
Save Earth ...Seize Federal Reserve Founding Stock


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My hitch-hiking heart

"Remember me? ...I'm the happy you."


Kamala coup

We will scientifically prove our premise: The ongoing destablilzation & stupidity of America is due to Schroder (Bechtel), JPMorganChase (NY Fed shareholders) & Soros (ultra-right agents provocateur & death squads) ...& City of London (Corp U.S. WEF) warmonger central banker trash waging depopulation war on Humanity, Life, Nature & Divinity

Jim Lee's interactive map of world weather warfare sites

3 our 3rd video is of Jim Lee's interactive weather warfare site map - am currently collecting all related info into one place on site & will link it, (here)

You forgot to take the trash out!



Discard squatters' rights

Tavistock began MK-Ultra

Woke fascist self-entitled liberal white women golfing in chemtrail radiation & bio-war fashion under blacked-out-sunshine canceled sky


Lady goes off on uniform ignorant self-entitled liberal white racist women of the dead middle class  https://youtube.com/shorts/CwdvOMlgTB0?si=wgPUgLIS8rUJDVJw 

To: Uniform ignorant self-entitled liberal white racist women of the dying middle class wannabee-responsible for the destabilization of the Republic


The Ongoing Destabilization of the Republic of the united states of America —by— City of London Corporation dba United States Corporation

You & the Republic of the united states of America are under attack by the United States Corporation currently occupying the White House & every State being the central bankers of the City of London Corporation who are the deep state controlling & owning the central bank, military & politicians of almost every country

Can you spell s o r o s ?


Tavistock invented MK-Ultra



Others are engaging in eco-terrorism with portable extreme climate change & instant earthquakes, tidal waves & volcanic eruptions with invisible electromagnetic rainbow waves ...such as from Washington State.

Jim Lee is America's national treasure

Click pic for video (note that's Alan Kernoff — Portland Homeboy —in the vid not Jim Lee ...Jim is the genius who made this interactive map & is the most easy-to-understand authority for scientific research for everyday people about manipulated extreme climate change (weather warfare).

some work of Jim Lee


Bechtel is a subsidiary of Schroder



He's got the whole world in his hands.

He's got you and me, baby ...in his hands.

He's got the whole world in his hands.

He's got you and me, Sister, in his hands ...




great, reset, Portland, racism, riots, coup


Please don't hurt me


Trump won, Schumer, Schiff, Podesta, Pelosi, DNC CHEATED!    

Blue collar workers will defeat the billionaire fascist class

Rumor of the hour: Schroder Bank & JPMorgan Chase et al dba Zelensky — adding Schumer & Podesta molesta to the Ukraine hit list today? ...Hillary tomorrow? ...then Michele? ...then themselves? (The Times They Are A'changin')

World Economic Forum, the mouthpiece of the City of London central banker warlords ...f*cks up



4.42 Food Terrorism Revolution

German & EU farmers protest the elimination of farms & non-GMO foods


Make no mistake about it; there has never been a country on the face of the Earth ...far back into history as far as you can go ... there has never existed a country in which the people rose up and demanded their right to be free.

Never. The concept of human spiritual, intellectual and physical freedom is totally a concept that has never, ever existed on the Earth.

The only time that it has ever come into existance is the founding of the Republic of the united states of America ...where it is understood we are sovereigns and we own our bodies.

Tucker interviews Putin


Male view of a Constitutional Republic & of Democracy

The Benny Show

(above) America is not, and never was, a democracy ... America is a constitutional republic — FBI Agent Dan Kamoot made that video 50 years ago & its more right today, than ever before.  https://www.youtube.com/shorts/gazpRAkIYAcg g

A constitutional republic, not a democracy. The ideal of a democracy is universal equality.  The ideal of a constitutional republic is individual liberty.  

A democracy always degenerates into dictatorship, which promises government-guaranteed equality and security, but it delivers nothing but poverty and serfdom for the people it robs and rules. 

America was founded as a constitutional republic, to safeguard the liberties of the people against the tyranny of democracy, or of one-man dictatorship. 

In the 20th Century, great strides were made toward the goal of subverting our republic into a democracy. The foremost tactic of the subverters is subversion of language.

By calling America a democracy, until people thoughtlessly accept and use the term, the totalitarians have obscured the real meaning of our principles of government.

— FBI Agent Dan Kamoot made that video ...50 years ago.and its more right today, than it has ever been.


Who is Tanya Chutkin, the judge persecuting Trrump


Reptilian Brain.

How the game is played ...for example: Reptilian Brain




Santa Claus has left the building

Santa Claus has Left the Building

Premise: How the Game is Played …British Bankers dba the United States

City of London dba Federal Reserve Bank of New York dba United States corporation dba the United States

Republic of the united states of America IS NOT corp. United States. America's not the United States corp. The name of the country you live in is, America. Not United States corporation. That’s how the game is played. Pray like the hunted.

Look at it this way, George Soros is gonna eat you alive, reduce you to ashes. Gonna do a coup all around you till you stink.

Not Russia, not China …it’s the British bankers gonna chop it off

Maybe with nuclear fallout, or maybe Bill Gates with flu pandemics or way better biological warfare weapons. You’re gonna crawl your wounded belly on the floor ...Schroder and the Nazis gonna chicken fricassee you, baby.

It’s not Ukraine & the Ukrainians, it’s not (wo)man-made killer climate change, it’s not John McCain ...is it?

It’s not Israel, not corporations. Wanna know what? …the British bankers who own everything white and everything black.

Got you by the balls, sweetheart

Hung you out to dry you’ll never get back suckin’ banker’s d**k till you turn. Where you gonna hide? Call it a day, hot wheels. Hang it up. You can’t get there from here. Can you?


Why so serious? ...Kill a Banker, Win a Prize

How do heavy metals used in chemtrails to help turn the sky & ionospheric rivers above into manipulable electronic plasma to direct, limit & force extreme climate change on command limit your ability to focus & concentrate, have insight, foresight & hindsight? (here)


Martin Sheen: Activism is what I do to stay alive.

Martin Sheen: "One heart with courage, is a majority." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p8_6xGzDTSo 



Death of the Pacific Ocean


Sea Turtle: Mans laughter? ...or manslaughter? Convict nuclear holocaust denial scientists, media, central bank financiers & Congress for manslaughter ...you've already turned the other cheek as they kill the planet

Poem to Life Forms Mutated by Nuclear Industry

Fauna, Flora & Microbial Biota since Chernobyl meltdown in Ukraine

Consequences of the Chernobyl nuclear meltdown in Ukraine resulted in nuclear fallout and waste mutating viruses, bacteria and microbial biota ...to form new, previously unknown forms of viruses, bacteria and microbial biota that is contaminated, mutated and affected onto death by nuclear industry …creating new and mysterious diseases and mutations in animals and plants never seen in fauna, flora and microbial biota.

Poem to Life Forms Mutated, Diseased Tormented in Agony from Nuclear Industry

Warm tears fall when I hear your screams in agony helpless to live against the onslaught of formerly human beings torturing you with no consideration of your wonderous creation being, here in Heaven with you I renounce my humanity.

Central bankers plague Divine Order, their substance evil ...humanity jumps into the firey mouth of hell as led sacrificing your victories now dust.

I cannot think of you because I fall and fall into stillness unbearable in your absence. I hear your cries for help. Your screams in pain. Your madness, I have become that.

Your end is my beginning but my tears do not understand words. They blur my vision, make me infertile, mute before the Almighty, distracted, gameful.

It is more than I can bear as the standard bearer, blades destroying you do not feed me I'm not left nowhere. You did not fail. I have failed. My seeds rot.

The white self-entitled U.S. women are everywhere karen clones, robots hungrily gnawing meaning, obsessed gorging on diets abbreviating lives of others while gluttonous with obscenity.

I blame them, not the men they emasculate with fear ignorance and shame as you suffer on my plate before me.

If men were men they would honor their testosterone and kill the enemy killing you, the central bankers first, the politicians and lawyers, the congress of cowards, idiots and missed trains.

It's hot today, heatwaves of man- and womanmade vanity prosthetics and gluttony has overtaken Nature, stolen the weather and peace,  stars night sky, dawn and seasons barren without spring rain, mild breeze...

...fireflies are blamed for global warming, then worms, oxygen finally, life itself must be destroyed to save itself so ordained by central bankers, cheerleaders trumpeting it's my fault, your fault, not theirs.

From Beginning it remains said, told and taught again: kill a banker, win a prize ...salvation for you sleep for me, beside.


Portland Homeboy

(Rough cut not a final cut of our 2nd video previews this site)

Mutant children in Kazakhstan caused by nuclear fallout & waste from nearby nuclear bomb test site where 465 nuclear bombs were detonated

Christina 'Radchick' Consolo, a beacon of light in the anti-nuclear community


Cows graze in pastures covered in fallout.

Since milk is radioactive, that means pastures, crops, farms, veggies, infant's teeth & you are, too ... radiation secrets of airborne, land borne & seaborne fallout on supermarket milk, meat, fish, grain, crops, orchards

Horses eat fresh grass freshly covered with up to 100 different radionuclides & fallout hay.

Horses (mammals) play, have a sense of humor & feelings & hurt feelings like all mammals, (including people).

Heartbreaking illness mysteriously hits coastside California horses likely eating fallout-covered meadows, hay & water.

Skin sloughing: Coastal Northern California ranch horses; skin sheds, eyes swell shut, many painful lesions, liver damage, faint; airborne fallout? ...coastal Southern California race track horses suffer similar illnesses as do hundreds of thousands of sea mammals & fish washed up on shores of West Coast. Millions of sea stars & tide pool life animals dissolve. Owls, eagles & pelicans fall from the sky. Insects disappear. Seaborne fallout & waste dumped into the ocean washes up on shore, dries then becomes airborne. Airborne waste from nuclear reactors fills the sky, washes down in rain, snow & wind ...and for this, you have forfeit your soul.

Sea mammal skin sloughing.

Whales, dolphins, seals, sea lions, walruses, salmon, tuna, sardines migrating in fallout ...& oceanic & shoreline sea life, tide pools & birds, owls, eagles all suffer with immune deficiency diseases, lesions, tumors, seizures & excruciating pain (not just people) ...caused from nuclear fallout & waste. And for this, you are already dead.


How the game is played ...for example: Ukraine


Ukraine as a U.S. puppet for weather-, earthquake- and biological warfare against the Soviet Union and Russia.

These two people are the scum of the Earth for murdering Ukrainians and Russians  Nothing like war to make a war profiteer getting insider trading tips to fall in love with another cess pool. Your heart calls them murderers in love.

Can you pick out the real nazis from inside traders (traitors) who hire them?

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine & the resulting cries of “We are all Ukraine,” many have been eager to downplay the proliferation of neo-Nazis in Ukrainian paramilitary groups intelligence, police, the Ukrainian armed forces & even parts of the government. As Jimmy and Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal discuss, reports of neo-Nazis in Ukraine are not at all exaggerated, and the Zelensky government is, in fact, largely beholden to these racist, xenophobic, anti-gay groups that brag of the “fun” they get from fighting and killing.

Jimmy Dore show scores documentation to should witness; "Killing is fun. The west hires us cause no one else will do it."

Elon calls out Soros

Soros: Jewish Nazi-informer – stages protests, regime change, finances chaos - crashes stock & gold mkts;.

This is what a Nazi collaborator looks like.

Braindead? – Pelosi greets Zelensky: Nazi slogans – Slava Ukraini! – Glory to Ukraine – Svaboda Ukraine! chain of fools 

EVERYTHING MR. EMORY HAS BEEN SAYING ABOUT THE UKRAINE WAR IS ENCAPSULATED IN THIS VIDEO FROM UKRAINE 24 Mr. Emory’s entire life’s work is available on a 32GB flash drive, available for a contribution of $65.00 or more (to KFJC). Click Here to obtain Dave’s 40+ years’ work, complete through Late Fall of 2021 (through FTR #1215). Mr. Emory has launched a new Patreon site. Visit at: Patreon.com/DaveEmory

(above) Click pic for video & again for sound oligarch-owned Ukraine24-TV ... like our media is oligarch-owned.

This is what Nazi collaborators look like.

Ukraine: Pelosi, 3rd in line to U.S. presidency –  Pelosi crime family walks in Obama/Biden crime family footprints in Ukraine. 


Burisma merry-go-round

(click pic) EUROMAIDAN COUP: 2014 Obama Obiden Nazi coup putches Ukraine from Putin to Biden – Didn't vote for that!

Alleged Burisma nuclear power biowar mafia fascist merry-go-round murders, coups, regime change, installed leaders, women hit by mafia cars, puppet presidents, corrupt administrations, extorted, imbezzled & laundered U.S. taxpayer dollars




Victoria Nuland hands out cookies to far-right & Nazi agents provocateurs just before the City of London-financed Nazi coup at Maidan --later she testified against Trump's phone call for Ukraine to investigate any mafia involvement threatening the Biden family involvement in Ukraine.

Central Bankers Robbery: At moment Nazi coup in Ukraine, Victoria NuLand has 40 tons of Ukrainian gold shipped to U.S. Federal Reserve.

What Congress won't tell you ~ Central Bank Robbery: At moment of U.S. sponsored successful Nazi coup in Ukraine, Corp U.S. immediately recognizes the new government and Victoria NuLand has 40 tons of Ukrainian gold shipped to U.S. Federal Reserve ...who distain comment.

Follow the Moola

2023 End Game: Ukraine Destruction & Privatization — Kolomoisky Noriega'd, Bill Gates & Monsanto own world's breadbasket that Ukraine's prior democratic regime refused to privatize & to give Ukraine Central bank to IMF —> globalist-led Maiden Nazi coup

WHO's afraid of the big, bad wolf?

Peace negotiations were carried out in early March in Istanbul. A draft agreement was signed; immediately the object of sabotage by Washington.

Sabotage of Kiev-Moscow March 2022 Peace Agreement in Istanbul by Neo-Cons, (here)

Ukrainian negotiators would agree not to join alliances or host bases of foreign troops. The proposals would require a referendum in Ukraine. — By Nauman Sadiq & Prof Michel Chossudovsky; Global Research, December 08, 2023

The NeoCons are firmly behind the Ukraine agenda. They were actively involved in the US Sponsored 2014 EuroMaidan Coup d’état, which was conducive “in the name of Western democracy” to a “regime change”...namely, the instatement of a Neo-Nazi puppet government in Kiev.

Project for the New American Century (PNAC) dominates US foreign policy on behalf of powerful financial interests. PNAC dispels the planning of “consecutive” military operations: it describes: America’s “Long War” as follows: 

“...fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars.”The conduct of  “Simultaneous Theater Wars” is the backbone of America’s hegemonic Agenda. It’s a project of global warfare. The PNAC controlled by the NeoCons dispels holding real peace negotiations.

The patch of the 75th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Squadron revealed at the unit???s activation ceremony on Aug. 11, 2023. It features the grim reaper with a delta shape for a nose. [Source: space.com] https://covertactionmagazine.com/2023/08/23/ukraine-providing-an-important-testing-ground-for-space-based-weapons/

Ukraine: Important testing ground for space-based weapons, (here)

(right) Patch of the 75th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Squadron revealed at the unit’s activation ceremony on Aug. 11, 2023. It features the grim reaper with a delta shape for a nose. [Source: space.com], (here)

Latest and greatest from Global Research, (here)

Mohawk Mothers: Newly revealed evidence exposes links between Schroder / City / Fed / CIA / MK Ultra mind-erase/control experiments on Indigenous children in Canada and imprisoned Black people in the U.S. (here)



How the game is played ...for example: Gaza

Murderous faction of Hamas financed by Israel, City of London & U.S. dynastic warlord central bankers

Murderous faction of Hamas financed by Israel, City of London & U.S. dynastic warlord central bankers

There is some suspicion that Mossad also planned the WTC/911 attacks for City of London central bankers

There is some concern Israel Zionists, not Jews but Zionists, planned the WTC/911 attacks.


Sir Henry Kissinger


Sir Henry Kissinger




Note that these three pages (above) are excerpts and the entire article is mind-blowing, (here). The unabridged article cites CIA as founding Hamas in the early 1950s. (Editor's note: Although, Mossad also played a part in outfitting rogue elements of Hamas for the exclusive purpose of establishing false flags as an excuse to genocide Palestinians.) This current article explains the backdrop of centuries revealing the big picture that may be too big for many to grasp, such as myself because it is an entirely new subject that has previously only been available to the children of the elite. However, it provides insight.


11:51 PM Nov 9, 2012 -4731- Henry Kissinger-linked think tank pressures .Japanese to keep nuclear power as Hillary tells Japan it would displease the Obama Adminstration if Japan were to go ahead and be nuclear-free by 2030. (VIDEO)

Upon its declassification a little over a decade later, a stunned world learned that the United States government had specifically targeted the world for de-population, with special emphasis on thirteen countries: India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, the Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Columbia. Nixon okayed, Ford-implemented plan deploys de-population —   lets City of London central bankers plunder Earth easier with no one to stop them —City U.N. Gates Soros de-population 'migration infiltration' op. Ted Turner: Earth population down to 500,000,000.


(1) London bankers blow up Russia Nord Pipeline 

(2) Israel clears Gaza for privatization

(3) Netanyahu steals $500-billion-dollars of Gaza offshore natural gas fields & oil 

(4) Israel to supply Europe gas not Russia

(5) globalist's Ben Gurian Canal to replace Suez shipping

(6) BTW — MI6+Mossad founded factions of Hamas to get rid of Palestinians like CIA co-founded Al Queda 

— Moses is turning over in his grave —

Gaza Extravaganza - biggest theft by illegal Israel in occupied territory; defies international law just like U.S.

...yeah genius,15 years ago. Israel now cooking with gas to supply Europe & Eurasia. Already unlawfully sold leases in illegally occupied territory. 

CIA/MI6/Mossad assets: No longer barefoot and pregnant. Aborted Kolomoisky fate following aborted Noriega, aborted Bin Laden & aborted Zelenskyy CIA assets? ...Hamas next? ...can Congress be far behind?  —  Kiss Your Ass Goodbye: Bill Gates & Monsanto big winners in Ukraine, bought & control Ukraine bread basket to the world. Soros?


Schroder, Bechtel, JPMorganChase, Soros

How the game is played ...for example: Schroder, Bechtel & JPMorganChase ...not to mention, Soros

How the game is played ...Schroder ...(& its subsidiary, Bechtel) ...(& Bechtel's San Francisco politicians & silent partners) — and — JPMorganChase, for example all protected under the City of London Central Banker subsidiary German Skull & Bones Society of the Order of Death & combined western military might of the heads of intelligence housed in their subsidiary Knights of Malta Globalist Intelligence Mafia & subsidiary World Economic Forum whorehouse of skank billionaires

Even through he is Jewish, in his teen years Soros was a Nazi informer, (here); has he more respect for life or his billions of dollars ...you decide. Considers himself to be a God, (here).

U.S. House of Representatives chart of who owns Fed ( pdf (msword) & Original House document, (here) | (Who owns the nuclear industry? (here) & Who owns whom? |  Who owns the media? ...and, the presidency? (pdf | msword) | Who owns the military-industrial complex? (here) | Who owns you?  (here)

 Behold the Owners of the New York Federal Reserve District who founded & control Corp United States to destroy the Republic of the united states of  America

  Following charts are research of Eustace Mullins, excerpted from his book: The Secrets of the Federal Reserve, second edition (not 1952 edition but 1983, (as I recall). [He told me on the phone the original edition was both banned and burned in Germany when it was published in 1952. It remains the only book on the Federal Reserve that is intelligible and makes sense ...(it contains no economic-theory-senseless-garbage.)]

The Four Horsemen of Banking

How is it these dynastic banking interlocking directors of the Fed & City of London founded and financed the communists ... and according to Sutton and Loftus, two brilliant researchers financed the Nazis, as well ...oh, who cares ...except that the same forces are funding nazis and ultra-right throughout eastern Europe who are now also active in Asia and South America and guess where else ...could it be the USA?

America vs Corp. U.S.

How the game is played ...for example: Republic of the united states of America — versus — United States Corporation dba United States of America ...(a subsidiary of City of London Corp.) bankrupt in receivership run by IMF (an interlocking directorship with the City)

Charlie Rose Band: The Devil Went Down To Georgia

Kenny Rogers: The Gambler

My Mom's Best Friend

Don't ever come at me with that bullshit

What isn't good about Trump is he's is pro-nuclear ...that's not good unless you want extinction. Restoring oil and gas should suffice. Sure, he has to compromise with deep state City of London bankers ...so I don't blame him — alive is good. Oil & gas are JPMorganChase (wants Eastern Europe & Mideast) and nuclear is Schroder via it's subsidiary, Bechtel (wants China). Trump will restore prosperity and get rid of inflation and lower interest rates, lower food- and lower gas prices. 

Who dat sayin' who dat every time I say who dat?

FINALLY Trump Makes SHOCKING Admission THEY cannot BELIEVE IT!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDifQp7_OWo 

Antony Sutton revealed this information, along with that of the Soviet Union and Nazi Party being financed out of New York City ...then, although a visiting British scholar fled for his life from his employment at Hoover Institute of War and Peace, located on the Stanford University Campus where Bechtel supported research into communist China. He is one of the guiding lights of patriots in America.

These are the people who own the Fed/City of London & own the United States Corporation & promoting the great reset Portland racism riots & coup ...it's not just some inbred Soros-paid-for agents provocateurs with riots, gasoline & guns coming for you and Trump, it's the entire armies of the western and eastern world controlled by dictator oligarchs ...but it's only 1% of the 1% & we are the 99% ...every responsible person should get a couple guns cause with no police and only  UN and Chinese mainland police here, forget it ...good luck


Schroder, Bechtel, JPMorganChase, Soros

How the game is played ...for example: Rothschild, Schumer's DNC & Corp. U.S. hatred of Russia 

How the game is played ...for example: Rothschild hatred of Russia and its subsidiary United States Corporation's hatred now embodied by the Democratic Party and Schumer's DNC

...as championed by Rothschild agents Kissinger, Hillary, Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff, Waters, Podesta who hate Russia because they suck Rothschild d**k and hate you, "deplorable useless breeders" that must be "depopulated" to "save Earth"  as they blot out ssunshine the source of life with their poisonous chemtrails that f**k the sky and rape Mother Nature and poison the forests

City of London central bankers cause U.S. Civil War


City of London corporation causes U.S. Civil War

City of London corporation causes U.S. Civil War

Dead presidents speak from the grave


City nuclear war in Ukraine & Israel ...Corp. U.S. Karen’s great white hope to murder Russia & the Republic of the united states of America

There is a cancer of evil among us. Ukraine is a nuclear power because when the Soviet Union bellied up the nuclear arsenal ended up in Ukraine.

If it wasn't for Schroder Bank

If it wasn’t for Shroeder bank and JPMorgan and Brown Brothers Harriman funding Nazism and Communism from day one to date, America would be allies with Russia, still.

The American Revolution, Civil War, WWI & WWII Russia saved our ass

Russia sailed her fleets to New York to help us win the America Revolution. Russian sailed her fleets to San Francisco to help Lincoln win the Civil War. Russia destroyed the Germans in WWI and the Nazis in WWII.

The U.S. head of intelligence in WWII was a triple agent

The U.S. head of intelligence in WWII was a triple agent representing United States Corporation, Schroder Bank / “City of London” and “Federal Reserve System" central bankers and before WWII ended hired Hitler’s anti-Soviet head of intelligence, Reinhardt Gehlen to continue to work to destroy the Soviet Union as Gehlen had done for Hitler, Gehlen would continue to do for Allen Dulles, head of wartime Office of Strategic Services (OSS), CIA co-founder.

Dulles installed Gehlen and his intelligence organization as the CIA head of the eastern division. Immediately, Schroder bank had it’s American subsidiary, Bechtel, groom Reagan who was then president of the Actor's Guild and an FBI informer turning "communists" in to J. Edgar Hoover ... to be an “anti-communist” and gave Reagan a TV show "Death Valley Days" to gain national popularity, like Kolomoisky gave a comedian in Ukraine a TV show …Zelensky ...in the sitcom Zelensky became president of Ukraine.

Both Reagan and Zelensky became presidents of their countries. America’s Nazi limbs are best described by John Loftus, who held perhaps the highest security clearance in the U.S. Corporation working for the Justice department to track Nazis, here. 

To his surprise, he described the following: 'There were actually two CIAs, one was charged with kicking Nazis out of the country ...the other worked for the State and Justice Departments and their job was to bring Nazis "into" the country.

in-your-face Corruption of the State & Justice Department

That began the obvious in-your-face corruption of the State and Justice Departments capitalized upon by the Clintons onward and demonstrated on a daily basis since, persecuting Trump and the whole herd of corrupt democratic leadership and corrupt republican leadership working for the United States Corporation against the Republic of the united states of America.


To his surprise, he described the following: 'There were actually two CIAs, one was charged with kicking Nazis out of the country ...the other worked for the State and Justice Departments and their job was to bring Nazis "into" the country.

...and, she (Ukraine) also has reactors, fallout and Nazis

…not the best combination for your wedding. More like your funeral. The bombs should be dropped on City of London and Federal Reserve central bankers. Especially on the United States Corporation in order to restore the Republic of the united states of America, America must ally with Russia and China to defeat the United States corporation. Evil people like the Clintons and Soros and Gates and the comedian who runs Israel should be immediately dispatched to Hell from whence they came, those evil clowns who want to depopulate the world should themselves first be depopulated.

Remember Chernobyl, that’s in Ukraine …so is/was the Russia woodpecker attacking the U.S. west coast by controlling the El Nino and the weather warfare there and in the Rocky Mountains and Pacific Cascades.

Soros, McCain, Bill Gates, Pelosi, Schumer, Podesta Only Too Happy to be your Pallbearers

George Soros might attend your wedding funeral, some central bankers seeking monarchy, nuclear waste everywhere for hors d'oeuvres. The City of London will be manifest with a variety of warfare scenarios, hard, hardened, soft and rotting, skinny and fat. The ghost of John McCain will be there looking like the walking dead of Christmas Past feeding on you like a spider, vampire that his spirit is.


McCain slew Abel: Warhawk McCain whips up Nazis and ultra-right crowd in preparation for U.S.-backed CIA-backed Nazi coup to overthrow a democratically elected government in favor of a Nazi dictatorship.

McCain stresses Ukraine independence that accounts for the crowd, but he plays to the Nazis and ultra-right that soon attack the democratically-elected government  in a U.S. / Fed / City of London-backed CIA-backed Nazi coup to install fascist dictators for British & U.S. warlord bankers.

Dec 16, 2013 John McCain addresses Ukrainian protesters in Kiev; U.S. Republican senator John McCain addresses crowds in Independence Square in Kiev on Sunday, encouraging the to protest in support of greater ties with the European Union & to sever ties with Russia.

Dec 16, 2013 U.S. Republican Senator John McCain addresses Ukrainian protesters & Nazis & Ultra Right extremists in Kiev on Sunday, telling them to support ties with European Union, sever with Russia; setting up a forthcoming U.S. regime change coup d'etat of Nazi agents provocateurs.

Warhawk Victoria Nuland hands out cookies to Nazis, Ultra-right & misled gullible residents

Warhawk & central bankers' pawn Victoria Nuland hands out cookies to Nazis, Ultra-right & misled gullible residents.

As in all wars, innocent civilians fall victim to guilty government personnel agreements & disagreements. Will all Nazi contigents in Eastern Europe join the fight as mercenaries for west initiatives? On air last night bringing mercenaries from Africa (and presumably other countries) in exchange for citizenship was discussed.

Innocent civilians fall victim to greed-based gov't personnel agreements. Will all Nazi contigents & death squads in Eastern Europe funded by U.S. & Schroder via board director Allen Dulles running OSS & CIA & funded by the Reagan/Bush Admin join the fight as mercenaries for western central bank imperialist/fascist initiatives? ...yes.

A Company Family: The Untold History of Obama and the CIA.

Obama shakes hands with the “butcher of Eastern Ukraine,” Petro Poroshenko, who gained power after Obama Administration backed CIA Nazi coup in Ukraine ...for City, (bbc.com)

McCain plots to destroy Syria

Warhawk McCain Plots to Destroy Syria with False Flag Operation; perhaps the ribbon award around his neck should've been a hangman's noose.

U.S. Corporation is a cancer upon Earth ...we need to restore the Republic of the united states of America, and destroy the City of London's privately owned corporations, including the Federal Reserve System and urgently, their United States Corporation.Hillary & McCain-slew-Abel follow NWO globalist Project for New American Century milestones to reap all central banks.


Species Loss

Species loss due to evil manmade and evil womanmade lust for power + control = money

The dark forces of corporation-caused global warming & of nuclear fallout & gov't military eXtreme climate change at work. Our living planet is being murdered by central bankers using nuclear industry & weather warfare (not to mention conventional warfare).

Dark forces of oligarchal billionaire corporation-caused global warming central banker weaponized extreme climate change & nuclear fallout and waste, military ionospheric heater radiation & weaponized forest fires change at work. Our living planet is being murdered by central bankers using nuclear industry & weather warfare (not to mention conventional warfare) to loot and gang-rape Mother Nature & Mother Earth and bring their boot down on your face.

How the game is played ...for example: Covid (dba biological warfare dba Gain-of-function dba depopulation dba Save the Earth)

pretty is as pretty does