which promises government-guaranteed equality and security, but it delivers nothing but poverty and serfdom for the people it robs and rules.
America was founded as a constitutional republic, to safeguard the liberties of the people against the tyranny of democracy, or of one-man dictatorship.
In the 20th Century, great strides were made toward the goal of subverting our republic into a democracy. The foremost tactic of the subverters is subversion of language.
By calling America a democracy, until people thoughtlessly accept and use the term, the totalitarians have obscured the real meaning of our principles of government.
— FBI Agent Dan Kamoot made that video ...50 years ago.and its more right today, than it has ever been.
(down) Kind of sounds like the U.S. Corporation State & Justice Departments today persecuting Trump and the Republic of America & funding Nazis in Ukraine to fight Russia for Wall St. & City of London profits.
(down) Kind of sounds like the U.S. Corporation State & Justice Departments today persecuting Trump and the Republic of America & funding Nazis in Ukraine to fight Russia for Wall St. & City of London profits.
(down) Kind of sounds like the U.S. Corporation State & Justice Departments today persecuting Trump and the Republic of America & funding Nazis in Ukraine to fight Russia for Wall St. & City of London profits.
(up) click pic: Excerpted from America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus
(up) click pic: Excerpted from America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus
(up) click pic: Excerpted from America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus
Nuclear (electric power) Bechtel & Bill Gates at Bohemian Grove deigned Pelosi's nephew fascist dictator Gavin Newsom will be the next president in 2024. They put in Pelosi, Feinstein, Cameltoe Harris, not to mention Reagan, Schultz & Weinberger not to mention George Herbie Walker Bush and the Republican National Heritage WWII death squad leaders and orchestrated the destruction of Central & South America, Eastern Europe, the Far East (in league with City of London Corporation) not to mention ...well, you can read it yourself; (also, see, to right)
U.S. House of Representatives chart of who owns Fed (pdf) (msword) & Original House document, (here) | (Who owns the nuclear industry? (here) & Who owns whom? | Who owns the media? ...and, the presidency? (pdf | msword) | Who owns the military-industrial complex? (here) | Who owns you? (here)
(below, scroll down) Following City of London international interlocking directore charts are research of Eustace Mullins, excerpted from his book: The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, second edition (not 1952 edition but 1983, (as I recall). [He told me on the phone the original edition was both banned and burned in Germany when it was published in 1952. It remains the only book on the Federal Reserve that is intelligible and makes sense contains no economic theory.]
documentation, here:
(below, scroll down) Following City of London international interlocking directore charts are research of Eustace Mullins, excerpted from his book: The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, second edition (not 1952 edition but 1983, (as I recall). [He told me on the phone the original edition was both banned and burned in Germany when it was published in 1952. It remains the only book on the Federal Reserve that is intelligible and makes sense contains no economic theory.]
documentation, here cont
"I had a conversation with u.s. vice president joe biden, who told me that the issue of the imf loan has almost been resolved, but i told him that if the conditions remained ... we did not need such loans." — ukraine president viktor yanukovych(this refusal to accept imf terms preceeded the 2014 maiden coup that took ukraine out of the russian sphere of influence & forced ukraine under u.s. — city of london central bank domination, making ukraine a banana republic of the u.s ...a puppet government.)
(documentation, here)2014 -Sen. John McCain also showed up, standing on stage with right-wing extremists from the Svoboda Party and telling the crowd that the United States was with them in their challenge to the Ukrainian government. U.S. diplomats and the mainstream U.S. press immediately blamed Yanukovych for the sniper attack, though the circumstances remain murky to this day and some investigations have suggested that the lethal sniper fire came from buildings controlled by Right Sektor extremists. To tamp down the worsening violence, a shaken Yanukovych signed a European-brokered deal Feb. 21, in which he accepted reduced powers and an early election so he could be voted out of office. He agreed to requests from Vice President Joe Biden to pull back the police. — The precipitous police withdrawal opened the path forneo-Nazisand other (ultra right) street fighterstoseize presidential officesand force Yanukovych’s people to flee for their lives.Yanukovych traveled to eastern Ukraine and thenew coupregime that took power– and wasimmediately declared 'legitimate' by U.S. State Department – sought Yanukovych’s arrest for murder.
(click pic for youtube)EUROMAIDAN COUP: 2014 Nazi coup putches Ukraine from Putin to Biden - WTF? (up) Alleged Burisma nuclear & power mafia merry-go-round murders, coups, regime change, installed leaders, women hit by cars by mafia, puppet presidents, corrupt administrations & imbezzled U.S. taxpayer dollars.
U.S. marine major general smedley butler: "i helped make mexico, especially tampico, safe for american oil interests in 1914. i helped make haiti and cuba a decent place for the national city bank boys to collect revenues in. i helped the raping of half a dozen central american republics for the benefits of wall street. the record of racketeering is long. i helped purify nicaragua for the international banking house of brown brothers in 1909-1912. i brought light to the dominician repubilc for american sugar interests in 1916. in china i helped to see to it standard oil went its way unmolested."
THESE ARE THE PEOPLE & THEIR ENTITIES WHO GET THE INTEREST ON THE NATIONAL DEBT AS AN ANNUAL PERSONAL DIVIDEND ON THEIR EXCLUSIVE OWNERSHIP OF NEW YORK FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM STOCK ...ACCORDING TO THEIR FOUNDING PAPERS — more that one-trillion-dollars, in 2024 ... for illegally i.e. unconstitutionally lending you your own money then charging you interest for lending you your own money ... ARE YOU STUPID? IT'S THEM, OR YOU ... WALL STREET OR MAIN STREET
"I had a conversation with u.s. vice president joe biden, who told me that the issue of the imf loan has almost been resolved, but i told him that if the conditions remained ... we did not need such loans." — ukraine president viktor yanukovych(this refusal to accept imf terms preceeded the 2014 maiden coup that took ukraine out of the russian sphere of influence & forced ukraine under u.s. — city of london central bank domination, making ukraine a banana republic of the u.s ...a puppet government.)
(documentation, here)2014 -Sen. John McCain also showed up, standing on stage with right-wing extremists from the Svoboda Party and telling the crowd that the United States was with them in their challenge to the Ukrainian government. U.S. diplomats and the mainstream U.S. press immediately blamed Yanukovych for the sniper attack, though the circumstances remain murky to this day and some investigations have suggested that the lethal sniper fire came from buildings controlled by Right Sektor extremists. To tamp down the worsening violence, a shaken Yanukovych signed a European-brokered deal Feb. 21, in which he accepted reduced powers and an early election so he could be voted out of office. He agreed to requests from Vice President Joe Biden to pull back the police. — The precipitous police withdrawal opened the path forneo-Nazisand other (ultra right) street fighterstoseize presidential officesand force Yanukovych’s people to flee for their lives.Yanukovych traveled to eastern Ukraine and thenew coupregime that took power– and wasimmediately declared 'legitimate' by U.S. State Department – sought Yanukovych’s arrest for murder.
(click pic for youtube)EUROMAIDAN COUP: 2014 Nazi coup putches Ukraine from Putin to Biden - WTF? (up) Alleged Burisma nuclear & power mafia merry-go-round murders, coups, regime change, installed leaders, women hit by cars by mafia, puppet presidents, corrupt administrations & imbezzled U.S. taxpayer dollars.
U.S. marine major general smedley butler: "i helped make mexico, especially tampico, safe for american oil interests in 1914. i helped make haiti and cuba a decent place for the national city bank boys to collect revenues in. i helped the raping of half a dozen central american republics for the benefits of wall street. the record of racketeering is long. i helped purify nicaragua for the international banking house of brown brothers in 1909-1912. i brought light to the dominician repubilc for american sugar interests in 1916. in china i helped to see to it standard oil went its way unmolested."
Search Yields Doritos — part 2 —
Search Yields Doritos — part 2 —
"Banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.If American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
~ President Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1809
"Bankers are a den of vipers. I intend to rout you out and by the Eternal God I will rout you out. If the people only understood the rank injustice of our central bank system, there would be a revolution before morning.If the central bank continues to control our currency, receiving our public monies, and holding thousands of our citizens in dependence, it would be more formidable and dangerous than the naval and military power of the enemy. It is not our own citizens only who are to receive the bounty of our government ... More than 8 million dollars of the stock of this bank are held by foreigners ... Is there no danger to our liberty and independence in a bank that in its nature has so little to bind it to our country? If government would confine itself to equal protection, and, as Heaven does its rains, shower its favor alike on the high and the low, the rich and the poor, it would be an unqualified blessing."
~ President Andrew Jackson, 1829-1837
"Whoever controls the money of a nation, controls that nation and is absolute master of all industry and commerce. When you realize that the entire system is very easily controlled, one way or another, by a few powerful men at the top, you will not have to be told how periods of inflation and depression originate."
~ President James Garfield, 1881
"We began planning the Revolutionary War in order to issue our own money again ...and keep King George III and Bank of England from enslaving us with debt, and making Americans their financial slaves. By the time the revolutionary war started, Apr. 19 1775, British taxation had sucked the gold and silver out of the American colonies, to Britain. So, we had to print money to finance the war."
~ Benjamin Franklin, a 'founding father', 1706-1790
"The privilege of creating and issuing money is the supreme prerogative of Government, the Government's greatest creative opportunity. By adoption of these principles, taxpayers are saved immense sums of interest."
~ President Abraham Lincoln, 1861-1866
"If this mischievous financial policy which has its origin in North American during the late war in that country, shall become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America.That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."
~ Hazard Circular inserted in 1865 London Times re: Lincoln's 'Greenbacks'
"Capital must protect itself in every possible manner by combination and legislation. Debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages must be foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When, through a process of law, the common people lose their homes they will become more docile and more easily governedthrough the influence of the strong arm of government, applied by a central power of wealth under control of leading financiers. This truth is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of Capital to govern the world. By dividing voters through the political party system, we get them to expend energies fighting over questions of no importance. Thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves what has been so well planned and successfully accomplished.
~Aug. 25, 1924 USA Banker's Magazine
"If American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless..."
(scoop 3-of-4)
Schroder —> Bechtel —> Harris —> Pelosi —> Feinstein —> Newsom's War On Children & Family
When Bill Gates and Schroder Bank (Bechtel is their subsidiary) build nuclear reactors in China and Hanford Washington and Wyoming ... do you think the cancer you and other people will get from that constitutes a state of war?
How about right after the Obama / Biden-led nazi coup in Ukraine when Bill Gates and Monsanto bought up the Ukrainian bread basket for the world; do you think that constitutes a food fight between you, Bill Gates and Monsanto? which you lose.
Did you know that the President in Ukraine was democratically elected and refused to turn the Ukrainian central bank over to the Fed / City of London / IMF mafia syndicate ...or didn't you know that as soon as Biden had the Ukrainian president pull back the police from the rioters that the Nazis stormed the "palace", and took over the country.
Victoria Nuland passed out cookies to the Nazis, the U.S. immediately recognized the Nazi-run government and the CIA immediately shipped out 36 tons of Ukrainian gold to the United States Corporation (what you call the "United States").
But did you know that the country you live in is not, "The United States"? You live in a country called, "America".
So, the next time you hear the words: "nuclear, Bill Gates, cancer, war, people and you" assured that not long after, you will hear what the European- and Eastern- & Southern European Jews that survived the Holocaust refer to as: THE KNOCK ON THE DOOR IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT.
It's not fun to watch people be destroyed unless you get used to it ...even then, our soldiers never got used to it and we lost more soldiers to suicide than to the "enemy" in the middle east and Afghanistan wars.
The knock on the door in the middle of the night is a nuclear bill gates remote-controlled beetle selling war & cancer for people & you
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Gavin Newsom winning the democratic nomination for president.
Gavin Newsom winning the presidency who?
You're going to the FEMA concentration camps for violating the Restrict Act then to prison 20 years for disagreeing with the government, that's who.
One could argue that Bechtel put Reagan into place, and George Shultz, Casper Weinburger, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Gavin Newsom, Kamela Harris and probably, the southern Califoricating Adam Schiff and what's her name, anyway oh yeah, Maxine ...while at the same time maintained the Bush crime family.
These people do not represent the Republic of the united states of America ... they represent the United States Corporation.
Once could argue Schroder Bank & friends put Hitler into power, or that it was really JPMorganChase, or Deutchbank, or Corp U.S., or City of London but that would all go so far over your head you'd have to cut it off to ever think even when you get old enough to.
Frankly, you do not care if you get cancer from nuclear energy because you ignore almost 100 years of scientific documentation whose point is exactly, that.
You don't care if the U.S. Corporation and City have been starving to death the kids of Yemen for 5 or 10 years ...that Corp. U.S. destroyed Libya; making the kids in Afghanistan come out like stepped on nutty-putty magazine picture transfers. All you care about is getting your rocks off and group think.
Shame on you. You are nuclear. You are Bill Gates. You are war. You are cancer. You are everything but you ...and don't even know it. Shame is your name. Wasting heaven on Earth is your game.
(above) America is not, and never was, a democracy ... America is a constitutional republic. — FBI Agent Dan Kamoot made that video 50 years ago & its more right today, than ever before.
Financial Warfare for Crash Dummies — c/o JPMorganChase, Schroder Bank, City of London & Wall Street
Schroder Bank subsidiary Bechtel positions Californication politicians Gavin Newsom (Harris, Pelosi, Feinstein, Reagan, Schwarzenegger, Schiff, Waters, Reagan) to run San Francisco, Los Angeles and California 20(-70) years. Newsom's your eventual president; their seeds of San Francisco Californication is Obama-Obiden-Okamala-OIMF national woke & Osoros, OFed & OCity-of-London
Kamala's war on children & family
Search Yields Doritos — part 2 —
Chinese espionage in Bechtel's San Francisco & America is epidemic; Feinstein's chauffeur for 20 years a Chinese spy
Gavin's grandpa surrogate father to Getty sons John Paul Jr. & Gordon. Gavin's dad was Pope John Paul kidnapping ransom bagman
Secret Operative Mainland China Biological Warfare Lab Uncovered in California Central Valley Ripe With Contagion & Spreader Mice
Mitch & Wife Elaine Not Chinese Communist Espionage Agents?
8/6/2023: Feinstein-Trump Exchange Jabs Over Chinese Spy Driver Revelation ... ...additional information is just surfacing about how the Bay Area senator's office was infiltrated by her chauffeur, a Chinese spy. The Bay Area is a hotbed for Russian and Chinese espionage. Late last year, the feds shut down the Russian consulate in San Francisco. (cont from column to left) the Chinese spy was Feinstein's driver who also served as a go-fer in her Bay Area office and was a liaison to the Asian-American community. He even attended Chinese consulate functions for the senator.
Hannity humbled & demolished by Gruesome Newsom's mind enhancement drugs
Despite her efforts to brush matters aside, the Feinstein spy scandal is significant. It’s hard to make out through the media and political class’s myopic obsession with all things Russia, but Chinese espionage in America is epidemic. In June 2015, Chinese hackers stole the sensitive personal data (Social Security numbers, addresses, etc.) of more than 20 million Americans when they breached the Office of Personnel Management’s servers. That provided Beijing a trove of information and blackmail opportunities. Military secrets are targeted repeatedly and college campuses are also host to scores of Chinese assets and operatives. Meanwhile, Beijing’s plan to dominate the pharmaceutical, aerospace, artificial intelligence, robotics, self-driving car, clean energy, and sundry other industries of the future—“Made in China 2025,” it’s called—is largely based on espionage, notably the purloining of American technology. And those are just the operations we know about.
In other words, Dianne Feinstein’s driver might not amount to a hill of beans compared to the OPM hack. But it’s another star in a vast constellation of Chinese espionage against the United States; not to mention a clever way to get close to the chair of an important Senate committee, one privy to sensitive information. So it’s puzzling that the Washington Post has mentioned the Feinstein matter only once, and this in an opinion (Spies, cont in column to right)
Gavin Newsom Gavin Christopher Newsom is an American politician and businessman who has been the 40th governor of California since 2019. A member of the Democratic Party, he served as the 49th lieutenant governor of California from 2011 to 2019 and the 42nd mayor of San Francisco from 2004 to 2011. Wikipedia Born: Gavin Christopher Newsom, October 10, 1967, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
(Spies, cont from column to left) column rather than the news pages. The nation’s paper of record, the New York Times, hasn’t seen fit to publish even a squib on the matter. I asked the Times’s deputy Washington editor, Jonathan Weisman, why his paper hasn’t deigned to mention the story. Uncharacteristically for the garrulous Twitter-er, who this week has found time to weigh in on Crazy Rich Asians, the U.S. Postal Service, and the crowd capacity of Texas (Spies, cont in column to right)
(cont from column to left) A&M’s football stadium, Weisman declined to answer. Even the Los Angeles Times, catering to a readership that Feinstein represents, has ignored it. What makes Beijing’s nefarious activities in the United States all the more worrying is that China, unlike Russia, is not just an intelligence and military rival to the United States, but presents a genuine idological threat as well. Nobody wants to import the “Russia model”— that of a declining petro-state with a plummeting population, shrinking lifespans, low growth, and serious fiscal problems. Vladimir Putin can, and does, make mischief outside his borders, but his method of governance is (Spies, cont in column to right)
The family of Elaine Chao, former transportation secretary and wife of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), has extensive financial ties to China’s government, says Peter Schweizer, author of Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends.
The Foremost Group is a shipping business founded by James Chao, Elaine Chao’s father. The family business primarily revolves around China, necessitating the ties between the Chao family and China’s political elites. The China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC), a subsidiary of China’s largest defense contractor, manufactures ships for the Foremost Group.
Transportation Dept. inspector general sent a letter outlining its investigation of allegations Chao used her office and staff to help benefit her family’s international shipping business.
The report said the Justice Department’s criminal and public integrity divisions declined in December to take up the case for criminal prosecution following the inspector general’s findings that Chao used her staff and office for personal tasks and to promote a shipping business owned by Chao's father and sisters, in an apparent violation of federal ethics rules. That company does extensive business with China. Her father is is esteemed by the leaders of communist China.
(Spies, cont in column to right)
The State and Justice Departments have been bringing in Nazis since 1950 ...they are part of the United States Corportation legal only in District of Columbia but have successfully hidden the Republic of the united states of America and Americans in blood baths.
(although; not to mention eastern european fascists as democratic and republican campaign donors and City death squad operatives for regime change in Russian and China
...Chiang Kaishek, also known as Jiang Zhongzheng and Jiang Jieshi, was a an American banana republic leader kow towing to the City of London corporation and Federal Reserve who was defeated by Mao Tse Tung who threw the West out of China along with the Western opium trade. He was a U.S. and Britian puppet dictator / military leader who served as the leader of the (fake) Republic of China and the Generalissimo from 1928 to his death in 1975 – until 1949 in Mainland China and from then in Taiwan, where Azov Nazis from Ukraine on CIA and Soros payroll now wage violent protests against China.
(Spies, cont from column to left) not something that anyone wants to emulate. China, on the other hand, has delivered 40 consecutive years of economic growth, lifting hundreds of millions of people out of poverty, and done it with only limited economic freedom—they call it state-directed capitalism—andessentially zero political liberalization. It’s little wonder that nations as varied as Turkey, Poland, Vietnam, the Philippines, and Ethiopia are no longer just importing Chinese products — they’re looking to import its system of political and economic management as well. ###
Search Yields Doritos — part 2 —
Nuclear Controversies: Video includes presentation by Alexei Yablokov, rebuking IAEA & UN nuclear apologists
Children hurt by nuclear fallout, many with fatal diseases & cancer ...put a face on their health issues.
Children hurt by nuclear fallout, many with fatal diseases & cancer ...put a face on their health issues.
Children hurt by nuclear fallout, many with fatal diseases & cancer ...put a face on their health issues.
The radishes said when it says, don't walk ...walk the dressing said undressing was better the silverware and plates were dirty you don't want to hear what they said; night didn't fall it rose angelic day didn't dawn it sunset and the scmuck said watch the calories on those doctors, it's not doctors are fattening, their words kill that did it ...the fortune cookies ran off, some say they eloped but were never found nor heard from, again
Have you pressed control F5, yet? it now to update ...every time you arrive at this site ...when you go to a new page ...& if a picture's missing
... while at the same time deploying biological warfare to reduce humanity to replacement robotics?
Search Yields Doritos — part 2 —
The Pacific Ocean is Dying and You Don't Even Know: The Nuclear Regulatory Agencies Final Solution for Mammals, Gaia & Divine Order | Nuclear Power Is Not Safe And Clean: Nuclear Waste & Fallout Database (8,011 summaries & links to 25,000-to-35,000 published documents
Fukushima: Nuclear You
Fukushima: If tears, heartbreak and pain was money we’d be billionaires. The nuclear you pisses sunny days in spring, daffodils, irises, glaring from graves in Ukraine and Russia.
Your Lord promised …never to destroy mankind again, again and again but Gates of Hell opened freeing crank stiff marionette devils dancing macabre war shitting fallout, cancer and fat bankers.
Where were you, Nuclear you? …selling crying dumbstruck children to hungry fingers, monetary with dismal worlds, silent springs of bankers bloated with stupidity, your world greedily flares up; life stops in protest as it always does.
It got to the point where telling the truth put people's lives in danger, so my life stopped too. Breath left, water evaporated, night nor dawn no more the shivering regret took forests, animals, everything that love was
And we marched away again and again and again. Dropping poems everywhere to find our way home and tomorrow.
Earth Trembling & Me
Earth trembles, gang raped by nuclear oligarchs Fukushima fallout is ignored there, in the Pacific and U.S. West Coast on your lips and in your vagina or dick. What does it mean to have a radioactive Japan, America, humanity and body, anyway. It's spent woke hers his mutants, is all.
To Bill Gates, suffering and diseases are signs of victorious depopulation, or Kissinger, or Hillary, or Pelosi WTF WEF our oligarch rulers don’t care about our dead children and us carcinogenic people dead man walking souls. It's obvious, like smothering held down under water, non-debatable; you're pregnant or not. Eyes bulge out you shit yourself you're gone
...or not ...a clear plastic bag over your nose and mouth under someone's clapping fist. To oligarchs, us humanity is disposable toilet cleaner no deposit no return compost-ready sex slaves, flip-top non-recyclable breeders cut rate body parts, seconds, stand in bit part players robot sluts on strike frozen midstream out of lubricant ... mickey mouse & nancy pelosi birthing adam schiffs eternally stammering nonstop
The riddle remains, how to give the nuclear warlords overnight justice, to weaponize two-dollar electromagnetic pulse generator cap pistol toys that work free slave labor 24/7, turn off the computer people and A.I. robotic people liberate low freqency generators to crumble their underground cities and herds of push button housewives and kidnapped kids without minds left gift wrapped in yesterdays' headlines on sale 2-for-1 cut rate bleeding in the howling rain
...or, obliterate their electro- magnetic weapons with dreams of orgasmic electronic pulse pistols swamping our oligarch tin foil rulers castrating their protection rackets right between their threats to turn and aim their space age weapons and robotics against them au natural ...but hammers are nightmares racing into darkness cheaper proletariat all that and nothing but the truth and a free meal
Johnny Cash & Carter Family – Where You There When They Crucified My Lord?
The Pacific Ocean is Dying & You Don't Even Know
Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Final Solution for Mammals, Gaia and Divine Order
Nuclear Power is Not Safe and Clean
Nuclear Waste & Fallout Reference Database ...(planatary affectations of nuclear industry oligarchs)
Subjective narrative e-book illustrating the impact of the info & photos in the objective database --->
Objectivee-book database is a guide with over ...8,011 headlines, 8,011 summaries & 8,011 links... to 25,000-to-35,000 published media & scientific documents that prove nuclear is not safe & clean
Should we help the central bankers who brought us nuclear industry, war & pollution kill all the animals in the world? ...or the other way around
(Editor's note: Excerpted from the subjective interpretive companion e-book, The Pacific Ocean Is Dying And You Don't Even Know the companion objective e-book, Nuclear Waste & Fallout Reference Database For Citizens; and remember the subjective narrative e-book completing the trilogy, Financial Warfare for Crash Dummies.)
[Editor's note: Disclaimer — There was a numbering error and the amount of linked references in the database e-book: Nuclear Power Waste & Fallout Database, is not 9,011 but is 8,011 3-to-5 links additional links the total linked-to amount remains the same at 25,000-to-40,000 pieces of published documentation, which we refer to as: 35,000.]
c/o Voice of America
What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas
how to order the scientific publishing event of the 21st Century
...Limited introductory offer! — e-book buyers can provide free copies of purchased links (urls) to friends, employees, patrons, students, citizens — Order now & save life in the Pacific Ocean!
— two links (two urls) provided for each nuclear e-book — pdf link for cellphone reading & ms word link with search engine and endnote references in text that toggle to endnote-&-back to the text for personal computer use
Both books have links to documentation — the reference database has over 8,012 links to 25,000-to-35,000 published documents ...providing the only complete lay & scientific diary & history of the ongoing Fukushima meltdowns, fallout & waste — see which corporations, board directors, agencies & media are responsible for the Fukusima catastrophe & ongoing cover-up: in the United States, Japan, Britain & the global nuclear industry, today — from 2011 to 2018 ...& meet all the nuclear education NGOs & their documentation that proves once & for all that nuclear industry is not safe & clean
To Order Now! ...or to receive a review copy ...(Send a snail mail check or money order for $49.95 made out to Alan Kernoff, 7344 SE 85th Ave, Portland, Oregon 97266) -- orders are valid ONLY if you include a working email address for e-book urls to be sent to)(Allow 30 days after check clears, for processing — provide email address for e-book delivery)No returns
(three separate database search results for the words: new — mysterious — diseases)
May 3, 20148368.5‘Marine Mystery’ toxic outbreak threatens marine life — Birds fall from sky, sea lions convulse — Toxin record level, 1,000% over gov’t limit — Heart lesions, severe shrinking brain, nervous system failure(VIDEO)
3:28 PM Apr 24, 20178869Mass die-off ongoing along U.S. West Coast — TV: It’s not clear why all marine life is washing up like this. Reports come daily – 'Unknown’ organisms eat brains, hearts; New infections never seen before(VIDEOS)
[Editor's note: (ur) Endnote No. 60 refers to database entry No. 8073; because of its significance, we are including from the database the abbreviated summary plus it's associated endnote material. (It also references entry No. 6026.)]
02:03 PM Mar 7, 2014 -8073-Fukushima: Plutonium, Uranium-236, Curium discharged into environment in form of fine particles – I would say they’re much more an ingestion hazard. And that usually tends to target children and agricultural workers –A child on average consumes between 100 and 200 milligrams of soil a day because of hand-to-mouth activity … something to think about.(PHOTO)
Environmental Science & Technology (ACS Publications), March 6, 2014: Isotopic compositions of 236U and Pu isotopes in Black Substances collected from roadsides in Fukushima Prefecture: fallout from the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident - Black colored road dusts were collected in high radiation areas in Fukushima Prefecture. Measurement of 236U and Pu isotopes and 134,137Cs in samples was performed in order to confirm whether refractory elements such as U and Pu from the fuel core were discharged The concentrations of 134,137Cs in all samples were exceptionally high, ranging from 0.43 to 17.7 MBq/kg, respectively. 239+240Pu was detected at low levels, ranging from 0.18 to 1.14 Bq/kg and with high 238Pu/239+240Pu activity ratios of 1.64 to 2.64. 236U was successfully determined in the range 0.28 to 6.74 x10^-4 Bq/kg. The observed activity ratios for 236U/239+240Pu were in reasonable agreement with those calculated for the fuel core inventories, indicating that trace amounts of U from the fuel cores were released together with Pu isotopes, but without large fractionation. The quantities of U and 239+240Pu, emitted to the atmosphere were estimated as 2.3×10^9 Bq (150 g) and 3.9×10^6 Bq (580 mg), respectively. fractionation between volatile and refractory radionuclides associated with the dispersal/deposition processes with distance from the FDNPP was found. (continued in column to right)
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity, June 2014: Isotopic Pu, Am and Cm signatures in environmental samples contaminated by the Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant accident - Dust samples from the sides of roads (black substances) have been collected together with litter and soil samples at more than 100 sites contaminated heavily in the 20-km exclusion zones around Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (FDNPP) (Minamisoma City, Namie, Futaba and Okuma Towns), in Iitate Village located from 25 to 45 km northwest of the plant and in southern areas from the plant.
Isotopes of Pu, Am and Cm have been measured in the samples to evaluate their total releases into the environment When these activity ratios were compared with those for fuel core inventories in the FDNPP accident estimated by a group at JAEA, except 239,240Pu/137Cs activity ratios, fairly good agreements were found, indicating that transuranic nuclides, probably in the forms of fine particles, were released into the environment without their large fractionations.
— [See also: 10:59 AM Jul 11, 2013 -6026-Japan kids ingest Fukushima fuel rod particles? Mystery black substance contains concentrated unburned nuclear fuel? (VIDEO)] —
Marco Kaltofen, President at Boston Chemical Data Corp. & Doctoral student researcher at Worcester Polytechnic Institute: We kept hearing reports about something unusual, a black dust we finally got a very small sample of that.What’s different about this material is unlike a lot of the soil and dust samples we’ve gotten, there’s a real uniformity to this stuff. It’s a single substance. It’s not a mix of mineral particles and pieces of dead bugs and plant matter and dust particles. It’s actually very homogenous and uniform when you look at it under the microscope. And it doesn’t look like the surrounding soils. And it is much more intensely radioactive than any other soil or dust sample we’ve gotten from around Fukushima Daiichi. So this material is different. It’s not a natural soil. There’s something unusual happening with this stuff. (continued in column to right)
(poem continued from column to right)
anyway I went home with plenty of organic food from the best luxury supermarkets in town and started to think;
when I see a beautiful woman I want to feel her laugh and want to see her angry imagine her moaning woman sounds making love and letting go joyfully I want to see her sad, mournful, happy as hell, crying, laughing, wondering, being emphatic
and everything i see I mean I want to feel those feelings of hers that make her beautiful
after tomorrow, it's thursday again and time to see Clair
The sample had fairly high levels of radium 226. Now that’s not a radioisotope that we hear as much about. The radium 226 has almost as much activity as the radioactive Cesium in the sample. Radium 226 is a degradation product of uranium and we can’t really detect the uranium directly. And this tells me that this particle contains not only fission waste products from the reactor but very likely contains a concentrated unburned nuclear fuel. And that’s unusual. This sample had by far the highest level of uranium daughters that we’ve seen in a dust or soil sample. We’re actually seeing material that might well have come from inside a failed fuel assembly.
Arnie Gundersen, Fairewinds’ Chief Engineer: Okay. When I hear that, that’s clear evidence that the containment was breached. The interesting thing to me is that when I hear black, I think of like algae or fungi or something like that. But you’re saying this is not an organic substance. Is that right?
Kaltofen: No. It’s not an organic substance. It’s a mixture of very small particles and just the way they aggregate gives it the appearance of being black, but it’s - it probably - I won’t say optical illusion, but it’s an optical effect of the size of the particles and the way they’re joined together.
Gundersen: Are these particles light enough for people to ingest them or breathe them in?
Kaltofen: Well, certainly they could be ingested - right now I would say they’re much more an ingestion hazard. And that usually tends to target children and agricultural workers. A child on average consumes between 100 and 200 milligrams of soil a day because of hand-to-mouth activity. So that’s something to really think about.
Fukushima: Plutonium, Uranium-236, Curium discharged into environment in form of fine particles I would say they’re much more an ingestion hazard. And that usually tends to target children. ###
(poem continued from column to right)
then it was tuesday again and the thin woman wasn't there, oh no, so I talked to the Ukrainian woman with four kids for a while and turned around to see who was talking and you know who it was ...
it was what's her name! full of energy and enthusiasm talking to several of her friends just a few inches away close enough to feel the aura of her feelings and energy field
Beside myself and tried to interrupt her while she was looking for something on her cellphone but either she didn't hear me or ignored me or was focued on what she was looking for. We talked a long while then she walking over to the shade under the trees to join her friends and it hit me like a ton of bricks, I had seen a video of Lora dancing understated bending her knees going up and down to the jug band music she shared the stage with ...(continued in column to left) ingestion hazard; ...usually tends to target children & agricultural workers – child on average consumes between 100 and 200 milligrams of soil a day [this is concentrated nuclear waste likely unburnt radioactive fuel from radioactive nuclear fuel rods when the nuclear reactors blew up sent airborne then fell deposited on soil.]
Diary Of When I See An Attractive Woman
...that's what she is, I don't even remember her name, she's long and lanky, full of energy and sensitivity there on the other side of the food line
she won't accept my phone number, "I don't want to lead you on." ...but it's too late, I'm led way past on.
It embarasses me to be turned down, I'm 76 just looking for a female friend, a woman, an attractive woman to share my feels with
but I'm too dumb to tell her and instead stammer, "you remind me of Lora, a blue-eyed blonde blackfoot indian who chose Andy instead of me cause they both had kids the same age from previous divorces ...she said she'd like to meet Lora I told her Lora was dead but I'd show her a picture
and I walked away till next week ...but that was last tuesday then came thursday and Clair was a server at the other food line on thursday she was a stunner as if her features had been carved from granite and she was perfected in stone before she became an angel ended up serving in the food line.
it took a couple months then she was gone for a couple months exploring south dakota then came back to oregon one thursday in mid-july during the heat spell
she had a nice figure and beautiful deep blue or grey eyes that were from another place looking into another place far away, with no body armor on
I gave her my number, I'm 76 looking for a woman friend to share my feelings with, saying "Text me sometime, I won't pester you in the mean time ...but I did pester her every chance I got (to be continued. column to left)
[Editor's note: Legal Disclaimer — There was a numbering error and the amount of linked references in the database e-book: Nuclear Power Waste & Fallout Database, is not 9,011 but is 8,011 3-to-5 links additional links the total linked-to amount remains the same at 25,000-to-40,000 pieces of published documentation, which we refer to as: 35,000.]
red blob is as red blob does: new & mysterious diseases
Seaborne and airborne fallout from three ongoing nuclear reactor meltdowns in fukushima will flow into the pacific ocean ...practically, forever ...24x7x365 since 3/11 (not 9/11)
09:11 AM Jan 20, 2014-6945-Image published by embassy in Japan shows Fukushima melted fuel deep underground(GRAPHIC) [Editor: As I recall, the fuel meltdown was 600 tons of melting lava reactor core & fuel rods.]
10:46 PM Apr 6, 2014-8149-Marine Chemist: Highly contaminated waste flowing in aquifer below Fukushima- Mag: Groundwater can erupt from seafloor offshore - Gov’t expert warned about radioactive substances springing up in Pacific(PHOTOS)
01:26 PM May 6, 2015 -8627-Seaborne nuclear contamination – U.S. university testing animals in Pacific for Fukushima radiation - bodies riddled with tumors, eyes bleeding, covered in lesions - Some are missing testicles, eyeballs - Skin disintegrates, peels off, turns yellow - Mammals affected by diseases never seen in species (Photos)
12:29 AM Aug 15, 2014 -8368-Airborne nuclear contamination – TV: Mystery illness hits California horses - nobody will even tell us what it is - skin falls off, covered in painful lesions, eyes swollen shut, liver damage, fainting - Expert: Never seen anything like it in 40-year career (PHOTOS -see below- & VIDEOS) - [Editor's note: Note similar condition of losing skin, in marine mammals.]
(below) link -8778- appears not available online so included here as an example; note links in blue lead to published source documents
Happy July 4th weekend, 2023
When Heck Freezes Over The Darned Will Walk The Earth
...for what it's worth
Once a fool, always a fool
Fool me once it's on you; fool me twice it's on me
06:40 AM Oct 20, 2015-8729-Former U.S. Gov’t Official:Pacific Ocean animal die-offs - Gov’t fails to tell public consequences of fallout – media silence deafening
09:37 AM Feb 23, 2016 -8778-Pacific Rim: Extinction threat – salmon; sardines, squid, sea urchins, kelp, sea star; marine mammals
Yes, Portland ...we have no bananas, we have no bananas, today
"...real reason Portland's insane is cause we ran out of bananas" ...or maybe we're inbred – on the other hand, getting paid $26/hr by Soros to "have gun will travel" or by Pelosi to spy on neighbors is a job
10:13 AM Apr 17, 2014-8173-Fukushima to sink fish industry? ...avoid fish;Propaganda: Homeland security dir. Security says eating a banana is 100x more dangerous than eating nuclear fallout radiation
12:19 PM Jan 23, 2014-6962-Alaska won't test radiation levels in fish, says eating a banana riskier than nuclear fallout …and who doesn’t love bananas?
03:05 PM Jan 07, 2014-6893-CBS –UC: Drinking water by the Fukushima meltdowns is the same as eating a banana[propaganda to kill you]
12:47 PM Apr 06, 2012-3020-Boulder, Colorado hot Fukushima fallout – No other U.S. sample close, except Portland – higher
12:05 AM Mar 26, 2012-2922-Portland organic farm closes after radiation tests – very frightening what happened on West Coast
08:48 AM Feb 23, 2012-2672-Portland area has highest Iodine-131 deposition in U.S. at 5,100 Bq/m² by April 5 – Gov’t Study
11:17 AM Feb 03, 2012-2472- Propaganda: California nuclear plant – Radiation is the same as eating bananas, or sleeping with someone, being by granite; [false] claim under 100 milliSv/yr safe
01:51 PM Jan 18, 2012-2304-Uncontrolled nuclear reaction risk remains at Hanford plutonium site near Portland
09:43 AM Dec 22, 2011-2067-After Fukushima, one of the most radioactive areas is Cascade Mountains – Portland cesium at 100 Bq/m²
01:04 PM Dec 22, 2011 -2068-Infant deaths up in B.C., CAN after Fukushima - like U.S. study
06:34 AM Nov 16, 2011-1802-Radiation precautions Seattle, Vancouver CAN, Portland - Perhaps you need to wash your shoes & other things
08:58 AM Feb 17, 2016-8775-Vancouver B.C. & Seattle WA: 220,000,000 atoms of Fukushima Iodine-129/liter in rainwater, the [evacuation level is 40 atoms / liter] w/15 million year half-life in aquifer; supplies deadly drinking water to 120,000 people in BC/WA
12:00 AM Nov 01, 2011-7024-Portland cesium over 500 Bq/m² – topsoil to 8,000 pCi/kg – cesium from Fukushima
11:30 AM Aug 19, 2011 -1180-Fukushima mom in Portland: “10-yr-old son started having symptoms – Nose bleeding & fevers
09:15 AM Apr 12, 2011-0290-NYT: Radiation expert tries to calm public w/bananas to distract from fuel rods
09:45 AM Feb 2, 2012 -2459-People come home to find animals with eyes burned out from Three Mile Island fallout (VIDEO)
08:36 PM Dec 30 2015-8755-Pacific Rim/West Coast: Baby whales die, carcasses on beaches U.S., Canada, Mexico – gov’t experts request tissue testing – may have been born weak – carcasses wash up on beaches in U.S., Canada, Mexico – endangered whale dies: abnormal blood clot formations in heart & lungs (VIDEO)
11:59 AM Nov 12, 2015 -8741-West Coast: Unprecedented, largest animal on Earth found dead, had been very sick, emaciated - food supply killed; many sea creatures affected; whales tracked for past two years not doing well (VIDEO)
04:07 PM Nov 5, 2015-8738-Former Japan Ambassador: Uncontrolled nuclear chain reactions could be underway at Fukushima bad indications of recurring criticality –Tellurium-132 detected 100 miles from plant - Re-criticality discussed by Japans top nuclear official
07:32 PM Nov 3, 2015 -8737-West Coast die-offs of fish, whales, squid, and more species (VIDEO)
04:47 PM Oct 15, 2015-8727-West Coast: Mass die off of seabirds - every birds seen withering away, starving to death, catastrophic molting (VIDEO)
09:28 AM Feb 22, 2016-8777-Fukushima to dump past, present, future nuclear waste & debris into Pacific
09:42 AM Feb 19, 2016-8776-Gundersen: Plutonium every-where in Japan; plutonium redeposits in unanticipated locations; black radioactive black dust wherever I go; runs right into Pacific Ocean (VIDEO)
05:38 PM Jan 22, 2016-8765- Pacific Rim: Wildlife die-off not just marine die-offs; more species getting sick; face extinction(VIDEO)
09:41 AM Feb 4, 2016-8769- Pacific Rim: Bird die-off; stomachs empty hundreds of thousands at risk(VIDEO)
03:00 PM Jan 13, 2016-8761- Pacific Rim West-/Northwest coast ...Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, Calif: Dead birds on beaches; also, complete reproductive failure, thick-billed murres, black-legged kittiwakes, horned and tufted puffins, glaucous-winged gulls sooty and short-tailed shear waters concurrent with whale, pinniped, sea otter, and fish mortalities (VIDEOS)
07:28 PM Dec 8, 2015 -8744- L.A. - Fukushima Alpha levels 1,000x normal: 0.3 aCi/ml (300 fCi/m3) - If a radionuclide is inside the body after being swallowed or breathed in - alpha radiation considered most dangerous: gross alpha-emitting radionuclides (plutonium isotopes): curium, plutonium and americium. [1,000,000 milliliters (ml) = 1 cubic meter (m3); 1,000 attocuries (aCi) = 1 femtocurie (fCi)]
07:03 PM Dec 18, 2015-8749-Fukushima: MOx fuel leaked from containment; dangerous due to plutonium content (VIDEO)
04:55 AM Nov 20, 2015-8744-Giant whales pile up dead, test for Fukushima radiation(PHOTOS)
06:38 PM Nov 18, 2015-8743-Pacific NW: Salmon population crash (VIDEOS)
08:08 PM Nov 4, 2015-8738a-Millions of salmon vanish off West Coast in 2 days
07:11 AM Oct 19, 2015-8728-West Coast: Illness kills marine animals at rapid rate - hundreds found dead in small area (VIDEO)
09:58 AM Feb 29, 2016-8781-L.A. Times: Ongoing fish famine along U.S. West Coast - Dearth of food across ocean - Severe fishery implosion - Supply has been low since 2011 - Gov’t Expert: Looks very grim… hard to watch
11:24 AM Feb 10, 2016-8773-Fukushima: Intertidal biota by power plant - mass die off and reproductive failure of sessile species: organisms anchored to rocks & piers, mussels, barnacles, limpet, rock shell, sponges, sea anemones, chitons, gastropods, bivalves, fan worms, crustaceans, echinoderms—(more, here)—
11:19 AM Jan 7, 2016 -8758-West Coast - 200,000 sea lions at risk; sickened animals “unlike anything doctors have ever seen” – "They're eating themselves from the inside" - cancer includes liver, pancreas; intestines shut down; infested with parasites & immune to antibiotics; numbers of dead or starving seals wash ashore(VIDEO) also, -0852-
02:19 PM Dec 17, 2015-8748-Seaborne /Fukushima: Vast amounts of radionuclides pour into Pacific Ocean; no science exists to stop catastrophe (AUDIO)
07:45 PM Dec 3, 2015-8742-Seaborne/West Coast: Fuku radionuclide cesium 134 and 137 11 Bq/m3 for 1,000 miles
07:05 AM Dec 2, 2015 -8741-Fukushima contamination of Pacific and atmosphere with ionizing radiation can not be stopped; projected 10x all nuclear tests; menaces West Coast
02:03 AM Nov 24, 2015-8746-West Coast: Alarming signs of oceanic distress - stranded seal pups 2,000% of normal levels - starving bags of skin and bone (VIDEO)
02:35 AM Nov 2, 2015-8736-Seaborne West Coast: Fukushima nuclear waste off shoreline of California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska - Highest radiation off San Francisco (MAP)
Nuclear fallout & waste from nuclear industry oligarchs will fuck your gender up
buy now! The Pacific Ocean is Dying & You Don't Even Know: The Nuclear Regulatory Commission's Final Solution for Mammals, Gaia and Divine Order
buy now!Nuclear Power is Not Safe and Clean: Nuclear Waste & Fallout Reference Database ...(planatary affectations of nuclear industry oligarchs)
09:08 AM Jan 30, 2014-7029-Ukraine: Brink of civil war – threats to blow up nuclear plants – facilities on high alert after seizure of energy ministry(VIDEO)
06:06 AM Apr 7, 2011-0244-Fuku radioactive rain causes 130 schools in Korea to close - Fukushima radioactive rain in California had 10 times more radioactivity
(above) Airborne fallout: Snapshot of Fukushima airborne fallout plume, circles the Earth every 40-60 hours, forever
08:16 AM Apr 8, 2014 -8152-Gov’t model:radioactive plume covers entire west coast of U.S. & Canada Mar 22, 2011 – 10x more radioactive than plume from Fukushima plant on same day – levels in some plumes have no discernible decrease after crossing Pacific (VIDEO)
07:58 PM Mar 22, 2011 -0107-Readings spike on 8 of 18 EPA monitors: CA, OR, WA – meters pulled, undergo quality review
04:32 PM Mar 22, 2011-0106-Chernobyl: 985,000 dead worldwide as of 2004 – 5x more cancer fatalities when using MOx [Editor's note: oxygen enriched uranium nuclear reactor fuel (used for making 'clean' nuclear bombs – where all traces of exploded nuclear bombs disappear after 5-8 weeks the request of the U.S.A.), as they did ...illegally, in one of the reactors at Fukushima] – New York Academy of Sciences – Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for People and the Environment – written by scientists; data: 1986 to 2004
06:53 AM Mar 15, 2011 -0033-Fukushima is Chernobyl on steroids if spent fuel catches fire – each Fukushima reactor holds 3,450 spent fuel assemblies – unit no. 1 pool could have 20 years of [radioactive] spent fuel rods on top
06:21 AM Mar 15, 2011 -0032-Fukushima spent nuclear fuel pool ignites – worse than meltdown lofts radionuclides in clouds to spread
06:27 AM Mar 22, 2011-0100-Common spent fuel pool sprayed with water -Contains 6,375 spent fuel assemblies
05:27 AM Apr 7, 2011-0242- Plutonium shot from fuel pools during explosions miles from reactor (VIDEO)
07:41 PM Apr 25, 2014-8199-PBS Reporter Miles O’Brien: No one likes to see ocean filled with cesium and strontium and so forth –arriving on West Coast of U.S. – Nobody likes the idea of eating cesium from Fukushima – tainted water dumped into Pacific as we speak (AUDIO)
03:42 PM Dec 14, 2012 -4966-Rapid aging after Fukushima disaster
07:16 AM Apr 21, 2014 -8184-Fukushima radiation kills children – heart problems, leukemia, cancers, thyroid – terrible things here (VIDEO)
There are some terrible things going on in Fukushima. The biggest problem is that there is no one to help us. I talked to local authorities in different places in Fukushima, but no one would listen to me. They believe what government says – but, radiation is there – it is killing children. Kids are dying of heart conditions, asthma, leukemia, thyroid complications. Lots of kids are extremely exhausted after school, others are simply unable to attend PE classes. But the authorities are still hiding the truth from us, and I don’t know why. Don’t they have children of their own? It hurts so much to know they can’t protect our children.
10:36 AM Apr 9, 2014-8153-Fuku children flee radiation; nose bleeds, pale and lethargic – mistrust of officials high – Father: Cases of cancer are up – we are worried – Mother: I don’t believe it’s safe as Gov’t claims, raising questions label you troublemaker
07:03 AM Apr 25, 2014-8196-Gov’t doesn’t want us talking; A lot going on not reported by media – Afraid of being imprisoned under Japan new secrecy law; All officials have to do is say info is secret (AUDIO)
01:25 AM May 12, 2014-8226-Japan mother may be jailed – tweet critical of nuclear lobbyist – Fukushima police travel 1,000 miles to interrogate her, examine computer – We only go outside prefecture for potentially dangerous criminal – may be held without bail … without right to see lawyer
02:23 PM Dec 14, 2012-4965-Japan: professor arrest – Public opposition to burning radioactive waste
11:23 AM Apr 7, 2014-8150-Deformities high in Fuku insects – Lower body split in half, two tail-like appendages – 1,000% higher death rate in young (PHOTOS)
09:03 AM May 29, 2014-8256-Official: Breach at Fukushima reactor blamed on saltwater corrosion – 75 tons of highly radioactive liquid flows out every day (PHOTOS & VIDEO)
02:06 PM Jul 23, 2014 -8332-Call for urgent health exams outside Fukushima
08:36 PM May 29, 2014 -8258-Japan Scientist gives butterflies food from Fukushima – then,they died; deformities get worse with each generation – TV: Truly horrifying – doesn’t look like a butterfly anymore(PHOTOS & VIDEO)
11:02 AM Jul 22, 2014-8331-Mutations in Pacific – red crabs white, bright blue, yellow legs (VIDEO)
10:46 PM Apr 6, 2014 -8149-Marine Chemist: Contaminated waste flowing in aquifer below Fukushima – Ground-water can derupt from seafloor offshore – Gov't expert warns of radioactive substances springing up in Pacific(PHOTOS)
01:12 PM Apr 7, 2016-0000-Nuclear Engineer: Fuku fallout to continue to flow across Pacific to West Coast for more than a century– contaminates biggest source of water on planet(VIDEO) (See story, below - here)
09:55 AM Jun 10, 2014-8275-Fukushima world head-ache – bleeding into Pacific for 100 years – ABC: Most contamination of ocean in history(AUDIO)
02:17 PM Jun 16, 2014-8284-Pacific Rim, West Coast: Largest disease outbreak ever in oceans – catastrophic mortality – 20 species – potential for global extinction – wildlife die-offs (VIDEO)
07:06 PM Aug 1, 2014-8345-Millions of fish dead at Oregon coast (VIDEO)
09:39 AM Aug 1, 2014 -8344-Millions of fish found dead on California coast – three major fish kills in 2 weeks(VIDEO)
09:38 PM Aug 2, 2014-8346-Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) – NM: Radiation spikes U.S. nuclear facility – DOE warns of ignitability of 368 containers (VIDEO)
02:59 PM Jul 24, 2014-8334-WIPP: Green burst and criticality event – plutonium release at U.S. nuclear site – underground fire may have initiated reaction in ruptured waste drum (VIDEO)
10:22 AM Jul 31, 2014 -8342-Alaska fishermen: Blame Fuku for salmon not showing up – have lesions, worms, parasites – crabs easily damaged – much dead catch – herring, cod, halibut, pollock catch drops off
07:34 PM Jul 30, 2014 -8341-Fukushima nuclear waste flows out to sea in underground tunnels – 950 billion Bq/m³ cesium in Unit 2 shaft by ocean – 11,000 tons in tunnels(VIDEO)
11:09 AM Jul 29, 2014 -8339-Millions of jellyfish-like creatures wash up on Pacific beaches across multiple states – line entire Oregon Coast(VIDEO & PICS)
01:11 AM Jul 29, 2014 -8338-Sea stars disappear from Orange County coast in 2-week period – largest epidemic ever in ocean– something changed marine environment (VIDEO)
04:09 PM Jul 28, 2014 -8337-Calif: Radioactive waste offshore, levels spike 4x normal– crew discovers island of tsunami debris – islands of plastic 1,000 miles from coast – 7 tons and 80 ft. long, can walk on it (VIDEO & PHOTOS)
10:05 AM Jul 28, 2014 -8336-AP:Marine birds disappear in Pacific Northwest – crash in many species – herring problem worsens; Mexico bans Bluefin tuna fishing
04:13 PM Jul 27, 2014 -8335-Guardian: Abnormal blood in monkeys Fukushima-linked – epidemic infectious disease could occur – concern for strontium-90 & other radioactive materials besides cesium – relevance to humans
06:00 PM Jul 23, 2014 -8333-Alaska: Caribou mortality high after Fukushima releases;low calf survival rate 2011 & 2012 (AUDIO)
07:59 PM Jun 2, 2014 -8262-Drastic plunge in baby California pelicans – from 1,000s to 10 or less – zero born in study areas
05:00 AM May 28, 2014 -8253-1% of usual number of baby California pelicans; failure to breed; only 20 newborns in area where 10,000 expected(AUDIO)
11:44 PM May 3, 2014 -8212-Acute hemorrhaging found in dead owls along west coast – mortality event began 8 months after Fuku explosions – emaciated when arriving in Pacific Northwest from Arctic
01:17 PM May 3, 2014 -8211-California: Toxic outbreak threatens marine life – birds fall from sky, sea lions convulse – heart lesions, severe shrinking in parts of brain, nervous system failure (VIDEO)
12:55 AM Jun 22, 2016-8822-Associated Press: Toyko Electric Power Co (Tepco) President – we lied about Fukushima meltdowns – remains unprecedented nuclear disaster bad as it gets(VIDEO)
11:12 PM Feb 26, 2014-8038-U.S. Gov’t very concerned about Fukushima radiation hitting West Coast affecting Americans - public told everything fine(VIDEO)
12:24 PM Feb 26, 2014-8037-Expert: Gov’t officials very possibly know Fukushima is a worldwide disaster and just not revealing it - columnist: They can’t neglect the truth because they fear a panic outbreak - I’m panicking because there isn’t a panic (AUDIO)
09:50 AM Feb 26, 2014 -8036-Snowden docs reveal Gov’t agents manipulate, control online discourse with deception: reputation destruction - spread lies on internet - false flag operations & emails to people’s families, friends (GRAPHICS)
6:25 PM Feb 24, 2014 -8036.1- Glenn Greenwald ET: How agents infiltrate internet to manipulate, deceive, and destroy reputations - from the Snowden archive:
-8036.2- & -0917- Leaked emails show British gov't worked with nuke companies on PR campaign to downplay Fukushima - degree of collusion truly shocking
-8036.3- &-0935-British gov't deeply involved in blatant conspiracy designed to manipulate the truth — Very effective attempt to 'calm' reporting of true story of Fukushima Jul 1, 2011
-8036.4- & -2911-Asia Times Reporter: Everybody is involved… It sounds, looks, and quacks like a cover-up over ‘deleted’ radiation emails(VIDEO) March 23, 2012
-8036.6- & -2209-Asahi columnist resigns over ‘Radiation is Coming to Tokyo’ March 19 cover story - Headline was in fact correctJanuary 8, 2012
-8036.7- & -1964-Congressman releases blockbuster report detailing NRC conspiracy in wake of FukushimaDecember 10, 2011
-8036.8- &-1622-Tokai Mayor: We don’t trust the gov’t nuclear policies(VIDEO) Oct 27, 2011
-8036.9- & -0293-Top Hawaii health official calls out Forbes’ journalist for reporting Hilo milk exceeds EPA radiation level… then admits he is technically correct April 12, 2011
12:55 AM Feb 26, 2014-8035- Hawaii: Fish caught off coast of America and near Hawaii have high level of cesium
12:34 PM Jul 21, 2014 -8330- Radiation in tuna at California coast – bio-accumulation – Fuku reactors' leaking radionuclides, may gather as a lump and drift offshore (VIDEO)
12:10 AM Jul 21, 2014 -8329- Fuku: Deadly ash everywhere – hot particles attach to clothes; includes plutonium (VIDEO)
10:34 AM Jul 20, 2014 -8328- Japan: Leaks plague Fukushima No. 5 reactor – water used to cool spent fuel 3,000 Bq/liter of Cobalt-60 (PHOTOS)
07:23 AM Jul 19, 2014 -8327- Fukushima radioactive material still found in U.S. soil – Japan Gov’t: Disaster poses radiation threat to human world society …in 4 days detectable across northern hemisphere(VIDEOS)
Search Yields Doritos — part 2 —
fact-checked: TEPCO'S Post-Accident Mind Control Activities in the U.S. & UK c/o Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
fact checked:Nuclear industry, Gov't Agencies, Global organizations, Academia, Professional organizations, Thinktanks, NPOs, NGOs, Media, BBC, Reuters, Asahi Shimbun, NPR: Committed to disseminating nuclear industry oligarch propaganda and working together to rob your tax money, financially & cognitively enslave you & make nuclear industry waste & fallout kill you faster
More Deadly Deep State Central Bank Propaganda
12:09 PM Jan 8, 2014-0000-NPR, CA Dept of Public Health (CDHP), nuclear-related U.S. entities ‘work together’ conspire with Tepco to ‘disseminate’ cover-up Fukushima-related public health [propaganda & disinformation] information – CDHP: West Coast will get NO radioactive contamination from Fukushima(PHOTO)
California Department of Public Health Officials, Jan. 7, 2014: “There is no public health risk at California beaches due to radioactivity related to events at Fukushima.” [...] The volume of water in the Pacific Ocean has a significant diluting effect on radionuclides that are present and it is not anticipated that the concentration will increase in the waters off of the west coast.
On the contrary and in disagreement with CDPD, here's what scientists and experts say:
Also see, 12 U.S. States report milk too contaminated by Fukushima fallout to be safe, exceeds EPA safety limits. [Editor's note: Well kids, if the cows eat contaminated hay from contaminated pastures, what about our farmlands, drinking water, crops, gardens and home property values?]
110:10 PM Apr 11, 2016 -8802- Fukushima: Radiation so high people’s feet blacken – "Every time I turn around there's someone with nuclear fallout radiation damage – hair falls out, coughs up blood, bodies covered with boils" – (VIDEO) 2020 Olympics Also, -8752--8827--8823--8598-(200 year wait before humanity figures out how to decommission Fukushima reactors – molten cores still melting down)
07:32 PM Mar 14, 2015 -8589- Report: 30 million affected by Fukushima fallout; People exposed triples Chernobyl – kids and infants exposed every day, abandonment & censorship by Gov’t (AUDIO)
DO YOU REALLY THINK NUCLEAR IS SAFE & CLEAN? ...are you just plain brain-dead?
09:50 PM April 5, 2016 -0000- Nuclear Expert: “I’ve learned there’s a huge spike in death rates in Fukushima for young children”… Officials are covering up data – Gov’t committing inhuman acts on their own people – Doctors who treat patients suffering from radiation illness are being put out of business(AUDIO)
12:05 PM Aug 3, 2014 -8347-Gov’t Report: 1,750 navy sailors suffer after exposure to Fukushima radiation while aboard USS Reagan – significant increases in male infertility and child birth complications – thyroid disorders, spontaneous abortions. Extreme measures used to cover up(AUDIO)
02:42 PM Feb 16, 2015 -8567-Navy sailors: Deformities after Fukushima nuclear fallout exposure – testicles size of tennis balls, pants set off radiation alarms – arm swells up, hand looks like baseball mitt – fingers yellow, brown – feet dark red(VIDEO)
09:28 AM Feb 12, 2015-8564- Doctor removes thyroids from USS Reagan crew exposed to Fukushima nuclear fallout – 500 U.S. sailors ill after Fukushima mission – Vet in wheelchair thrown out by physician, 'you’re faking, you need to leave' (VIDEO)
07:47 AM Jun 08, 2016 -8820- Spike in U.S. sailors dying after Fukushima radiation exposure – 400 veterans suffer serious illness – former Japan Prime Minister crying, "This can’t be ignored any more"(VIDEOS)
08:15 AM Nov 10, 2017 -9003- Former Senator: Navy sailors die after Fukushima nuclear fallout radiation exposure – TV: Many dead – veterans break down in tears ...suffer cancers, paralysis, amputations, bleeding from anus, severe pain(VIDEO)
09:34 AM Mar 23, 2015 -8595- Dead sea creatures cover sand with sea of red on California beach; Bazillions of crab-like things wash ashore – glow in dark organisms (VIDEO)
12:54 PM Jul 07, 2015 -8673-Large marine mammals dead around California, public warned to expect more – FOX: I kept finding more – ABC: Many dead animals (VIDEO)
04:20 PM Jul 06, 2015 -8672- NOAA: Young herring suddenly disappear from Pacific – millions of salmon gone - fishermen catch only jellyfish (VIDEO)
11:03 AM Jun 30, 2015 -8669- Mutant fish, giant tumor on head caught near Three Mile Island – Officials: Unrecognizable pathogen in species – lesions found at alarming rate – 70% of males have female eggs in testicles (VIDEO)
06:56 PM Jun 29, 2015 -8668- Officials: Pacific Ocean threatened by Fukushima releases, 1/3 of globe – U.S.: States in region concerned for safety – urgent need to assess impact on food, water – IAEA (who claim nuclear is safe and clean) begins testing around Pacific
11:45 AM May 21, 2015 -8637-Pacific Northwest: Deadly black fungus on fish – Gov’t: Concern Fukushima fallout involved – biologists investigate land-based mold in ocean – unusual rotting sores, growths, bumps, cancer(PHOTOS)
02:04 PM May 18, 2015 -8635-Spike in neurological diseases after Fukushima – 600% rise in disorders among evacuees – similar abnormalities reported post-Chernobyl – Heart disease, brain infarction up – Physicians: Public health hazards
07:41 PM May 17, 2015 -8634- Guardian: Entire generation of baby sea lions dying – carts filled with emaciated dead bodies (PHOTOS)
04:29 PM Jun 25, 2015 -8665-Marine life disappears from tide pools – fish, octopus, mussels, urchins, limpets, sea hares leaving – experts have no idea (VIDEO)
More Deadly Deep State Tavistock Propaganda Commissioned by City of London & Wall Street Central Bankers
04:47 PM Dec 14, 2012-4967- Gov’t Health Expert: Salad oil is more dangerous than radioactive waste below giant sinkhole (VIDEO)
06:32 PM Jul 17, 2014-8326-Surge of radioactive substances detected far from Fukushima Daiichi – 10,000x usual levels at site – Mayor: Gov’t knew but never told, can’t be trusted – spike in cesium this week
11:11 AM Jul 17, 2014-8325-Doctor: Tokyo should no longer be inhabited - everyone here victim of Fukushima – people truly suffering – bleeding under skin, urinary hemorrhaging – kid’s blood tests start changing last year – time running short to save citizens and future generations
05:55 PM Jul 16, 2014 -8324-Japan: Officials brainwash public about Fukushima – human impact clear …serious issue here – no public support for nuclear power(AUDIO)
04:40 PM Jun 7, 2014 -8271-Senior Scientist: U.S. West Coast had radiation dose estimated at 5 microsieverts from Fukushima; I’m not going to say it’s low risk of health effects - CBC [propaganda & disinformation]: There’s more radiation in potato chips than fish around Fukushima site, so of course there’s nothing to fear on West Coast (VIDEO)
10:13 AM Apr 17, 2014 -8173-L.A. News Outlet: Fukushima plume to sink fishing industry? …Los Angeles newspapers warn readers to avoid eating locally-caught fish – Homeland Security Center dir: banana has 100x more radiation (VIDEO)
10:00 PM Jul 15, 2014-8323-Navy sailors suffer after Fukushima exposure: Others with same symptoms told to be quiet …nobody’s heard from them – health worsening - can’t use legs or arms, hands barely functional – rashes all over body, spasms, shaking – Doctors say it’s all psychological (AUDIO)
02:45 PM Apr 19, 2014-8181-Officials consider ban on Japan food – Nuclear scientists told Gov’t to halt all imports after finding high radiation levels – never implemented due to fear of hurting bilateral relationship. (Also, see – Secrets of Supermarket Meat & Fish: Hillary Caught Poisoning U.S. Food Supply – Trump Covers It Up?
04:37 AM Jul 15, 2014-8322-Japan experts warn of more quakes off Fukushima coast – Gov’t: There’s fear relatively large ones will occur – recent M6.8 a delayed tectonic reaction to M9.0 on 3/11 – just one aftershock of several to come (VIDEO)
04:08 PM Jul 14, 2014-8321-Airborne plumes: Radionuclides released from Fukushima nuclear facility, areas (and rice) far away contaminated(PHOTOS & VIDEO)
09:15 PM Jul 13, 2014-8320-Japan Nuclear Professor: Fukushima site a swamp of radioactive material
10:25 AM Jul 13, 2014-8319-Fukushima Press Conference: I vomited blood, skin inside mouth peeled out – no limit to radiation damage …contamination all over Japan – babies in rain wait for food after explosion – Gov’t issues no warnings (VIDEO)
01:55 AM Jul 13, 2014-8318-WIPP: Nuclear waste to 1,600°F during plutonium release – 50 drums at risk(VIDEO)
03:30 PM Jul 12, 2014-8318.1-Nuclear expert: Fukushima radioactive releases into ocean for millenniums – Japan tracks radioactive waste in Pacific – it will return to Fukushima from U.S. West Coast in decades (VIDEO)
Deadly Deep State Propaganda
06:14 AM Nov 14, 2017-9006-Fukshima: “Keep cancers secret” – doctors "leukemia, cataracts, sudden deaths” – “Students: sudden heart attacks” – officials “actively ignoring” reports of illness and death
09:33 AM Jun 19, 2011 -0779- Seattle: 35% infant mortality spike post-Fukushima –(here)(here)(here)
U.S.A. Current infant death spike — Fuku fallout? (here)(VIDEO)
The recent CDC Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report indicates that eight cities in the northwest U.S. (Boise ID, Seattle WA, Portland OR, plus the northern California cities of Santa Cruz, Sacramento, San Francisco, San Jose, and Berkeley) reported the following data on deaths among those younger than one year of age:
4 weeks ending March 19, 2011 – 37 deaths (avg. 9.25 per week) 10 weeks ending May 28, 2011 – 125 deaths (avg.12.50 per week)
Spewing from the Fukushima reactor are radioactive isotopes including those of iodine (I-131), strontium (Sr-90) and cesium (Cs-134 and Cs-137) all of which are taken up in food and water. Iodine is concentrated in the thyroid, Sr-90 in bones and teeth and Cs-134 and Cs-137 in soft tissues, including the heart. The unborn and babies are more vulnerable because the cells are rapidly dividing and the delivered dose is proportionally larger than that delivered to an adult.
Data from Chernobyl, which exploded 25 years ago, clearly shows increased numbers of sick and weak newborns and increased numbers of deaths in the unborn and newborns, especially soon after the meltdown. These occurred in Europe as well as the former Soviet Union. Similar findings are also seen in wildlife living in areas with increased radioactive fallout levels.
04:07 PM Jan 29, 2012 -2410-Three Mile Island: Cancer death increase – infant mortality doubles – birds disappear – mutations(VIDEO)(here)
04:59 PM Jun 15, 2011 -0742- Spike in U.S. infant mortality 4 mths after Chernobyl (here)
06:24 PM Jun 19, 2015 -8660-NBC – West Coast, San Francisco-to-San Diego: Sea creatures swarm ashore – millions dead blanket coastline for miles, 12-16 inches high (PICS & VIDEO)
08:57 PM Apr 2, 2011-0201-Public authorities avoiding details that may trigger alarm or panic – They don’t want to go there says former advisor to U.S. secretary of energy
12:38 PM Jan 7, 2014-0000-Secrecy agreement between Fukushima and IAEA revealed by Tokyo newspaper – "IAEA hid health effects in Chernobyl …same thing could happen in Fukushima” [Editor's note: Ongoing cover-ups in U.S., Europe, India, Pakistan, Russia, China, United Kingdom ...and at every nuclear reactor, nuclear military vessel, depleted uranium round, nuclear dump & uranium mine]
Deep State Propaganda
Deep state propaganda courtesy of the Fed (also known as the military industrial establishment:) BBC: No rise in cancer rates after Fukushima disaster – UN; Reuters: No rise in cancer seen from Japan's Fukushima nuclear disaster, UN says; Asahi Shimbu: UN report finds no increase in Fukushima cancer rates.
12:24 AM Aug 5, 2014-8351-Doctor: U.N. whitewash Fukushima meltdown; but, “9,000 Japanese will die of cancers” (VIDEO)
04:29 PM Apr 21, 2011 -0362-Fairewinds: U.S. news outlets say there’s no threat to health from Fukushima – opposite of what all studies prove about radiation and cancer(VIDEO)
09:50 PM Apr 5, 2016 -0000-Nuclear Expert: “Huge spike in death rates in Fukushima for young children” …Officials cover up data – Gov’t committing inhuman acts on citizens – Doctor’s who treat patients suffering from radiation illness put out of business(AUDIO)
08:28 PM Aug 3, 2014 -8348-California coast: Huge increase in dead and sick sea mammals – starving, drooling, brain damaged, suffering seizures – sea lions vanishing (VIDEO)
01:12 PM Apr 7, 2016 -0000-Nuclear Engineer: Fukushima fallout will continue to flow across Pacific to West Coast for more than a century – contaminating biggest source of water on Earth (VIDEO)
Excerpted from -0000- (nuclear engineer: above): "It used to be that scientists believed dilution is the solution to pollution. But I think we’re finding with the biggest body of water on the planet, that you can’t dilute this stuff. And we’re going to begin to see this bio-accumulation, which is all the fish that are in the ocean are going to uptake the cesium and the strontium and become more and more and more radioactive. Off of California, there's radiation at significant levels …in a cubic meter of ocean water, they’re finding 10 radioactive decays every second …So a cubic meter of water, if you’re in a dark room, would have 10 flashes of light every second, and that’s going to go on for 300 years. We have contaminated the biggest source of water on the planet, and there’s no way to stop it."
[Editor's note: Let's say you are a dolphin, or a person ...and you ingest (touch or eat or drink or breathe) a radionuclide and it lodges in your bones, lungs, organs, brain, stomach for example, then it will flash inside you, for example, from one time a second to 18,000 times or more a second. This electrical flash or mini lightning bolts, can decimate your immune system, cause miscarriages or sterility, destroy your DNA and your cell tissue and give you a host of immune deficiency diseases and an unending list of breast-, prostate-, brain-, eye-, thyroid- and other cancers and melanoma ...but after all, if you are a dolphin, whale, salmon, tuna ...or a person ... you don't have to worry about rotting from ingesting nuclear fallout and radionuclides, because according to your enemies (the Fed-owned military industrial nuclear establishment) the good news is: nuclear power is safe and clean will save the world will stop global warming ...and, it will stop you.
12:00 PM Feb 03, 2015-8556-West Coast: Hit by radioactive nuclear fallout plumes from massive melt-downs and explosions Fukushima Units 1 & 3 – More nuclear fallout on way
09:37 AM Feb 02, 2015 -8555-CBS: Marine mammals wash up in California – entire coast affected – animals of all ages sick(VIDEO)
02:24 PM Jan 29, 2017 -8834- Gov’t declares disaster: Diseased and dying fish on U.S. West Coast – sudden and unexpected large decreases in population – Scientists dumb, stumped – (VIDEO) (eratta pics) – Tribal Elders, Yurok Tribe (California)
06:42 AM Jan 23, 2017-8833- Experts: U.S. hit with sudden spikes of rare radioactive material from Fukushima – 15.7 Million year half-life – West Coast – higher amounts than near Fukushima plant just after 3/11
01:49 PM Jan 12, 2017 -8831-Massive die-off of sea creatures California to Alaska – animals starve – food chains collapse – mass starvation on West Coast – I was doing nothing but counting dead animals (VIDEO)
11:45 AM Jan 10, 2017 -8830-Fukushima fallout contaminates West Coast fish – food chain polluted – Scientist: Plume spread from Alaska to California — CBS: Bulk of radiation coming (VIDEO)
02:13 PM Jul 07, 2016 -8824- Along Canada’s Pacific coast, mussels die – bodies swollen by cancerous tumors – unprecedented mutations let cancer spread from one species to another like a virus(VIDEO)
11:44 AM May 16, 2016 -8816- Largest amount of Fukushima fallout falls on U.S. West Coast & Pacific – no complaints from Obama or U.S. – more fallout on way
09:43 PM Aug 30, 2014 =8398=U.S. West Coast: Surge in marine mammal strandings – whales, dolphins, sea lions, birds wash up – thousands dead – violent seizures– pelicans die in flight & fall from sky (VIDEO)
10:30 PM Aug 08, 2015 -8693-Die-off of birds over Alaska beaches, floating in Pacific – starving – deformed and abnormal animals(PHOTOS & AUDIO)
11:38 AM Feb 21, 2015 -8572- California coast: Epidemic; mass die-off; lesions prevent birds from eating, breathing (PHOTOS)
10:24 PM Jun 10, 2015 -8654-West Coast unprecedented die-off of nearly endangered marine mammals – More washed up in last few months than all of recorded history combined – Experts scrambled (VIDEO)
09:48 PM Jun 07, 2015-8650- Gov’t: West Coast to be hit by 800 Trillion Bq of Fukushima Cesium-137 fallout – equal to amount of fallout deposited on Japan – levels in Pacific higher than expected – surface plume reaches off coast of U.S. – never slowed down while crossing ocean, contrary to prediction
03:13 PM May 14, 2015 -8633-Seattle: Communities of jellyfish 10 blocks long; herring disappear; spike in salmon deaths(PHOTOS)
[Editor's note — Deadly Deep State Propaganda: If you are the Governor of the State of Washington Running for President in 2020 (and Bill Gates - who is building his own nuclear reactor in Communist China and lobbying Congress to build more nuclear reactors - is supporting you) and you are Advocating that nuclear power will end global warming and nuclear power is safe and clean, now here this: People who live by nuclear should not cast stones ... reactors get brittle with age and can shatter like glass]
05:30 PM Jun 6, 2014 -8270-NBC – Hanford, Washington State nuclear workers suffering severe brain damage – Toxic waste raining down from sky, wore baseball caps for protection – brains eaten away, teeth fall out –Workers raising safety issues framed using false evidence, fired – Gov’t agency not allowed in to investigate(VIDEO)
-8270.1-also-8505-TV: U.S. nuclear workers’ brains eaten away, hallucinating, mental capacity of preschooler – wife films husband trembling on deathbed – indescribable what they’ve done and they don’t care – they want you to die –Gov’t Experts [in lying & propaganda]: It’s allergies from cats or feathers …or B-12 deficiency – Doctor: Quit helping workers get help (VIDEO) Nov 21, 2014
10:42 AM May 30, 2014-8259-Hot particles of melted fuel inhaled by children everyday – Official in Fukushima: Please HELP US! We are forced to have it in our bodies – please let all people in the world know the life we are living
05:49 PM Feb 01, 2015 -8554- West Coast: Animals die on beaches – walking skeletons; so hungry they gnaw on rocks; skin hangs off (VIDEOS)
06:58 AM Mar 14, 2015 -8588-Expert: Disease outbreak on U.S. West Coast largest ever in any population of animals – tens of millions dead – Scientists: Nuclear fallout from Fukushima to blame (VIDEO)
11:45 AM Apr 28, 2016 -8810- Seals suddenly die on Vancouver BC coast after 2011 Fukushima disaster – Cesium up 5x times in seaweed and fish.
01:39 PM Feb 28, 2017 -8851- Professor links West Coast die-offs to Fukushima nuclear fallout (VIDEO) – damage to U.S. west coast marine life and British Columbia
10:08 AM Apr 15, 2015 -8611- Japan Scientist: White lungs in dolphins that died during mass stranding by Fukushima – disease links to fallout radiation exposure
03:08 PM Apr 11, 2015 -8607- Japan Times: 150 dolphins wash ashore many locations – 50 miles from Fukushima – Largest mass stranding in Japan history (VIDEO)
09:32 AM Mar 6, 2015 -8583- UCLA: Fukushima nuclear fallout affects local area and worldwide – Gov’t: Iodine-131 plume moves east to U.S. Coast, covers northern hemisphere (VIDEO)
04:21 PM Mar 4, 2015 -8582- Gov’t: Worse on West Coast – Experts: 35,000 baby sea lions dead? (AUDIO)
10:12 AM Feb 10, 2015 -8562- FOX San Diego: Sardines, crayfish disappear from Pacific – marine mammals starve, struggle to survive on West Coast (VIDEOS)
12:59 PM Feb 08, 2015 -8560-West Coast shellfish disappear – finding Pacific shellfish impossible – no local scallops, supply gone – Chef: Began a few months ago, oyster farms flourished for years, sudden shut down(VIDEOS)
07:26 AM Apr 25, 2016 -8809- Dead animals litter California beaches – graveyard of washed-up sea life – malnourished sea creatures – starving to death – covered in sores – stunted growth – Weak immune systems (PHOTO & VIDEOS)
05:06 PM Jan 07, 2014 -6894- Dead: Conjoined Baby Gray Whales found on West Coast of N. America – first ever recorded? - 2 heads – 2 tails, joined in middle (PHOTOS & VIDEO)
08:14 AM Apr 18, 2016 -8806- Surge: Japanese babies born with extra arms, legs after Fukushima – abortion avoids ‘inconvenient’ babies – many stillbirths (also see, Women)
insert 150,000 antelopes bleed, die near nuclear site
11:17 PM Jul 12, 2015 -8675-Scientists test for radiation in dead whales, mysterious die-off in Pacific continues – 14 carcasses reported – death toll could rise (VIDEO)
03:50 PM Jul 10, 2015 -8674- Fukushima: Plutonium levels 10,000,000x normal in water below reactors – Plutonium record high off coast in 2014 – transports long distances – every sample from rivers flowing into Pacific has Pu-239, Pu-240, Pu-241, Pu-242
12:37 PM Mar 27, 2015 -8597-SEABORNE Government Report: Plutonium at 1,000,000 Bq/m3 detected in ocean off Fukushima – Scientists: Not just cesium –
Whatever the detailed current direction at the time of the accident is, water mass fluxes are governed by the generally strong Kuroshio and Oyashio currents that are stable at this scale – Contaminated waters are be transported rapidly to the east – Contamination of the marine environment following the accident represents the most important direct liquid release of manmade radioactivity into the sea. ever known.
09:49 AM Mar 25, 2015 -8596-AIRBORNEExpert: Plutonium-241 fallout & contamination from Fukushima 70,000x more than atomic bomb fallout in Japan – ocean contaminated from events such as Fukushima; build-up in biosphere expected; hazard to humans - Molten fuel particle-like, contains special nuclear materials. Presentation by Taeko Shinonaga, head of Helmholtz radioanalytical lab (pdf), Nov 2014: Comparison of activity between [nuclear bomb testing] fallout Pu particle & Fukushima origin Pu particle
Global Fallout Pu in Japan [GF] > Pu240: 1,360 Bq > Pu241: 645 Bq > Total: 208,005 Bq
Fukushima Pu found in our study > Pu240: 197,000 Bq [145 times GF] > Pu241: 43,700,000 Bq [67,752 times GF] > Total: 44,061,000 Bq [212 times GF]
Deadly Deep State Propaganda
02:21 PM Jun 26, 2015 -8666-NASA: Southeast hit by high levels of polonium nuclear fallout from Fukushima – Never seen before, except during volcanic events – Japan fallout in Mississippi river – Polonium releases kept secret in all past nuclear disasters because death estimates skyrocket when Polonium fatalities included
08:17 PM Jun 24, 2015-8664-Fukushima plume model: 1 Million Bq/m2 over West Coast after Fukushima reactor explosions & meltdowns – emailsreveal Gov’t worried about U.S. health impact – Industry hides truth – propaganda: UC Berkeley experts tell public there is no plume(VIDEO)
-8270.2- & -8125-TV: 11 workers at Hanford U.S. nuclear site transported to medical facilities – suffer nose bleeds, chest pains, cough up blood– multiple locations evacuated – persistent symptoms unusual - workers: Hanford is falling apart - serious problems here(video) Mar 26, 2014
NBC Right Now, Apr. 30, 2014: Former Hanford Worker Sick from Nuclear Waste
Jane Sander, reporter: A nuclear waste spill happened hours before at the tank farm.
Lonnie Poteet, Hanford worker: I was already burning from my glove line to my t-shirt line and… starting to lose a little bit of vision in my right eye… Why didn’t they say something?
Sander: Poteet describes living his life now as recluse… sharp pains in his head, they cause him to often twitch. He says medication prevents him from collapsing in pain due to severe nerve damage in his brain.
Poteet: More Hanford workers are going to be exposed to the same situation… Nobody is going to do anything to stop it… As long as there’s profit… and they get their bonuses on a decent time, that’s all they care about… Most of the workers onsite right now are running scared. They will not bring up any safety concerns because as soon as you do, you’re going to be labeled and thrown off the site, just as fast as they can go. They’ll either create stuff that never happened, or they’ll find ways to get you.
NBC Right Now, June 5, 2014: Sick Former Hanford Worker Speaks Out
Jane Sander, reporter: He sadly lives his life with a deadly disease…
Lawrence Rouse, Hanford worker: I have toxic encephalopathy… it eats your brain away.
Sander: Near the end of almost 20 years at Hanford… he began to develop severe symptoms. Stuttering, memory loss, losing teeth…emotionally unstable … violent outbursts.
Rouse: My son wrote this letter, this little poem, and said that his dad is gone… It would rain the chemicals on you from the stack. That’s why we wore the baseball caps.
Sander: The Washington Dept. of Labor and DOE denied compensation… Since the EEOICPA program began in 2001, they’ve paid more than $1 billion in compensation and medical bills to 6,936 Hanford workers…
Rouse: DOE has always denied everything. And that’s not going to change.
Sander: More Hanford workers continue to file claims for their illnesses.
KING 5 Seattle (NBC), June 4, 2014: It’s an unprecedented series of workplace accidents in the state. Since mid-March the number Hanford workers seeking medical help after breathing in chemical vapors has risen to 34.
Susannah Frame, reporter: Vapors causing serious illnesses at Hanford is not new… at the most contaminated workplace in the nation, OSHA can’t get past the gates to investigate.
Diana Gegg, Hanford worker: It’s turned my life upside down.
Frame: Brain damage, sudden tremors, vision loss, dementia - Illnesses the gov’t admits were caused by exposure… she can’t go out without a wheelchair, cook, or drive.
10:26 AM Apr 06, 2015 -8604- Scientists: Fukushima nuclear fallout radiation on North America shores – 7 Bq/m3 cesium at dock in Pacific Northwest (VIDEO)
[Secrets of Supermarket Meat & Fish: Instruments don't eat Note: Radioactivity or the strength of radioactive source is measured in units of becquerel (Bq). 1 Bq = 1 event of radiation emission or disintegration per second ... sufficient to tear apart your DNA & disrupt cellular health & create immune deficiency diseases.
09:25 AM Apr 03, 2015 -8603- 13 baby gray whales, 55 dolphins dead on West Coast - Oregon: dead humpback whales – corpses of sea lions, birds, sea turtles decomposing - Fear for whales swimming thru nuclear hot spots (VIDEO)
11:19 AM Jan 07, 2016 -8758- West Coast: Sickened animals “unlike anything doctors have ever seen” – “They’re eating themselves from the inside” – cancers …liver, pancreas, intestines shut down …infested with parasites and immune to antibiotics – Loss of 200,000 sea lions (VIDEO) & - 0852-
insert bald eagles having seisures in Utah & dropping dead
01:57 AM Aug 07, 2015 -8692- U.S. Gov’t: What’s going on in Pacific? – many ill baby seals abandoned; dozens of walruses found dead; dying whales, birds, fish (AUDIO)
08:34 PM Aug 03, 2015 -8690- San Francisco: Whale deaths baffle scientists – dolphins wash up dead on beach, heartbreaking to hear dying baby calling out (VIDEO)
05:43 PM Aug 01, 2015 -8689-USA Today: Millions of fish dead in Pacific Northwest – salmon covered in fungus, red lesions and gaping sores – extinction? (VIDEO & PHOTOS)
10:23 AM Jul 28, 2015 -8686-AP: Unprecedented deaths along Pacific coast – mass die-offs: mammals, birds, fish (PHOTOS & AUDIO)
09:16 PM Jul 21, 2015 -8682-Gov’t Official: Silence on the seas, no fish - Professor: Fukushima nuclear fallout reproductive risk to marine life, bio-accumulation of radioactive material (VIDEOS)
12:59 AM Jul 20, 2015 8680 Fukushima – Plutonium flows into Pacific for years to come – Strontium record levels (VIDEO)
02:26 PM Jul 17, 2015 -8679- Pacific Northwest: fishing closures – mass die-offs linked to disease – 100% infection rate in some areas – rotting gills, distended bellies (VIDEOS)
07:54 PM Jul 16, 2015 -8678-Fukushima: Nuclear waste flows into Pacific – can’t be stopped
01:04 PM May 12, 2015 -8631-Mutations begin; birds blind, unable to fly 4 years after Fukushima initial & ongoing fallout in contaminated areas(VIDEO)
05:46 PM Jun 13, 2015-8656-CIA Agent: Gov’t covers up effects of radiation; public threat to health – Study: Actual radiation risks orders of magnitude more than official repors – serious public health hazard(VIDEO)
10:36 PM Jun 11, 2015 -8655-Scientist: Birds in bad condition off West Coast – no baby birds survive on islands, usually 15,000 – Poor breeding success …didn’t try(PHOTOS & VIDEO)
09:43 PM Aug 30, 2014 -8398-U.S. West Coast: Surge in marine mammal strandings – whales, dolphins, sea lions, birds wash up – thousands dead – violent seizures – pelicans die in flight & fall from sky – biggest fear is if this is everywhere along coast - whales, dolphins, sea lions, birds washing up in large numbers - thousands likely dead - violent seizures shown on news (VIDEO)
America Tonight, Aug. 26, 2014 (emphasis added): A sea lion has washed up… suffering repeated violent seizures, it’s in agony… “We’ve rescued about 860 animals within our rescue range. We’re seeing increased numbers in all the species we’ve cared for this year.” It’s not just sea lions — otters are also dying… large numbers of whales and dolphins are stranding on Southern California beaches, brown pelicans… dropped dead from the sky… “She had been seizing for about 30-40 minutes. Nothing seemed to be helping, so she eventually died while we were doing other stuff in here.”… “The sea lions are the sentinels of the sea. They are eating the fish that the humans are eating… There could be a time… that all the fish are contaminated by this toxin.”
Al Jazeera, Aug 26, 2014: [A] deadly neurotoxin produced by algae [is] taking the lives of many marine mammals… While the algae… are a common occurrence… its production of domoic acid is not… sea lions, brown pelicans, otters, whales and dolphins… have been stranding in large numbers recently… violent seizures, vomiting, permanent neurological damage and even heart failure within two days… The Marine Mammal Center [is] the largest marine mammal hospital in the world… But this year has been different… The Center has broken its animal admissions record… [In July, officials found domoic acid] levels had dropped… However the renewed surge in marine mammal strandings has left scientists puzzled… [As] scientists try to crack the mystery… marine mammals continue to suffer.
03:50 PM Jul 10, 2015 -8674-Fukushima: Plutonium levels 10,000,000x normal in water below reactors – Plutonium record high off coast in 2014 – transports long distances – every sample from rivers flowing into Pacific has Pu-239, Pu-240, Pu-241, Pu-242
12:37 PM Mar 27, 2015 -8597- [SEABORNE]Gov’t Report: Plutonium at 1,000,000 Bq/m3 was detected in ocean off Fukushima – Scientists: Not just cesium –
Whatever the detailed current direction at the time of the accident is, water mass fluxes are governed by the generally strong Kuroshio and Oyashio currents that are stable at this scale – Contaminated waters are be transported rapidly to the east – Contamination of the marine environment following the accident represents the most important direct liquid release of manmade radioactivity into the sea. ever known:
09:49 AM Mar 25, 2015 -8596-[AIRBORNE]Expert: Plutonium-241 fallout & contamination from Fukushima 70,000x more than atomic bomb fallout in Japan – ccean contaminated from events such as Fukushima; build-up in biosphere expected; hazard to humans - Molten fuel particle-like, contains special nuclear materials. Presentation by Taeko Shinonaga, head of Helmholtz radioanalytical lab (pdf), Nov 2014: Comparison of activity between [nuclear bomb testing] fallout Pu particle & Fukushima origin Pu particle
Global Fallout Pu in Japan [GF] > Pu240: 1,360 Bq > Pu241: 645 Bq > Total: 208,005 Bq
Fukushima Pu found in our study > Pu240: 197,000 Bq [145 times GF] > Pu241: 43,700,000 Bq [67,752 times GF] > Total: 44,061,000 Bq [212 times GF]
fact checked:Nuclear industry, Gov't Agencies, Global organizations, Academia, Professional organizations, Thinktanks, NPOs, NGOs, Media, BBC, Reuters, Asahi Shimbun, NPR: Committed to disseminating nuclear industry oligarch propaganda and working together to rob your tax money, financially & cognitively enslave you & make nuclear industry waste & fallout kill you faster
10:27 AM Oct 22, 2011 -1586-German Study: Children living by nuclear plants - double leukemia rates, high incidence of solid cancers- Reactors cannot prevent radiation escape (VIDEO)
08:44 AM Jan 12, 2012 -2242-Child leukemia doubles near French nuclear plants
02:36 PM Feb 15, 2012 -2612-Evidence links nuclear plants to ill health - UK blames unidentified virus for childhood leukemia rise
01:48 PM Jan 30, 2012 -2420-23% higher incidence of childhood leukemia within 16 km of nuclear facilities
07:57 PM Dec 29, 2011 -2132-Gov’t projections: 1 becquerel/hr leak from Fukushima - Actual rate 10 quadrillion times higher
01:04 PM May 12, 2015 -8631-Mutations begin; birds blind, unable to fly 4 years after Fukushima initial & ongoing nuclear fallout in contaminated areas (VIDEO)
01:26 PM May 06, 2015 -8627-U.S. university tests animals in Pacific for Fukushima fallout – tumors, eyes bleeding, covered in lesions, missing testicles, eyeballs – Skin disintegrates, peels off, turns yellow – Diseases never seen in species(Photos)
09:04 AM May 03, 2015 -8623- TV: Billions of creatures dead along West Coast – covers Oregon coast – washing up from California to Alaska – death toll staggering (VIDEO)
10:11 AM Feb 24, 2015 -8576- Malibu: Dead sea lions on beaches, babies eaten by birds; calls about dying animals bog down 911 system(VIDEO)
08:36 PM Apr 29, 2015-8621- Whale deaths in California under investigation – whales wash ashore – animals sick, starving, emaciated, too weak to swim, hemorrhaging (VIDEO)
10:34 AM Apr 22, 2015 -8616- Professors: 100s of millions of animals die recently along West Coast – Worst mortality event ever known – wipes out 20 different species – marine life also disappears from Fukushima coast (VIDEO)
09:02 AM Apr 16, 2015 -8612- Emergency closure of fishery on entire West Coast – almost no babies survive since 2011 – catastrophic crash – population decimated – mass reproductive failures – strange diseases – Official: Weird things out there
03:59 PM Apr 13, 2015 -8608- Top U.S. Nuclear Physicist: "Iodine-131 lethal after ingestion of 30 billionths of a gram" – Alvin M. Weinberg, nuclear physicist (Director of Oak Ridge National Lab and pioneered the pressurized water reactors and boiling water reactors used in nuclear power plants, worked on the Manhattan Project, appointed to President’s Science Advisory Committee during the Eisenhower and Kennedy administrations), 1973: Plutonium-239 lethal to man in doses of 16 thousandths of a gram if ingested in lungs; Strontium-90, half-life 30 years, lethal if 70 millionths of gram ingested; Iodine-131, half-life eight days, lethal after ingestion of 30 billionths of a gram.
09:40 AM Apr 09, 2015 -8606-Gov’t Experts: Astounding nuclear fallout in U.S. from Fukushima – 500,000 times normal – never anything close, concentrations go up every day – 7,000 km away– a matter of life & death (VIDEO)
11:02 AM May 19, 2016 -8817- Billions of pieces of Fukushima nuclear fuel everywhere – where there’s cesium, there’s plutonium – Atom bomb: one (1) pound of uranium; Fukushima: hundreds of tons – great quantities of blown-up plutonium scattered throughout Japan(VIDEO)
09:36 AM Apr 10, 2015 -8607a- Officials: Off California coast – seeing multiple aborted fetuses every day – 100,000s of seabirds that nest in area missing – Huge, unprecedented die-off – many baby seals die after mothers lead them to a cliff edge, brutal to watch(AUDIO)
03:49 PM Feb 25, 2015 -8577- Nuclear waste on roof of Fukushima reactor flows directly in ocean – Officials keep secret for past year & do nothing to stop it – comes from highly radioactive debris on top of Unit 2; reactor pressures got so high the reactor exploded blew top off – leakage amounts unknown – Fallout far from over… international fury rising(VIDEO)
(below, center) Citizens' Radiation Data Map of Japan, English Edition – Go to 2020 Olympics & get Cancer & a Mutated Embryo for a deformed & retarded birth. The English edition sells for 500 yen, excluding tax. For info, contact Everyone's Data Site, at ( (story, here)
06:20 AM Dec 18, 2011 -2029-LA Times: People just learning that gov’t may be telling fairy tale, says Japan broadcaster - Radiation levels around Fukushima almost beyond calculation - Chernobyl reporters never saw anything like it
07:26 AM Apr 25, 2016 -8809-Dead animals litter California beaches - graveyard of washed-up sea life - malnourished sea creatures - starving to death - Covered in sores - stunted growth - Weak immune systems (PHOTO & VIDEOS)
150,000 Antelopes bleeding
-8809.1-Rapid & complete die-off of animals near nuclear site - 150,000 antelopes bleed from internal organs, pits brimming with corpses (PHOTOS)
10:17 AM Dec 18, 2011 -2032-Japanese blog claims medical workers said malformed babies are being declared as stillbirths or miscarriages - Not included in statistics (VIDEO)
Mammals (including people): extra fingers, toes, arms, legs, heads, missing eyeballs & mouths, legs grown together
08:14 AM Apr 18, 2016 -8806-Human babies - Fukushima: extra arms & legs (polymelia), extra fingers (polydactyl);
Washington State (Hanford): no brains, protruding spines;
Chernobyl: brains outside head; many arms & legs, misshapen bodies; cyclops with no face, mouth or limbs; also see;
Missouri: cancer clusters, double sets of teeth, missing eyeballs, brain tumors;
Fallujah, Iraq: deformed, no heads, two heads, cyclops, scales, missing limbs;
Kazakhstan - 29 fetuses found at uranium site;
India - born with partially formed skulls, blood disorders, missing eyes or toes, fused fingers and brittle limbs - children with mutations, - deformed heads, lopsided bodies, ‘toad skin’, eyelids turned inside out; school built using radioactive waste part of community outreach project (VIDEO);
Utah - (historical) piles of dead lambs - 2 heads, no legs - no eyes or mouths - legs grown together
8:14 AM Apr 18, 2016 -8806a-Surge in babies born with extra arms, legs after Fukushima - I feel officials know the cause is radiation - many get abortions to avoid ‘inconvenient’ babies - High number of stillbirths - Many people report cancer, far from Fukushima (VIDEO)
Lambs, farm animals, cats, dogs
-8806.1- & -8719-(historical) Piles of dead lambs with 2 heads, no legs - born without eyes or mouths - legs grown together; cats & dogs: St. George, Utah & Walla Walla, Ritzville, Hanford, WA (VIDEOS)
-8806.3--8423-babies born w/no brain, and protruding spines by Hanford also see babies w/extra fingers born in Japan also see: Chernobyl Legacy by Paul Fusco. When a parent whose baby was born with polydactyly contacted Fukushima Medical University for an operation for their child, they were told that they were busy operating on babies with the same condition and had a hundred on their waiting list. Then told to wait one or two years for the operation because bones in the fingers and hands need to be well developed.
[Editor's note: As we document in our e-book, Nuclear Power is Not Safe & Clean ... The General Electric Mark II reactor, in addition to inherent design flaws, stores its nuclear waste on the roof; Fukushima Reactor Unit#2 was built in 1971 ...consequently, when the unit exploded in 2011 it launched 40 years of spent nuclear fuel rods and the water that cooled and contained it into the sky and across Japan as well as into the ocean. Three or four reactors blew up into the sky and then immediately melted as molten cores, through the containment vessels down into the fresh water acquifers that run under the Pacific Ocean then surface – contaminating
the Pacific Ocean 24x7x365 since March 2011 on a continual and new basis every moment. Three reactors blew up, totally 120 years of spent & unspent nuclear fuel rods waste ...about 600 tons. Additionally, Japan was illegally manufacturing enriched uranium MOx specfically for the U.S. use in 'clean' nuclear bombs ...'clean' means that when this MOx fuel is used in nuclear weaponry the fallout decays at such a rate that is it theoretically not detectable about 4-6-8 weeks (as I recall). Noun. 1. clean bomb - an atom bomb leaving little or no radioactive contamination. A-bomb, atom bomb,
atomic bomb, fission bomb, plutonium bomb - a nuclear weapon in which enormous energy is released by nuclear fission (splitting the nuclei of a heavy element like uranium 235 or plutonium 239). Japan, as a criminal state, remains committed to commercializing fast breeder reactors around the world as a middle man for Deep State Nuclear Mafia Military Industrial Nuclear Complex ...which is a sociopathic and pathological complex bent on the destruction of all life and natural resources on Earth for greed, power & profit.]
Japanese government planned to be nuclear-free by 2030's ...guess who stopped them
In response to the nuclear explosion at fukushima daichi and immediate (& continuing) meltdowns of several reactors, the japanese goverment planned to be nuclear-free by the 2030's ...but, they were persuaded otherwise by the apologists working for western billionaires & oligarchs. While it is not generally unknown that japan was positioned to mass produce & commercialize production of breeder reactors for third-world countries in the 'New American Century', additionally japan was illegally using mox uranium enriched fuel in the reactors, but the globalist powers secretly and illegally had japan stockpile hundreds of tons of weapons grade nuclear bomb fuel.
[intentional break in narrative]
legal disclaimer: this is a satire & comedy site
what is a nazi-serving racist white male whore called? ...a real henry banker
hillary can you spell, skank? (hint: rhymes with hank)
11:51 PM Nov 9, 2012 4731Henry Kissinger-linked think tank pressures Japan to keep nuclear power.(Headline summary links to expanded summary that links to original document: shown below.)
hillary caught poisoning u.s. food supply
Hillary as Secretary of State following orders from former Secretary of State Kissinger, not to allow Japan to be nuclear-free by 2030, because it would displease the Obama Administration; in return for Japanese concession, U.S. would not check Japanese food imports for nuclear contamination. Story fact-checked successfully by National Enquirer –> Here:Cell phone—pdf | Computer—msword w/find-search
01:06 AM Oct 2, 2012 4411Sec. Clinton personally pressures Japan leader to keep nuclear power as President Obama wishes it
Sep 25, 2012 Nikkei report translated by EXSKF: United States government was strongly urging the Japanese government to reconsider its policy of zero nukes [nuclear reactors] in 2030s as part of the energy and environmental strategy of the Noda administration, as President Obama wishes.
According to the multiple government sources, as the Noda administration was moving in August toward explicitly putting down zero nuke in the official document, the US strongly requested that Japan reconsider the zero nuke policy, saying the request was the result of discussion at the highest level of the government, indicating it was Obama administration’s consensus, from the president on down.
On September 8, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda met with the US Secretary of State Clinton during the APEC meeting in Vladivostok in Russia. Here again, representing the U.S. president, Secretary Clinton expressed concern. While avoiding the overt criticism of the Noda administration’s policy, she further pressured Japan by stressing that it was President Obama and the U.S. Congress who were concerned.
(According to Former Deputy Energy Secretary Martin,) the U.S. Government thinks that The US energy strategy would be likely to suffer direct damage from Japan’s policy change toward zero nuclear energy.
03:51 PM Jun 29, 2012 -3680- U.S. Nuclear Expert: I’ve been told by people in State Dept. U.S. gov’t said to downplay health effects of radiation after Fukushima — we’ve gone out of our way not to measure(here)
08:42 AM Jan 26, 2013 -5213- Children in high radiation areas of Fukushima disaster — Living, going to school with radiation levels of Chernobyl’s mandatory evacuation (VIDEO)
03:36 PM Sep 27, 2012 -4374- Fukushima woman: Like they're in a gas chamber — kids breathe radiation every moment (AUDIO)
[Following excerpts from our database e-book endnotes]
Plutonium pumped into ocean — kids play in plutonium sand
08:17 PM Dec 6, 2014 8520Plutonium pumped into ocean through miles of underwater pipes - Nuclear waste left lying on beach - kids playing on sand where machines scoop up plutonium each day - 1,000% legal limit (VIDEO & PHOTOS) — SWR (German public television broadcaster), 2013 (emphasis added):
25:00 in - Dumping of nuclear waste in the sea was banned worldwide in 1993, yet nuclear industry has come up with other ways. They no longer dump the barrels at sea; they build kilometers of underwater pipes through which the radioactive effluent now flows freely into the sea. … The advantage for the nuclear industry? No more bad press… disposal via waste pipes remains hidden from the public eye, quite literally.
28:30 in - 400 km from La Hague [as well as] Holland [&] Germany… we find iodine… 5-fold higher tritium value than [reported] by the operator, Areva. It’s now obvious why citizens take their own measurements.
30:15 in - Molecular Biologist: Radioactive toxins accumulate in the food chain. A little worm can contain 2,000-3,000 times more radioactivity than its environment. It is eaten by the next biggest creature and so on, at the end of the food chain we discovered damage to the reproductive cells of crabs. These genetic defects are inherited from one generation to the next. Cells in humans and animals are the same.
32:00 in - The 2 disposal pipe for Europe’s nuclear waste is located in the north of England… Radioactive pollution comes in from the sea. Their houses are full of plutonium dust… The pipe from Sellafield is clearly visible only from the air… nuclear waste is still being dumped into the sea. Operators argue this is land-based disposal… It has been approved by the authorities. (continued in column to right)
Record number of radioactive particles found on beaches near Sellafield
…But the HPA has also pointed to a series of uncertainties in the beach monitoring that could lead to its risk assessment being reviewed. The latest equipment might miss tiny specks that could be inhaled, it said, as well as buried alpha radioactivity that could give rise to a significant risk to health if ingested.
A local environmental group expressed concern that in some areas, particles seemed to reappear after they had been cleaned up. This warrants closure of the beaches or at least the erection of warning signs for parents and others of the health dangers posed, said Janine Allis-Smith, from Cumbrians Opposed to a Radioactive Environment.
Documents released under freedom of information law show that in 2010 the Environment Agency agreed that monitoring for contamination on the beaches should avoid peak periods such as during bank holidays. This followed a complaint from St Bees parish council expressing strong concern that this would have an adverse impact on tourism... Alpha particles don't show up on Geigers unless you are right on them.
35:45 in - Plutonium can be found here on a daily basis, the toxic waste returns from the sea… it leaches out, it dries, and is left lying on the beach. The people here have long since guessed that the danger is greater than those responsible care to admit… Every day a small excavator removes plutonium from the beach… In recent decades the operator at Sellafield tossed 500 kg of plutonium into the sea. (continued in column to right)
Children swim at Fukushima beach as ocean opens for first time since 3/11/2011
08:16 AM Jul 17, 2012 3809Children swim at Fukushima beach as ocean opened for first time since 3/11 (PHOTOS)
Anyone measure the water? Fukushima prefecture opened first beach to swimmers since last year’s nuclear disaster after judging the water to be safe. About 1,000 people on Monday descended on Nakoso beach, 65 kilometers south of Fukushima Dai-ichi. The opening was celebrated with beach volleyball games and hula dancers from a nearby spa. Iwaki city official says negligible radiation in water at beach. Airborne radiation measures 0.08 microsieverts/hr, below danger level.
09:41 AM Jul 17, 2012 3810Fukushima Mother: Many children show symptoms of contamination – nosebleeds, colds and coughs don’t end; many eye problems. TEPCO and gov’t ruined my life, I cannot forgive them. (VIDEO)
42:00 in - We take a soil sample… The result turns out to be alarming. The amount of plutonium is up to 10 times higher than the permissible limit.(Watch SWR’s investigative report, here)
The Tavistock Institute for Human Relations has had a profound effect on the moral, spiritual, cultural, political and economic policies of the United States of America and Great Britain. It has been in the front line of the attack on the U.S. Constitution and State Constitutions. No group did more to propagandize the U.S. to participate in WWI at a time when the majority of the American people were opposed to it. Much the same tactics were used by the Social Science Scientists at Tavistock to get the United States into WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Serbia and both wars against Iraq. Tavistock began as a propaganda creating and disseminating organization at Wellington House in London in the run-up to WWI, what Toynbee called “that black hole of disinformation.” On another occasion, Toynbee called Wellington House “a lie factory.” From a somewhat crude beginning, Wellington House evolved into the Tavistock Institute and went on to shape the destiny of Germany, Russia, Britain and the United States in a highly controversial manner. The people of these nations were unaware that they were being “brainwashed.” The origin of “mind control,” “inner directional conditioning” and mass “brainwashing” is explained in an easy to understand book written with great authority.
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(only Russia, China, India, Africa, Mid-east, 'Stan' countries, South America, America & Cuba stand in our way!)
nuclear industrialists
BillGates, JPMorganChase, Schroder Bank & its subsidiary Bechtel& WEFtoRuleEarth...(with Gaven Newsom the next U.S. Corporation president) to deploy domestic coersive military industrial protection rackets
Nuclear (electric power) Bechtel & Bill Gates at Bohemian Grove deigned Pelosi's nephew fascist dictator Gavin Newsom will be the next president in 2024. They put in Pelosi, Feinstein, Cameltoe Harris, not to mention Reagan, Schultz & Weinberger not to mention George Herbie Walker Bush and the Republican National Heritage WWII death squad leaders and orchestrated the destruction of Central & South America, Eastern Europe, the Far East (in league with City of London Corporation) not to mention ...well, you can read it yourself, (also, see, to right)
U.S. House of Representatives chart of who owns Fed (pdf) (msword) & Original House document, (here) | (Who owns the nuclear industry? (here) & Who owns whom? | Who owns the media? ...and, the presidency? (pdf | msword) | Who owns the military-industrial complex? (here) | Who owns you? (here)
A constitutional republic, not a democracy. The ideal of a democracy is universal equality. The ideal of a constitutional republic is individual liberty.
A democracy always degenerates into dictatorship, which promises government-guaranteed equality and security, but it delivers nothing but poverty and serfdom for the people it robs and rules.
America was founded as a constitutional republic, to safeguard the liberties of the people against the tyranny of democracy, or of one-man dictatorship.
In the 20th Century, great strides were made toward the goal of subverting our republic into a democracy. The foremost tactic of the subverters is subversion of language.
By calling America a democracy, until people thoughtlessly accept and use the term, the totalitarians have obscured the real meaning of our principles of government.
— FBI Agent Dan Kamoot made that video ...50 years ago.and its more right today, than it has ever been
07:21 AM Oct 13, 2011 -1529- Xinhua: Radiation in areas of Tokyo far exceeded levels in Fukushima Thursday – Almost 6 µSv/hr at amusement park near capital
03:06 PM Sep 11, 2013 -6351- Xinhua: Indications of a second leak at Fukushima, says Japan expert – Fish over 140 km from plant show extremely high levels of contamination
02:49 AM Aug 16, 2011-1154-Xinhua: Gov’t says waters in China have been affected by the radioactive materials from Fukushima – Contamination levels higher than what Japan claims article here: Radioactive materials from Japan found in China's waters,Xinhua, August 15, 2011
Fukushima was/is thousands of times worse than Chernobyl. Chernobyl was one reactor meltdown and one (set) of fuel rods. Fukushima was three reactor meltdowns but each had decades of tens of thousands of used nuclear fuel rods stored on top of them when the reactors exploded ...& Fukusima was illegally using uranium enriched Mox fuel havested to make "clean nuclear bombs" for the U.S., Britain & NATO powers that be. Fukushima was equal to 500 Hiroshima-sized nuclear bombs set off airborne, and another 500 set off seaborne ...and doubled the amount of fallout extant from decades of nuclear bomb testing in the U.S. — & Fukushima melted down into the water aquifers feeding the Pacific Ocean for practically, Eternity ... continuously destroying sea life..
The 1986 nuclear accident at Chernobyl stunned the world, releasing thousands of tons of radioactivity over an innocent population. Magnum photographer Paul Fusco revisits the affected region, searching for the accident's enduring effects. See the project here
1.2 billion people have gotten fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry — 41,000 people a day get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry cancer? in or downwind of a former test site? ...there are specialized attorneys waiting to file suit & win your case, now (here) to order (see above) — the only globalist & patriot guide that unmasks the players & victims behind the scenes
...for the nuclear you: student, attorney, citizen scientist, whistle-blower & investigative reporters' only complete technical & lay history of the nuclear meltdowns in Fukushima ... & their ongoing genocidal impact on life forms
...meltdowns gone airborne & seaborne continue to destroy life in Pacific Ocean at extinction levels & killed 15,000-to-20,000 people in the Republic of the united states of America & caused (and continues to cause) untold misery & repression
in Japan that also set the precident for increased nuclear warfare & cancel culture in America ...& proves nuclear is not safe & clean once & for all life forms
...includes domestic & worldwide detrimental affects of nuclear industry for people, pets, animals & all life forms
...women & girls who live within 30 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys ...according to scientific studies in France, Germany, united states of America
...the new & mysterious diseases in the ocean destroying billions of sea life are NOT from global warming ... it is from radionuclides that mutate bacteria & viruses to form new and mysterious forms of bacteria & viruses ...that form new & mysterious diseases — & from military seaborne depleted uranium target practice & sonar ...& oil company exploration sonars ...& from ionospheric heaters transmitting wavelengths to set off earthquakes, volcanoes & radical un-natural extreme weather to allow worldwide fascism & nazism to flourish & exterminate patriots, partisans, republicans & democrats alike
Nuclear Fallout Map of Japan, English Edition – Go to 2020 Olympics & get Cancer & a Mutated Embryo for a deformed & retarded birth. The English edition sells for 500 yen, excluding tax. For info, contact Everyone's Data Site, at( —(story, here)—
12:55 AM Jun 22, 2016-8822-Associated Press: Toyko Electric Power Company (Tepco) President — we lied about meltdowns in Fukushima unprecedentednuclear disaster — bad as it gets — a cover up(VIDEO)
04:29 PM Apr 21, 2011-0362-Fairewinds: U.S. news outlets say there’s no threat to health from Fukushima — opposite of what all studies prove about radiation and cancer (VIDEO)
02:43 PM Mar 24, 2014 [& Feb 23, 2017]-8121-Caldicott: Fukushima pouring radioactive water into Pacific for the rest of Time — nuclear industry covers it up because they know if truth comes out it will be the end of nuclear power(AUDIO)
— Nuclear Energy Industry Disclaimer —
Until about two billion years ago, it was impossible to have any life on Earth; that is, there was so much radiation on Earth you couldn’t have any life – fish or anything. Gradually, two billion years ago, the amount of radiation on this planet – and probably in the entire system – reduced and made it possible for some form of life to begin. Now when we go back to using nuclear power, we are creating something which nature tried to destroy to make life possible. Every time you produce radiation, you produce something that has a half-life, in some cases for billions of years. I think the human race may wreck itself; it is important that we get control of this horrible force and eliminate it. Nuclear power is not worth it. - Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, U.S. Navy officer, engineer, & driving force behind naval nuclear power
All of life on Earth is radioactive now, and it only took about 70 years. The more people, plants and animals get, the quicker they sicken. It is just that simple. - Bob Nichols
True, the white man brought great change. But the varied fruits of his civilization, though highly colored and inviting, are sickening and deadening. And if it be the part of civilization to maim, rob, and thwart, then what is progress? I am going to venture the man who sat on the ground in his tipi meditating on life and its meaning, accepting the kinship of all creatures, acknowledging unity with the universe of things, was infusing into his being the true essence of civilization. - Chief Standing Bear, The Land of the Spotted Eagle, 1933
You also must help us by prayer, so that many will give thanks on our behalf for the blessing granted us through the prayers of many.- Corinthians 1:11
For this other death - not by plague, this time, not by poison, not by fire, not by artificially induced cancer, but by the squalid disintegration of the very substance of the species - this gruesome and infinitely unheroic death-in-birth could as well be the product of atomic industry as of atomic war. - Ape and Essence by Aldous Huxley (1949)
1 God rest you merry, gentlemen, let nothing you dismay; remember Christ, our Savior was born on Christmas Day to save us all from Satan’s pow’r when we were gone astray.
Refrain: O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy, O tidings of comfort and joy.
2 From God our heav’nly Father a blessed angel came and unto certain shepherds brought tidings of the same, how that in Bethlehem was born the son of God by name.
Refrain: O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy, O tidings of comfort and joy.
3 “Fear not,” then said the angel, “let nothing you affright; this day is born a Savior, the true and radiant light, to free all those who trust in him from Satan’s pow’r and might.”
Refrain: O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy, O tidings of comfort and joy.
4 Now to the Lord sing praises, all you within this place, and in true love and fellowship each other now embrace; this holy tide of Christmas is filled with heavenly grace.
Refrain: O tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy, O tidings of comfort and joy.
(click pic for Fairewinds story)
(click pic for Fairewinds story)
06:01 PM Oct 11, 2013-6534-Olympic athletes & tourists warned they will be in danger from Tokyo radiation — Cesium at almost every venue tested.
12:10 PM Aug 22, 2016 -8827-TV: Astronomical radiation in downtown Tokyo directly outside gov’t building — Horrific readings where kids play in Fukushima — ‘extreme’ levels where food is grown for school lunches; nuclear expert shocked & upset by discovery — Gundersen found that Tokyo remains contaminated: measured dust & found high dose of radiation. That dust is in the air to be inhaled by visitors & athletes of 2020 Olympic Games — residents inhale it every day.
(VIDEO-CCTV Channel 17 interview)
03:08 PM Oct 8, 2013 -6514- Fukushima leaks are catastrophically large if gov’t admits help is needed — Tokyo Olympics may be impossible — So unprecedented there is no solution
04:22 AM Oct 8, 2013-6511- Asahi: High radiation levels found at possible Olympic sites — Japan Professor: Radioactive materials have spread throughout greater Tokyo; Region remains in emergency situation?
03:01 PM Sep 14, 2013 -6369- Japan Olympics speech ‘backfires’ — credibility of prime minister message shaky; no contaminated water ‘control’
01:12 PM Sep 12, 2013 -6357- Talk of Olympics being taken away from Tokyo if problems at Fukushima worsen over next couple of years
01:46 PM Sep 10, 2013 -6340- AFP: Fears that Fukushima melted reactor cores have eaten through concrete of containment vessels — Tepco plan claims fuel to be removed at same time as 2020 Olympics in Tokyo
04:05 PM Sep 9, 2013 -6337- Reports: New site with high levels of radiation at Fukushima — urgent problem at plant says IAEA; experts to examine massive water build-up — found ‘immediately after’ Olympic speech claiming it’s under control — Can’t dump groundwater in sea?
05:46 PM Jan 11, 2013 -5124- Nuclear song to be performed during Super Bowl half-time show (AUDIO)
- Margaret Harrington, host: I know you mentioned Arnie Gundersen, the chief engineer at Fairewinds, and he said that he measured the radiation there, too. Could you talk about that a little bit?
Maggie Gundersen, Fairewinds Energy Education founder, CEO: He’s working with some other scientists who are studying - both Japanese scientists, the samples that they took, and the U.S. scientists who are evaluating the samples - and they’re finding astronomical amounts of radiation, even in downtown Tokyo outside of METI’s door. METI is the regulatory agency over nuclear power… When he and others were downtown in Tokyo, they took samples right there in a garden right outside the door and on the front doormat, and these are really, really high samples. Frightening, because people walking in Tokyo will then be inhaling that dust. What was the film we saw from Japan that had the mothers who were in an area where kids play and run from middle school?
Caroline Phillips, Fairewinds Energy Education: It’s a fantastic video… it’s a mothers organization, they live in the Fukushima Prefecture and they’re actually using Geiger counters that have been issued by the government. They’re walking along the river [in Fukushima City.]
Maggie Gundersen: What’s so tragic about it - kids are running along dirt paths doing gym class and track and things like that and the mothers are right down in areas that are not posted and the kids can go after school and play, and people do nature hikes and stuff. And the radiation readings are horrific.
Mr. Gundersen also found that Tokyo remains contaminated. He measured dust… and found a high dose of radiation.
(continued in column to right)
CCTV (Cont)
That dust is in the air that will be inhaled by the visitors and athletes of the 2020 Olympic Games. Needless to say, the current residents are inhaling it every day…
GENDAI BUSINESS ONLINE(translated from Japanese), Jun 14, 2016: Just before the 5th Anniversary of the triple meltdown at Fukushima Daiichi, a group of young girls in the city of Minami-Soma rode their bikes to school past a shocked and saddened pedestrian. That upset observer was Arnie Gundersen, nuclear reactor expert… What surprised me at this visit to Japan… is that the decontaminated area is contaminated again, Mr. Gundersen said while explaining it was a sad shock to witness the girls on their bicycles.
"This was not what I had expected. I had thought that we would not find such high doses of radiation in the decontaminated area. But, sadly, our results prove otherwise." ...Gundersen collected samples of dust [though] the official data cannot be released before the publication of formal scientific papers, it is evident that high doses of radiation, usually found in nuclear waste, was detected from these samples.
This means that highly radioactive dust is flying around the city. In other words, the decontaminated land is contaminated again.
Little girls are affected by the radiation 20 times as much as adult men. The Japanese government’s standard of 20 mSv is based on exposure assessments for adult men. The girls on their bicycles are actually being affected by a radiation dose equivalent to as much as 400 mSv.
Mr. Gundersen pointed out that human lungs are heavily affected by internal exposures to radiation,
(continued to right)
CCTV (Cont)
"At this visit, I wore a radiation proof mask that can filter out 99.98% of radiation for six hours. I sent my filter to the lab, and they found a high dose of Cesium. But, unfortunately, the Japanese government only cares about the number on a Geiger counter and does not consider the internal exposure. This has resulted in a hazardous downplay of this kind of data and human lungs are affected by the serious internal exposure. … The radiation from the mountains is coming back to the city by way of wind and rain."
Mr. Gundersen noted the extreme radioactive contamination of the mountains… vegetables grown in that area exceed the government’s standard by 1500 Bq. These vegetables were sold at the Michino Eki in Tochigi prefecture, and the bamboo shoot grown in this contaminated region was used for elementary school lunches in Utsunomiya. These school lunches contained more than twice as much radiation as the government’s standard… However, the government continues to push for the end of people’s relocation and force the return to re-contaminated areas…
Mr. Gundersen also found that Tokyo remains contaminated. He measured dust… and found a high dose of radiation.
That dust is in the air that will be inhaled by the visitors and athletes of the 2020 Olympic Games. Needless to say, the current residents are inhaling it every day…
11:12 PM Feb 26, 2014 -8038- U.S. Gov’t concerned about Fukushima radiation hitting West Coast affecting Americans – public told everything fine (VIDEO)
12:24 PM Feb 26, 2014-8037-Expert: Gov’t officials possibly know Fukushima is a worldwide disaster & not revealing it – columnist: Can’t neglect the truth because they fear a panic outbreak – I’m panicking because there isn’t a panic (AUDIO)
09:50 AM Feb 26, 2014 -8036-Snowden docs reveal Gov’t agents manipulate, control online discourse with deception:reputation-destruction – spreading lies on internet – false flag operations & emails to people’s families, friends(GRAPHICS)
6:25 PM Feb 24, 2014-8036.1-Glenn Greenwald, ET: How overt agents infiltrate the internet to manipulate, deceive, and destroy reputations - (from the Snowden archive)
-8036.2--0917-Leaked emails show British gov't worked with nuke companies on PR campaign to downplay Fukushima — collusion shocking
Jul 1, 2011-8036.30935-British gov't deeply involved in blatant conspiracy designed to manipulate the truth — Very effective attempt to 'calm' reporting of true story of Fukushima
Mar 23, 2012-8036.42911- Asia Times Reporter: …sounds, looks, quacks like a major cover-up over ‘deleted’ radiation emails (VIDEO)
Jan 8, 2012-8036.62209-Asahi columnist forced to resign over ‘Radiation is Coming to Tokyo’ March 19 cover story – Headline was in fact correct
Dec 10, 2011-8036.71964-Congressman releases report: NRC Fukushima conspiracy
Oct 27, 2011-8036.81622-Tokai Mayor: We don’t trust gov’t nuclear policies(VIDEO)
April 12, 2011-8036.90293-Top Hawaii health official calls out Forbes’ journalist for reporting Hilo milk exceeds EPA radiation level ...then admits he is technically correct
12:55 AM Feb 26, 2014-8035-Hawaii: Fish caught off coast of America and Hawaii have high level of cesium
01:18 AM Jun 02, 2016 -8819-Fukushima – problem greater than thought – 600 tons of fuel melted, can’t find it – uncontrollable fission continues under site (VIDEO)
08:22 AM May 24, 2016-8818-Fukushima radiation may eat holes in people’s brains; military hides radiation levels; officials hide consequences of crisis; worry over number of cancers; public suffers radioactive-related diseases (VIDEO)
10:28 AM Mar 11, 2015 -8585-TV: Officials lying, kids getting cancer after Fukushima - Report: 1,200+ deaths from illness caused by prolonged exposure - Mom: I’m really worried –children not the same – sick – nosebleeds, rashes – white blood cells decreased- Radiation by school 100x normal (VIDEO)
09:56 AM Feb 04, 2015-8557-Cancer epidemic in Fukushima up 6,000% says head of cancer research center – everything swept under rug – family members brainwashed
Fukushima resident Chieko Shiina, supporter of the Fukushima Collaborative Clinic (translated by Carole Hisasue), Jan 24, 2015 (emphasis added):
At 8:00 — Already, 85 children have had surgeries for thyroid cancer, there are 112-113 children who are suspected of having cancer. When children get cancers it progresses very quickly. The former person in charge of health, Yamashita Shunichi, said it would be only a 1 in a million chance of children getting any kind of cancer because of radiation. But he was lying. Right now, it’s like 1 in 3,000 — it’s an epidemic …
The head of the National Cancer Research Center estimated right now in Fukushima the rate of cancer has gone up 61 times. And yet the gov’t and also the hospitals related to the gov’t are saying this is not because of radiation… How long does the gov’t think that we’ll be silent about this? In light of this epidemic, my anger will never die down. And then to think about the parents of the small children – how worried they must be.
At 12:00 — It’s not only children. There are many things happening to adults as well. Increased rates of thyroid cancer, heart attacks, leukemia, cataracts– many, many health problems, where they are wondering… there’s something definitely wrong.
At 16:00 — I can’t forgive the gov’t, they’re murderers.This is definitely a holocaust.
At 20:00 — Media won’t report on it. Everything’s just being swept under the rug.
At 26:00 — A TV program called ‘Hodo Station’… theywent to Fukushima City to interview people and they also came to my clinic… The director that made this program also made a follow up show and contacted one of the persons interviewed, telling her, ‘We’ll be airing it soon.’ But before it was aired, it was taken off the program. This director died. This director apparently told one of the interviewees, ‘If you do hear that I died, please believe that it was not a suicide, no matter what you might hear.’ There is no truth in the media in Japan today. There are all sorts of these mysterious events happening that are still unexplained and uninvestigated.
At 43:00 — Even today the gov’t is insisting the rise in pediatric thyroid cancer rates are not due to the accident…Why are they being so insistent? It’s because the moment they admit the reality of what’s going on, then they obviously can’t restart any of the nuclear plants and must change their entire nuclear policy.
Carole Hisasue, translator (at 1:15:00): It’s disappeared from the media, it’s disappeared from people’s consciousness. There’s this big culture of denial going on outside of Fukushima. They want to pretend like it never happened. I can’t talk to my own family about radiation contamination… They don’t want to hear it. They go, ‘You don’t understand because you don’t have to live here, we have to live here.’… It’s like ‘see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil’… just trying to ignore it and pretend life is the way it was before 3/11. It’s frightening, it’s very very frightening… [My sister-in-law] is completely brainwashed by the gov’t who says, ‘Oh no, it’s fine, fine, fine’… she believes it, even though her son suffers from a lot of nosebleeds – and I think that’s a serious problem. If I mention it to her, or even to my own mother, they get very offended. They go, ‘Oh no, no. He’s always been like that. It’s nothing to do with radiation.’ Talk about denial, it just hurts my heart.(Watch video of the event here)
11:02 AM May 19, 2016-8817-Billions of pieces of Fukushima nuclear fuel everywhere – where there’s cesium, there’s plutonium – Atom bomb: one (1) pound of uranium; Fukushima: hundreds of tons – great quantities of plutonium found (VIDEO)
11:44 AM May 16, 2016-8816-Largest amount of Fukushima radiation fell on U.S. West Coast & Pacific– no complaints from U.S. – more radiation on way – need to know impact of contamination
—Fairewinds Japan Speaking Tour Series No. 3, Feb 24, 2016:
—Maggie Gundersen, Fairewinds Energy Education Podcast host: One of the things that you’ve talked about and [environmental scientist Marco Kaltofen, PhD, PE] have talked about isinternal radiation exposures and hot particles. What’s the difference between a bomb exploding and a nuclear plant exploding, in terms of hot particles?
—Arnie Gundersen, Fairewind Chief Engineer and former nuclear engineer: Most of the bomb exposure was from a direct flash that was over in seconds. There wasn’t a significant amount of contamination on the ground because the bomb went off 1,000 feet in the air. So there was not a lot of radiation residual left on the ground for hot particles to get into people’s lungs.
That’s not what we’re seeing at Fukushima Daiichi. Everything I’m finding here is millions and billions of very, very small particles that are spread pretty much everywhere. We’ll know ... more about that in the future.
There’s no comparison between a bomb and what happened at Fukushima.A bomb obliterated maybe a pound of uraniumand it was a thousand feet in the air, so most of it went up almost immediately; whereas each of the nuclear reactors at Fukushima had 100 tons of uranium in them, so that the quantity of radiation that’s spread out throughout the countryside is orders of magnitude higher at Fukushima, than it was at Nagasaki.
—Fairewinds Japan Speaking Tour Series No. 2, Feb 17, 2016:
—Arnie Gundersen, Fairewinds’ Chief Engineer and former nuclear engineer (at 2:30 in): We found a parking lot at a supermarket [in Fukushima] had a large radioactive source right in the middle ...that people were walking over and driving over. It was loaded with black radioactive dust just wherever you go – it’s everywhere …
—AG:One of the samples that one of my fellow scientists collected showed significant amounts of plutonium. It was in a square meter …he was getting 19 disintegrations per second [becquerels] of plutonium. That stuff is going to be around for a quarter million years …
—Maggie Gundersen, Fairewinds Energy Education Podcast founder: That plutonium was part of the core that came out then in the explosion, correct?
—AG: Yes, the only source it could ever have come from is inside that nuclear reactor.
—MG: And the plutonium is being redeposited at locations that were unanticipated?
—AG: Yes, it’s everywhere.It is everywhere ...we’re very careful, we’re wearing gloves all the time, respirators all the time.
—AG: Wherever the ground is exposed, there is a high level of radiation in the mountains around here; it’s all going to run right off and into the Pacific Ocean.
—MG: You talked about the plutonium – where was that found?
—AG: Theplutonium was found in a farmer’s field 10 miles from the power plant; it was found because that’s where they looked. If it’s sitting out in that farmer’s field, it’s everywhere. Wherever there’s radiation ...cesium - there’s going to be plutonium, and that’s truly frightening… It’s pretty clear that significant amounts of plutonium are scattered throughout the hillsides… plutonium has got a 25,000 year half-life, so it’s a quarter of a million years before it’s gone.
Dec 27, 2015: Discovery Magazine, Although only limited areas of Fukushima are allowing residents to come back, that doesn’t mean these areas are safe. You can still find dangerous radioactive elements such as cesium, strontium, and plutonium in abundant quantities here.
07:47 AM Jun 08, 2016 -8820-Spike in number of U.S. sailors dying after Fukushima radiation exposure – 400 veterans suffer serious illness –Former Japan Prime Minister breaks down crying, This can’t be ignored any longer– number of sick people increasing; symptoms worsening (VIDEOS)
08:15 AM Nov 10, 2017-9003-Former U.S. Senator: All these Navy sailors have died after Fukushima radiation exposure – TV program reveals many are now dead –Veterans break down in tears… suffering cancers, paralysis, amputations, bleeding from anus, severe pain (VIDEO)
06:14 AM Nov 14, 2017-9006-Fukushima Cover-Up: “Keep cancers a secret” say doctors -“We’re getting leukemia and cataracts and we die suddenly” - “Students having sudden heart attacks” — Officials “actively ignoring” reports of illness and death
07:23 AM Feb 07, 2018-9011-Report: Massive radiation leak at Japan Fukushima facility- Extremely high levels being detected outside reactor - Officials can’t explain why - Expert warns ofglobal threat: “…disaster of unseen proportions” (VIDEO)
07:18 AM Dec 20, 2017 -9010-Top official reveals UFOs exist, “often reported” over nuclear power plants, “…never seen anything like it” – Military: “Ominous correlation” between sightings and atomic sites – TV: “Mystery intruders over nuke facilities” (VIDEOS)
09:00 AM Nov 27, 2017 -9009-AP:“Japan poised to flood Pacific Ocean with 1 million tons of Fukushima nuclear water” – Newsweek: “Experts want Japan to push a million tons of radioactive water into ocean”– Release could kill fishing industry (VIDEO)
10:33 AM Nov 09, 2017-9002-“Scientists shocked” as fisheries collapse along West Coast – “It’s the worst we’ve seen… they’re starving” – Death rates skyrocket, no babies born - Fish stocks at all-time record lows
11:19 AM Jan 07, 2016 -8758-Sickened animals “unlike anything doctors have ever seen” on West Coast – “...eating themselves from inside” – Cancers… liver, pancreas, intestines shut down… infested with parasites & immune to antibiotics – Unprecedented catastrophe to cause loss of 200,000 sea lions(VIDEO) also,- 8852-
01:10 PM Apr 11, 2016-8802-Fukushima: People’s feet turn black for years because radiation is so high – Every time I turn around I see someone who has radiation damage - hair falling out, coughing up blood, bodies covered with boils… Officials keep doctors from telling truth – public brainwashed(VIDEO) [OLYMPIC SPORTS FANS: Think twice – it's what can happen to you at the 2020 Olympics] Also, -8752- -8827- -8823-
10:16 PM Nov 9, 2016-8829-URGENT: Emergency at Fukushima after major M7.4 quake – Workers evacuated as tsunami hits nuke plants – Public told, Please Flee Immediately – Cooling systems at reactor FAILED – Fears nuclear waste may leak — Prime Minister: We must grasp extent of damage – Officials warn of more powerful quakes (VIDEOS)
07:45 PM Dec 03, 2015-8742-Record levels of Fukushima radiation detected off West Coast — Massive plume stretches 1,000 miles — Reuters: Contamination spreading off U.S. shores — Radioactive cesium reaches 11 Bq/m3 at multiple locations (MAP)
07:05 AM Dec 02, 2015-8741-Former Japan Official: “Unstoppable contamination of Pacific Ocean — seriously menacing U.S. West Coast” — “Fukushima now a global security issue… can’t be brought under control by single state” — Experts: Waves of radiation will be 10 times more than entire world’s nuclear tests combined
02:03 AM Nov 24, 2015 -8746- West Coast: Alarming signs of oceanic distress - stranded seal pups 2,000% of normal levels - starving bags of skin and bone (VIDEO)
04:55 AM Nov 20, 2015 -8744a-Giant whales pile up dead – to test for Fuku radiation(PHOTOS)
06:38 PM Nov 18, 2015 -8743-Pacific Northwest: Salmon population crash(VIDEOS)
07:12 AM Nov 16, 2015-8742-Official Report: Fukushima radiation levels in U.S. – elevated measurements from 2011 nuclear disaster – Florida experiencing Cesium-137 deposition; Fukushima fallout in Florida citrus fruit
11:59 AM Nov 12, 2015-8741-West Coast: Unprecedented,largest animal on Earth found dead, had been very sick, emaciated - food supply killed; many sea creatures affected; whales tracked for past two years not doing well (VIDEO)
07:17 AM Nov 11, 2015-8740-British Columbia: Man arrested over Fukushima-related youtube videos; charged with criminal harassment of university scientists (VIDEO)
08:08 PM Nov 4, 2015 -8738a-Millions of salmon disappear off West Coast in 2 days
07:32 PM Nov 3, 2015 -8737-West Coast die-offs – fish, whales, squid, more species(VIDEO)
02:35 AM Nov 2, 2015 -8736-Seaborne West Coast:Fukushima nuclear waste off shoreline of California, Oregon, Washington and Alaska – Highest radiation off San Francisco(MAP)
-8736.1- also see: Fukushima nuclear waste detected along Southern California coast - Highest levels seen anywhere in North America since testing program began - 8.4 Bq/m3 of radioactive cesium measured near beach between Los Angeles and San Diego(VIDEO & MAP) Aug, 2015
-8736.2- also see: Scientists detect Fukushima radiation on North American shores - Coastal communities ‘concerned’ - Over 7 Bq/m3 of cesium from dock in Pacific Northwest - Professor: It indicates arrival of other radioactive substances - Represents potential radiological health risk (VIDEO) Apr, 2015
-8736.3- also see: 'Unprecedented’: China bans all imports of shellfish from U.S. West Coast - Official: They’ve never done anything like that that I’ve ever seen - Includes Washington, Oregon, Alaska and N. California - Gov’t says it will continue indefinitely (AUDIO) Dec 13, 2013
-8736.4- also see: TV: Billions of mysterious creatures dead along West Coast - Literally covering all of Oregon coast - Washington up from California to Oregon to Washington to Vancouver B.C. to Alaska - Expert: Death totals are staggering, it’s got to be billions (VIDEO) May 3, 2015
-8736.5- also see: Spike in airborne radiation levels for West Coast? Abnormal readings on 8 of 18 EPA monitors for California, Oregon, Washington - Devices now undergoing quality review Mar 22, 2011
11:19 PM Oct 28, 2015 -8734-CBS: Fire erupts at another U.S. nuclear site near major city — Flames within feet of radioactive waste — TV: “You can see the smoke for miles… big-time scare” — EPA emergency response deployed (PHOTO & VIDEOS)
—Child cancer clusters, double sets of teeth, missing eyeballs, brain tumors – North St. Louis County, Missouri – Missouri Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal, Sep 17, 2015 (at 27:00 in): There are references that are in the reports that the Attorney General did with independent scientists where they say that what we have under the ground could end up as Chernobyl. What I am concerned about are the 40,000 tons of uranium that have been spread all over the place… We’re talking about the most potent uranium in the world – We’re looking at the cancer clusters – We’re looking at the number of children who have double sets of teeth, children who have missing eyeballs, the number of children who have brain tumors. This is not consistent with a normal community whatsoever.
—The Poisoned Children of Coldwater Creek:excerpt: Wright says there are a stunning number of reports of infertility, in addition to the birth-defect cases. There have been three separate cases of conjoined twins (a statistical anomaly if ever there was one). There were three babies born with only one ear, another without either eyeball.
—Also, see: It all started with the famous Manhattan project, as St. Louis Mallinckrodt Chemical Works secretly signed to enrich uranium for the world's first controlled nuclear chain reaction in 1942. For the next 15 years, the company would continue its uranium refining activities at its downtown site in Missouri, and when it ran out of room to store its tons and tons of hazardous waste (known in its day as poisons), it was sent off to a couple of sites near the airport ...and the poisoning of Coldwater Creek & neighboring properties began. —(scroll down to, St. Louis Mallinckrodt Chemical Works when you arrive, here)—
-8734.1-also see: Missouri, St. Louis, Bridgeton and West Lake landfills: Fire erupts by nuclear waste landfill near city (PHOTO-[i] & VIDEOS)
-8734.2-also see: Missouri, St. Louis, Bridgeton and West Lake landfills: Fire rages towards 48,000 tons of Belgium Congo uranium 235, 238, most potent in the world
-8734.3-also see: Missouri, St. Louis, Bridgeton and West Lake landfills: Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal - we’re looking at the cancer clusters in North County, number of children with double sets of teeth, missing eyeballs, brain tumors - this is not consistent with a normal community, at all - VIDEO -at 27:00 in
-8734.5-also see: St. Louis, Missouri - Bridgeton & West Lake landfills: underground fire at Bridgeton Landfill moves toward radioactive waste in the adjacent West Lake Landfill
10:40 PM Oct 25, 2015- 8732- Nevada, Beatty and Las Vegas:Exploding drums of buried waste skyrocket up over site perimeter; crater reported; radiation spike in Vegas follows (VIDEO)
Beatty NV: Buried radioactive steel waste barrels burst up from underground explosions
02:12 PM Oct 23, 2015-8731-Nevada, Beatty and Las Vegas: Explosions at radioactive facility near Las Vegas create massive plumes and fires - sends unknown amount of radionuclide waste airborne – nearby town not told or evacuated (VIDEO)
Prayer for My Mother
(and for Senator Wyden's mother, who lay dying & whimpering, covered in excretement like a beaten & deserted animal in the next bed, beside us)
(The following ancient prayer printed in an 1915 edition is dedicated to my mother which I read to her on her deathbed (and for a time to Senator Wyden's mother, who lay dying in the next bed, beside us) for weeks to give her peace to sleep and dispel the Adversary, and for her mother and father, and for my father, and my ancestors and those who are to follow.)
Prayer before retiring to rest at night
Blessed art thou, O our Lord our God, King of the universe, who makest the bands of sleep to fall upon mine eyes, and slumber upon mine eyelids. May it be thy will, O Lord my God and God of my fathers, to suffer me to lie down in peace and to let me rise up again in peace. Let not my thoughts trouble me, nor evil dreams, nor evil fancies, but let my rest be perfect before thee. O lighten my eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death, for it is thou who givest light to the apple of the eye. Blessed art thou, O Lord, who givest light to the whole world in thy glory.
God, faithful King.
Here O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is One.
Blessed be His name, whose glorious kingdom is for ever and ever.
And thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thine heart, and with all thy soul, and with all they might. and these words, which I command thee this day, shall be upon thine heart, and thou shall teach them diligently unto they children, and shall talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up. And thou shall bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be for frontlets between thine eyes. And thou shall write them upon the door-posts of thy house, and upon they gates.
And let the pleasantness of the Lord our God be upon us: and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish it thou.
He that dwellest in the shelter of the Most High, abideth under the shadow of the Almighty. I say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust. For he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his pinions, and under his wings shalt thou take refuge: his truth shall be a shield and a buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flieth by day; of the pestilence that walketh in darkness, nor of the plague that ravageth at noon day. A thousand may fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; it shall not come nigh unto thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou look on, and see the retribution of the wicked. For thou, O Lord, art my refuge. Thou has made the Most High they dwelling place; there shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any scourge come nigh thy tent. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all they ways. They shall bear thee upon their hands, lest thou strike thy foot against a stone. Thou shalt tread upon the lion and the adder: upon the young lion and the serpent shalt thou trample. Because he has set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he knoweth my name. When he calleth upon me I will answer him and honour him. With length of days will I satisfy him, and will let him see my salvation. With length of days will I satisfy him, and will let him see my salvation.
Lord, how are mine adversaries increased! Many are they that rise up against me. Many there are which say of my soul, There is no salvation for him in God. (Selah.) But thou, O Lord, art a shield about me; my glory and the lifter up of mine head. I cry unto the Lord with my voice, and he answereth from his holy mountain. (Selah.) I laid me down and slept; I have awaked, for the Lord sustaineth me. I will not be afraid of the ten thousands of people, that have set themselves against me round about. Arise, O Lord; save me, O my God; for thou has smitten all mine enemies upon the cheek bone; thou hast broken the teeth of the wicked. Salvation belongeth unto the Lord: thy blessing be upon they people. (Selah.)
Cause us, O Lord our God, to lie down in peace, and raise us up, O our King, unto life. Spread over us the tabernacle of thy peace; direct us aright through thine own good counsel; save us for thy name's sake; be thou a shield about us; remove from us every enemy, pestilence, sword, famine and sorrow; remove also the adversary from before us and from behind us. O shelter us beneath the shadow of thy wings; for thou, O God, art our Guardian and our Deliverer; yea, thou, O God, art a gracious and merciful King; and guard our going out and our coming in unto life and unto peace from this time forth and for evermore.
Blessed be the Lord by day; blessed be the Lord by night; blessed be the Lord when we lie down; blessed be the Lord when we rise up. For in thy hand are the souls of the living and the dead, as it is said: In his hand is the soul of every living thing, and the spirit of all human flesh. Into thy hand I commend my spirit; thou has redeemed me, O Lord, God of truth. Our God who art in heaven, assert the unity of thy name, and establish thy kingdom continually, and reign over us for ever and ever.
May our eyes behold, our hearts rejoice, and our souls be glad in thy true salvation, when it shall be said unto Zion, Thy God reigneth. The Lord reigneth; the Lord hath reigned; the Lord shall reign for ever and ever; for the kingdom is thine, and to everlasting thou wilt reign in glory; for we have no king but thee.
The angel who hath redeemed me from all evil bless the lads; and let my name be named on them, and the name of my fathers Abraham and Isaac; and let them grow into a multitude in the midst of the earth. And he said, If thou will diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and will do that which is right in his eyes, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of the diseases upon thee, which I have put upon the Egyptians; for I am the Lord that healeth thee. And the Lord said unto the adversary, The Lord rebuke thee, O adversary; yea, the Lord that hath chosen Jerusalem rebuke thee. Is not this a brand plucked out of the fire? Behold the bed of Solomon; threescore mighty men are about it, of the mighty men of Israel; they all handle the sword, expert in war; every man hath his sword upon his thigh, because of fear in the night. The Lord bless thee and keep thee: the Lord make his face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee; the Lord turn his face unto thee, and give thee peace.
To be said three times:
Behold, he that guardeth Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.
To be said three times:
For thy salvation I hope, O Lord. I hope, O Lord, for they salvation. O Lord, for thy salvation I hope.
To be said three times:
In the name of the Lord the God of Israel, may Michael be at my right hand; Gabriel at my left; before me, Uriel; behind me Raphael; and above my head the divine presence of God.
A Song of Degrees. Happy is every one that fearest the Lord, that walketh in his ways. When thou shalt eat the labour of thine hands, happy shalt thou be, and it shall be well with thee. Thy wife shall be as a fruitful vine, in the recesses of thine house: thy children like olive plants, round about thy table. Behold, thus shall the man be blessed that feareth the Lord. May the Lord Bless thee out of Zion; mayest thou see the good of Jerusalem all the days of thy life. yea, may thou see thy children's children. Peace be upon Israel.
To be said three times-
Stand in awe, and sin not: commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. (Selah.)
Leuren Moret — Fukushima HAARP tectonic & nuclear attack by Sovereign Military Knights of Malta, Skull & Bones, CIA, DOE, BP for Fed/City of London Bankers
Behind March 11, 2011 Fukushima nuclear meltdowns stand same war crimes racketeering org behind September 11, 2001, Hurricane Katrina (2005), Haiti earthquake (2010) & more HAARP-triggered covert ops to destabilize North America
In an exclusive ExopoliticsTV interview by Alfred Lambremont Webre released May 9, 2011, independent scientist Leuren Moret has stated that the Fukushima HAARP tectonic nuclear attack was done by an international racketeering war crimes network within the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Department of Energy (DOE), and BP (British Petroleum) on behalf of City of London bankers.
Ms. Moret states that the group behind the March 11, 2011 events at the Fukushima nuclear plant is the same war crimes racketeering organization behind the false flag operations of September 11, 2001, Hurricane Katrina (2005), the Haiti
earthquake (2010) and other HAARP-triggered false flag operations.
The Fukushima tectonic nuclear attack is an intentional genocidal depopulation of the northern and southern hemispheres, Ms. Moret states. The west coasts of the United States and Canada, Mexico, and Hawaii are being intentionally targeted by dangerous radiation from the March 11, 2011 tectonic warfare earthquake and nuclear meltdown events at Fukushima, Japan.
These areas of the United States and Canada, and Mexico, Ms. Moret indicates, are the major food producing areas for North America. Radiation from the Japan quake/nuclear meltdown events at Fukushima is intentionally being steered into these areas in order to dose the land and the food with radiation.
Danger of radiation in the rain
Ms. Moret warns that the U.S. government is covering up the radiation danger in North America, and stated that individuals should venture out in the rain with their bodies fully covered, including gloves.
During WWII, it was discovered that the most effective method of nuclear warfare was to detonate an atomic bomb in a rain cloud, and let the radiation rain down on the target population.
The weather warfare capabilities of HAARP and the GWEN towers systems are being used to create weather patterns (such as tornadoes) and rain that bring radiation as high as in the Fukushima area of Japan on the southeast, midwest, southwest and west coasts of the United States.
Can you survive the enemies of national & personal sovereignty by simply naming them? ...sure, you can.
for 900 years the Sovereign Military Knights of Malta are a white organization of warlords destroying then enslaving countries of color & today, their members include the heads of western intelligence (war) services
for 300 years the Fed/City of London white central bankers/warlords conquered then enslaved 120 countries of color including the indigenous: U.S.A, the Americas, Africa & Asia
for several hundred years, Skull & Bones German Society of the Order of Death (aka, the 'Fehme') based in Germany & Yale University are white people/warlords that control the hemispheres
World Economic Forum (WEF) A monarch & billionaire club bent on depopulation 99% of the world's population thru every form of overt & covert warfare.
NATO — Military arms empowering WEF & City of London
The United States Corporation (is NOT the Republic of the united states of America)
41,000 people a day get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry waste & fallout, (here)–&– Women & girls who live within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men, boys or those living farther away, (here)–&– Documentation, medical & science, (here)
Why do these billionaires representing the Shanghai alliance hate the City of London central bankers & its affiliate, the United States Corporation? ...could it be cause the western central bankers have waged genocide on their families and countries, releasing war, pestilence, diseases, famine, floods, fire & brimstone? ...hmm. duh.
in the biggest fight in history
Versus the pissing contest billionaires, below
when any living thing dies, it is the biggest fight in history
(below) Can you pick out the dumb f**k 1% waging global weather warfare against the 99.99%? (Scroll down to bottom of page for answer see which three phallic corporations run the planet— (below) the cult of the phallus as an embodiment of generative power — phallus: The sexually undifferentiated tissue in an embryo that becomes the penis or clitoris; representation of the erect penis as an embodiment of generative power.
luke 22:36 — "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one"(here)
London obelisk (aka Cleopatra’s Needle): On banks River Thames, obelisk transported to London; erected in 1878 under Queen Victoria. Originally stood in Egyptian city of On, (Heliopolis: the City of the Sun). Knights Templars’ land extended to this area of the Thames: Templars had their own docks. Both sides of obelisk have a sphinx, symbolism of ancient worlds.
In D.C. the obelisk is known as the Washington monument was dedicated to George Washington by the secretive brotherhood of Freemason Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia in 1848. They also contributed 22 masonic memorial stones. 250 masonic lodges financed the Washington monument obelisk including the knights templar masonic order.
Vatican obelisk: Located in St. Peter’s Square, was moved from Egypt to its current location, in 1586. The circle on the ground represents the female vagina, while the obelisk itself is the penis. This is commonly known as occult symbolism.
(Scroll down to bottom of page to see which three phallic corporations run the planet — (above) the cult of the phallus as an embodiment of generative power — phallus: The sexually undifferentiated tissue in an embryo that becomes the penis or clitoris; representation of the erect penis as an embodiment of generative power.
When Bill Gates and Schroder Bank (Bechtel is their subsidiary) build nuclear reactors in China and Hanford Washington and Wyoming ... do you think the cancer you and other people will get from that constitutes a state of war?
How about right after the Obama / Biden-led nazi coup in Ukraine when Bill Gates and Monsanto bought up the Ukrainian bread basket for the world; do you think that constitutes a food fight between you, Bill Gates and Monsanto? which you lose.
Did you know that the President in Ukraine was democratically elected and refused to turn the Ukrainian central bank over to the Fed / City of London / IMF mafia syndicate ...or didn't you know that as soon as Biden had the Ukrainian president pull back the police from the rioters that the Nazis stormed the "palace", and took over the country.
Victoria Nuland passed out cookies to the Nazis, the U.S. immediately recognized the Nazi-run government and the CIA immediately shipped out 36 tons of Ukrainian gold to the United States Corporation (what you call the "United States").
But did you know that the country you live in is not, "The United States"? You live in a country called, "America".
So, the next time you hear the words: "nuclear, Bill Gates, cancer, war, people and you" assured that not long after, you will hear what the European- and Eastern- & Southern European Jews that survived the Holocaust refer to as: THE KNOCK ON THE DOOR IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT.
It's not fun to watch people be destroyed unless you get used to it ...even then, our soldiers never got used to it and we lost more soldiers to suicide than to the "enemy" in the middle east and Afghanistan wars.
The knock on the door in the middle of the night is a nuclear bill gates remote-controlled beetle selling war & cancer for people & you
Knock knock.
Who's there?
Gavin Newsom winning the democratic nomination for president.
Gavin Newsom winning the presidency who?
You're going to the FEMA concentration camps for violating the Restrict Act then to prison 20 years for disagreeing with the government, that's who.
One could argue that Bechtel put Reagan into place, and George Shultz, Casper Weinburger, Nancy Pelosi, Diane Feinstein, Gavin Newsom, Kamela Harris and probably, the southern Califoricating Adam Schiff and what's her name, anyway oh yeah, Maxine ...while at the same time maintained the Bush crime family.
These people do not represent the Republic of the united states of America ... they represent the United States Corporation.
Once could argue Schroder Bank & friends put Hitler into power, or that it was really JPMorganChase, or Deutchbank, or Corp U.S., or City of London but that would all go so far over your head you'd have to cut it off to ever think even when you get old enough to.
Frankly, you do not care if you get cancer from nuclear energy because you ignore almost 100 years of scientific documentation whose point is exactly, that.
You don't care if the U.S. Corporation and City have been starving to death the kids of Yemen for 5 or 10 years ...that Corp. U.S. destroyed Libya; making the kids in Afghanistan come out like stepped on nutty-putty magazine picture transfers. All you care about is getting your rocks off and group think.
Shame on you. You are nuclear. You are Bill Gates. You are war. You are cancer. You are everything but you ...and don't even know it. Shame is your name. Wasting heaven on Earth is your game.
(above) America is not, and never was, a democracy ... America is a constitutional republic. — FBI Agent Dan Kamoot made that video 50 years ago & its more right today, than ever before.
The Restrict Act makes the Patriot Act seem like kid's play gov't "any means necessary" to outlaw dissent & criticism of gov't ...eliminate due process, impose 20-year prison terms for dissent, conduct total asset seizure & total asset forfeiture for dissent -->
Chinese spy weather warfare trial balloon tracked over secret military nuclear, missile defense & weather warfare sites from Alaska thru South Carolina
BREAKING: Reuters reports Ukraine energy officials are holding secret talks with Exxon, Halliburton & Chevron to open up Ukrainian oil & gas fields to United States corporation / City of London companies ...Wait a minute! ...I thought they want us to stop using oil & gas!?
Nope, that's only in the United States Corporation, not the civilized world
Oh no, you mean the extreme weather is not from Mother Nature but from central bankers ...but is weaponized weather deployed to cause famine and collapse? – Dane Wigington from Geoengineering Watch
Requested of USDA by ARPA before it was DARPA, June 1970
The great skank of the western world pigs out on another murder
CIA Director John Brennan told speechwriter Ben Rhodes that Qaddafi’s death marked a “fitting end for one of the biggest rats of the 20th century.” No Western leader would ever be characterized in this way. After Qaddafi was ousted, President Obama confiscated a whopping $30 billion from Libya’s Central Bank.
Once upon a time, in a faraway land that was very rich because of its oil wells, a bad king kept his people in poverty and subjected women to sexual and domestic abuse. But after many years of oppression, a charismatic young officer overthrew the bad king in a bloodless revolution that lasted less than two hours and in which nobody died.
Even the bad king was allowed to live out his life in a luxurious villa, surrounded by family and servants, until he died peacefully of old age many years later, at age 93.
The dashing young officer quickly abolished the monarchy and established a People’s Congress. He threw open the royal treasury and distributed its riches to the people, so that they prospered. A free home was guaranteed to every citizen, and college education was also free. So was medical care—and if the country’s own doctors couldn’t cure your illness, the government paid the cost of sending you to a country where they could.
Happy were the people, but happiest of all were the women. The new government not only liberated them from sexual and domestic abuse; it also granted them full and equal rights with men, and they won more than half the seats in the People’s Congress.
The above may sound like a fairy tale, but it actually happened, (story, click Obama pic, right)
GROUP STALK— Depleted uranium - an untold story|Felicity Arbuthnot | 1 February 2007 — In June 1995 the US Army Environmental Policy Institute wrote of DU: ‘DU is a radioactive waste and therefore should be deposited in a licensed repository’. ... ... ...There were two UNEP Reports on Balkans contamination. The first was cut – under alleged US/UK pressure – from 72 pages, to two. ... ... ... The use of uranium munitions is an act of terror,’ Rokke says. In context, the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority ‘self-initiated’ a report for the British government on DU shortly after the 1991 war.
If 50 tons of residual DU dust remained ... there would be in excess of half a million cancer deaths in the region by the year 2000. The Pentagon admits to 325 tons remaining ...other estimates are 900 tons. In 2003, a further 2,000 tons of DU has been admitted to.
.PNow behave, boys! Be good, or momma spank! Pelosi is a war criminal crucified on high top of the White House by Corp. United States & her betrayed S&M S.F. CA constituency
Bengazi & Fukushima
Great Skanks of Babylon on sale today! 4 for $1! Save now! Pay later!
.Hillary Caught Poisoning U.S. , Japan & Libya Food Supply w/fallout & depleted uranium
Hillary as Secretary of State following orders from former Secretary of State Kissinger, not to allow Japan to be nuclear-free by 2030, because it would displease the Obama Administration
Leuren Moret — (website's here tbd); (Leuren's original &/or contributive editorial &/or investigative journalism work has a tangerine color behind it.)
Nuclear Controversies: Video includes presentation by Alexei Yablokov, rebuking IAEA & UN nuclear apologists
Children hurt by nuclear fallout, many with fatal diseases & cancer ...put a face on their health issues.
Children hurt by nuclear fallout, many with fatal diseases & cancer ...put a face on their health issues.
Children hurt by nuclear fallout, many with fatal diseases & cancer ...put a face on their health issues.
Have you pressed control F5 again, yet? it now to update it every time you come to this site ...& when you get on a new page ...& if a picture's missing
Fukushima many times worse than Chernobyl
Fukushima was/is thousands of times worse than Chernobyl. Chernobyl was one reactor meltdown and one (set) of fuel rods. Fukushima was three reactor meltdowns but each had decades of tens of thousands of used nuclear fuel rods stored on top of them when the reactors exploded ...& Fukusima was illegally using uranium enriched Mox fuel havested to make "clean nuclear bombs" for the U.S., Britain & NATO powers that be. Fukushima was equal to 500 Hiroshima-sized nuclear bombs set off airborne, and another 500 set off seaborne ...and doubled the amount of fallout extant from decades of nuclear bomb testing in the U.S. — & Fukushima melted down into the water aquifers feeding the Pacific Ocean for practically, Eternity ... continuously destroying sea life..
The 1986 nuclear accident at Chernobyl stunned the world, releasing thousands of tons of radioactivity over an innocent population. Magnum photographer Paul Fusco revisits the affected region, searching for the accident's enduring effects. See the project here
1.2 billion people have gotten fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry — 14,000 people a day get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry cancer? in or downwind of a former test site? ...there are specialized attorneys waiting to file suit & win your case, now (here) to order (see above) — the only globalist & patriot guide that unmasks the players & victims behind the scenes
...for the nuclear student, attorney, citizen scientist, whistle-blower & investigative reporters' only complete technical & lay history of the nuclear meltdowns in Fukushima...
...gone airborne & seaborne that continue to destroy life in the Pacific Ocean at extinction levels & killed 15,000-to-20,000 people in the united states of America & caused untold misery & repression in Japan that also set the precident for increased nuclear warfare & cancel culture in America ...& proves nuclear is not safe & clean once & for all life forms
includes domestic & worldwide detrimental affects of nuclear industry for globalists & patriots
women & girls who live within 30 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys ...according to scientific studies in France, Germany, united states of America
the new & mysterious diseases in the ocean destroying billions of sea life are NOT from global warming ... it is from radionuclides that mutate bacteria & viruses to form new and mysterious forms of bacteria & viruses ...that form new & mysterious diseases — & from military seaborne depleted uranium target practice & sonar ...& oil company exploration sonars ...& from ionospheric heaters transmitting wavelengths to set off earthquakes, volcanoes & radical un-natural extreme weather to allow worldwide fascism & nazism to flourish & exterminate patriots, partisans, republicans & democrats alike
above) America is not, and never was, a democracy ... America is a constitutional republic.— FBI Agent Dan Kamoot made this video 50 years ago & it's more right today, than it has ever been.
Financial Warfare for Crash Dummies — c/o JPMorganChase, Schroder Bank, City of London & Wall Street
Freewheelin' Masters of War: Clap fart if you love war. If only Bill Gates was in this picture, then we'd have all the depopulation freaks together & start with them, (here).
[Editor's note: Remember the presidential run-off election & vote re-count between George W. Bush & Clinton / Gore (who introduced climate change to an unwitting & dumbfounded public) was decided in Florida in favor of W. Bush; and former president George H.W. Bush was then on the board of the Carlyle Group (after Bin Laden's father stepped down); and remember the tyhoon that destroyed Haiti and G.W. Bush & Bill Clinton were put in charge of the billion dollars raised that disappeared and never made it to the Haitian people? In our weather warfare page, Haiti is discussed, along with Chernobyl & Fukushima as weather warfare targets.
Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?
Doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure out same actors who organized agent provocateurs for Jan 6 events will do an agent provocateur assassination attempt; of course, Soros isn't behind it ...why would a nice Jewish boy who was an informer for the Nazis, do such a thing?
It's so obvious in front of your face you don't see it
Insider warns HAARP will create 'biblical catastrophes' to usher In 'New World Order'
The HAARP research facility is being used the globalist elite to control the world's weather, accelerate the climate change agenda and inflict damage on enemies, according to insiders who are warning the world that Nikola Tesla's death-ray technology is being utilized by HAARP to assist the elite in their goal of subjugating humanity.
Absolutely everyone but you knows about weather warfare but you...
...because you are a self-entitled politcally correct lump of propagandized ignorant human flesh blind to the suffering of humankind & the animal kingdom & feel anger because mainstream elite murderers allow you to kiss their ass, are you really this dumb & scared?
Lies & more lies: A warmonger global government is now waging biological warfare & weather warfare to exterminate humanity becuase no one else has the power to.
CIA analyst witnesses voting machine fraud (like 60 million Americans did); plus, Latin & South America corrupt vote counting testimony.
Psychological operations (PSYOPS) on social media behind the BLM movement designed for military use in foreign conflicts by cyber-security contractors.
Putin: "UK announced not only the supply of tanks to Ukraine, but also depleted uranium shells. But, I would like to note that if this happens,
Russia will have to react accordingly considering the west would be using a weapon with a nuclear component."
Freewheelin' Masters of War: Clap if you love war. If only Bill Gates was in this picture, then we'd have all the depopulation freaks together & start with them, (here).
Who inherited the queen's royal dildo? ...probably Charles ...sure, richest woman on Earth has no power ...genocidal dictator likely died from being smothered by her diamonds
"If this mischievous financial policy which has its origin in North America during the late war in that country, shall become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe." ~ Hazard Circular inserted in 1865 London Times re: Lincoln's 'Greenbacks'
"Capital must protect itself in every possible manner by combination and legislation. Debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages must be foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When, through a process of law, the common people lose their homes they will become more docile and more easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of government, applied by a central power of wealth under control of leading financiers. This truth is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of Capital to govern the world. By dividing voters through the political party system, we get them to expend energies fighting over questions of no importance. Thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves what has been so well planned and successfully accomplished." ~ Aug. 25, 1924 USA Banker's Magazine
(City of London owns the United States corporation & FBI, CIA, IRS etc ...but, the Republic of the united states of America is not for sale.)
A constitutional republic, not a democracy. The ideal of a democracy is universal equality. The ideal of a constitutional republic is individual liberty.
A democracy always degenerates into dictatorship, which promises government-guaranteed equality and security, but it delivers nothing but poverty and serfdom for the people it robs and rules.
America was founded as a constitutional republic, to safeguard the liberties of the people against the tyranny of democracy, or of one-man dictatorship.
In the 20th Century, great strides were made toward the goal of subverting our republic into a democracy. The foremost tactic of the subverters is subversion of language.
By calling America a democracy, until people thoughtlessly accept and use the term, the totalitarians have obscured the real meaning of our principles of government.
— FBI Agent Dan Kamoot made that video ...50 years ago.and its more right today, than it has ever been.
(above) America is not, and never was, a democracy ... America is a constitutional republic. — FBI Agent Dan Kamoot made that video 50 years ago & its more right today, than ever before.