Covid Nuclear Pedoschiff 12:21 p.m. 03-01-2025 west coast usa
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Freewheelin' Masters of War: Clap if you love war. If only Bill Gates was in this picture, then we'd have all the depopulation freaks together & start with them, (here).
... Royals, monarchs, billionaires, oligarchs, City are often the same slimebags & walking dead cannibals
Off With Their Heads!
(excerpts from, America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus) (excerpts from, America's Nazi Secret, by John Loftus)
Are Bill Gates & George Soros the most distorted & gruesome souls in Hell? ...or... is it the owners of the Federal Reserve System (primarily the New York branch) ...or... the City of London Corporation, IMF, United States Corporation, or Vatican? ...Run like the hunted.
A constitutional republic, not a democracy. The ideal of a democracy is universal equality. The ideal of a constitutional republic is individual liberty.
A democracy always degenerates into dictatorship, which promises government-guaranteed equality and security, but it delivers nothing but poverty and serfdom for the people it robs and rules.
America was founded as a constitutional republic, to safeguard the liberties of the people against the tyranny of democracy, or of one-man dictatorship.
In the 20th Century, great strides were made toward the goal of subverting our republic into a democracy. The foremost tactic of the subverters is subversion of language.
By calling America a democracy, until people thoughtlessly accept and use the term, the totalitarians have obscured the real meaning of our principles of government.
— FBI Agent Dan Kamoot made that video 50 years ago & its more right today, than it has ever been.
Depleted uranium (DU) is designated as a weapon of mass destructionKINETIC ENERGY BULLETS OF DEPLETED URANIUM (DU): Leuren Moret — Invisible World of Radiation Revealed: Cloud Chamber Lets You Watch Patterns Produced as Uranium Decays. Scientists capture radiation on film as it is emitted from Uranium 238 [aka depleted uranium]. Fragment of uranium was placed inside a cloud chamber as it decays. Charged alpha particles & electrons condense alcohol vaper in the box. This produces snowflake-like patterns as particles are fired outwards.
Leuren Moret, President of Scientists for Indigenous Peoples and City of Berkeley (Ca) Environmental Commissioner states: ‘Helbig has been harassing me nonstop for two to three years.’ Moret travels the world warning on the dangers of DU, working with a group of independent scientists ( and submitted a paper on DU to a UN Sub-Committee, one of the ones which led to DUs designation as a weapon of mass destruction.
"The use of uranium munitions is an act of terror" —Major (Dr) Doug Rokke, Former Director of the US Army Depleted Uranium Project (, principal author of the Pentagon regulations and procedural guidelines (US Army Regulation 700-48 And US Army PAM 700-48) on the dangers and handling of DU affected areas: tanks, structures, terrain, equipment and personnel, civilian and military.
The use of uranium munitions is an act of terror, Rokke says. In context, the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority ‘self-initiated’ a report for the British government on DU shortly after the 1991 war:
If 50 tons of residual DU dust remained ... there would be in excess of half a million cancer deaths in the region by the year 2000. The Pentagon admits to 325 tons remaining ...other estimates are 900 tons. In 2003, a further 2,000 tons of DU has been admitted to.
Conservatively, 1.2 billion people have gotten fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry since the '40s; 41,000 people get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry every day. The use of depleted uranium by the globalists is a war crime & they should be pay the ultimate price.
41,000 people get fatal & non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry every day
Rosalie Bertell (1929–2012), an american scientist, author, environmental activist, epidemiologist and Catholic nun. Bertell was a sister of the Grey Nuns of the Sacred Heart, best known for her work in the field of ionizing radiation, weather warfare, electro-magnetic pulse weapons and weaponizing the Earth (making the Earth a weapon).
GROUP STALK — Depleted uranium - an untold story|Felicity Arbuthnot | 1 February 2007 — In June 1995 the US Army Environmental Policy Institute wrote of DU: ‘DU is a radioactive waste and therefore should be deposited in a licensed repository’. ... ... ...There were two UNEP Reports on Balkans contamination. The first was cut – under alleged US/UK pressure – from 72 pages, to two. ... ... ... The use of uranium munitions is an act of terror,’ Rokke says. In context, the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority ‘self-initiated’ a report for the British government on DU shortly after the 1991 war.
If 50 tons of residual DU dust remained ... there would be in excess of half a million cancer deaths in the region by the year 2000. The Pentagon admits to 325 tons remaining ...other estimates are 900 tons. In 2003, a further 2,000 tons of DU has been admitted to.
May 8, 2011 Alfred Lambremont Webre interviews scientist Leuren Moret, who stated the Fukushima HAARP tectonic nuclear attack was by an international war crimes group inside Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Department of Energy (DOE) & BP (British Petroleum), for City of London central bankers. Energy (DOE), and BP (British Petroleum) on behalf of City of London bankers.
Depleted uranium (DU) is designated as a weapon of mass destruction —Leuren Moret, President of Scientists for Indigenous Peoples and City of Berkeley (Ca) Environmental Commissioner states: ‘Helbig has been harassing me nonstop for two to three years.’ Moret travels the world warning on the dangers of DU, working with a group of independent scientists ( and submitted a paper on DU to a UN Sub-Committee, one of the ones which led to DUs designation as a weapon of mass destruction.
The use of uranium munitions is an act of terror, Rokke says. —Major (Dr) Doug Rokke, Former Director of the US Army Depleted Uranium Project (, principal author of the Pentagon regulations and procedural guidelines (US Army Regulation 700-48 And US Army PAM 700-48) on the dangers and handling of DU affected areas: tanks, structures, terrain, equipment and personnel, civilian and military.
Good-bye, Billings Montana — We knew you when. "The radiation is from Hanford Nuclear Reservation, 545 miles west in Washington State," — Bob Nichols. [Editor's note: If this (or any other) pic doesn't manifest, press control F5 again often takes several tries.]
. Bob Nichols, Project Censored award winner for his DU coverage, "Individuals on web sites throughout the United States have complained about the abusive & aggressive actions of an Air Force Lieut. Colonel, named, Roger Helbig."
David Lindorff, another award winner and the (UK) Observer’s David Rose, have also suffered a barage of abuse for stories exposing the dangers of DU, which poisons the environment, thus entire food chain regionally where used, for four-and-a-half billion years.
Let's go Brandon ...but, why is he always licking the back of people's heads?
(Left & down) Wizard of Odd: Let's start by decreasing Claus Schwab, Joe Biden & Nancy Pelosi, the most barfy terrifying clowns ever, (& Adam Schiff).
Shifty Adam Schiff, biggest exposed liar of all Time
London central bankers' clown Klaus Schwab & his WEF now calling for U.S. to impose strict ‘one child policy’ on all white families to promote diversity, reduce inequality & usher in a new era of “post-politics” where nobody in society disagrees on major policy issues. NWO's WEF is hardcore racism designed to promote race war. Step on these ants, now while they eat you, alive.
9/26/17 – How pathetic, dangerous, arrogant – 80 yrs of scientific research, but no media nor university nor politician tells the difference between irradiated fuel rods & bananas or potato chips ... one irradiated fuel rod can kill all life on Earth, in Time. –(author cloaked)
BILL GATES — MSNBC & Google exposé — Lawsuit vs Bill Gates for forcing employees to watch child porn & child snuff (murder) films ...& Gates relationship with Epstein
exposé MSNBC & Google expose: lawsuit vs Bill Gates forcing employees to watch child porn & child snuff vids (child murder films — [Wonder who he got them from?] —>
When Chernobyl blew up, it was women & pregnant women in the next country over from Ukraine, Belarus, whose ovum & embryos were bathed in high yield nuclear reactor fallout ...but, women do not know that everyday business-as-usual low level fallout from 'normal' nuclear reactors adds up to create similar damage to soft & rapidly growing living tissue & chromosomes that becomes your baby ... it's high time to dismantle the Fed interest rate bankers stranglehold & their merciless military industrial nuclear reactor / nuclear bomb phallic deity.
Did you ever stop to think who in the world is powerful enough to order chemtrails across the entire United States corporation & all of the countries in the world whose central banks are under control by the City of London corporation's designee, the IMF...since the United States corporation falls into receivership under the authority of IMF? (See, Confessions of a Jan 6 Rioter, bottom of page).
Requested of USDA by ARPA before it was DARPA, June 1970
Defense Secretary William Cohen, "Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, & U.S. Strategy" 4/28/1997
What is not said with words not used?
Nuclear Radiation, Cancer, Women, Children, Fukushima & the Pacific Ocean
Is there a relationship between nuclear radiation & cancer?
The word, nuclear appears on this homepage 334 times. Radiation appears 147 times. Cancer, 111 times. That implies there is a relationship between nuclear reactor radiation and cancer.
Fukushima appears 100 times. Fallout appears 96 times. The year 2015 appears 74 times. This implies a relationship between nuclear radiation and cancer in the year 2015 in Fukushima is related to radiation from nuclear fallout.
Pacific Ocean
But, Pacific appears 66 times. ocean 59 times, waste, 53 times. Perhaps the Paciic Ocean and Pacific Basin are linked to cancer caused by fallout radiation originating in Fukushima, too.
Radioactive women, children, animals
Reactors 56 times, sea 50 times. Radioactive 48. Women 47 times. Children 46. People 41, diseases 37, water 46, cancers 35 animals 34.
Let me summarize this as an editor, your editor: Every time we speak 1 time of animals, we speak of nuclear 10 times.
Every time we speak 1 time of cancer or water, we speak 10 times of nuclear; women and children, 7 times; and 5 times of radiation.
By counting words with your mind’s eye your other two eyes read more clearly between the lines. [Note: We cut the page in half, so cut numbers.] [Opps. Just cut the page in half again, again.]
For those who have eyes but do not see, who have ears but do not hear
Women & Girls who live within 25 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than men or boys or those who live farther away
Women who live by nuclear reactors get more breast cancer than women who live farther away
5-yr-olds that live within 5 miles of a nuclear reactor get more cancer than 5-yr-olds who live farther away
Women get more cancer from nuclear industry than men, girls get more cancer from nuclear industry than boys
41,000 people a day get fatal and non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry
Since 1945, 1.2 billion people have had fatal or non-fatal cancer from nuclear industry ...41,000 more every day
Review: Washington Bullets: A History of the CIA, Coups, and Assassinations, by ViJay Prashad; foreword, Evo Morales (New York: Monthly Review Press, 2020
We must stop the Schroder Bank JPMorganChase Bill Gates George Soros City of London UN-WHO takeover of America under the demented leadership of San Francisco politicians like Pelosi, Feinstein, Harris, Newsom who get their marching orders & grooming from Schroder via their subsidiary Bechtel (putting 2 new nuclear reactors at Hanford Nuclear Reservation in Washington State w/Bill Gates & activating 2 old reactors, there).
Who inherited the queen's royal dildo? ...probably Charles ...sure, richest woman on Earth has no power ...genocidal dictator likely died from being smothered by her diamonds
"If this mischievous financial policy which has its origin in North America during the late war in that country, shall become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous without precedent in the history of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That country must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe." ~ Hazard Circular inserted in 1865 London Times re: Lincoln's 'Greenbacks'
"Capital must protect itself in every possible manner by combination and legislation. Debts must be collected, bonds and mortgages must be foreclosed as rapidly as possible. When, through a process of law, the common people lose their homes they will become more docile and more easily governed through the influence of the strong arm of government, applied by a central power of wealth under control of leading financiers. This truth is well known among our principal men now engaged in forming an imperialism of Capital to govern the world. By dividing voters through the political party system, we get them to expend energies fighting over questions of no importance. Thus by discreet action we can secure for ourselves what has been so well planned and successfully accomplished." ~ Aug. 25, 1924 USA Banker's Magazine
(City of London owns the United States corporation & FBI, CIA, IRS etc ...but, the Republic of the united states of America is not for sale.)
A constitutional republic, not a democracy. The ideal of a democracy is universal equality. The ideal of a constitutional republic is individual liberty.
A democracy always degenerates into dictatorship, which promises government-guaranteed equality and security, but it delivers nothing but poverty and serfdom for the people it robs and rules.
America was founded as a constitutional republic, to safeguard the liberties of the people against the tyranny of democracy, or of one-man dictatorship.
In the 20th Century, great strides were made toward the goal of subverting our republic into a democracy. The foremost tactic of the subverters is subversion of language.
By calling America a democracy, until people thoughtlessly accept and use the term, the totalitarians have obscured the real meaning of our principles of government.
— FBI Agent Dan Kamoot made that video ...50 years ago.and its more right today, than it has ever been.
(above) America is not, and never was, a democracy ... America is a constitutional republic. — FBI Agent Dan Kamoot made that video 50 years ago & its more right today, than ever before.
Well, Bob ...close but no cigar. Gates is into depopulation of humanity & eliminating 6.75 billion people, leaving only 250 million slaves as Bill's new vaccines, according to him, will kill off kids ... but we have AI & robots.
(below) Can you pick out the dumb f**k 1% waging global weather warfare against the 99.99%? (Scroll down to bottom of page for answer see which three phallic corporations run the planet — (below) the cult of the phallus as an embodiment of generative power — phallus: The sexually undifferentiated tissue in an embryo that becomes the penis or clitoris; representation of the erect penis as an embodiment of generative power.
luke 22:36 — "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one"(here)
London obelisk (aka Cleopatra’s Needle): On banks River Thames, obelisk transported to London; erected in 1878 under Queen Victoria. Originally stood in Egyptian city of On, (Heliopolis: the City of the Sun). Knights Templars’ land extended to this area of the Thames: Templars had their own docks. Both sides of obelisk have a sphinx, symbolism of ancient worlds.
In D.C. the obelisk is known as the Washington monument was dedicated to George Washington by the secretive brotherhood of Freemason Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia in 1848. They also contributed 22 masonic memorial stones. 250 masonic lodges financed the Washington monument obelisk including the knights templar masonic order.
Vatican obelisk: Located in St. Peter’s Square, was moved from Egypt to its current location, in 1586. The circle on the ground represents the female vagina, while the obelisk itself is the penis. This is commonly known as occult symbolism.
(Scroll down to bottom of page to see which three phallic corporations run the planet — (above) the cult of the phallus as an embodiment of generative power — phallus: The sexually undifferentiated tissue in an embryo that becomes the penis or clitoris; representation of the erect penis as an embodiment of generative power.
Joe Biden tells wife: "Buy shotguns for home defense, easier to handle than AR-15 assault style weapons & you don't need all those bullets"
Bear Creek Upper Review — Autumn's Armory
Best of 2020! — Autumn's Armory
Taylor Thorne lives & breathes competitive shooting in 3-gun matches in New England.
Competing against Alex Zedra!
Halle Berry Trains with Taran: John Wick: Parabellum
Keanu Reeves Trains with Taran: John Wick: Parabellum
Admiralty Law: Word Controlled Humans & The Law of Money — Jordan Maxwell ...[who you defending against?]
luke 22:36 — "But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one"(here)
OAN — WALKING DEAD: One of the best videos (& is in lay scientific terms) with lots of pics — CoVid change of function biological warfare weapon and/or "oft mandated vaccine experimental jabs" knocking us off, more?
ever since covid flu shots worldwide folks of all ages now suddenly drop dead from blood clots in the heart & brain: no idea why ...(we know it's not the jab ... ... ...because bill gates & fauci & pfizer made 60 billion dollars off the biological warfare attack they financed, deployed & executed ...gates has predicted the next major attack will be on children, before 2025)
SADS — Sudden Adult Death Syndrome
Excess deaths, the data
"Mainstream: No idea what's causing it ...but we know is it's not from the jab."
1,000 Athletes & Sports-related incidences March 2021 - 16 June 2022 @ 5 secs
Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA tech tells parents 3 things about vaxxing their kids
The united states of America vs United States Corporation
nuclear, bill gates, cancer war, other people & you
...not to mention jpmorganchase, schroder bank (bechtel) & gavin newsom (your next president) brown & root halliburton, bin laden associates, carlyle group & blackwater
If you were able to augur (fortune tell) the future such as who would win the 2024 inauguration or you used runes or I Ching, or so-called psychic powers to see everything in your mind's eye that your regular eyes can't see such as dreams. nightmares, foresight, hindsight, imagination (all located in your pineal gland) ... you may or may not realize Gavin Newsom is your next Democrat contender for president.
This has nothing to do with your intelligence or lack of intellgence (unless your are an intelligence whistle-blower or intelligence historian) and know the history of spys! the west.
Oddly enough, the history of spys in the west exactly corresponds with the rise of nuclear, cancer, Bechtel corporation, Bill Gates and the downfall of other people (and you and yours) dying of cancers since nuclear and the creation of United Nations, Israel and Pakistan.
In olden times, after the United States Corporation (founded by City of London Corporation) was invented just after the civil war, that is, the 1865 civil war not the current one, here, in our country ... by your central banking community dynasties it only took them another 50 years to stage a successful financial coup, here, and by 1913 (after being thown out of the U.S. in 1776) the same families got their revenge and bribing a typically corrupt U.S. Congress staged an all too successful financial coup (as a foreign power) and took over your money, finances and happiness and replaced that with several foreign-owned alphabet agencies, such as IRS, FBI, CIA, increasingly larger government culminating in the bankruptcy of the United States Corporation about 1933 give or take, then the United States Corporation went totally into bankruptcy and receivership and was assigned (practically, owned) by the IMF in 1944. (Tired of being dumbfounded, check it out, here.)
Then, the Feds not the Feds but the (New York Fed district) Federal Reserve Central banking "Feds" about the time of Nixon, made clear to the governors of the States they were illegally using Federal Reserve Notes which was against the Constitution of the United States, the "Feds" taught all the States how to form a shadow duplicate government of themselves just like the United States Corporation had formed itself to replace the Republic of the united States of America. And here we are, a country where individual sovereignty is now shit on and instead, democracy is heralded.
(above vid) America is not, and never was, a democracy ... America is a constitutional republic.— FBI Agent Dan Kamoot made this video 50 years ago & it's more right today, than it has ever been.
Admiralty Law: Word Controlled Humans & The Law of Money — Jordan Maxwell ...[who you defending against?]
Defense Secretary William Cohen, "Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, & U.S. Strategy" 4/28/1997