know who the racist deep state establishment is?
follow their money back to who's printing it & it's them
xtreme social unrest not seen in 50 years
...successfully predicted by JPMorganChase — because they planned it ...(our historically Nazi collaborating central banks still at it! (scroll down fast before your attention span needs sugar, booze, pot or sex or sleep ...or all of the above ...hmmm, not a bad idea)
city of london, founder-financiers of what is today, great britain & the united states, is the racist center of the fed city of london CNWO aka NWO + China + Great Reset; as such city of london dynastic banking families founded & maintain the food-, drug-, weapons- & human trafficking trade of men, women & children slaves & sex slaves & associated body organs, in the western world

1619 — Racist City of London bankers begin the human trafficking & slave trade of men, women & children to their colonies, the first 19 Africans reach the colonies that England was struggling to establish arrived in Point Comfort, Virginia, near Jamestown, in 1619, brought by British privateers who had seized them from a captured Portuguese slave ship, beginning human trafficking slave & sex slave trade from Africa.
- 6,000-2,000-1350 B.C. — Egypt develops monotheism (Aten, Amon which eventually morphs to Amen) which becomes the basis of monotheism influencing Judaic Christian culture, with Psalms passages lifted from the Egyptian Book of the Dead Passage into Light. Lives of Old Testament patriarchs parallel the recorded history, families & wars of several Egyptian pharoahs.
- 50 A.D. — Roman Empire founds Londinium on the current site of the City of London (not, city of London, proper), around AD 43.
- 300-ongoing — Contantine institutionalizes Christianity as an instrument of the State.
- 1,000-ongoing — German warlords create the Holy Roman Empire (which excludes Rome) founds the Fehme (assassins from the ruling class), & utilizes the Inquisition as a front to divest significantly wealthy rivals by deploying the Knights of Malta (to date).
- 1607 — Racist white City of London central bankers finance first attempt to colonize north America.
- 1608 — Racist white City of London central bankers finance & start to genocide & colonize India.
- 1619 — Racist City of London bankers begin the human trafficking & slave trade of men, women & children to their colonies, the first 19 Africans reach the colonies that England was struggling to establish arrived in Point Comfort, Virginia, near Jamestown, in 1619, brought by British privateers who had seized them from a captured Portuguese slave ship, beginning human trafficking slave & sex slave trade from Africa.
- 1672 — Racist white City of London central bankers start the slave trade from Africa (but, Africans were slave trading themselves for centuries). The City of London (a separate country inside the city of London) goes on to own all the British colonies of color around the world & finances the British monarchy who owns all the white colonies of color around the world, to date.
- 1730 — Racist white City of London central bankers bring opium from India colonies into China & successfully addict China.
- 1839 — The Opium War: China throws City of London opium traders via British merchants out of China
- 1841 — City of London hires the colonists from the Republic of the United States of America as a drug-running front to continue smuggling opium into China ...the drug running families become the ruling families of the Republic of the USA found in the Blue Book
- 1841 — American & City of London drug runners escalate the human trafficking slave & sex slave trade from Africa.
- 1868 — City of London Corporation founding the United States Corporation to in 1860s to displace the Republic of the united States of America
- 1913 — Our corrupt Congress (like today) sells out to white racist City of London Corporation ...City of London financial coup d'tate replacing publicly owned U.S. central bank with their own privately owned central bank (remember, we threw these vampire clowns out in 1776 with the American Revolution) ... & founding charter has private shareholders paid yearly interest on the national debt — forever — as personal dividends on their private ownership of founding Federal Reserve stock (which is exclusively owned by the international interlocking directorate of the Fed City of London including yearly national debt of the U.S. Fed plus the other five original Rothschild European central banks. Now do you see why Fed City of London orchestrated CV-19 as a biological warfare attack on the entire world? ...their annual national debt stock dividend is likely now about 12 trillion dollars directly into their pockets) ...not bad for a bunch of racist & fascist white vampire clowns.
- 1914 — Fed City of London create WWI & fund both U.S. & Germany to fight each other.
- 1919 — Fed City of London players finance Communism & Nazism out of New York City founding Ruskombank, involving Brown Brothers Harriman & Herbie Walker for whom George Hebert Walker Bush is named which illegally finances the Soviet Union & produces two consecutive 30-year Soviet development plans
- 1928 — Financial coup of racist Fed City of London creates great depression.
- 1945 — Fed City of London Lackeys (Dulles brothers, Brown Brothers Harriman) found CIA & hire Nazi leadership to run CIA eastern (anti-Russia) division —see Secret Treaty of Fort Hunt— & Kissinger (who Trump in 2020, fired) bring in Nazi rocket scientists & biological warfare scientists into U.S., Britain & Russia, later developing then deploying releasing smallpox, Aids, Lyme Disease, Swine Flu, Influenza, depleted uranium & CV-19 biowar weapons
- 1947 — Fed City of London create Israel & Pakistan as imperial military outposts for their opium, heroin, oil & human trafficking trades ...to ensure religious unrest to obscure Fed / City of London ownership of opium, heroin, oil & human trafficking.
- 1947 — Fed City of London central bankers found United Nations to establish a New World Order of centralized global control (globalism) aka the New World Order (NWO)
- 1947 — Paul Nitze drafts National Security Memorandum NSC-68, scapegoating the Soviet Union as the mortal enemy of the U.S. (even though the Soviet Union defeated the Germans in WWI & WWII defeated the Nazis ...& authorizing domestic psychological warfare against U.S. citizens, embodied & publicised as The Crusade for Freedom, by Ronald Reagan on national tour sponsored by Bechtel & GE in the early 1950s.
- 1940's — JPMorganChase interests along with DuPont finance & prepare to orchestrate a military coup against the U.S.A. to install a fascist government, but were busted.
- 1988 — Reagan / Bush Administration caught bringing underage callboys into the White House after midnight.
- 1988 — Reagan / Bush Administration's National Heritage Committee getting out the ethnic vote busted in national newspapers for all it's members being Eastern European death squad leaders & assassins during WWII.
- 2009 — They (JPMorganChase / Deutschebank / Fed / City of London), all Nazi partners, orchestrate U.S. housing crash; (see, Kill a Banker, Win a Prize — Occupy Deutschebank: Financial Warfare for Dummies)
- 2009 — NWO morphs to CNWO Great Reset ...New World Order Morphs to China New World Order
- 2011 — 911/WTC & fake news — Muslim pilots German citizens trained at U.S. military bases? here & here & here & here; Project for a New American Century plan for '2nd Pearl Harbor' mrophs to 911/WTC to justify Bush oil wars in Iraq & Iran.
- 2017 — Bill Gates & assumably foundation board member, Fauci, finance & present Covid total economic collapse & pandemic genocide scenario due to coming global influenza bioloical warfare attack for United Nations & World Economic Forum about releasing CV19, to the great reset crew.
- 2017 — DARPA is ordered to stop developing the CV-19 biological warfare weapon in the U.S. ...because it's labs are too dirty & there's fears the biological weapon will be transmitted from lab animal to lab workers then the population.
- 2017 — Fauci sends $350 million dollars to Wuhan Lab (presumably sending the virus biological warfare weapon as well), to continue working on the weapon in Wuhan (in cooperation with the Chinese Communist Party), (here & here).
- 2009 — CNWO (China + New World Order) morphs to Great Reset ...New World Order Morphs to China New World Order to the not so Great Reset
- 2018 — JPMorganChase successfully predicts extreme social unrest not seen in 50 years (here & here & here)
- Fake elections & fake democracies throughout the Americas since 1913.
- 2019 — Fed City of London partnered with China release CV-19 biological warfare weapon officially released, to achieve Fed City of London-founded UN, globalist imperative & published objective to depopulate the world 90% by 2030.
- 2020 — DC mayor declares Christmas Eve 'Dr. Anthony Fauci Day'
- 2021 — China New World Order Great Reset of world oligarchs steal election to defeat Trump & deface democracy & U.S. – no longer the beacon light of freedom in the world, as democracy falls to communism & authoritarian rule & censorship & defunding police to bring in UN Peacekeepers as defenders of the globalist authoritarian fascist regime striving to rule the world with computers & space age technology & corrupt voting machines ...to reduce America to a third world nation of economic slaves.
PMorganChase interests along with DuPont orchestrated a military coup against the U.S.A. but were busted by Marine General Smedley Butler (scroll down) ... that's why they remain among the usual suspects for releasing CV-19 & orchestrating the not so great reset. After all, Gates financed both a United Nations presentation & a World Economic Forum presentation that accurately showed the economic breaking of the world as a result of a biological warfare influenza virus, just a couple years before the current outbreak(s) ...and, Fauci is on Gates Foundation board of directors & both develop & own vaccines & Gates wants depopulation through vaccination.
Fasten your damn seatbelt, you're about to get educated!
The not so great reset Portland racism riots global coup, obscures: Capitalism (Fed City of London) runs on interest, which is a pyramid scheme outlawed by the U.S. Constitution that mandated a publically owned central bank that does not charge interest; one can say that when oligarchs City of London dynastic bankers & Rockefeller & Harriman founded the Fed & instituted a privately owned central bank running on interest, that's when they start destroying the Americas & thanks to the Bush dynasty, started the bananna republic fake democracies & fake elections & refugee crises. Look no further than your mirror. BTW, the private owners of the Fed City of London founding documents grant them the interest on the national debt each year, as a personal dividend on the privately held stock of the Federal Reserve (which they own & can not be sold but only inherited) across the Fed & other five original Rothschild banks. Since covid, that's several trillion dollars a year in personal dividends for them taken out of your taxes paying the national debt they created while the world is torn & crying out for salvation that will never arrive. Putin, installed by Reagan/Bush Admin, threw out Rothschild banks now Putin's to blame, not to mention Trump (to preserve freedom of religion & the Constitution), for everything you are too cowardly to correct, such as your ignorance & failure to fight for Constitution freedom & fair elections. Welcome to hell. Welcome to Portland OR, Antifa, OR, 'Where the inbred rule ...alongside Warburg (whose house in on the hill & Rothschild, who's makes money when blood runs in the streets.'