Sabotage: Geoengineering Wildfires & Droughts 8:11 a.m. 02-014-2025 west coast usa
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For this other death – not by plague, this time, not by poison, not by fire, not by artificially induced cancer, but by the squalid disintegration of the very substance of the species – this gruesome & infinitely unheroic death-in-birth could as well be the product of atomic industry as of atomic war.– Ape and Essence by Aldous Huxley (1949)
they live!
California Wild Fires – Far From Normal
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Weaponized Directed Energy Lasers (DEW) ~ Basics
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Imminent ozone layer collapse — A warning from a former NASA contract engineer
Many mainstream and "official sources" falsely claim that the southern hemisphere ozone hole is "recovering" (in order to pacify populations), however, available data does not support the "ozone recovery" official narrative. Since the start of this century UV levels comparable to the surface of Mars have been recorded. The same sources of false "ozone layer recovery" data don't even mention the massive and growing northern hemisphere ozone hole. If the ozone layer completely collapses, all exposed life forms will collapse with it. Climate intervention operations are decimating the ozone layer, life on Earth is in the balance ... ... ...there are many anthropogenic factors negatively impacting our essential ozone layer, ongoing covert climate engineering programs are by far the most damaging.
Earth’s life preserving ozone layer is deteriorating at blinding speed, covert climate engineering operations are the single greatest causal factor. If this destruction is allowed to continue unabated, the total collapse of the ozone layer will soon determine our collective fate. UVC radiation is now reaching the surface of the planet, this DNA damaging spectrum of solar radiation is the last spectrum of UV before x-rays. Geoengineering Watch has monitored the ever increasing UVC radiation for many years while trying simultaneously to sound the alarm.
How the hole in the ozone layer got started in the mid-50s by a nuclear attack, a story re-told today, Good Friday, April 15, 2022 by Sister Rosalie Bertell, world-known epidemiologist — thank you.
(click pic) ...when you arrive scroll down to video with green windows to learn "they" exploded nuclear bomb explosions & along with nuclear waste & fallout burnt up part of Earth's ozone layer, permanently destroying that part. [Editor's note:] In this site, we will identify who "they" are. Hint: warlord dynastic central banker families, (here).
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CNN Weather Man Omits Satellite Imagery – Explosion Starts Paradise Fire
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." – CIA Director William Casey*
*CIA Director William Casey, George H.W. Bush's presidential campaigner manager & protege of Allen Dulles, who represented the Nazi portfolio in America, headed OSS, founded CIA & before the end of WWII, hired Reinhardt Gehlen to run thte eastern division of CIA (Gehlen was Hitler's chief intelligence officer for Foreign Armies East tasked with the destruction of the Soviet Union, who also directed Foreign Armies West). Both Gehlen and Martin Bormann were just under Hitler and carried on after his death.
Fire Spreads Nuclear Contamination by Santa Susana Field Lab – Site of the Biggest Nuclear Reactor Disaster Contamination in U.S. – into the Air for All to Breathe
...Larger catastrophe than Southern California fire – escapes news media reports
los angeles secret meltdown – simi valley, ca (1959)
Largest nuclear incident in U.S. history kept secret for decades ...but, there's no statute of limitations for murder.
Is a lifeless planet on your radar?
Planet Earth & all that live here, are in the throes of upheaval
Note map (above): Animals to flee coast of Pacific Basin & Atlantic ocean filled with Fukushima radiation & other nuclear & petro- industry waste.
But now, if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one,- Luke 22:36
Gov. Newsom & California Geoengineered Wildfires (vids)
...California is again ablaze. 'Official' sources try to convince masses raging wildfires are because we are not cutting down enough trees this the truth?
abstract: February 7th, 2014 – I attended a private meeting at the State Capitol with then Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom (and his top aid) to present irrefutable data on the critical climate engineering issue (the meeting consisted of only the three of us in Gavin's office). The meeting was facilitated through mutual contact between Gavin Newsom and myself. Gavin and his staff member did not dispute any of the data presented in the meeting. At one point during the meeting / data presentation, Gavin sat back in his leather chair, took a very deep breath, and stated, “I didn’t need this” (an absolute acknowledgment of the geoengineering operations). Unfortunately, then Lieutenant Governor Newsom (now governor Newsom) quickly turned his back on the geoengineering issue.
Abstract: Are California DEW wildfire fire sales followed by imminent domain by China foreclosing on U.S. national debt real estate collateral pledged by Fed interest rate bankers that own the Federal Reserve? ...or, not?
Calif DEW wildfire fire sales imminent domain by China foreclosing on U.S. national debt real estate collateral?
Are California DEW wildfire fire sales cloaking imminent domain by China actually foreclosing on U.S. national debt real estate collateral that was pledged by Fed interest rate bankers that own the Federal Reserve on bonds that that are now in default?
Are California DEW wildfire fire sales blatant imminent domain of real estate collateral pledged by Fed interest rate banking families?
Are the ongoing directed energy weapon wildfires in California and the America's financial warfare directed by the Fed interest-rate banking families that own the Federal Reserve and City of London, in turn co-owned by the Vatican Bank? ...for the purposes of trying to bargain with China for a slice of the dawning Chinese New World Order?
A look ahead into the past
Was this foreshadowed by the transfer of Rockefellor Bank funds of eight trillion dollars to the three largest Chinese banks in the early 2000's, and hidden agreements that the Chinese banks replace the Hans Nyguen and BCCI/ICCI banks as the money laundering entities for western intelligence's weapons, drugs and slave trade?
Was this foreshadowed? ...People's Republic of China (PRC) did not join the IMF and the World Bank until April 1980. Prior to that, the Republic of China represented China in these two financial institutions. The Republic of China originally joined the IBRD on December 27, 1945.
Are California DEW wildfire fire sales followed by imminent domain of real estate collateral pledged by Fed interest rate central investment bankster families?
The question remains: If the California wildfires are caused by directed energy weapons ...who gives the orders? Since the President is directed by the Fed interest-rate bankers, and both the United States of America and the United States (corporation) are funded by the Fed interest-rate bankers, and since the U.S. is mortgaged to China ... are there coming Calif DEW wildfire fire sales, when the insurance agencies belly up that will result in imminent domain by China foreclosing on U.S. national debt real estate collateral pledged by Fed interest rate bankers that own the Federal Reserve?
The Deep State International Facist Fed Interest-rate Banking Families that own the Fed and City of London/BIS remain aligned with fascist banking families from the G8/20 & Asia and along with our billionaires are hard at working growing corporate (personal) profits by causing misery for the human race, animals, and all life forms.
Our planet is dying, this is a statistical and mathematical fact
The life that Earth has supported for untold millions of years will soon perish if there is not an im
The total moral depravity, deception and betrayal by mainstream media has now ensured that the population as a whole has no idea how close the current reality is to completely and permanently disintegrating.
When we use nuclear power, we create something nature tried to destroy to make life possible
Until about two billion years ago, it was impossible to have any life on Earth; that is, there was so much radiation on Earth you couldn’t have any life – fish or anything. Gradually, two billion years ago, the amount of radiation on this planet – and probably in the entire system – reduced and made it possible for some form of life to begin. Now when we go back to using nuclear power, we are creating something which nature tried to destroy to make life possible. Every time you produce radiation, you produce something that has a half-life, in some cases for billions of years. I think the human race may wreck itself; it is important that we get control of this horrible force and eliminate it. Nuclear power is not worth it. – Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, U.S. Navy engineer & driving force behind naval nuclear power
All of life on Earth is radioactive now, and it only took about 70 years. The more people, plants and animals get, the quicker they sicken. It is just that simple. – Bob Nichols, Project Censored award winner, columnist, reporter & Nuclear Weather Forecast weatherman
Timeline: Laser Direct Energy Weapon Terrorism ...from 9/11 to China to California
From 9/11 to Iraq, Afghanistan, China, Portugal, Canada to Tennessee and now California, Directed Energy Weapons are being used for stealth destruction and genocide on innocent victims. (Did Obama know? Isn't he credited with authorizing the strikes?)
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PARADISE DESTROYED: California Firemen Find Signatures of Directed Energy Weapons